Progressives, President Trump scored ANOTHER HUGE VICTORY TODAY!

Assassination of Kim may be the quickest, best way.

That was discussed in terms of klan leaders in our area when I was young. Nothing ever happened, but the talk got out and the Klan subsided big time.
We've all seen this before. The rhetoric is the same, the goal is the same, only the target changes. For a long time it was communism, the Soviet Union, Vietnam. Then a few years internally with the war on crime, war on drugs. Then back out internationally creating one bad guy after another. Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, all starting with the same, lame right wing rhetoric...

war on terror
Islamic threat
Iranian threat
Iraqi threat
Assad threat
Putin threat
Korean threat just doesn't stop. We make up our enemies as we go along.
No, those were all real threats. What's important is how we deal with them. Limited force, diplomacy, and patience works. However, there are always those that just want to get it done, blow'em up and move on. In Iraq, that cost the lives of thousands of Americans, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, trillions of dollars, and what do we have to show for it. In Viet Nam it cost 58,000 US lives and nearly a million Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians, and what did we have to show for that. Unfortunately patience, diplomacy, and limited force rarely makes good campaign rhetoric or garners the support of the public.
Wow! Looks like I really struck a Rastamen nerve in a big way!

Oh shucks!


Lousy Photoshop. As you know, the original has MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

You really work hard to prove yourself a loser don't you?
Racists elected Trump
What's wrong with protesting Trump for the next 4 years!!! Hell Impeachment watch and calls have already started!!!!
Only in your dreams...
Red State Amerika is dreaming!!!!! Trump has conned them! Once the congress gets back off vacation the slow drip of Russia will be keeping Trump up again!!!! Trump is can now be blackmailed by Putin. The Trump investigation is getting deeper!!!
What's wrong with protesting Trump for the next 4 years!!! Hell Impeachment watch and calls have already started!!!!
Only in your dreams...
Red State Amerika is dreaming!!!!! Trump has conned them! Once the congress gets back off vacation the slow drip of Russia will be keeping Trump up again!!!! Trump is can now be blackmailed by Putin. The Trump investigation is getting deeper!!!

Bologna Rasta, don't get your hopes up. With what Adam Shift and his staff are saying will not be giving you much hope for when they return to the house so like I said don't place all of your hopes and dreams in the get Trump basket, you will be disappointed.
No, those were all real threats. What's important is how we deal with them. Limited force, diplomacy, and patience works. However, there are always those that just want to get it done, blow'em up and move on. In Iraq, that cost the lives of thousands of Americans, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, trillions of dollars, and what do we have to show for it. In Viet Nam it cost 58,000 US lives and nearly a million Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians, and what did we have to show for that. Unfortunately patience, diplomacy, and limited force rarely makes good campaign rhetoric or garners the support of the public.
Those were all threats we manufactured out of thin air.

Vietnam was a made up war, starting with the Gulf of Tonkin lie.

Communism was a witch hunt.

There is no Islamic threat. People in the ME hate us for the bombs we dropped in their neighborhoods.

Iran hates us for what our CIA did to them in 1953.

Chili hates us for backing Pinochet.

Central America hates us for that School of the America's.

Anyone who believed Iraq was a threat, is either a fucking liar, or the biggest pussy on the planet.

Assad is not a threat, he's just the next in line.

And Korea is the one after him.​

We always create a bad guy to justify that obscene defense budget.
No, those were all real threats. What's important is how we deal with them. Limited force, diplomacy, and patience works. However, there are always those that just want to get it done, blow'em up and move on. In Iraq, that cost the lives of thousands of Americans, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, trillions of dollars, and what do we have to show for it. In Viet Nam it cost 58,000 US lives and nearly a million Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians, and what did we have to show for that. Unfortunately patience, diplomacy, and limited force rarely makes good campaign rhetoric or garners the support of the public.
Those were all threats we manufactured out of thin air.

Vietnam was a made up war, starting with the Gulf of Tonkin lie.

Communism was a witch hunt.

There is no Islamic threat. People in the ME hate us for the bombs we dropped in their neighborhoods.

Iran hates us for what our CIA did to them in 1953.

Chili hates us for backing Pinochet.

Central America hates us for that School of the America's.

Anyone who believed Iraq was a threat, is either a fucking liar, or the biggest pussy on the planet.

Assad is not a threat, he's just the next in line.

And Korea is the one after him.​

We always create a bad guy to justify that obscene defense budget.

Assuming EVERYTHING you state is true, why has the Free World give President Donald Trump and the U.S. standing ovations after the missile attack in Syria and again after the MOAB was dropped killing nearly 100 ISIS fighters along with crushing tunnels holding munitions and supplies?
Progressives, President Trump scored another huge victory today!

Progressives, have you heard about the nuclear bomb test set off by Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un in celebration of their 105 anniversary? How about the test launch of his ICBM's?

Yeah, ME NEITHER! After all of Kim Jong-un saber rattling and their past history of setting off either a nuclear test or ICBM test on these anniversaries.

This year, NOTHING. Why?

This comes after President Donald Trump meets face to face with President Xi Jinping of China, during which time President Trump launched the attack against Syria. This week, Rex Tillerson was scheduled with Russia but no meeting with President Putin was scheduled. Tillerson's meeting was not canceled, despite the screaming coming from the Kremlin. After the meeting with his counterpart, Tillerson then met with President Putin, not a handshake and done, but for TWO HOURS.

Following that, some of you may have noticed that we killed more than 90 ISIS fighters along with three massive tunnels with the MOAB.

Presto, a sedated Kim Jong-un.

Yeah, Progressive's panties are in knots!

Here's the best headline Kim Jung-un could muster.

North Korea rolls out missiles, other weaponry at annual parade

Published April 15, 2017
North Korea rolls out missiles, other weaponry at annual parade

At least Trump knows to attack during a parade.
Well fat boy Kim in N.Korea finally fired off 2 missiles but they were duds.

DJ Trump is apparently playing this down.

Had they not been duds it is interesting to wonder what he would have done otherwise.

No nuke tests have been conducted lately by the fat boy Kim either.

Apparently the attempted launches were hacked. I wonder who might have done such a thing?

You keep repeating "apparently it was hacked" how the fuck do you know?
What's wrong with protesting Trump for the next 4 years!!! Hell Impeachment watch and calls have already started!!!!
Only in your dreams...
Red State Amerika is dreaming!!!!! Trump has conned them! Once the congress gets back off vacation the slow drip of Russia will be keeping Trump up again!!!! Trump is can now be blackmailed by Putin. The Trump investigation is getting deeper!!!

Bologna Rasta, don't get your hopes up. With what Adam Shift and his staff are saying will not be giving you much hope for when they return to the house so like I said don't place all of your hopes and dreams in the get Trump basket, you will be disappointed.

What's wrong with protesting Trump for the next 4 years!!! Hell Impeachment watch and calls have already started!!!!
Only in your dreams...
Red State Amerika is dreaming!!!!! Trump has conned them! Once the congress gets back off vacation the slow drip of Russia will be keeping Trump up again!!!! Trump is can now be blackmailed by Putin. The Trump investigation is getting deeper!!!

Bologna Rasta, don't get your hopes up. With what Adam Shift and his staff are saying will not be giving you much hope for when they return to the house so like I said don't place all of your hopes and dreams in the get Trump basket, you will be disappointed.

Its difficult to be patient with the Authoritarin put into power by Red State Amerika!!!! Question is how will it end for Trump?
Assuming EVERYTHING you state is true, why has the Free World give President Donald Trump and the U.S. standing ovations after the missile attack in Syria and again after the MOAB was dropped killing nearly 100 ISIS fighters along with crushing tunnels holding munitions and supplies?
The free world I'm looking at has condemned the attacks and called them war crimes. It is illegal to attack someone who didn't attack you first.

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