Progressivism is incompatible with life


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.
Ask yourself this question: Is a black child likely to grow up happy if he is told by his parents, his teachers, his political leaders, and all his media that society largely hates him? Of course not. Raising a black child to regard America as racist and oppressive all but guarantees an unhappy black adult.
The progressive ideology is breeding a resentful, miserable, unhappy following. Which explains the violence, the tearing down of monuments, and the perpetual aggravation of the left.

Why Leftists Are So Unhappy
Well that is because it is controlled by the far left!

As we have seen in Pennsylvania, in order for the Democrats to win, they have to run as blue Dog Democrats and denounce the far left and all their religious dogma.
Perhaps it's incompatible with the life you want, where women can't vote, blacks know their place, and your lack of ability to see beyond your Archie Bunker mentality isn't a source of ridicule.
As a student of history, did you know that the term "progressive" was given to American POW's who had been "re-educated" during the Korea War? I recall learning of this on a documentary on various wars, tactics, spying etc.

The Chinese and North Koreans essentially brainwashed pilots and others who were captured and had them used as propaganda. It was the honest to God term that the Chinese proudly gave to the most ardent and committed believers of the Communist re-education, some even stayed in North Korea or China (I forgot which now) after the war and remained over there voluntarily.

Something to consider as the alt-left gets a little too strong for my liking.
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Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.
Ask yourself this question: Is a black child likely to grow up happy if he is told by his parents, his teachers, his political leaders, and all his media that society largely hates him? Of course not. Raising a black child to regard America as racist and oppressive all but guarantees an unhappy black adult.
The progressive ideology is breeding a resentful, miserable, unhappy following. Which explains the violence, the tearing down of monuments, and the perpetual aggravation of the left.

Why Leftists Are So Unhappy
Promiscuity? You mean like screwing stormy Daniels 1 year after you married melania and 4 months after baron was born?
As a student of history, did you know that the term "progressive" was given to American POW's who had been "re-educated" during the Korea War? I recall learning of this on a documentary on various wars, tactics, spying etc.

The Chinese and North Koreans essentially brainwashed pilots and others who were captured and had them used as propaganda. It was the honest to God term that the Chinese proudly gave to the most ardent and committed believers of the Communist re-education, some even stayed in North Korea or China (I forgot which now) after the war and remained over there voluntarily.

Something to consider as the alt-left gets a little too strong for my liking.

Some terms that were once thought to be insults are now compliments. The term geek now means someone who is very adept with electronics, but about the time those pilots and others were being called progressive, the term geek referred to someone who bit the heads off of chickens and snakes for the entertainment of carnival audiences. See how language changes, and how dumb your remark is now?
As a student of history, did you know that the term "progressive" was given to American POW's who had been "re-educated" during the Korea War? I recall learning of this on a documentary on various wars, tactics, spying etc.

The Chinese and North Koreans essentially brainwashed pilots and others who were captured and had them used as propaganda. It was the honest to God term that the Chinese proudly gave to the most ardent and committed believers of the Communist re-education, some even stayed in North Korea or China (I forgot which now) after the war and remained over there voluntarily.

Something to consider as the alt-left gets a little too strong for my liking.

Do you have a source for this...I am calling you out for your bullshit. You just pulled this out of your ass.
Well that is because it is controlled by the far left!

As we have seen in Pennsylvania, in order for the Democrats to win, they have to run as blue Dog Democrats and denounce the far left and all their religious dogma.

Are you talking about Lamb? Do you know what any of his positions are?

Conor Lamb campaigned:

1. For universal health care
2. Against Trump’s tax cut
3. For expanded background checks
4. For stronger unions
5. Against cuts to Social Security
6. For a woman’s right to choose
7. For medical marijuana
Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.
Ask yourself this question: Is a black child likely to grow up happy if he is told by his parents, his teachers, his political leaders, and all his media that society largely hates him? Of course not. Raising a black child to regard America as racist and oppressive all but guarantees an unhappy black adult.
The progressive ideology is breeding a resentful, miserable, unhappy following. Which explains the violence, the tearing down of monuments, and the perpetual aggravation of the left.

Why Leftists Are So Unhappy
Promiscuity? You mean like screwing stormy Daniels 1 year after you married melania and 4 months after baron was born?
Says a Clinton fanboy... lol
Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.
Ask yourself this question: Is a black child likely to grow up happy if he is told by his parents, his teachers, his political leaders, and all his media that society largely hates him? Of course not. Raising a black child to regard America as racist and oppressive all but guarantees an unhappy black adult.
The progressive ideology is breeding a resentful, miserable, unhappy following. Which explains the violence, the tearing down of monuments, and the perpetual aggravation of the left.

Why Leftists Are So Unhappy
Promiscuity? You mean like screwing stormy Daniels 1 year after you married melania and 4 months after baron was born?
Says a Clinton fanboy... lol
I never claimed to care who they were screwing. Your side did. Oh the sanctity of marriage.

Like father like son too. Did you see Don Jr. is getting a divorce? I'm sure he's a tough guy and will take it on the (no) chin.

As a student of history, did you know that the term "progressive" was given to American POW's who had been "re-educated" during the Korea War? I recall learning of this on a documentary on various wars, tactics, spying etc.

The Chinese and North Koreans essentially brainwashed pilots and others who were captured and had them used as propaganda. It was the honest to God term that the Chinese proudly gave to the most ardent and committed believers of the Communist re-education, some even stayed in North Korea or China (I forgot which now) after the war and remained over there voluntarily.

Something to consider as the alt-left gets a little too strong for my liking.

Do you have a source for this...I am calling you out for your bullshit. You just pulled this out of your ass.

Don't ever call me a bs'er again. I don't lie. I may not have all the details at my disposal, but just as sure as the nose on your face, I NEVER lie. That's the discrediting, character assassination the RCMP and their pals have used in Canada to paint me as a demon, in an effort to protect their own asses.

Here is a link easily found:

The Korean War Prisoner Who Never Came Home

At the time the armistice agreement was signed, in July, 1953, by an American and a North Korean general on what is now the de facto border between the two Koreas, twenty-three American prisoners of war refused to be repatriated to the United States. They were part of a much larger group of prisoners whom the Chinese had dubbed “progressives”—soldiers who had signed petitions, written letters, and made speeches denouncing American involvement in the war. Some had gone even further: informing on their fellow detainees, participating in propaganda films, and even donning enemy uniforms.
Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.
Ask yourself this question: Is a black child likely to grow up happy if he is told by his parents, his teachers, his political leaders, and all his media that society largely hates him? Of course not. Raising a black child to regard America as racist and oppressive all but guarantees an unhappy black adult.
The progressive ideology is breeding a resentful, miserable, unhappy following. Which explains the violence, the tearing down of monuments, and the perpetual aggravation of the left.

Why Leftists Are So Unhappy

But is it really just the left whose position is incompatible with life? The refusal to take personal responsibility is an inherent quality of all politics. That's the whole idea behind government: handing problems over to a powerful collective entity instead of handling them as individuals. The right does not want the responsibility of defending themselves from aggressors, so they advocate a strong military. They also don't want to pay for it themselves, so they advocate dissenters being made to pay for that military via coercive taxation. The rejection of God is also present among conservatives, as they support government in general; an institution which inherently claims the right to make laws which supersede the individual's religious beliefs. The right doesn't want a mommy state to care for them, but they want a daddy state to protect them. I don't see a significant ideological difference at the core of it. Nowhere along the entire political spectrum is true self-responsibility embraced and advocated.
I'm inclined to agree with the study's findings. Years before Limbaugh came along by observation and listening in the local barber shop, I gained a notion that conservatives, being a tough bunch, wallow in their misery.
As a student of history, did you know that the term "progressive" was given to American POW's who had been "re-educated" during the Korea War? I recall learning of this on a documentary on various wars, tactics, spying etc.

The Chinese and North Koreans essentially brainwashed pilots and others who were captured and had them used as propaganda. It was the honest to God term that the Chinese proudly gave to the most ardent and committed believers of the Communist re-education, some even stayed in North Korea or China (I forgot which now) after the war and remained over there voluntarily.

Something to consider as the alt-left gets a little too strong for my liking.
And in their study of those that had been brainwashed America discovered that the more education a prisoner had, the less effective the brainwashing.
Promiscuity? You mean like screwing stormy Daniels 1 year after you married melania and 4 months after baron was born?
Yeah...that’s exactly what I mean. You do realize that Donald Trump is a life-long New York limousine liberal, don’t you?
Well that is because it is controlled by the far left!

As we have seen in Pennsylvania, in order for the Democrats to win, they have to run as blue Dog Democrats and denounce the far left and all their religious dogma.

Are you talking about Lamb? Do you know what any of his positions are?

Conor Lamb campaigned:

1. For universal health care
2. Against Trump’s tax cut
3. For expanded background checks
4. For stronger unions
5. Against cuts to Social Security
6. For a woman’s right to choose
7. For medical marijuana
Are you talking about Lamb? Do you know what his positions were?

1. Pro-gun, 2nd Amendment Rights
2. Pro-life
3. Drill baby, drill approach to energy and fossil fuels
The next tactic seems to be trying to make Trump a liberal Democrat. Trump is a Republican and the Republicans gets to keep him--forever. Trump will go down in the history books as a Republican along with his record and his rating, as America's worst president. That record might last for some time.

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