Public Opinion Supports Repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

And there you have it... a liberal had to throw out the, "well, if you not accepting of homos, YOU MUST BE ONE."
It ain't just a "liberal" argument.

What? Is that supposed to be an INSULT? Because you're using in the context of one. You first argue in support of homos, and then you try and demonize those who argue against by calling them one. So which is it? Do you think homos are all fine and dandy, or do you think they're sick ass perverts and calling someone a homo is an insult?

Make up your fucking mind.
Are you really this below intelligent or are you just a good actor hoping for his big break?


But I'll be nice.

The "insult" is meant to be for the fact that calling homos "faggots" "queers" (though "queer" has become the "n-word" of the gay community as of late) "fairies," and so forth, and always having a negative attitude toward's like...that's TOO much of a negative attitude. Like you HAVE to be negative all the time to hide something.

I don't think EVERY person who is anti-homosexuality or is even homophobic is gay. But there is always the strong possibility that homophobes (NOT people against homosexuality...there IS a difference) are gay or at least bi.
And there you have it... a liberal had to throw out the, "well, if you not accepting of homos, YOU MUST BE ONE."
It ain't just a "liberal" argument.

What? Is that supposed to be an INSULT? Because you're using in the context of one. You first argue in support of homos, and then you try and demonize those who argue against by calling them one. So which is it? Do you think homos are all fine and dandy, or do you think they're sick ass perverts and calling someone a homo is an insult?

Make up your fucking mind.
Are you really this below intelligent or are you just a good actor hoping for his big break?


But I'll be nice.

The "insult" is meant to be for the fact that calling homos "faggots" "queers" (though "queer" has become the "n-word" of the gay community as of late) "fairies," and so forth, and always having a negative attitude toward's like...that's TOO much of a negative attitude. Like you HAVE to be negative all the time to hide something.

I don't think EVERY person who is anti-homosexuality or is even homophobic is gay. But there is always the strong possibility that homophobes (NOT people against homosexuality...there IS a difference) are gay or at least bi.
Not everyone who rails against homosexuality is a closet gay. You are right. But look for these signs: 1) thrusting their heterosexual credentials in everyone's face at every opportunity, 2) bringing up homosexuality and how disgusting it is in waves, as if fighting an ever returning urge
We just have a homo broad and few loud mouthed, as usual, liberal faggot lovers ...

This line sounds familiar...


We ARE the military...right along side you...from the beginning. You don't seem the worse for wear.
Those who represent public opinion are not those who are serving in the military. THEY are the ones who should be polled in order to make an informed decision.
Those who represent public opinion are not those who are serving in the military. THEY are the ones who should be polled in order to make an informed decision.

Many in the military often forget that they serve at the discretion of the people and the people's elected representatives. They seem to think that the military should be left alone to make all military policy. Maybe they should move to a military dictatorship - they'd be happier.
Those who represent public opinion are not those who are serving in the military. THEY are the ones who should be polled in order to make an informed decision.

Many in the military often forget that they serve at the discretion of the people and the people's elected representatives. They seem to think that the military should be left alone to make all military policy. Maybe they should move to a military dictatorship - they'd be happier.

They didn't want blacks either. Or women. Next, "white" wing whackos will be saying, "Let the Army decide who we should fight".

Ask a gay phobe if they "choose" to be straight over gay and they will say, "I never had to choose". Then ask, "So gay is a choice?" And they will say, "Yea". So ask, "If a gay is able to get married and have a family, should they?" And they will say, "Yea, that's what God wants." Then ask, "Would you want your sister or daughter marrying a gay?" and they will say, "NO way". Then ask, "If it's God's plan, why wouldn't you want your sister or daughter marrying a gay?" They will say, "Because I want her to be happy with a man who loves her as a woman and makes her happy". Then ask, "Well, who should these gays marry?" Now, that's the time they start getting angry. They will say, "Hey, you defend them, you must BE one". Ignorant people are so predictable.

Those sissies are more afraid of the terrorists than of the gays. What if Iran sent a platoon of lesbians to fight our soldiers? Will the straight ones run off screaming in fear?
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The truth of the matter is those GI's do NOT want to be forced into these situations with fags.

The truth is, there's some soldiers who feel that way and some who don't. When you attempt to speak for all of them, you just make yourself look shortsighted. And illiterate, since some of them have spoken out in this thread.

But what we have here is the loud and liberal voice of the homos and their lovers/enablers spouting of as if they actually had any fucking credence at all... BUT THEY DON'T.

If they didn't have any credence, the conservatives would still hold the White House and Congress. Nice try, though.
Gudrid --
incidentally, comparing homosexuality or bisexuality to beastiality is pretty pathetic and a bit scary.

It's all sick and scary activity to me.

If you support homosexuality then why would you discriminate someone who practices bestiality?

Because homosexuality involves consenting adults. And the fact that you had to ask that makes you a disturbed person to me. One who doesn't understand the concept of sexual consent. Kind of how rapists don't understand that concept.

See, aren't stupid comparisons fun?

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