Progressives cherish the thought Trump is a liar. It's ironic everything they believe in is a lie


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
Isn't it at least a little ironic progressives cling to the idea that Trump is a liar when EVERYTHING their base stands for is a lie? You'd think a POTUS had never lied before. Sure Trump exaggerates, but most of all he's bluntly honest, and that's what really pisses progs off. They'd rather have a con-man who tells them what they want to hear, you know, like Obama.

There's not a single component of progressive ideology today that's honest or wholesome. The elite recognizes how dumbed-down progs. have become, so they take a pile of shit shove it up their collective ass and declare it a rose. The goal is to build stupidity, laziness, hatred and division.... Examples could go on forever, but here's just a few:

Trump can't do anything right, on the condition you ignore the objective, which they do 24/7.

Trump colluded with Russia despite the only evidence we have is the Democrats concluded with Russia.

Russia attacked our Democracy. We're supposed to ignore the internet censors conservative views in favor of progressive views.

When you can't defend yourself it's because your opponent is racist.

Conservatives are racist, so white people must die.

We're a far more chaotic society than before, so what do the progs. desire? Open immigration. The only way to make things worse is to destroy our culture, tradition, common language and education, and by God that's what progressives have put into practice.

Until Trump became POTUS Democrats supported homeland security, including walls and gates. Now walls and such are racist, and Jesus would never approve.

Trump said some people are good people, but progs. desire he said white supremacists are good people, because that makes them happy.

Supposedly Republicans only support the wealthy. Ironically, the wealthiest people and zip codes are progs and Republicans give more to charity.

California is the leader as a progressive State, all while they lead us into the path of socialist oligarchy.

Men were intended to marry, have kids, use the women's bathroom and compete in women's events. It's inclusive and good for the human race (cough).

Mueller's job is to search for a crime. When he can't find one he can simply build one.

"Trump Jr. celebrates Christmas with his family on the eve of a government shutdown."

Trump first POTUS in years to not visit American troops for Christmas. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

We believe in human rights and the Constitution on the condition progressives get their way. Everyone else must be shut-down and destroyed. If you support Trump you're a bad person and must be destroyed as well.

Trump is the most corrupt POTUS we've ever had, just cuz. He's also the worst we've had, just cuz.

Somehow the benefits of immigration out-weighs the costs. Protect the illegal immigrant while US citizens can bend over and take it.

Women are always the victim and white men can't be trusted.

White people are most racist even though blacks and Hispanics commit more hate crimes.

PC is good, because dishonesty is a better solution than honesty.
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Isn't it at least a little ironic progressives cling to the idea that Trump is a liar when EVERYTHING their base stands for is a lie? You'd think a POTUS had never lied before. Sure Trump exaggerates, but most of all he's bluntly honest, and that's what really pisses progs off. They'd rather have a con-man who tells them what they want to hear, you know, like Obama.

There's not a single component of progressive ideology today that's honest or wholesome. The elite recognizes how dumbed-down progs. have become, so they take a pile of shit shove it up their collective ass and declare it a rose. The goal is to build stupidity and hatred.... Examples could go on forever, but here's just a few:

Trump can't do anything right, on the condition you ignore the objective, which they do 24/7.

Trump colluded with Russia despite the only evidence we have is the Democrats concluded with Russia.

When you can't defend yourself it's because your opponent is racist.

Conservatives are racist, so white people must die.

We're a far more chaotic society than before, so what do the progs. desire? They desire open immigration. Only way to make things worse is destroy culture, tradition, common language and education, and by God that's what progressives have done.

Until Trump became POTUS Democrats supported homeland security, including walls and gates. Now walls and such are racist, and Jesus would never approve.

Trump said some people are good people, but progs. desire he said white supremacists are good people, because that makes them happy.

Supposedly Republicans only support the wealthy. Ironically, the wealthiest people and zip codes are progs and Republicans give more to charity.

California is the leader as a progressive State, all while they lead us into the path of socialist oligarchy.

Men were intended to marry, have kids, use the women's bathroom and compete in women's events. It's inclusive and good for the human race (cough).

Mueller's job is to search for a crime. When he can't find one he can simply build one.

"Trump Jr. celebrates Christmas with his family on the eve of a government shutdown."

Trump first POTUS in years to not visit American troops for Christmas. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

We believe in human rights and the Constitution on the condition progressives get their way. Everyone else must be shut-down and destroyed. If you support Trump you're a bad person and must be destroyed as well.

Trump is the most corrupt POTUS we've ever had, just cuz. He's also the worst we've had, just cuz.

Somehow the benefits of immigration out-weighs the costs. Protect the illegal immigrant while US citizens can bend over and take it.

Women are always the victim and white men can't be trusted.

White people are most racist even though blacks and Hispanics commit more hate crimes.

PC is good, because dishonesty is a better solution than honesty.

So us that 10% raise that Trump claimed the military was just given?

Or that Trump won the popular vote?

Or that we have the highest murder rate in 47 years?

Or that there were 3 to 5 million illegal votes?

Oh, and there's substantial evidence of links between the Trump team and Russian Government.

Trump himself admitted that the purpose of a meeting between Team Trump and a Russian Operative at Trump Tower was to collect dirt on Hillary from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian Government's effort to support Trump.

And of course, Trump lied his ass off about this meeting.

And compelled others to lie about this meeting.

And tried to shut down the investigation into that meeting.

This while the same Russian government that Trump's team was assured was making efforts to support Trump was attacking the United States election with an influence campaign to support Trump.

Papodapolous' indictment includes testimony of senior Trump campaign officials instructing Papodapolous to go to Russia to collect dirt on Hillary including 'thousands of emails' from representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Spanish authorities turned over to the FBI wiretaps from before the election in which Don Jr. was trying to set up a meeting with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin.

The same Alexander Torshin cited in the Maria Butina plea deal as her handler. With Maria Butina admitting to attempting to infiltrate and influence the NRA for the Russian government.

With the secret meeting between Alexander Torshin and Don Jr being in the backrooms of an NRA rally. The very organization Torshin was handling Butina to infiltrate for the Russian government.

We have Trump confidant Roger Stone having Jerome Corsi reach out to Julian Assange about unreleased emails. Emails that were, of course, hacked by Russia. With Corsi delivering to Stone specific dates for Wikileak dumps of emails stolen by Russia.

We have Trump's national security advisor lying to the FBI to try and cover up connections between Team Trump and the Russian Government.

We have Trump's foreign policy advisor lying to the FBI to try and cover up connections between Team Trump and the Russian Government.

We have Trump trying to compel the Director of the FBI to go easy on those members of the Trump team found to be lying to the FBI to try and cover up connections between team Trump and the Russian Government.

We have Trump trying to shut down the investigation into connections between team Trump and the Russian Government.

We have Trump lying about his business connections to Russia, insisting that there were none. This despite signed letters of intent to build Trump Tower Moscow, with personal appeals for intervention and assistance by his team to Vladimir Putin himself.

That you ignore it doesn't magically make it disappear.

Conservatives are racist, so white people must die.

And who exactly is making this argument?
The “thought” that Trump is a liar?

Too damn funny. How long do you think the IRS will be auditing his 2015 tax returns? We’re going on to the fourth year. LOL
Trump is a liar. You have to be a fool to not know that. They had to create a new category of liar because his lies were so many.
Conservatives must be shut down to include broad censorship, alienation, and actions that destroys their health and livelihood. White Trump supporters must be alienated as cultists, who are a danger to society and humanity. Non-white Trump supporters must be alienated as traitors and stupid.

But progressives are for human rights, free speech and inclusion.
Trump would climb a tree to tell a lie when he could tell the truth on the ground.
Conservatives must be shut down to include broad censorship, alienation, and actions that destroys their health and livelihood. White Trump supporters must be alienated as cultists, who are a danger to society and humanity. Non-white Trump supporters must be alienated as traitors and stupid.

But progressives are for human rights, free speech and inclusion.

Um....dude? Who are you quoting? You're the same hapless soul that gave us this piece of imaginary fearmongering:

Conservatives are racist, so white people must die.

Is randomly shitting your pants now an official GOP party plank?
Progressives have the MSM in their corner. So whatever they say MUST be the truth.
Hopefully, enough Americans see through the propaganda, but I'm starting to wonder as the MSM continues to hammer Trump relentlessly for 2 years now. Their indoctrination game is long term.
Progressives have the MSM in their corner. So whatever they say MUST be the truth.
Hopefully, enough Americans see through the propaganda, but I'm starting to wonder as the MSM continues to hammer Trump relentlessly for 2 years now. Their indoctrination game is long term.

I think its far more likely that rather than the entire 'MSM' being 'propogandists'......Trump is just a liar.

Its simpler, it involves far fewer people by orders and orders of magnitude. And Trump's lies are well documented.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a side on this one.
Isn't it at least a little ironic progressives cling to the idea that Trump is a liar when EVERYTHING their base stands for is a lie? You'd think a POTUS had never lied before. Sure Trump exaggerates, but most of all he's bluntly honest, and that's what really pisses progs off. They'd rather have a con-man who tells them what they want to hear, you know, like Obama.

There's not a single component of progressive ideology today that's honest or wholesome. The elite recognizes how dumbed-down progs. have become, so they take a pile of shit shove it up their collective ass and declare it a rose. The goal is to build stupidity, laziness, hatred and division.... Examples could go on forever, but here's just a few:

Trump can't do anything right, on the condition you ignore the objective, which they do 24/7.

Trump colluded with Russia despite the only evidence we have is the Democrats concluded with Russia.

Russia attacked our Democracy. We're supposed to ignore the internet censors conservative views in favor of progressive views.

When you can't defend yourself it's because your opponent is racist.

Conservatives are racist, so white people must die.

We're a far more chaotic society than before, so what do the progs. desire? Open immigration. The only way to make things worse is to destroy our culture, tradition, common language and education, and by God that's what progressives have put into practice.

Until Trump became POTUS Democrats supported homeland security, including walls and gates. Now walls and such are racist, and Jesus would never approve.

Trump said some people are good people, but progs. desire he said white supremacists are good people, because that makes them happy.

Supposedly Republicans only support the wealthy. Ironically, the wealthiest people and zip codes are progs and Republicans give more to charity.

California is the leader as a progressive State, all while they lead us into the path of socialist oligarchy.

Men were intended to marry, have kids, use the women's bathroom and compete in women's events. It's inclusive and good for the human race (cough).

Mueller's job is to search for a crime. When he can't find one he can simply build one.

"Trump Jr. celebrates Christmas with his family on the eve of a government shutdown."

Trump first POTUS in years to not visit American troops for Christmas. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

We believe in human rights and the Constitution on the condition progressives get their way. Everyone else must be shut-down and destroyed. If you support Trump you're a bad person and must be destroyed as well.

Trump is the most corrupt POTUS we've ever had, just cuz. He's also the worst we've had, just cuz.

Somehow the benefits of immigration out-weighs the costs. Protect the illegal immigrant while US citizens can bend over and take it.

Women are always the victim and white men can't be trusted.

White people are most racist even though blacks and Hispanics commit more hate crimes.

PC is good, because dishonesty is a better solution than honesty.
Sorry, I had to stop at "bluntly honest". I was laughing so hard I thought I was gonna puke.
Progressives have the MSM in their corner. So whatever they say MUST be the truth.
Hopefully, enough Americans see through the propaganda, but I'm starting to wonder as the MSM continues to hammer Trump relentlessly for 2 years now. Their indoctrination game is long term.

I think its far more likely that rather than the entire 'MSM' being 'propogandists'......Trump is just a liar.

Its simpler, it involves far fewer people by orders and orders of magnitude. And Trump's lies are well documented.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a side on this one.

F' Occam and your partisan blindfold. Doesn't get more simpler than this.
Conservatives must be shut down to include broad censorship, alienation, and actions that destroys their health and livelihood. White Trump supporters must be alienated as cultists, who are a danger to society and humanity. Non-white Trump supporters must be alienated as traitors and stupid.

But progressives are for human rights, free speech and inclusion.

Um....dude? Who are you quoting? You're the same hapless soul that gave us this piece of imaginary fearmongering:

Conservatives are racist, so white people must die.

Is randomly shitting your pants now an official GOP party plank?

Since when are words less important than actions? I'm talking about ACTIONS
So Trump is just a liar. Lets start small, which of his on-going Tweets is dishonest, or rather not bluntly honest?

Strikes me progressives are more concerned with Trump's mouth than their own actions.
Isn't it at least a little ironic progressives cling to the idea that Trump is a liar when EVERYTHING their base stands for is a lie? You'd think a POTUS had never lied before. Sure Trump exaggerates, but most of all he's bluntly honest, and that's what really pisses progs off. They'd rather have a con-man who tells them what they want to hear, you know, like Obama.

There's not a single component of progressive ideology today that's honest or wholesome. The elite recognizes how dumbed-down progs. have become, so they take a pile of shit shove it up their collective ass and declare it a rose. The goal is to build stupidity, laziness, hatred and division.... Examples could go on forever, but here's just a few:

Trump can't do anything right, on the condition you ignore the objective, which they do 24/7.

Trump colluded with Russia despite the only evidence we have is the Democrats concluded with Russia.

Russia attacked our Democracy. We're supposed to ignore the internet censors conservative views in favor of progressive views.

When you can't defend yourself it's because your opponent is racist.

Conservatives are racist, so white people must die.

We're a far more chaotic society than before, so what do the progs. desire? Open immigration. The only way to make things worse is to destroy our culture, tradition, common language and education, and by God that's what progressives have put into practice.

Until Trump became POTUS Democrats supported homeland security, including walls and gates. Now walls and such are racist, and Jesus would never approve.

Trump said some people are good people, but progs. desire he said white supremacists are good people, because that makes them happy.

Supposedly Republicans only support the wealthy. Ironically, the wealthiest people and zip codes are progs and Republicans give more to charity.

California is the leader as a progressive State, all while they lead us into the path of socialist oligarchy.

Men were intended to marry, have kids, use the women's bathroom and compete in women's events. It's inclusive and good for the human race (cough).

Mueller's job is to search for a crime. When he can't find one he can simply build one.

"Trump Jr. celebrates Christmas with his family on the eve of a government shutdown."

Trump first POTUS in years to not visit American troops for Christmas. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

We believe in human rights and the Constitution on the condition progressives get their way. Everyone else must be shut-down and destroyed. If you support Trump you're a bad person and must be destroyed as well.

Trump is the most corrupt POTUS we've ever had, just cuz. He's also the worst we've had, just cuz.

Somehow the benefits of immigration out-weighs the costs. Protect the illegal immigrant while US citizens can bend over and take it.

Women are always the victim and white men can't be trusted.

White people are most racist even though blacks and Hispanics commit more hate crimes.

PC is good, because dishonesty is a better solution than honesty.
^translation. Ignore this egregious liar he da best others could be worse.
Here's some fun. One of my Facebook friends just posted how the "Wall Fund" might be the most grotesque thing she's ever seen, and her comrades agree. She says however you feel about dumbass (Trump), there are people in our own country who are starving blah blah blah, yack yack. There's some irony she left the country years ago. I actually like her despite she being well-indoctrinated.

Actions progressives Actions. I didn't have to quote anyone in the OP. This is how you've been potty trained.

Yahoo just posted a story titled "The Shutdown Could End Tomorrow But Dealing With Trump Is Like Negotiating With a Criminal". It's a progressive opinion how Trump is just a liar of which the author declares "I have proof of my opinion". Funny how the word FUCK is in the story, yet Yahoo censors posts if they use the naughty word. They can't help themselves, they're just dumb as fuck and progressively corrupt.

Here's another they just posted: Trump Got The Shutdown He Wanted But Doesn't Seem To Have A Plan To End It. This is where we pretend Trump is only interested in a shut-down, while Democrats are just victims. That and they entertain the dumbest among us, who don't understand the terms of a negotiation are the terms of the negotiation. So because they're dumb and progressive news is incredibly corrupt, Trump is the dumb ass and incompetent as fuck.
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