Prostitution and Drugs

Powerman said:
So what is your take on this GotZoom? You obviously like posting a bunch of links.

It's easy. Drinking too much alcohol and driving is against the law and dangerous. Don't do it.

Smoking marijuana is illegal. Don't do it.

Do I think they are the same thing? In all honesty, I have never tried marijuana - or any other drug (I was worried I would like it to much) so my opinions are based on what I have read and observed. I have seen people after smoking pot and sometimes I couldn't even tell they had smoked any. Other people were way wasted.

I don't think it matters of it is illegal or not. You will become IMPAIRED if you do either.

And driving anything while impaired is just stupid. It's not worth the risk to me. If I had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner, I do not drive. Not because I am wasted or can't physically drive, but I don't want to take a chance that some ticket-happy cop pulls me over, or I get into an accident that isn't my fault and the cop decides to give everyone a test.

What you do in your own home is up to you. Smoke, inject, snort, all you want. Just stay home when you do.

When there is a chance it can effect my life, then I have a problem with it.
Powerman said:
archangel said:
How am I digging my own grave?? You are the one that told 2 outright lies and has still yet to show any evidence to back them up. Marijuana doesn't cause more fatal accidents than aclohol. That is a simple fact. If it is not then it should be fairly easy for you to find evidence to the contrary.

I cited myself...a new concept to those who lack experience in real life and find the need to find others with their same go smoke another joint and have not... I state again...have not proved me go blow some more smoke...Mr.Denial!
GotZoom said:
It's easy. Drinking too much alcohol and driving is against the law and dangerous. Don't do it.

Smoking marijuana is illegal. Don't do it.

Do I think they are the same thing? In all honesty, I have never tried marijuana - or any other drug (I was worried I would like it to much) so my opinions are based on what I have read and observed. I have seen people after smoking pot and sometimes I couldn't even tell they had smoked any. Other people were way wasted.

I don't think it matters of it is illegal or not. You will become IMPAIRED if you do either.

And driving anything while impaired is just stupid. It's not worth the risk to me. If I had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner, I do not drive. Not because I am wasted or can't physically drive, but I don't want to take a chance that some ticket-happy cop pulls me over, or I get into an accident that isn't my fault and the cop decides to give everyone a test.

What you do in your own home is up to you. Smoke, inject, snort, all you want. Just stay home when you do.

When there is a chance it can effect my life, then I have a problem with it.

and on target...something some in here fail to grasp!
no1tovote4 said:
Decriminalized is the term.

I do not favor extending the power to government to regulate anything more than is necessary for public safety. Legalize it, then set a clear criminal code for abuse, and in the case of prostitution, consent.
archangel said:
Powerman said:
I cited myself...a new concept to those who lack experience in real life and find the need to find others with their same go smoke another joint and have not... I state again...have not proved me go blow some more smoke...Mr.Denial!

You cited yourself? Nice cop out. There is no place for such nonsense in a political forum. If I claim something and someone calls me out on it I back it up with facts. You obviously like to dodge the reality of the situation however.
GotZoom said:
It's easy. Drinking too much alcohol and driving is against the law and dangerous. Don't do it.

Smoking marijuana is illegal. Don't do it.

Do I think they are the same thing? In all honesty, I have never tried marijuana - or any other drug (I was worried I would like it to much) so my opinions are based on what I have read and observed. I have seen people after smoking pot and sometimes I couldn't even tell they had smoked any. Other people were way wasted.

I don't think it matters of it is illegal or not. You will become IMPAIRED if you do either.

And driving anything while impaired is just stupid. It's not worth the risk to me. If I had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner, I do not drive. Not because I am wasted or can't physically drive, but I don't want to take a chance that some ticket-happy cop pulls me over, or I get into an accident that isn't my fault and the cop decides to give everyone a test.

What you do in your own home is up to you. Smoke, inject, snort, all you want. Just stay home when you do.

When there is a chance it can effect my life, then I have a problem with it.

That's a respectable opinion. The only problem I have is that the topic at hand is whether you would like to legalize marijuana. It is less harmful than alcohol by a great measure. I don't see the hurt in legalizing it. It would generate a ton of tax revenue as well.
Powerman said:
That's fucking stupid. Alcohol and tobacco aren't illegal and it isn't illegal to sleep around.

The damage caused by either is not relevant to your initial query. People do all sorts of legally stupid things. Jaywalking in rush hour comes to mind. If you want a more tangible example, Type II diabetes is the direct result (in many cases of prolonged unhealthy eating habits, (JAMA Multiple citations - also check web MD), yet fat people can legally go to buffets.

The central question is the freedom to choose one's own destiny. This should only be hindered by the boundaries of another's freedom. Thus, with a system of justice that balances abuse, drugs and prostitution should be legal. Not because they are safe, or to the contrary. But rather because I should ultimately be free to engage in drug use or prostitution or reject them. :salute:
Powerman said:
archangel said:
You cited yourself? Nice cop out. There is no place for such nonsense in a political forum. If I claim something and someone calls me out on it I back it up with facts. You obviously like to dodge the reality of the situation however.

Listen Mr.25 or something...being a Vietnam era vet... and finishing off a career in law enforcement....I can honestly say that I had friends in Nam that liked to partake in the MJ and other highs of the day...I came home some that partook did not...maybe something to do with disabled to say that just because I base my comments on experience...vs Collegiate approval is well...**** to say the when you can honestly say that you were a very good boy and now reap the attention that you so seek....get back to me...and I say to you now...BUZZ OFF! Mr. gimmee the Links...geez!
c.inquisition said:
The damage caused by either is not relevant to your initial query. People do all sorts of legally stupid things. Jaywalking in rush hour comes to mind. If you want a more tangible example, Type II diabetes is the direct result (in many cases of prolonged unhealthy eating habits, (JAMA Multiple citations - also check web MD), yet fat people can legally go to buffets.

The central question is the freedom to choose one's own destiny. This should only be hindered by the boundaries of another's freedom. Thus, with a system of justice that balances abuse, drugs and prostitution should be legal. Not because they are safe, or to the contrary. But rather because I should ultimately be free to engage in drug use or prostitution or reject them. :salute:

And more importantly the fact that they are currently illegal isn't stopping anyone from doing it. Making something illegal doesn't stop people drom doing things. It just punishes them for doing so and wastes tax money.

Legalizing drugs would significantly reduce violent crime as drug gangs would virtually disappear.
archangel said:
Powerman said:
Listen Mr.25 or something...being a Vietnam era vet... and finishing off a career in law enforcement....I can honestly say that I had friends in Nam that liked to partake in the MJ and other highs of the day...I came home some that partook did not...maybe something to do with disabled to say that just because I base my comments on experience...vs Collegiate approval is well...**** to say the when you can honestly say that you were a very good boy and now reap the attention that you so seek....get back to me...and I say to you now...BUZZ OFF! Mr. gimmee the Links...geez!

I'm sure your experiences have been plenty but it is irrlevant to the fact that you made up 2 blatant lies. You could have easily found statistics to prove me wrong by now if you were correct.
Powerman said:
Legalizing drugs would significantly reduce violent crime as drug gangs would virtually disappear.

This still has no bearing on the issue. Crime will happen under ideal circumstances, it is a part of the human condition. You make drugs legal on principle, and make laws with teeth on principle.

Don't get me started on how weak the current legal system is. Ahmed Ressam was planning to blow up LAX, and he got 22 years minus time served. :bang3:
I agree. Legalize on principle. I'm just pointing out that there are some positives to it.
Powerman said:
archangel said:
I'm sure your experiences have been plenty but it is irrlevant to the fact that you made up 2 blatant lies. You could have easily found statistics to prove me wrong by now if you were correct.

you are bordering on slander...calling me a liar without producing facts to credit your something you really need to evaluate...I do not need your measley income so I will kiss it off as a stupid comment...remember this oh educated fool..."Theory without fact is Hypothesis...fact without theory is chaos" What you my ignorant friend is bordering on is chaos...produce your claims or shut the hell up...before I have to give you a wake up call in basic slander! :crutch:
archangel said:
Powerman said:
you are bordering on slander...calling me a liar without producing facts to credit your something you really need to evaluate..

Without producing facts? That is what this all boils down to. You made up 2 statements out of thin air and have produced no facts to support your claim. Making something up is exactly what one does when they lie.
Powerman said:
archangel said:
Without producing facts? That is what this all boils down to. You made up 2 statements out of thin air and have produced no facts to support your claim. Making something up is exactly what one does when they lie.

You called me a "Liar" now please produce your this public my attorney of record may establish your pro bono error in a court of law... :cuckoo:
archangel said:
Powerman said:
You called me a "Liar" now please produce your this public my attorney of record may establish your pro bono era in a court of law... :cuckoo:

I've already produced the facts.

You said that marijuana causes more fatal accidents than alcohol. That is a lie.

If it were not a lie you would have proved me wrong already instead of being a baby about it. You've only hurled insults at me and talked about Vietnam, neither of which have anything to do with the lie that you told.
Powerman said:
archangel said:
I've already produced the facts.

You said that marijuana causes more fatal accidents than alcohol. That is a lie.

If it were not a lie you would have proved me wrong already instead of being a baby about it. You've only hurled insults at me and talked about Vietnam, neither of which have anything to do with the lie that you told.

better reread my statement on this one...never said MJ caused "More" fatal accidents....end of discussion!
archangel said:
Powerman said:
better reread my statement on this one...never said MJ caused "More" fatal accidents....end of discussion!

You said "just as many" which is at least equal to. It's not even in the same ball park nor is the ratio in the same ballpark. Either way your statement was a lie.
Powerman said:
archangel said:
You said "just as many" which is at least equal to. It's not even in the same ball park nor is the ratio in the same ballpark. Either way your statement was a lie.

the audience what a "liar" you are...backtracking will not save ya now! Show us all how I was wrong...can't do it ya fool...bye bye and count your pennies!
You wanted to play with the big boys and your wish is granted....!
archangel said:
Powerman said:
the audience what a "liar" you are...backtracking will not save ya now! Show us all how I was wrong...can't do it ya fool...bye bye and count your pennies!
You wanted to play with the big boys and your wish is granted....!

It's a well known fact that you are wrong. Alcohol causes many more fatal accidents than marijuana. You are the one that made the claim. You back it up. I don't know what you mean by playing with the big boys. You obviously are an intellectual midget if you think that I'm going to believe something that you make up out of thin air without some facts to back it up.

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