Prsidnt Obama Great Job On Syria Chmicl Wepons Matr!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Barack Obama did an outstanding job over the last three weeks on the Syria matter excluding his request for Congressional resolutions supporting his plan it was understandable what he did there because the stakes are so high because it could cause a full-fledged outright war between Syria and its allies against Israel as they retaliate against Israel for the U.S. bombing but it was not an optimally wise move because it was too risky if you don't get the resolutions then what does the President do, do the right thing and order the attacks and lose valuable goodwill in Congress among other negative ramifications!

This latest development where Syria seems to be ready to agree to in fact turn over its chemical weapons and agree they be destroyed and sign the chemical weapons ban convention if it is real is the solution to the problem it upholds the international convention ban which was violated on August 21 in Syria which is all the Obama administration was trying to do in the first place. I hope in his address tonight in light of this development President Obama withdrawals his request from Congress for these Congressional resolutions because these resolutions are a very divisive and costly effort for the country and circumstances have changed where it makes it extremely extremely difficult for members of Congress to do the moral analysis of what is right on the vote because now there is this diplomatic option way to uphold the ban, but will this option materialize a Congress person would need a crystal ball to figure this out, it is almost an impossible task being asked of Congress at this point! President Obama shouldn't make these members of Congress take this hard, politically costly, vote authorizing military strikes where there is a good chance this military option won't be needed! Congress has critically important economic matters it should be focusing on President Obama let them get to this work! As you stated before absolutely correctly President Obama you don't need Congressional approval to order these attacks if you deem them necessary!

I hope President Obama in his speech tonight makes it crystal clear what he was planning to do all along and thereby show a lot of the opponents out there how terrible their behavior has been. You have all the ideologues on the right and on the left and all the intellectuals that have been spewing out their garbage on this debate they really need to be shown for what they are with their half-truths, distortions and focusing on red herring issues, disgraceful. Mr. Obama needs to say it succinctly that he was never planning to get us into the Syrian War, the attacks were purely to uphold this weapon ban. The nature of human life in this world essentially makes it a certainty that the human race is always going to have bad dictators and bad governments and the civilized world can't allow such bad actors to be able to use chemical weapons to subjugate their people the weapons are too deadly and too indiscriminate their unconscionable weapons. Morality compellingly called for the Assad regime to be penalized with a significant military attack so as to discourage him and others like him in the future from using chemical weapons unless this ban can be upheld in this other diplomatic way.

These naysayers arguments need to be shown for how stupid they are when they say you can't conduct bombings and then say I am not in a war; yes you can a country just commences bombing on a certain day and two days later says I have permanently ceased bombing it is that simple. These naysayers are likewise completely stupid with their comments so you bomb the country for two or three days that isn't going to stop that bad regime you're not achieving anything with this bombing. These naysayers haven't shouted out this line when Ronald Reagan bombed Libya over the terroristic bombing of the plane that was downed in Lockerbie Scotland or when Israel bombs Palestinian communities to try to stop rocket attacks from these communities on their civilian populations! There is one suggestion I would give Barack Obama which is that if he ultimately does have to bomb Syria to uphold the ban I would tell him to tell the General commanding the attacks to take one B52 bomber and load it with a 15,000 pound bomb and drop it on Bashar al Assad's principle presidential palace for such a bomb has a square mile blast radius his palace will be left in rubble so these naysayers won't be able to say President Assad is going around saying he took America's best blow and he is fine he has been raised in stature for it is kind of hard to say your fine when your home has been wiped out!

President Barack Obama in this speech needs to make it clear that his overall policy to Syria hasn't changed. Bashar al Assad must go as President of Syria he is clearly a brutal dictator so he needs to go and the transition needs to be accomplished by having full and fair elections throughout Syria to choose his successor. President Obama needs to underscore that it has been his administration's policy to arm the non-extremist Syrian rebels so they can counter Assad's military and his allied Hezbollah fighters and pressure Assad to the negotiating table. One aside note President Obama you have to replace the U.S. intelligence leadership in Jordan doing this arming of Syrian rebels their performance is scandalous its so slow. They say they can't find good non-Islamic rebel groups to arm, cable media professionals are finding them readily and you know those people aren't the sharpest tacks in the box. President Obama bring about America doing a good job here stop our country from being accurately labeled as "all talk, no action" on such matters!

On this whole Syrian debate America has shown itself as not being in great shape in the character department with so much opposition to the President here! I can understand ordinary Americans having a problem with these attacks in Syria because the American people are war weary, they don't trust Washington not to get us in a full blown War in Syria for crying out loud America's been in a war for twelve years in Afghanistan and Washington still doesn't want to leave (I'm not talking about financial aid for the Afghanistan Army) and it is infuriating to ordinary American's Washington's dysfunction in fixing the economy where the utilization of basic common sense could make things dramatically better! But members of Congress, you experts of a multitude of stripes from politics to national security and past government officials collectively your behavior has been an utter disgrace this Syrian chemical weapons issue is an utmost serious issue it touches on the continuation of human civilization and you disgraces have been treating this matter like a political game! America clearly needs reform of its political system, like the stopping of gerrymandering and stopping fund raising determining the outcome of elections, to get higher caliber people in office!
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