Prominent meterologist: "Claiming the cold is from climate change is witchcraft!"


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
OMG.....this made me burst out laughing..............

Insanity…It’s Witchcraft’ – Meteorologist Joe Bastardi on claims that cold & snow caused by ‘global warming’ – WeatherBell Meteorologist Joe Bastardi on January 4, 2018: “This is flat out insanity and deception now To tell the public that events that have occurred countless times before with no climate change attribution, is now just that, is not science, its witchcraft. NO PROOF AT ALL. Its climate ambulance chasing, nothing more.”

Al Gore: ‘Bitter cold’ is ‘exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis’

I remember some years ago Rush Limbaugh saying that the only way to deal with the absurdities of members of the climate change religion is to simply just out-absurd them!!:2up:


Clearly, this is more fodder that the modern day liberal addresses the public as if they all have half a brain.......there are realms of absurdity we cant even imagine yet that will come from these mental cases!:spinner:
You know.......I'm not one of these fascist guys like the progressive jerkoffs in here like Mamooth who wants non-believers locked up, but lets face really do have to start wondering about the mental stability of those who are running around concurring with Al Gore on the cold. Are these the next nuts that will be snapping and pulling a Vegas shooter type stunt? None of these people can be considered to have their feet planted firmly on the floor at this point............f'ing scary-ass shit!
It just goes to prove the old can fool some of the people all the time.
OMG.....this made me burst out laughing..............

Insanity…It’s Witchcraft’ – Meteorologist Joe Bastardi on claims that cold & snow caused by ‘global warming’ – WeatherBell Meteorologist Joe Bastardi on January 4, 2018: “This is flat out insanity and deception now To tell the public that events that have occurred countless times before with no climate change attribution, is now just that, is not science, its witchcraft. NO PROOF AT ALL. Its climate ambulance chasing, nothing more.”

Al Gore: ‘Bitter cold’ is ‘exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis’

I remember some years ago Rush Limbaugh saying that the only way to deal with the absurdities of members of the climate change religion is to simply just out-absurd them!!:2up:


Clearly, this is more fodder that the modern day liberal addresses the public as if they all have half a brain.......there are realms of absurdity we cant even imagine yet that will come from these mental cases!:spinner:
/----/ Gore’s Oscar-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth did not warn of record cold and increasing snowfalls as a consequence of man-made global warming. And as recently as 2009, Gore was hyping the lack of snow as evidence for man-made global warming. Source: “Gore Reports Snow and Ice Across the World Vanishing Quickly.”
Al Gore: ‘Bitter cold’ is ‘exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis’
Personally, after despising Gore, Ive come to love the guy...every time he opens his mouth these days, he highlights the climate crusaders as the pinnacle of modern day nuttiness. The man is a windfall for skeptics..............:2up:
OMG.....this made me burst out laughing..............

Insanity…It’s Witchcraft’ – Meteorologist Joe Bastardi on claims that cold & snow caused by ‘global warming’ – WeatherBell Meteorologist Joe Bastardi on January 4, 2018: “This is flat out insanity and deception now To tell the public that events that have occurred countless times before with no climate change attribution, is now just that, is not science, its witchcraft. NO PROOF AT ALL. Its climate ambulance chasing, nothing more.”

Al Gore: ‘Bitter cold’ is ‘exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis’

I remember some years ago Rush Limbaugh saying that the only way to deal with the absurdities of members of the climate change religion is to simply just out-absurd them!!:2up:


Clearly, this is more fodder that the modern day liberal addresses the public as if they all have half a brain.......there are realms of absurdity we cant even imagine yet that will come from these mental cases!:spinner:
The Bastard is a total dumb fuck. CO2 doesn't mix well with the atmosphere? LOL

Joe Bastardi - Wikipedia

Stance on global warming[edit]
Bastardi is an outspoken contrarian regarding human-induced global warming.[13] His views are sharply at odds with the scientific consensus on the topic.[14]

Bastardi has asserted that the world was warmer in the 1930s than today, as well as stating that human contribution of carbon dioxide is too small to have any effect, and warming is caused by sun spots and exchange with warmer oceans.[15] He argues in his columns that extreme weather events occur naturally and that there is not enough evidence to state that such events are unusual.[16] In 2011, Bastardi wrote that, as he had predicted three years earlier, global average temperature was falling, and by 2030 would return to levels seen in the late 1970s due to the "triple-crown of cooling" comprising oceanic temperature cycles, solar radiation cycles, and volcanic activity.[17]

Bastardi also states that carbon dioxide cannot cause global warming because this would violate the first law of thermodynamics,[15] a misunderstanding of that gas's role in causing warming.[18] He has further explained:

CO2 cannot cause global warming. I'll tell you why. It doesn't mix well with the atmosphere, for one. For two, its specific gravity is 1 1/2 times that of the rest of the atmosphere. It heats and cools much quicker. Its radiative processes are much different. So it cannot -- it literally cannot cause global warming. --- Joe Bastardi, Fox Business, March 9, 2012.[19]

Physicist Richard A. Muller states that Bastardi's explanation of CO2 is "completely wrong" and "even skeptics of global warming, if they know physics, would disagree with him."[14]

Bastardi and science popularizer Bill Nye have clashed over climate change. In 2010 they debated on Fox TV.[20] In 2015–2016 Bastardi and Nye publicly challenged each other with predictions of mean global surface temperature in the near term.[21][22][23]

Well of course Wikipedia is going to pan anybody who isn't in the climate scientist club. Here's the thing........guys like Bastardi have had an impact on the public's perception which is the only thing that matters. Hard core warmists, of course, will call him an idiot, dumb yada........yada..........but they call anybody who doesn't concur with the established narrative a dope. Which is fine.........only matters who's winning!! Bastardi has a huge following!!:bye1: Not going to find a quote from some nobody climate scientist in Montana on The Drudge Report............ever.:deal:. But Bastardi...........he'll be on there lots!!:rock:

Oh too.......Bastardi knows that the whole CO2 crap cant be proven so to him and millions of others, theories are ghey.
OMG.....this made me burst out laughing..............

Insanity…It’s Witchcraft’ – Meteorologist Joe Bastardi on claims that cold & snow caused by ‘global warming’ – WeatherBell Meteorologist Joe Bastardi on January 4, 2018: “This is flat out insanity and deception now To tell the public that events that have occurred countless times before with no climate change attribution, is now just that, is not science, its witchcraft. NO PROOF AT ALL. Its climate ambulance chasing, nothing more.”

Al Gore: ‘Bitter cold’ is ‘exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis’

I remember some years ago Rush Limbaugh saying that the only way to deal with the absurdities of members of the climate change religion is to simply just out-absurd them!!:2up:


Clearly, this is more fodder that the modern day liberal addresses the public as if they all have half a brain.......there are realms of absurdity we cant even imagine yet that will come from these mental cases!:spinner:
The Bastard is a total dumb fuck. CO2 doesn't mix well with the atmosphere? LOL

Joe Bastardi - Wikipedia

Stance on global warming[edit]
Bastardi is an outspoken contrarian regarding human-induced global warming.[13] His views are sharply at odds with the scientific consensus on the topic.[14]

Bastardi has asserted that the world was warmer in the 1930s than today, as well as stating that human contribution of carbon dioxide is too small to have any effect, and warming is caused by sun spots and exchange with warmer oceans.[15] He argues in his columns that extreme weather events occur naturally and that there is not enough evidence to state that such events are unusual.[16] In 2011, Bastardi wrote that, as he had predicted three years earlier, global average temperature was falling, and by 2030 would return to levels seen in the late 1970s due to the "triple-crown of cooling" comprising oceanic temperature cycles, solar radiation cycles, and volcanic activity.[17]

Bastardi also states that carbon dioxide cannot cause global warming because this would violate the first law of thermodynamics,[15] a misunderstanding of that gas's role in causing warming.[18] He has further explained:

CO2 cannot cause global warming. I'll tell you why. It doesn't mix well with the atmosphere, for one. For two, its specific gravity is 1 1/2 times that of the rest of the atmosphere. It heats and cools much quicker. Its radiative processes are much different. So it cannot -- it literally cannot cause global warming. --- Joe Bastardi, Fox Business, March 9, 2012.[19]

Physicist Richard A. Muller states that Bastardi's explanation of CO2 is "completely wrong" and "even skeptics of global warming, if they know physics, would disagree with him."[14]

Bastardi and science popularizer Bill Nye have clashed over climate change. In 2010 they debated on Fox TV.[20] In 2015–2016 Bastardi and Nye publicly challenged each other with predictions of mean global surface temperature in the near term.[21][22][23]
Joe has a masters in atmospheric physics...

Now we see just how stupid people react to the truth..
OMG.....this made me burst out laughing..............

Insanity…It’s Witchcraft’ – Meteorologist Joe Bastardi on claims that cold & snow caused by ‘global warming’ – WeatherBell Meteorologist Joe Bastardi on January 4, 2018: “This is flat out insanity and deception now To tell the public that events that have occurred countless times before with no climate change attribution, is now just that, is not science, its witchcraft. NO PROOF AT ALL. Its climate ambulance chasing, nothing more.”

Al Gore: ‘Bitter cold’ is ‘exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis’

I remember some years ago Rush Limbaugh saying that the only way to deal with the absurdities of members of the climate change religion is to simply just out-absurd them!!:2up:


Clearly, this is more fodder that the modern day liberal addresses the public as if they all have half a brain.......there are realms of absurdity we cant even imagine yet that will come from these mental cases!:spinner:
The Bastard is a total dumb fuck. CO2 doesn't mix well with the atmosphere? LOL

Joe Bastardi - Wikipedia

Stance on global warming[edit]
Bastardi is an outspoken contrarian regarding human-induced global warming.[13] His views are sharply at odds with the scientific consensus on the topic.[14]

Bastardi has asserted that the world was warmer in the 1930s than today, as well as stating that human contribution of carbon dioxide is too small to have any effect, and warming is caused by sun spots and exchange with warmer oceans.[15] He argues in his columns that extreme weather events occur naturally and that there is not enough evidence to state that such events are unusual.[16] In 2011, Bastardi wrote that, as he had predicted three years earlier, global average temperature was falling, and by 2030 would return to levels seen in the late 1970s due to the "triple-crown of cooling" comprising oceanic temperature cycles, solar radiation cycles, and volcanic activity.[17]

Bastardi also states that carbon dioxide cannot cause global warming because this would violate the first law of thermodynamics,[15] a misunderstanding of that gas's role in causing warming.[18] He has further explained:

CO2 cannot cause global warming. I'll tell you why. It doesn't mix well with the atmosphere, for one. For two, its specific gravity is 1 1/2 times that of the rest of the atmosphere. It heats and cools much quicker. Its radiative processes are much different. So it cannot -- it literally cannot cause global warming. --- Joe Bastardi, Fox Business, March 9, 2012.[19]

Physicist Richard A. Muller states that Bastardi's explanation of CO2 is "completely wrong" and "even skeptics of global warming, if they know physics, would disagree with him."[14]

Bastardi and science popularizer Bill Nye have clashed over climate change. In 2010 they debated on Fox TV.[20] In 2015–2016 Bastardi and Nye publicly challenged each other with predictions of mean global surface temperature in the near term.[21][22][23]
Joe has a masters in atmospheric physics...

Now we see just how stupid people react to the truth..

lol...........but that is a fake degree according to the climate crusaders.:coffee:
Joe has a masters in atmospheric physics...

Just like Billy does. That is, he doesn't. Billy is lying.

Nobody could get an MS in atmospheric physics while denying the greenhouse effect, as Bastardi does. He's got an BS in meteorology, from back in the days when that was a glorified journalism degree.

Billy, Skook. lying is ghey. Stop it.
Joe has a masters in atmospheric physics...

Just like Billy does. That is, he doesn't. Billy is lying.

Nobody could get an MS in atmospheric physics while denying the greenhouse effect, as Bastardi does. He's got an BS in meteorology, from back in the days when that was a glorified journalism degree.

Billy, Skook. lying is ghey. Stop it.
This is how stupid people deal with facts^^^

You really have issues with facts... I suggest you take your own advice and quit lying...
Bastardi and science popularizer Bill Nye have clashed over climate change. In 2010 they debated on Fox TV.[20] In 2015–2016 Bastardi and Nye publicly challenged each other with predictions of mean global surface temperature in the near term.[21][22][23]
You're unwittingly demonstrating part of the AGW extremist agenda fallacy.
Nye, a PBS kids show host, not only debated Bastardi, an actual meteorologist, but he also debated Richard Lindzen, an MIT professor emeritus of atmospherics.
None of the AGW extremist 'alleged consensus' scientists are debating any of this publicly with any of the non-concurring experts. That's revealing.
Joe has a masters in atmospheric physics...

Just like Billy does. That is, he doesn't. Billy is lying.

Nobody could get an MS in atmospheric physics while denying the greenhouse effect, as Bastardi does. He's got an BS in meteorology, from back in the days when that was a glorified journalism degree.

Billy, Skook. lying is ghey. Stop it.

This bozo will go to his box never understanding that how many degree's you have doesn't matter for dick in the real world.........its all about who is listening to you. Nobody is listening to the climate scientists. The science is nothing more than an internet hobby.

We've been hearing for 2 decades about the "climate scientist/experts" from members of the religion, which means, all other degree's are fake........"you skeptics don't know science".

duh.............we don't have to.:bye1::spinner: Because our side is winning!! I can post up tons of evidence..........they cant post up dick!!:2up:

lol...........Billy and I lob MOAB bombs in here and the responses we get from the religion = small spitballs.:mm:
Bastardi and science popularizer Bill Nye have clashed over climate change. In 2010 they debated on Fox TV.[20] In 2015–2016 Bastardi and Nye publicly challenged each other with predictions of mean global surface temperature in the near term.[21][22][23]
You're unwittingly demonstrating part of the AGW extremist agenda fallacy.
Nye, a PBS kids show host, not only debated Bastardi, an actual meteorologist, but he also debated Richard Lindzen, an MIT professor emeritus of atmospherics.
None of the AGW extremist 'alleged consensus' scientists are debating any of this publicly with any of the non-concurring experts. That's revealing.

Very, very good point. Where are these guys? They couldnt even debate college freshmen on this. ghey
Bastardi and science popularizer Bill Nye have clashed over climate change. In 2010 they debated on Fox TV.[20] In 2015–2016 Bastardi and Nye publicly challenged each other with predictions of mean global surface temperature in the near term.[21][22][23]
You're unwittingly demonstrating part of the AGW extremist agenda fallacy.
Nye, a PBS kids show host, not only debated Bastardi, an actual meteorologist, but he also debated Richard Lindzen, an MIT professor emeritus of atmospherics.
None of the AGW extremist 'alleged consensus' scientists are debating any of this publicly with any of the non-concurring experts. That's revealing.

Very, very good point. Where are these guys? They couldnt even debate college freshmen on this. ghey
Judith Curry PhD debated some in front of congress and she wiped the floor with them on science and the math. Since then, none of them want to play in the spotlight. I guess light is the best disinfectant to lies and bullshit... Exposing Hansen for the liar he is was a stunning example of just how shoddy the CAGW meme is.
Bastardi and science popularizer Bill Nye have clashed over climate change. In 2010 they debated on Fox TV.[20] In 2015–2016 Bastardi and Nye publicly challenged each other with predictions of mean global surface temperature in the near term.[21][22][23]
You're unwittingly demonstrating part of the AGW extremist agenda fallacy.
Nye, a PBS kids show host, not only debated Bastardi, an actual meteorologist, but he also debated Richard Lindzen, an MIT professor emeritus of atmospherics.
None of the AGW extremist 'alleged consensus' scientists are debating any of this publicly with any of the non-concurring experts. That's revealing.

Very, very good point. Where are these guys? They couldnt even debate college freshmen on this. ghey
Judith Curry PhD debated some in front of congress and she wiped the floor with them on science and the math. Since then, none of them want to play in the spotlight. I guess light is the best disinfectant to lies and bullshit... Exposing Hansen for the liar he is was a stunning example of just how shoddy the CAGW meme is.

Cleaned their clocks...........if you were a climate k00k watching that, you were shitting your shorts. I remember that thread was posted up and was virtually ignored by the climate crusaders. That what they do when they are made to look like bone heads........they know the fastest way for a thread to fall off page one is to ignore it. lol.........fucking fags.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Bastardi and science popularizer Bill Nye have clashed over climate change. In 2010 they debated on Fox TV.[20] In 2015–2016 Bastardi and Nye publicly challenged each other with predictions of mean global surface temperature in the near term.[21][22][23]
You're unwittingly demonstrating part of the AGW extremist agenda fallacy.
Nye, a PBS kids show host, not only debated Bastardi, an actual meteorologist, but he also debated Richard Lindzen, an MIT professor emeritus of atmospherics.
None of the AGW extremist 'alleged consensus' scientists are debating any of this publicly with any of the non-concurring experts. That's revealing.

Very, very good point. Where are these guys? They couldnt even debate college freshmen on this. ghey
Judith Curry PhD debated some in front of congress and she wiped the floor with them on science and the math. Since then, none of them want to play in the spotlight. I guess light is the best disinfectant to lies and bullshit... Exposing Hansen for the liar he is was a stunning example of just how shoddy the CAGW meme is.

Cleaned their clocks...........if you were a climate k00k watching that, you were shitting your shorts. I remember that thread was posted up and was virtually ignored by the climate crusaders. That what they do when they are made to look like bone heads........they know the fastest way for a thread to fall off page one is to ignore it. lol.........fucking fags.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Personally, I think Hansen lost all credibility then as a scientist and he never recovered from it. When Curry exposed his deception it was over...
Bastardi and science popularizer Bill Nye have clashed over climate change. In 2010 they debated on Fox TV.[20] In 2015–2016 Bastardi and Nye publicly challenged each other with predictions of mean global surface temperature in the near term.[21][22][23]
You're unwittingly demonstrating part of the AGW extremist agenda fallacy.
Nye, a PBS kids show host, not only debated Bastardi, an actual meteorologist, but he also debated Richard Lindzen, an MIT professor emeritus of atmospherics.
None of the AGW extremist 'alleged consensus' scientists are debating any of this publicly with any of the non-concurring experts. That's revealing.

Very, very good point. Where are these guys? They couldnt even debate college freshmen on this. ghey
Judith Curry PhD debated some in front of congress and she wiped the floor with them on science and the math. Since then, none of them want to play in the spotlight. I guess light is the best disinfectant to lies and bullshit... Exposing Hansen for the liar he is was a stunning example of just how shoddy the CAGW meme is.

Cleaned their clocks...........if you were a climate k00k watching that, you were shitting your shorts. I remember that thread was posted up and was virtually ignored by the climate crusaders. That what they do when they are made to look like bone heads........they know the fastest way for a thread to fall off page one is to ignore it. lol.........fucking fags.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Personally, I think Hansen lost all credibility then as a scientist and he never recovered from it. When Curry exposed his deception it was over...

Whats funny is...........for all the falling all over themselves trying to discredit Curry, at the end of the day, public policy makers the world over are embracing the Curry science = what has become known as "lukewarmist". Its not even debatable..........the world has, year after year, rejected embracing climate alarmism.

Which means...................WHOS NOT WINNING???:funnyface::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

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