Proud Boys Civil War

Well, that was bound to become a problem with the right wing....

They can't keep track of the types of mis-information they put out so you end up with some factions actually believing some of the bullshit another faction puts out.
Look in the mirror crazycorn.
And that? The fact that your only characterization of my content, is the use of derogatory language of a noun, Americans only use as synonymous with oral secretions, i.e. saliva, never in the context of trying to discredit, or call something, "nonsense?" Is clear, even to your fellow liberals. Even Joe Biden would be able to see through your game. He might call what I post. . .


Yeah, even if you can't give me a logical rebut? I can accept that, and believe you aren't a foreign subversive, but no, anyone born here doesn't call written statements or oral arguments . . . "drool," that is crap. Even crap, or bullshit. Where that hell do you come from, it isn't this nation. You are the foreign troll.

And you never have a good response to my, "drool," just name calling and character attacks.

GTFO with that. It isn't acceptable, it only shows you as the weak cowardly subversive that you are.
OMG. Is that a serious article? The lack of self awareness is... beyond words.
Nah, it's just a funny meme making fun of normies.


This is the closest establishment journalism came to self-awareness of their own absurdity.

Maher: Truckers "Not Wrong" To Be "Pissed Off" At The Elites Corrupting The System, Trudeau Sounds Like Hitler​

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Nah, it's just a funny meme making fun of normies.


This is the closest establishment journalism came to self-awareness of their own absurdity.

Maher: Truckers "Not Wrong" To Be "Pissed Off" At The Elites Corrupting The System, Trudeau Sounds Like Hitler​

“Normies”? :auiqs.jpg:
You mean being well adjusted and well socialized?
Now who would have thought that the FBI wasn't doing their job? Apparently the Proud Boys found out. The hard way.

"According to a report from the Daily Beast, the founder of the Proud Boys, who has been keeping his distance from the right-wing group, headed to Las Vegas weeks ago for a meet-up of members and attempted to put down a civil war in the organization that is reportedly coming apart at the seams after revelations that one key leader was an FBI informant"

"With Gavin McInnes later describing it as the "weirdest experience of my life," the report by Will Sommer states the group is still "bitterly divided" into two camps (the "Nationals" and "Standard") with McInnes himself noting on his radio show: "Both sides say that the other side is racist and tolerates pedophiles.”

"According to the report, the Proud Boys are reeling after criminal indictments and finger-pointing in what McInnes labeled a “massive civil war” between members"

What have the Proud Boys ever done to you?

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