Progressives, President Trump scored ANOTHER HUGE VICTORY TODAY!

Yes, we have seen the massive success of President Obama. Syria, Iraq, San Bernardino, Boston, Orlando and the list goes on!

Just as I thought. You're a partisan retard with comically limited intellectual honesty.

Go eat your Big Mac.

Interesting. You take the retard's position that Obama hasn't killed any ISIS fighters.


I was pointing out the irony of you posting this:

You're a partisan retard with comically limited intellectual honesty.

Do you even know what intellectual honesty is?
How was my comment dishonest?
He didn't do anything today and that means he'll never do anything again because Trump.....I think that's how their logic goes.

No, actually I highly doubt you ever stop to think. No such thing, President Trump has had extensive talks and has demonstrated to our friends and enemies that there is a new sheriff in town. The Free World gives two standing ovations and our enemies are waving their little swords.

I don't see a problem.
a new sheriff that doesn't know his ass from his elbow about foreign affairs current events A sheriff who knows more about cake than what country he had someone else give the order to bomb..What will the turd flip flop on next?,,,Ask haftawait He's a smart repub lol
Welp, I guess since now we know Kim Jong did fire off a missile yesterday now time for the new excuses. Just like I said would happen.
Welp, I guess since now we know Kim Jong did fire off a missile yesterday now time for the new excuses. Just like I said would happen.
hopefully futures will come back ,,,DOW is getting killed thanks to all mouth no action dump
Welp, I guess since now we know Kim Jong did fire off a missile yesterday now time for the new excuses. Just like I said would happen.
I heard it soared a few feet off the ground and then exploded or something.

Yeah, it failed but the same people who claimed it was a victory because Kim was scared of Trump now have painted themselves into a corner.
Yeah, it failed but the same people who claimed it was a victory because Kim was scared of Trump now have painted themselves into a corner.
It's a great corner to be in and the fat boy's an idiot.

There's two "fat boys" in that corner, and they're BOTH idiots. Kim is actually starting to look the like saner of the two. He's certainly smarter than Trump, but that doesn't take much.
Yeah, it failed but the same people who claimed it was a victory because Kim was scared of Trump now have painted themselves into a corner.
It's a great corner to be in and the fat boy's an idiot.

There's two "fat boys" in that corner, and they're BOTH idiots. Kim is actually starting to look the like saner of the two. He's certainly smarter than Trump, but that doesn't take much.
Hell, the fat boy's not even smarter than you . Real ding bat material.
Good point! How are they calling Kim Jong fat boy when trump looks like 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag?
Yeah, it failed but the same people who claimed it was a victory because Kim was scared of Trump now have painted themselves into a corner.
It's a great corner to be in and the fat boy's an idiot.

There's two "fat boys" in that corner, and they're BOTH idiots. Kim is actually starting to look the like saner of the two. He's certainly smarter than Trump, but that doesn't take much.
Hell, the fat boy's not even smarter than you . Real ding bat material.

Which tells you how STUPID Trump is.
Yeah, it failed but the same people who claimed it was a victory because Kim was scared of Trump now have painted themselves into a corner.
It's a great corner to be in and the fat boy's an idiot.

There's two "fat boys" in that corner, and they're BOTH idiots. Kim is actually starting to look the like saner of the two. He's certainly smarter than Trump, but that doesn't take much.
Hell, the fat boy's not even smarter than you . Real ding bat material.

Which tells you how STUPID Trump is.
No, it tells me that you're a ding bat.
And the US dropped an inert nuclear bomb last week, is that another triumph for the Trumpets?
MOAB is not nuclear. Well, you thought bulls were cows, so I'm not surprised.
Cows are the entire spectrum of cattle...Duh..
Not speaking of MOAB there dickmunch...You would do better to shut the fuck up and listen, least the fool you make yourself will never end..
U.S. Air Force test-drops inert nuclear bomb
The dropping of the bomb, the first of the upgraded B-61 variant, was to demonstrate the capability of an F-16 to employ the weapon and the functioning of the bomb's non-nuclear components, such as the arming and fire control system, radar altimeter, rocket motors and weapons control computer, the Air Force said.

"The B61-12 gravity bomb ensures the current capability for the air-delivered leg of the U.S. strategic nuclear triad well into the future for both bombers and dual-capable aircraft supporting NATO," Paul Waugh, AFNWC's Air-Delivered Capabilities director, said in a press release.

U.S. Air Force test-drops inert nuclear bomb
He didn't do anything today and that means he'll never do anything again because Trump.....I think that's how their logic goes.

No matter that he's been firing off missiles like Sassy drunkard shoots off her mouth. TODAY is all that matters!!
Nothing the last eight years stopped him so, what do you attribute this to?

What do I attribute one day without a launch too? IDK, bUT if they feared Trump why they do so many launches on his watch?
They've been doing these same tests for the last eight years. Suddenly they missed a launch date. I wonder why? During the obie admin they were told not to...and did it anyway. Now they are told not to...and don't. I wonder why?
Meh is under FBI Investigation and his approval's are at 35 percent! Why do you back a LOSER!!!!

..................................Poll Date..... Sample...... Approve Disapprove Spread
Gallup ......................4/12 - 4/14.... 1500 A........... 39............. 55.......... -16

Rasmussen Reports 4/11 - 4/13..... 1500 LV.......... 48 .............52............ -4

A=Anyone over 18
LV=Likey Voter
Trump's approval is so low, he won't be given the keys to launch nukes1!!
Meh is under FBI Investigation and his approval's are at 35 percent! Why do you back a LOSER!!!!

Please show us where President Donald Trump is under FBI investigation. Then again, we can show where the Clinton's and their slush fund ARE under investigation.

As for Donald Trump's approval, you lie here too.

..................................Poll Date..... Sample...... Approve Disapprove Spread
Gallup ......................4/12 - 4/14....... 1500 A........... 39............. 55.......... -16

Rasmussen Reports 4/11 - 4/13..... 1500 LV.......... 48 .............52............ -4

A=Anyone over 18
LV=Likey Voter

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Progressives, President Trump scored another huge victory today!

Progressives, have you heard about the nuclear bomb test set off by Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un in celebration of their 105 anniversary? How about the test launch of his ICBM's?

Yeah, ME NEITHER! After all of Kim Jong-un saber rattling and their past history of setting off either a nuclear test or ICBM test on these anniversaries.

This year, NOTHING. Why?

This comes after President Donald Trump meets face to face with President Xi Jinping of China, during which time President Trump launched the attack against Syria. This week, Rex Tillerson was scheduled with Russia but no meeting with President Putin was scheduled. Tillerson's meeting was not canceled, despite the screaming coming from the Kremlin. After the meeting with his counterpart, Tillerson then met with President Putin, not a handshake and done, but for TWO HOURS.

Following that, some of you may have noticed that we killed more than 90 ISIS fighters along with three massive tunnels with the MOAB.

Presto, a sedated Kim Jong-un.

Yeah, Progressive's panties are in knots!

Here's the best headline Kim Jung-un could muster.

North Korea rolls out missiles, other weaponry at annual parade

Published April 15, 2017
North Korea rolls out missiles, other weaponry at annual parade
What was his first big victory? The word "another" implies that he's had others?

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