Public Disrespect For The President

Bill speaks to the politically inferior. Where did this hidden rule come from that in person you have to be nice to a President? I like that Bill hides behind this rule that you can trash a president after you talk to them, not during... Because that makes sense.... Maybe am honest person would say to the President's face what they are willing to say behind their back for ratings...
I honestly like Obama. I sincerely think he's a good man, father, family man.

Running this country is where he has his head up his ass.

We didn't elect him to be our daddy, although he seems to think it so. And he may be a good husband in at least one way, given the way he's fucking the shit out of this country and all it's people.
Running this country is where he has his head up his ass.
I term it "in over his head".
There were risks and considerations. But that doesn't really change the fact that the risk to his personal safety was not significantly made much worse by virtue of that call.

See my prior post.

I'm not detracting from his decision at all. I applaud it.

And I am very happy that because of his decision to authorize the strike, bin Laden is moldering at the bottom of the ocean feeding the crabs.
Agreed, though he has not done jack for the economy, Obama approved the end of Osama, and our assistance with the end of Kaddafi.

As President he has been a huge flop.

But even though I remain highly critical of him and his policies, I have to give the guy his due. He DID have the gumption to authorize the SEALS' action against bin Laden. Likewise, he ok'd the termination of al-Awlaki. And although it may prove to be a tragically mixed bag, he did have a hand in the termination of that scumbag Kaddafy-dick.

Totally agree.

Kudos to Barry for having the balls to get that dirtbag.

Kudos to those everloving Navy Seals for getting it done.
Again, NO. But at least he allowed our military to kill the man who ordered the 9/11 attack. Obama approved the mission; the question is: WHY DIDN'T BUSH TAKE OUT OSAMA INSTEAD OF SADDAM? How many casualties were there when Obama ok'd the end of bin Laden? And The Hunt For The Man Who Threatened Poppy"?

When/Where did you serve? I see you're critical of those who haven't.
You are gonna jump on this one: Courts have ruled military families serve also. My father was career Navy.
He retired when I was 11; I asked to join the Navy, he replied "You're kidding, you don't the coordination, strength, or flexibility, you are going to college". I'm 5'1" 108 lbs. Once I was accepted at Harvard, though my mother noted the $8,000 I'd earned in scholarships would get me through a couple years at UF, if I lived at home (35 miles away), my father said "HARVARD, if we have to live in a ditch". I obeyed. My sister is a disabled Vet, Army.

NOW JUMP. (I lived at Mayport Naval Station for two years). So no, I never served.
you are OK in my book.
Misguided, perhaps...but OK non the less.

Thanks to your family for their service <S>
obama deserves no respect.

Deserves? No.

Earned? Yeah.

[ame=]President Obama: U.S. has killed Osama bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

But you gotta love..

[ame=]Man Throws Shoes At Bush - YouTube[/ame]

I was always a much-bigger fan of:

[ame=]Classic Bush - What Mistakes? - YouTube[/ame]


What could anyone have EVER said, that would better highlight his ingrained-stupidity?

O'Reilly should let Obama say his piece on Fox News without interruption (you can always put it on mute or change the channel for a bit), that is probably public disrespect to the extreme, but Obama has a lot to be criticized for, he's a nice person, but not a good President.

That would depend whether he was doing an interview and asking directed questions to enlighten his audience, or whether he was providing a stump for Obama to deliver yet another endless campaign speech from.
There were risks and considerations. But that doesn't really change the fact that the risk to his personal safety was not significantly made much worse by virtue of that call.

See my prior post.

I'm not detracting from his decision at all. I applaud it.

And I am very happy that because of his decision to authorize the strike, bin Laden is moldering at the bottom of the ocean feeding the crabs.
Agreed, though he has not done jack for the economy, Obama approved the end of Osama, and our assistance with the end of Kaddafi.

As President he has been a huge flop.

But even though I remain highly critical of him and his policies, I have to give the guy his due. He DID have the gumption to authorize the SEALS' action against bin Laden. Likewise, he ok'd the termination of al-Awlaki. And although it may prove to be a tragically mixed bag, he did have a hand in the termination of that scumbag Kaddafy-dick.
But still, in over his HEAD. A loss with domestic policies. So who can replace him and get the economy back on track? I read this forum to see who the best Republican is, but see a lot of dirt about all four.
Agreed, though he has not done jack for the economy, Obama approved the end of Osama, and our assistance with the end of Kaddafi.

As President he has been a huge flop.

But even though I remain highly critical of him and his policies, I have to give the guy his due. He DID have the gumption to authorize the SEALS' action against bin Laden. Likewise, he ok'd the termination of al-Awlaki. And although it may prove to be a tragically mixed bag, he did have a hand in the termination of that scumbag Kaddafy-dick.
But still, in over his HEAD. A loss with domestic policies. So who can replace him and get the economy back on track? I read this forum to see who the best Republican is, but see a lot of dirt about all four.

Sure. They ALL suck to varying degrees.

And barring some "dark horse" candidate emerging out of the GOP convention, it appears that we are gonna be stuck with a choice between re-electing President Obama OR electing one of the three current GOP remaining contenders (Ron Paul doesn't count as he is not an actual contender).

So the question will be: which of the two (the President or the GOP nominee) is most likely to undo the damage being inflicted on us by the current Administration?

The answer, obviously, cannot be the incumbent.
Agreed, though he has not done jack for the economy, Obama approved the end of Osama, and our assistance with the end of Kaddafi.

As President he has been a huge flop.

But even though I remain highly critical of him and his policies, I have to give the guy his due. He DID have the gumption to authorize the SEALS' action against bin Laden. Likewise, he ok'd the termination of al-Awlaki. And although it may prove to be a tragically mixed bag, he did have a hand in the termination of that scumbag Kaddafy-dick.
But still, in over his HEAD. A loss with domestic policies. So who can replace him and get the economy back on track? I read this forum to see who the best Republican is, but see a lot of dirt about all four.

This election is most likely going to be a matter of finding the best fit for each of our personal philosophies. I know that how it is for me. No one candidate is perfect, all are flawed in some way, so I am watching and listening to see who will cover the largest number of bases for me. I do know that it WILL NOT BE Obama. He was unqualified for the job in '08 and he certainly has not improved his standing. I also abhor Marxism/Socialism as the failure it has always been. No matter how the libs try to obfuscate the fact, Obama is socialist to his core, as are his globalist masters.
No, the Seals did. why Bush let him live on can only be attributed to his love of the Saudis. Bush kissing the Saudi King after 9/11/01 was DISGUSTING.

So what is your justification for Clinton's decision not to have Osama killed? During his term, US service personnel literally had Osama in the crosshairs - literally. They had eyes on the man. They had a perfect opportunity to take him out... and, had Clinton had the balls (which may have been distracted by interns).... 9-11 would never have happened.

If we are apportioning blame.... Blame Clinton. The President Who Blinked - and that blink cost thousands of people their lives.
CG, that story has been told again & again. What source is there? I do NOT think highly of Clinton, but The Monica Show distracted the US from many things. We can go all the way back to Reagan and his support for the people who turned INTO the Taliban, but the attack was on Bush's watch. Rice on ONE of the warnings:

RICE: I believe the title was, "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States."

What did Bush do? Stop the monitoring of suspected al Qaeda members in the US; Clinton began that program.

Right. And, I've heard that excuse over and over again. If Clinton wasn't able to multitask, then he should have prioritized. And, if he prioritized his ass over the rest of ours, then he fucked up, and fucked up bad.

Regardless, Clinton charged Gore with stripping the intel community. The budgets tanked and Gore had this fabulous idea that we can no longer obtain human assets who have a criminal past or is actively a criminal. Fucking brilliant.

I especially loved budget hearings during that time where we heard support for these cuts and that they didn't see any threats from terrorism (that was Franks or Rangel...I can't recall right now).

A hell of a lot of blame lies on the Clinton administration, too.
Yes it was - I will have to remember that next time some Liberal tries to lump a Chickenhawk like Obama in with actual servicemembers.
CHICKEN HAWK? You mean like Dick "I had other priorities than MILITARY service" Cheney? Both he & baby Bush DODGED Vietnam, at least Clinton gave UP an EARNED exemption when he protested. The Bush boy & Cheney made sure they were NEVER eligible.


5 deferments

Suck my cock
True, though Biden was fours older than Bush II; Biden was also ruled ineligible in a later attempt at service:

A month after undergoing a physical exam in April 1968, Biden received a Selective Service classification of 1-Y, meaning he was available for service only in the event of national emergency. &#8230;

My father was 41 and served however, so neither Bush, Cheney or Biden get any sympathy from me. Nor does Clinton though I can respect his giving up an exemption that guys like Bush FOUGHT for.
obama deserves no respect only the worst derision. Because of his conduct, he has demeaned the office making it also unworthy of respect.

It is certainly not only Americans that have a new found disrespect for the president, the man and the office. It is world wide. The nation is now disrespected. The most graphic exhibition of disrespect comes from Iran who pointedly put obama in his place by sending this "child" a toy replica of the drone they confiscated.

Democrats are worried because a woman shook her finger in his face. I guess Jan Brewer is more worthy of respect.

They say a fool and his gold are soon parted. I'll settle for this fool being parted from the nation's gold.
I respect the office. The man is a bit questionable.

I agree about the office. I question your term 'a bit'. Anyone who deliberately ratchets up 'hate' towards his opposition to create issues so that he can address those issues is scum and does not deserve the honor of leading the country. Fuck him.

No one currently serving as president of this country is doing this, but you would know this if you weren't a partisan hack.
I look forward to it. It's like mapping Sandusky to Santorum.

All good. They started the shit.

Yup you turds never disrespected Bush did you.....
Yup you turds never disrespected Bush did you.....
YES I did; I'd still have him rather than the leader of any other country in the world though.
Agreed, though he has not done jack for the economy, Obama approved the end of Osama, and our assistance with the end of Kaddafi.

As President he has been a huge flop.

But even though I remain highly critical of him and his policies, I have to give the guy his due. He DID have the gumption to authorize the SEALS' action against bin Laden. Likewise, he ok'd the termination of al-Awlaki. And although it may prove to be a tragically mixed bag, he did have a hand in the termination of that scumbag Kaddafy-dick.
But still, in over his HEAD. A loss with domestic policies. So who can replace him and get the economy back on track? I read this forum to see who the best Republican is, but see a lot of dirt about all four.

There is always going to be dirt about any candidate. But what is real dirt and fabricated dirt is the question.

For example.....

Romney- he has been dragged through the mud becuase of his experience as a venture capitalist. THAT is his dirt. Is it real? You tell me...The man was the CEO of a company that bought FAILING companies and tried to turn them around. Wiothout him buying the company, it would have gone under and all assets AND jobs lost. With him, many succedded saving many jobs...some failed yes, those jobs were lost...BUT THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN LOST what did he do wrong?

Santorum..the man is a devout Catholic. That is his faith. He does not beleive in birth control...and he said so. He never said he was going to force that on the people...he only said he does not agree with foer4cing an insurance company to offer BC if it goes against its what is wrong with that? ISnjt trhat what AMerica is all about.....offer any service you want as long as it is legal..and let the free market decide if they want to buy from you.

So tell me....what REAL dirt is there on those two?

None. Just fabricated dirt...fabricated by the media.

Seems the media wants to make the decision for us in November....
I respect the office. The man is a bit questionable.

I agree about the office. I question your term 'a bit'. Anyone who deliberately ratchets up 'hate' towards his opposition to create issues so that he can address those issues is scum and does not deserve the honor of leading the country. Fuck him.

No one currently serving as president of this country is doing this, but you would know this if you weren't a partisan hack.

I disagree.

The Obama campaign team is dictating the "debate" for the GOP party.

I see it...and I think deep down you do as well.

And an FYI...if they didnt? They would not be a good re-election campaign team.
As President he has been a huge flop.

But even though I remain highly critical of him and his policies, I have to give the guy his due. He DID have the gumption to authorize the SEALS' action against bin Laden. Likewise, he ok'd the termination of al-Awlaki. And although it may prove to be a tragically mixed bag, he did have a hand in the termination of that scumbag Kaddafy-dick.
But still, in over his HEAD. A loss with domestic policies. So who can replace him and get the economy back on track? I read this forum to see who the best Republican is, but see a lot of dirt about all four.

There is always going to be dirt about any candidate. But what is real dirt and fabricated dirt is the question.

For example.....

Romney- he has been dragged through the mud becuase of his experience as a venture capitalist. THAT is his dirt. Is it real? You tell me...The man was the CEO of a company that bought FAILING companies and tried to turn them around. Wiothout him buying the company, it would have gone under and all assets AND jobs lost. With him, many succedded saving many jobs...some failed yes, those jobs were lost...BUT THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN LOST what did he do wrong?

Santorum..the man is a devout Catholic. That is his faith. He does not beleive in birth control...and he said so. He never said he was going to force that on the people...he only said he does not agree with foer4cing an insurance company to offer BC if it goes against its what is wrong with that? ISnjt trhat what AMerica is all about.....offer any service you want as long as it is legal..and let the free market decide if they want to buy from you.

So tell me....what REAL dirt is there on those two?

None. Just fabricated dirt...fabricated by the media.

Seems the media wants to make the decision for us in November....
[Emphasis added] Only to those who surrender the sovereignty of their minds to the media. Unfortunately, there are too many who don't have the will to think for themselves.

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