Proof: Obamatrons watched "Beverly Hillbillies" too much!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Because these totally ignorant Obamatrons evidently believe the lyrics to the theme for "Beverly Hillbillies"..
"Jed A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed,
Then one day he was shootin at some food,
And up through the ground came a bubblin crude.
Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea."

source:Beverly Hillbillies Lyrics - Theme Song Lyrics

The reason is because how many times have we heard this OLD tired cliched first stated by Obama on the campaign trail...

Obama (June 24): The oil companies already own drilling rights to 68 million acres of federal lands, onshore and offshore, that they haven’t touched. 68 million acres that have the potential to nearly double America’s total oil production.

The charge has been repeated by Nancy Pelosi and others in his party.

So, there are 68 million acres of leased land on which companies aren’t extracting oil,
but Obama went too far when he said oil companies "haven’t touched" them. As Bureau of Land Management Petroleum Engineer Bill Gewecke, who manages the onshore sites, told us, he "wouldn’t say untouched, would say undeveloped."

That’s because these leased lands that don’t contain productive drilling operations likely are not lying idle as Obama implies.
There are a lot of steps and procedures involved in setting up a productive oil well on leased land, both onshore and off. The Bureau of Land Management’s Web site lists the regulatory hurdles that need to be cleared as part of the larger five-step life cycle of a well. The path to setting up an offshore drilling operation is even longer, as shown in a large flow chart developed by the MMS.
And there is a lot of activity occurring on leased lands that does not qualify as "production."
That’s a total of more than 15,000 holes that were being proposed, started or finished that do not count as "productive" holes. : Unused Offshore Potential?

Do you independent voters that voted for Obama NOW understand how totally ignorant he is as is his supporters?

I mean these idiots think like Jeb all you have to do is shoot and oil comes up!

Oh and if their ignorance of OIL isn't bad enough.. these same ignorant people are laying claim to increased OIL production under Obama!
Right... except the FACTS are:
1) Production on Federal Leases is DOWN!
While President Obama has been touting in recent days that his administration is promoting oil drilling in the United States, oil production on federally owned lands has in fact declined by 17,000 barrels per day since he took office in 2009.

Oil Production on Federal Lands Has Declined Under Obama |

In a clear signal that the Obama administration is shifting the government's approach to energy exploration on public lands, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar yesterday canceled oil and gas leases on 77 parcels of federal land after opponents said the drilling would blight Utah's scenic southeastern corner.

Salazar's decision -- which reverses the Bush administration's move to allow drilling on about 130,000 acres near pristine areas such as Nine Mile Canyon, Arches National Park and Dinosaur National Monument -- is one of a series of steps that the new administration and congressional Democrats are planning to reshape federal regulation of drilling, mining, lumbering and other resource-tapping activities.
Salazar Voids Drilling Leases On Public Lands in Utah
I love that show, too bad the rest of your post is as entertaining as a test pattern.
I love that show, too bad the rest of your post is as entertaining as a test pattern.

Because handcuffing domestic energy production is such a good thing, right?

It is also a potentially good thing to keep some in the ground for the possibility of a future disruption of world supply. Domestic production is fine but it is being sold off to the world market and the argument that increasing it is any path to lower prices or energy independence is false with the oil market as it is. Big oil is going to keep world supply at a level that will make current production techniques profitable, any increase domestically will be answered by decreases elsewhere to keep things like oil sands and deep water drilling profitable.
I love that show, too bad the rest of your post is as entertaining as a test pattern.

Of course you loved it! You proved my point!

I bet you also think health insurance companies just sit around all day and say..
pay this ... don't pay this... screw our customers!!!

I bet you also agree with numnuts Obama on eliminating what ALL american businesses do write off expenses of doing businesses BUT just for oil companies cause they are NOT americans!

I bet you also DIDN"T KNOW that Obama has WRITTEN OFF his OWN personal taxes every year for at least the last 3 years an average of $100,000 in capital losses just like the other evil tax paying Americans do.. YET he complains about the "wealthy not paying their fair share"!

How about this hypocrisy... tells americans.. can't fly to Las Vegas YET his wife takes 10 secret service and family to Las Vegas...
YEA you and Obama certainly set a great example for how hypocrites and ignoramuses (ignorami for Latin purists!) take advantage of affirmative actions!!!
I love that show, too bad the rest of your post is as entertaining as a test pattern.

Of course you loved it! You proved my point!

I bet you also think health insurance companies just sit around all day and say..
pay this ... don't pay this... screw our customers!!!

I bet you also agree with numnuts Obama on eliminating what ALL american businesses do write off expenses of doing businesses BUT just for oil companies cause they are NOT americans!

I bet you also DIDN"T KNOW that Obama has WRITTEN OFF his OWN personal taxes every year for at least the last 3 years an average of $100,000 in capital losses just like the other evil tax paying Americans do.. YET he complains about the "wealthy not paying their fair share"!

How about this hypocrisy... tells americans.. can't fly to Las Vegas YET his wife takes 10 secret service and family to Las Vegas...
YEA you and Obama certainly set a great example for how hypocrites and ignoramuses (ignorami for Latin purists!) take advantage of affirmative actions!!!

What do you have against the Clampetts and the people who love them?
I love that show, too bad the rest of your post is as entertaining as a test pattern.

Of course you loved it! You proved my point!

I bet you also think health insurance companies just sit around all day and say..
pay this ... don't pay this... screw our customers!!!

I bet you also agree with numnuts Obama on eliminating what ALL american businesses do write off expenses of doing businesses BUT just for oil companies cause they are NOT americans!

I bet you also DIDN"T KNOW that Obama has WRITTEN OFF his OWN personal taxes every year for at least the last 3 years an average of $100,000 in capital losses just like the other evil tax paying Americans do.. YET he complains about the "wealthy not paying their fair share"!

How about this hypocrisy... tells americans.. can't fly to Las Vegas YET his wife takes 10 secret service and family to Las Vegas...
YEA you and Obama certainly set a great example for how hypocrites and ignoramuses (ignorami for Latin purists!) take advantage of affirmative actions!!!

What do you have against the Clampetts and the people who love them?

I'm surprised....big oil and rich people, and you liked it?
I think of it as a way to have global redistribution of wealth.
We won't drill it in the Gulf, but we'll invite Brazil to come over and drill it.

Or ignore China and Cuba exploiting it...

Of course further proof of the mental capacity of Obamatrons was in Keystone rejection.

Keystone critics obviously favored shipping 1 million barrels per day via tanker to China!
They evidently showing again their mental capacity risk destruction of thousands of miles of ocean ..(think of Exxon Valdez!!) then the worst case 325 barrels flowing in one mile of pipeline on the ground easily accessible to stop,clean up!
1 million barrels on the ocean in a tanker VS 325 barrels in one mile of pipeline!
Should be a no brainer right???
I think of it as a way to have global redistribution of wealth.
We won't drill it in the Gulf, but we'll invite Brazil to come over and drill it.

Or ignore China and Cuba exploiting it...

Of course further proof of the mental capacity of Obamatrons was in Keystone rejection.

Keystone critics obviously favored shipping 1 million barrels per day via tanker to China!
They evidently showing again their mental capacity risk destruction of thousands of miles of ocean ..(think of Exxon Valdez!!) then the worst case 325 barrels flowing in one mile of pipeline on the ground easily accessible to stop,clean up!
1 million barrels on the ocean in a tanker VS 325 barrels in one mile of pipeline!
Should be a no brainer right???

And note later on? Obama acted like he was all for it after rejecting it when his precious Unions got on his ass?
Republicans believe you can drill everywhere and find oil. That it's at the bottom of every lake and ocean and inside of every mountain. What else could explain this insane mantra that "drill baby drill" would bring down oil prices?
Republicans believe you can drill everywhere and find oil. That it's at the bottom of every lake and ocean and inside of every mountain. What else could explain this insane mantra that "drill baby drill" would bring down oil prices?

How stupid of a comment!
Read the FACTS idiot!
World Crude Oil Consumption by Year (Thousand Barrels per Day)
FACT: OIL resources that USA uses 18,810,000 barrels / day.
FACT: 4.7 TRILLION BARRELS in USA that Obama could open up!
100 feet or less of Gulf 2.8 billion barrels
Virginia 0.3
Anwr Alaska 10.0
Bakken formation 3,600
CO,UT,WY 1,100
total 4,713 billion barrels or at above consumption rate 686 YEARS!!
U.S. oil resources: President Obama’s ‘non sequitur facts’ - The Washington Post

At half that amount you dumb..f...k that would be 300+ years of DOMESTIC OIL
easy to get at, inexpensive and in the USA!
100%! NO more dependence on other sources...

Why is that so undesirable? Why do you want the USA to depend on other countries?
Republicans believe you can drill everywhere and find oil. That it's at the bottom of every lake and ocean and inside of every mountain. What else could explain this insane mantra that "drill baby drill" would bring down oil prices?

How stupid of a comment!
Read the FACTS idiot!
World Crude Oil Consumption by Year (Thousand Barrels per Day)
FACT: OIL resources that USA uses 18,810,000 barrels / day.
FACT: 4.7 TRILLION BARRELS in USA that Obama could open up!
100 feet or less of Gulf 2.8 billion barrels
Virginia 0.3
Anwr Alaska 10.0
Bakken formation 3,600
CO,UT,WY 1,100
total 4,713 billion barrels or at above consumption rate 686 YEARS!!
U.S. oil resources: President Obama’s ‘non sequitur facts’ - The Washington Post

At half that amount you dumb..f...k that would be 300+ years of DOMESTIC OIL
easy to get at, inexpensive and in the USA!
100%! NO more dependence on other sources...

Why is that so undesirable? Why do you want the USA to depend on other countries?

we've got 2 percent of the world oil reserves; we use 20 percent.

Did you bother reading the part of your link listed under "FACTS"? Here, let me help:

The data on proven reserves is collected by the Energy Information Administration, derived from a survey of private companies. EIA data shows that proven U.S. reserves hit a peak of nearly 40 billion barrels in 1970 — after the Prudhoe Bay oil field was found in Alaska — and now stand at about 22 billion barrels.

This brings us to our next category of oil: undiscovered technically recoverable resources. Oil companies cannot consider this oil an asset. Whether that oil will be recovered depends in part on technology and/or the price of oil.

But what you're looking at is the part that starts off with, "But with new production techniques, new estimates suggest"

Do you know what the words "estimate" and "suggest" means? It's a guess. A "hope". It's NOT science. You know, "science". That thing Republicans hate that would make recovering that oil feasible?
I love that show, too bad the rest of your post is as entertaining as a test pattern.

Of course you loved it! You proved my point!

I bet you also think health insurance companies just sit around all day and say..
pay this ... don't pay this... screw our customers!!!

I bet you also agree with numnuts Obama on eliminating what ALL american businesses do write off expenses of doing businesses BUT just for oil companies cause they are NOT americans!

I bet you also DIDN"T KNOW that Obama has WRITTEN OFF his OWN personal taxes every year for at least the last 3 years an average of $100,000 in capital losses just like the other evil tax paying Americans do.. YET he complains about the "wealthy not paying their fair share"!

How about this hypocrisy... tells americans.. can't fly to Las Vegas YET his wife takes 10 secret service and family to Las Vegas...
YEA you and Obama certainly set a great example for how hypocrites and ignoramuses (ignorami for Latin purists!) take advantage of affirmative actions!!!

As a strict conservative that does consulting work for insurance companies, owns insurance company stock and works with their adjustors weekly they most certainly scrutinize each and every claim and deny, negotiate lower, step off of the coverage and practice many other underwriting practices every minute.
They are supposed to. Their job is to keep claims as low as they can.
Do you believe otherwise?
I love that show, too bad the rest of your post is as entertaining as a test pattern.

Of course you loved it! You proved my point!

I bet you also think health insurance companies just sit around all day and say..
pay this ... don't pay this... screw our customers!!!

I bet you also agree with numnuts Obama on eliminating what ALL american businesses do write off expenses of doing businesses BUT just for oil companies cause they are NOT americans!

I bet you also DIDN"T KNOW that Obama has WRITTEN OFF his OWN personal taxes every year for at least the last 3 years an average of $100,000 in capital losses just like the other evil tax paying Americans do.. YET he complains about the "wealthy not paying their fair share"!

How about this hypocrisy... tells americans.. can't fly to Las Vegas YET his wife takes 10 secret service and family to Las Vegas...
YEA you and Obama certainly set a great example for how hypocrites and ignoramuses (ignorami for Latin purists!) take advantage of affirmative actions!!!

Pretty much.

While visiting family in Tennessee, Potter stopped at a "medical expedition" in Wise, Va. People drove hours for free care from temporary clinics set up in animal stalls at the local fairground. Potter told me that weeks later, flying on a CIGNA corporate jet with the CEO: "I realized that someone's premiums were helping me to travel that way ... paying for my lunch on gold-trimmed china. I thought about those men and women I had seen in Wise County ... not having any idea [how] insurance executives lived." He decided he couldn't be an industry PR hack anymore.

Health Insurance Whistle-Blower Knows Where the Bodies Are Buried | Common Dreams
I love that show, too bad the rest of your post is as entertaining as a test pattern.

Of course you loved it! You proved my point!

I bet you also think health insurance companies just sit around all day and say..
pay this ... don't pay this... screw our customers!!!

I bet you also agree with numnuts Obama on eliminating what ALL american businesses do write off expenses of doing businesses BUT just for oil companies cause they are NOT americans!

I bet you also DIDN"T KNOW that Obama has WRITTEN OFF his OWN personal taxes every year for at least the last 3 years an average of $100,000 in capital losses just like the other evil tax paying Americans do.. YET he complains about the "wealthy not paying their fair share"!

How about this hypocrisy... tells americans.. can't fly to Las Vegas YET his wife takes 10 secret service and family to Las Vegas...
YEA you and Obama certainly set a great example for how hypocrites and ignoramuses (ignorami for Latin purists!) take advantage of affirmative actions!!!

Pretty much.

While visiting family in Tennessee, Potter stopped at a "medical expedition" in Wise, Va. People drove hours for free care from temporary clinics set up in animal stalls at the local fairground. Potter told me that weeks later, flying on a CIGNA corporate jet with the CEO: "I realized that someone's premiums were helping me to travel that way ... paying for my lunch on gold-trimmed china. I thought about those men and women I had seen in Wise County ... not having any idea [how] insurance executives lived." He decided he couldn't be an industry PR hack anymore.

Health Insurance Whistle-Blower Knows Where the Bodies Are Buried | Common Dreams

Why are you bringing this up? He's already said he hates hillbillies. Wendell Potter is the best kind of whistleblower, no apparent financial motive or disgruntled spite. He must have been like a Miss Jane in an office full of Mr. Drysdales.
I love that show, too bad the rest of your post is as entertaining as a test pattern.

Of course you loved it! You proved my point!

I bet you also think health insurance companies just sit around all day and say..
pay this ... don't pay this... screw our customers!!!

I bet you also agree with numnuts Obama on eliminating what ALL american businesses do write off expenses of doing businesses BUT just for oil companies cause they are NOT americans!

I bet you also DIDN"T KNOW that Obama has WRITTEN OFF his OWN personal taxes every year for at least the last 3 years an average of $100,000 in capital losses just like the other evil tax paying Americans do.. YET he complains about the "wealthy not paying their fair share"!

How about this hypocrisy... tells americans.. can't fly to Las Vegas YET his wife takes 10 secret service and family to Las Vegas...
YEA you and Obama certainly set a great example for how hypocrites and ignoramuses (ignorami for Latin purists!) take advantage of affirmative actions!!!

As a strict conservative that does consulting work for insurance companies, owns insurance company stock and works with their adjustors weekly they most certainly scrutinize each and every claim and deny, negotiate lower, step off of the coverage and practice many other underwriting practices every minute.
They are supposed to. Their job is to keep claims as low as they can.
Do you believe otherwise?

Of course not! You should know that the medical loss ratio AVERAGE is 80%!
MOST idiots though have no idea what that means!
For them it means for every $1 in premium... $.80 goes out to pay claims!
BUT Obama the idiot and his supports don't think that is enough!
OF course Obama and congress took $300 million from the real culprits that cost Americans $600 billion a year ...DEFENSIVE MEDICINE out of fear of lawsuits!
So instead of TAXING lawyers 10% of their $100 billion and using that to pay the premiums to the "uninsured Health Insurance Company © which THEN pays claims from the $10 billion from hospitals that submit claims for the truly 8 million uninsured,
OBAMA CARE TAXES tanning salons!

I deal daily with Medicare and another major contribution to high health care is EMTALA!
LOOK it up!
As a result hospitals Pad and pass on to Medicare with Medicare's blessing.. sometimes 6,000% overcharges! To make up for "uninsured"!
TAX the lawyers at a ratio that with declining $600 billion defensive medicine lowers the tax!
Republicans believe you can drill everywhere and find oil. That it's at the bottom of every lake and ocean and inside of every mountain. What else could explain this insane mantra that "drill baby drill" would bring down oil prices?

How stupid of a comment!
Read the FACTS idiot!
World Crude Oil Consumption by Year (Thousand Barrels per Day)
FACT: OIL resources that USA uses 18,810,000 barrels / day.
FACT: 4.7 TRILLION BARRELS in USA that Obama could open up!
100 feet or less of Gulf 2.8 billion barrels
Virginia 0.3
Anwr Alaska 10.0
Bakken formation 3,600
CO,UT,WY 1,100
total 4,713 billion barrels or at above consumption rate 686 YEARS!!
U.S. oil resources: President Obama’s ‘non sequitur facts’ - The Washington Post

At half that amount you dumb..f...k that would be 300+ years of DOMESTIC OIL
easy to get at, inexpensive and in the USA!
100%! NO more dependence on other sources...

Why is that so undesirable? Why do you want the USA to depend on other countries?

we've got 2 percent of the world oil reserves; we use 20 percent.

Did you bother reading the part of your link listed under "FACTS"? Here, let me help:

The data on proven reserves is collected by the Energy Information Administration, derived from a survey of private companies. EIA data shows that proven U.S. reserves hit a peak of nearly 40 billion barrels in 1970 — after the Prudhoe Bay oil field was found in Alaska — and now stand at about 22 billion barrels.

This brings us to our next category of oil: undiscovered technically recoverable resources. Oil companies cannot consider this oil an asset. Whether that oil will be recovered depends in part on technology and/or the price of oil.

But what you're looking at is the part that starts off with, "But with new production techniques, new estimates suggest"

Do you know what the words "estimate" and "suggest" means? It's a guess. A "hope". It's NOT science. You know, "science". That thing Republicans hate that would make recovering that oil feasible?

OK I concede let's just say I and the others that think we should explore ALL options are off by 75%!
THAT MEANS there still is 1.2 TRILLION BARRELS or at 6.4 billion used by USA per year oh.. how about 187 YEARS!!!

WHAT is wrong with you people:??? even at 80% error.. THAT 146 YEARS!
The entire OIL INDUSTRY isn't that OLD!!!

IDIOTS like you are the ones that were so concerned about WHALE OIL at the turn of the 20th century... READ the Book... WHALE OIL, ARAB OIL.. NO OIL warning us we would run out of OIL by the 2000! Written in 1973!
IDIOTS like you have been around crying about oil shortages while real people are finding it in NEW places and in FACT ever heard of "abiotic oil"???
Addressing the theory in circulation that oil is not solely of organic origin,

USE the internet before you spout off ignorance!

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