Proof How Your Religion Could Be Made Up

The author of Matthew had obviously gotten his information from Mark's gospel and used them for his own needs. He fashioned his narrative to appeal to Jewish tradition and Scripture. He improved the grammar of Mark's Gospel, corrected what he felt theologically important, and heightened the miracles and magic.
it is true that Matthew wrote for a Jewish audience, just as Mark wrote for a Greek audience......being members of the same early church it is obvious that they also were aware of each other and being contemporaries of Jesus, its also obvious they experienced many of the same things.....
They actually argued who was right in their interpretations.
??? have some evidence they argued? the evidence hearsay?......

Hundreds of thousands of years ago people we're religious. They looked up said what the fuck and decided there must be a reason. Most of us still cling to this belief. I can't even go into how wrong this was. That a god put us here and we are special. Much later we came up with heaven and hell. At first we just said "must be a god and a reason" and the ultimate question why? There may be no why. Just because.

Anyways then much later we invented names and characteristics for these gods then we settled on one god then religions organized and ruined the friendly debate we had before they came along.

You are a magical superstitious gullible primitive animal. Still so unevolved. It may take 5000 years for us to completely give up on the god hypothesis as pointless and needless.
The old testament they said was written 3600 years ago turns out it was written in 500 BC and not by Moses. You are busted right there. But if you need more the new might have been written 1600 years ago. There is no contemporary evidence of Jesus. He must have been a crappy carpenter.
15 billion years ago the big bang. 10 billion years ago stars formed but not ours. 5 billion years ago our sun was born. 4 billion years ago our planet. 3 billion ago the moon. 2 billion Trilobite's. 1 billion dinosaurs. 1 million mammals. 200,000 homosapien. 40,000 modern man. Not 7 days. You can't believe in evolution and science and believe in religions. Maybe a generic god but not the christian one.
Funny how easily Muslims are able to point out the flaws in the bible and visa versa but each of them refuse to see their own religions flaws. Bias.
The old testament they said was written 3600 years ago turns out it was written in 500 BC and not by Moses. You are busted right there. But if you need more the new might have been written 1600 years ago. There is no contemporary evidence of Jesus. He must have been a crappy carpenter.

How much woodwork survives from 2,000 years ago?
The old testament they said was written 3600 years ago turns out it was written in 500 BC and not by Moses. You are busted right there. But if you need more the new might have been written 1600 years ago. There is no contemporary evidence of Jesus. He must have been a crappy carpenter.

How much woodwork survives from 2,000 years ago?
They would have never thrown it all out. They would have put it in an urn.
The old testament they said was written 3600 years ago turns out it was written in 500 BC and not by Moses. You are busted right there. But if you need more the new might have been written 1600 years ago. There is no contemporary evidence of Jesus. He must have been a crappy carpenter.

How much woodwork survives from 2,000 years ago?

Notice I said your religion could be made up not is? If you see how the Muslim and Mormons ARE made up then you must admit yours could be too. Admit it and I'll give you a agreed. If you dont then you are just being dishonest.
The old testament they said was written 3600 years ago turns out it was written in 500 BC and not by Moses. You are busted right there. But if you need more the new might have been written 1600 years ago. There is no contemporary evidence of Jesus. He must have been a crappy carpenter.

How much woodwork survives from 2,000 years ago?

Notice I said your religion could be made up not is? If you see how the Muslim and Mormons ARE made up then you must admit yours could be too. Admit it and I'll give you a agreed. If you dont then you are just being dishonest.

You make less sense and seem more unhinged with each passing post.

Are you back to "Jesus was a myth"?
The traditional Church has portrayed the authors as the apostles Mark, Luke, Matthew, & John, but scholars know from critical textural research that there simply occurs no evidence that the gospel authors could have served as the apostles described in the Gospel stories. Yet even today, we hear priests and ministers describing these authors as the actual disciples of Christ. Many Bibles still continue to label the stories as "The Gospel according to St. Matthew," "St. Mark," "St. Luke," St. John." No apostle would have announced his own sainthood before the Church's establishment of sainthood. But one need not refer to scholars to determine the lack of evidence for authorship. As an experiment, imagine the Gospels without their titles. See if you can find out from the texts who wrote them; try to find their names.

the only "scholars" why deny it are the atheist scholars......
If they are theists then like you they aren't being objective.
and if the sources are atheists like you, they aren't being honest.......

Let's stay on topic. You AT LEAST admit that you are taking it on hearsay. We agree on that. OK so I said proof your religion COULD be made up. Not is but could. You pretty much admit this when you admit you can't know for sure.

And all I have to do is point over to your Muslim and Mormon brothers and ask you if it is possible their religions are made up. If you see theirs could be made up then you must see yours could be true no matter how crafty you think your story is its still not believable without more proof. Sorry god you can do better if you want us to believe.
The old testament they said was written 3600 years ago turns out it was written in 500 BC and not by Moses. You are busted right there. But if you need more the new might have been written 1600 years ago. There is no contemporary evidence of Jesus. He must have been a crappy carpenter.

How much woodwork survives from 2,000 years ago?

Notice I said your religion could be made up not is? If you see how the Muslim and Mormons ARE made up then you must admit yours could be too. Admit it and I'll give you a agreed. If you dont then you are just being dishonest.

You make less sense and seem more unhinged with each passing post.

Are you back to "Jesus was a myth"?
If you have to ask that again never mind. Move on simpleton.
The old testament they said was written 3600 years ago turns out it was written in 500 BC and not by Moses. You are busted right there. But if you need more the new might have been written 1600 years ago. There is no contemporary evidence of Jesus. He must have been a crappy carpenter.

How much woodwork survives from 2,000 years ago?

Notice I said your religion could be made up not is? If you see how the Muslim and Mormons ARE made up then you must admit yours could be too. Admit it and I'll give you a agreed. If you dont then you are just being dishonest.

You make less sense and seem more unhinged with each passing post.

Are you back to "Jesus was a myth"?
If you have to ask that again never mind. Move on simpleton.

Keep it simple. Are you claiming Jesus was a myth and the first supposedly fictional tales about him only surfaced in 70AD?
15 billion years ago the big bang. 10 billion years ago stars formed but not ours. 5 billion years ago our sun was born. 4 billion years ago our planet. 3 billion ago the moon. 2 billion Trilobite's. 1 billion dinosaurs. 1 million mammals. 200,000 homosapien. 40,000 modern man. Not 7 days. You can't believe in evolution and science and believe in religions. Maybe a generic god but not the christian one.

I'm open to the idea of some form of god, (I need evidence of this god, but I'm still open to the idea) but figure if anyone got it right, it was the Deists and God is an entity that set the universe in motion and then let it run its course with no interference at all.
I think that with the facts we have, more people have benefited from religion than have suffered. Compared to atheistic totalitarian socialist regimes the religion induced misery is nothing percentage wise.

Those who suffered certainly suffered just as much, but if you want to see mass murder you have to turn to government to really show you how it's done.

I don't dislike religion. I despise those who abuse it for their own political gain.

Now I see why you don't like atheists and choose to be "agnostic" on this. Its political for you Got it.

I don't like MILITANT atheists. They are every bit as bad as the religious nutters that are out there. A atheist, who keeps his beliefs to himself, I will treat with every bit of respect I do a religious person who likewise keeps his beliefs to himself.

Why can’t atheists just leave theists alone?
  • Because religion has been, and continues to be, responsible for countless horrorsthroughout human history. See also: Religiously motivated animosity, violence andoppression and discrimination.
  • For all the problems we face as a society, many theists choose not only to do nothing to help, but actually engage in sabotage by actively preventing solutions from being instigated, usually by supporting irrational political positions e.g. stem-cell research, contraception, women’s rights, sexual equality and even global warming.
  • Because belief in a god taps into mankind’s natural tendency to defer moral decision making to authority figures (including priests, prophets, holy books, popes, ayatollahs and imams). Acting out ‘God’s plan’ or ‘God’s will’ is a sure-fire way to absolve one’s-self of responsibility for one’s actions. See also: Cituke.
  • Because as a functional member of society it benefits everyone if your decision making process is founded on evidence and reason, not on superstition. Faith isn’t a virtue; it is the glorification of voluntary ignorance.
  • Because religious superstition erects an absolute monarchy in a person’s mind. It teaches them to be satisfied with with not understanding the world and represents a surrendering to ignorance under the pretension of ‘devine knowledge’. Many of the greatest thinkers in human history have been repressed, sometimes forcefully, by those with faith. It is not skeptics or explorers but fanatics and ideologues who menace decency and progress.
this is what makes you a fundamentalist atheist.....

We truth speakers have given you all the evidence and like oj jurors you come back with the wrong verdict. What can I do? People are strange.

"Truth" speakers? I don't think you want to go down that path bobo. Truth is the realm of religion. Priests and the religious are seekers after "truth". Scientists are seekers after facts. Do you see the difference?
The Romans leveled Jerusalem in 70AD and carted back gold and valuables back to Rome and used that to build the Colosseum. It's easy to imagine that whatever existed in Jerusalem at the time, any texts or manuscripts, were destroyed either by Titus or by the Zealots who would not allow them to fall into Pagan hands. The followers of Christ were spared the destruction only because this "Mythical" man prophesied that Jerusalem was going to be destroyed in their lifetime and that they would have only one chance to flee the moment they saw the enemy standards on the horizon. They were to drop everything IMMEDIATELY and leave right then and there with only the clothes they were wearing. As Titus legions began to close in, the followers of Christ fled to Pella and were spared.

It was right after this that the first Gospel appeared to the public.

Remember, Jesus wasn't trying to add to his Twitter followers, he wasn't even there for the gentile, he was there to get the Jews to return to the Lord.
The Romans leveled Jerusalem in 70AD and carted back gold and valuables back to Rome and used that to build the Colosseum. It's easy to imagine that whatever existed in Jerusalem at the time, any texts or manuscripts, were destroyed either by Titus or by the Zealots who would not allow them to fall into Pagan hands. The followers of Christ were spared the destruction only because this "Mythical" man prophesied that Jerusalem was going to be destroyed in their lifetime and that they would have only one chance to flee the moment they saw the enemy standards on the horizon. They were to drop everything IMMEDIATELY and leave right then and there with only the clothes they were wearing. As Titus legions began to close in, the followers of Christ fled to Pella and were spared.

It was right after this that the first Gospel appeared to the public.

Remember, Jesus wasn't trying to add to his Twitter followers, he wasn't even there for the gentile, he was there to get the Jews to return to the Lord.

Yep. Pseudo intellectuals seem to believe that the written word was common back then. The truth is it was far from common. It was rare! And after the depredations of the last 2000 years, most of what was written, has been destroyed or lost.
I gather from the lack of replies that theists understand it is very possible that their religions are made up. They only choose to believe their particular religions stories just like people of other religions do.

And then to tell people that god told your ancestors that the test to get into heaven or to not go to hell is that we have to believe you and your particular church?

After the establishment of settled life in Egypt in early times. . . the first, they say, to persuade the multitudes to use written laws was Mneves, a man not only great of soul but also in his life the most public spirited of all lawgivers whose names are recorded. According to the tradition he claimed that Hermes had given the laws to him, with the assurance that they would be the cause of great blessings, just as among the Greeks, they say, Minos did in Crete and Lycurgus among the Lacedaemonians, the former saying that he received his laws from Zeusand the latter his from Apollo. Also among several other peoples tradition says that this kind of a device was used and was the cause of much good to such as believed it. Thus it is recorded that among the Arians Zathraustes claimed that the Good Spirit Ahura Mazda gave him his laws, among the people known as the Getae who represent themselves to be immortalZalmoxis asserted the same of their common goddess Hestia, andamong the Jews Moyses referred his laws to the god who is invoked as Iao. translator's note: This pronunciation seems to reflect a Hebrew form Yahu ; cp. Psalms 68. 4 "His name is Jah."

Diodorus of Sicily, Library of History, 1.94 (1st century BC),—which you can find in: Oldfather, C. H. Diodorus of Sicily, The Library of History, Books I - ii.34 (Loeb Classical Library #279) (1933 (1998)) , pg. 319- 21
So is your belief in god.
there you have it then.....I have my beliefs, you have yours.....why do you pretend yours have been proven?.......

The burden of proof is on you when you make outrageous claims then tell me if I don't believe I'll go to hell. A real god will reward my intelligence.
I doubt a real god would be any more impressed with your intelligence than we other words, if that is your fall back, you are screwed......
The author of Matthew had obviously gotten his information from Mark's gospel and used them for his own needs. He fashioned his narrative to appeal to Jewish tradition and Scripture. He improved the grammar of Mark's Gospel, corrected what he felt theologically important, and heightened the miracles and magic.
it is true that Matthew wrote for a Jewish audience, just as Mark wrote for a Greek audience......being members of the same early church it is obvious that they also were aware of each other and being contemporaries of Jesus, its also obvious they experienced many of the same things.....
They actually argued who was right in their interpretations.
??? have some evidence they argued? the evidence hearsay?......
Your church has whitewashed their real history.
no, you just fell for some really stupid claims......
The author of Matthew had obviously gotten his information from Mark's gospel and used them for his own needs. He fashioned his narrative to appeal to Jewish tradition and Scripture. He improved the grammar of Mark's Gospel, corrected what he felt theologically important, and heightened the miracles and magic.
it is true that Matthew wrote for a Jewish audience, just as Mark wrote for a Greek audience......being members of the same early church it is obvious that they also were aware of each other and being contemporaries of Jesus, its also obvious they experienced many of the same things.....
They actually argued who was right in their interpretations.
??? have some evidence they argued? the evidence hearsay?......

Hundreds of thousands of years ago people we're religious. They looked up said what the fuck and decided there must be a reason. Most of us still cling to this belief. I can't even go into how wrong this was. That a god put us here and we are special. Much later we came up with heaven and hell. At first we just said "must be a god and a reason" and the ultimate question why? There may be no why. Just because.

Anyways then much later we invented names and characteristics for these gods then we settled on one god then religions organized and ruined the friendly debate we had before they came along.

You are a magical superstitious gullible primitive animal. Still so unevolved. It may take 5000 years for us to completely give up on the god hypothesis as pointless and needless.
that doesn't look like Matthew and Mark arguing......
The traditional Church has portrayed the authors as the apostles Mark, Luke, Matthew, & John, but scholars know from critical textural research that there simply occurs no evidence that the gospel authors could have served as the apostles described in the Gospel stories. Yet even today, we hear priests and ministers describing these authors as the actual disciples of Christ. Many Bibles still continue to label the stories as "The Gospel according to St. Matthew," "St. Mark," "St. Luke," St. John." No apostle would have announced his own sainthood before the Church's establishment of sainthood. But one need not refer to scholars to determine the lack of evidence for authorship. As an experiment, imagine the Gospels without their titles. See if you can find out from the texts who wrote them; try to find their names.

the only "scholars" why deny it are the atheist scholars......
If they are theists then like you they aren't being objective.
and if the sources are atheists like you, they aren't being honest.......

Let's stay on topic. You AT LEAST admit that you are taking it on hearsay.
I'm pretty sure all I have admitted is that you aren't being honest......

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