

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
So, a kid from a very rough inner-city neighborhood who two years ago and never set foot on a wrestling mat took a chance and tried something new. The first year he couldn’t afford wrestling shoes so I gave him mine. We couldn’t find headgear that would fit over his gigantic hair so he cut it off temporarily. The hair is back and he has a much bigger head gear now. Last year , After learning some technique and getting into some kind of shape, he played football so it wasn’t starting from complete scratch, he managed to win a few matches. This year, he is starting to figure it out for real, and is winning more often than he loses. Seeing the confidence growing in this young man has all of the very many grueling hours of harder work than most reading this can imagine is quite rewarding. Next year who knows what He may accomplish. It’s good to see young people working hard devoting themselves to something and seeing that it really does pay off. Of course it’s only a sport and he probably won’t be doing it for the rest of his life, but I think he’s learning things that he absolutely will use for the rest of his life. Good to see.
I still remember my wrestling coach. A nice man who instilled in us the value of sportsmanship and discipline. Kids need mentors and someone to look up to. I think how you interacted with the young man will stay with him into adulthood. It is what all good teachers and coaches do.
I still remember my wrestling coach. A nice man who instilled in us the value of sportsmanship and discipline. Kids need mentors and someone to look up to. I think how you interacted with the young man will stay with him into adulthood. It is what all good teachers and coaches do.
My "mentor" was a guard in a juvenile prison. Not sure why he took an interest in me but he never wavered. After I got out he contacted my family to get ahold of me. Then after prison he sought me out.
He is one of the people I attribute my success and freedom to. The others would be my (at the time) church pastor and my ex wife along with my grandmother.

I have tried to do the same in my life but the older I get the less contact I have with our youth so my opportunities are now few and far between
I still remember my wrestling coach. A nice man who instilled in us the value of sportsmanship and discipline. Kids need mentors and someone to look up to. I think how you interacted with the young man will stay with him into adulthood. It is what all good teachers and coaches do.
Also you are absolutely correct about the op's friendship" staying with him for life.

When you are down and out at a young age the people who actually demonstrate that they care are never far from your mind.
It gets better. He has come so far from the kid getting suspended for fighting in school all the time that I made him captain this year. He has really taken it seriously and is bringing other kids along.
So, a kid from a very rough inner-city neighborhood who two years ago and never set foot on a wrestling mat took a chance and tried something new. The first year he couldn’t afford wrestling shoes so I gave him mine. We couldn’t find headgear that would fit over his gigantic hair so he cut it off temporarily. The hair is back and he has a much bigger head gear now. Last year , After learning some technique and getting into some kind of shape, he played football so it wasn’t starting from complete scratch, he managed to win a few matches. This year, he is starting to figure it out for real, and is winning more often than he loses. Seeing the confidence growing in this young man has all of the very many grueling hours of harder work than most reading this can imagine is quite rewarding. Next year who knows what He may accomplish. It’s good to see young people working hard devoting themselves to something and seeing that it really does pay off. Of course it’s only a sport and he probably won’t be doing it for the rest of his life, but I think he’s learning things that he absolutely will use for the rest of his life. Good to see.
Wrestling changed my life. 10th grade my brother and I got sick of the politics in team sports where making the team or playing depended on some coaches opinion. In wrestling if someone wants your spot they have to challenge you for it. That appealed to me. So I dropped down to 167 but I couldn’t beat the guy who was varsity at 167. But he missed a lot of tournaments so by the end of the year I won enough matches to be varsity even though I wasn’t a starter. Junior year I won the league at 155. Senior year I placed in the state tournament. It’s what got me into college. The coach at emu pulled some strings.

Don’t tell him I quit wrestling once I got to college. Lol
So, a kid from a very rough inner-city neighborhood who two years ago and never set foot on a wrestling mat took a chance and tried something new. The first year he couldn’t afford wrestling shoes so I gave him mine. We couldn’t find headgear that would fit over his gigantic hair so he cut it off temporarily. The hair is back and he has a much bigger head gear now. Last year , After learning some technique and getting into some kind of shape, he played football so it wasn’t starting from complete scratch, he managed to win a few matches. This year, he is starting to figure it out for real, and is winning more often than he loses. Seeing the confidence growing in this young man has all of the very many grueling hours of harder work than most reading this can imagine is quite rewarding. Next year who knows what He may accomplish. It’s good to see young people working hard devoting themselves to something and seeing that it really does pay off. Of course it’s only a sport and he probably won’t be doing it for the rest of his life, but I think he’s learning things that he absolutely will use for the rest of his life. Good to see.
Funny the big match I had to win was against the inner city kid who took 3rd the year before. Word had it he was going to school, wrestling and working to take care of his child. I beat him. If he didn’t have that kid I probably wouldn’t have beat him. And the coach would have asked him to come to emu not me. He was probably exhausted. Tell your kid this part of my story too. Wrap it up
Took them for a run outside today, and he was the first one around every time. Pushed them all to the brink of collapse, but he never quit. Gotta admire the young man (and his teammates, of course).
While I'm not a huge fan of "school" sports, there can be a great benefit to coaching and mentoring, as kids can learn the benefits of hard work. Specifically, a player who works harder and smarter can often defeat someone with more "talent," by virtue of superior conditioning and preparation. At least in high school.

Kudos to those adults who take the time and make the effort to make a difference.
Took them for a run outside today, and he was the first one around every time. Pushed them all to the brink of collapse, but he never quit. Gotta admire the young man (and his teammates, of course).
God I hated those runs. I remember it should have been three of us going to the state tournament but the two guys on my team who were actually imo better wrestlers than me got knocked out at regionals. So I was the only one going to the state tournament. I wish the one guy went but it was kind of nice being the center of attention. He was my best buddy my senior year. The other guy was a jerk. He was so jealous of all the success and attention I was getting from the beginning because I was so good but really didn’t know how to wrestle. Just all instinct Greco Roman style wrestling. Couldn’t keep me down and I was super aggressive. No stalling when I wrestle. his mom even rooted against me. You could see it was so obvious to everyone she was telling the other kid what to do it was actually funny. I would love looking at her when the ref was raising my hand.

It must have killed him and her to not only see me go to the state tournament but to place. To actually be able to say I am an all state wrestler. I remember all the guys who were my nemesis’s in school saying shit like big deal it’s only all state in wrestling. Then I would say at least I’m all state in something. You’re all state in nothing. In fact were you even all league? Then fuck off.

And none of them would dare fight me because I was an all state wrestler and metro Detroit powerlifting champ 150 lb division. 350 bench. 405 squat and 505 deadlift.
So, a kid from a very rough inner-city neighborhood who two years ago and never set foot on a wrestling mat took a chance and tried something new. The first year he couldn’t afford wrestling shoes so I gave him mine. We couldn’t find headgear that would fit over his gigantic hair so he cut it off temporarily. The hair is back and he has a much bigger head gear now. Last year , After learning some technique and getting into some kind of shape, he played football so it wasn’t starting from complete scratch, he managed to win a few matches. This year, he is starting to figure it out for real, and is winning more often than he loses. Seeing the confidence growing in this young man has all of the very many grueling hours of harder work than most reading this can imagine is quite rewarding. Next year who knows what He may accomplish. It’s good to see young people working hard devoting themselves to something and seeing that it really does pay off. Of course it’s only a sport and he probably won’t be doing it for the rest of his life, but I think he’s learning things that he absolutely will use for the rest of his life. Good to see.
Seriously all kidding aside tell your kids the story I told you about the kid who took 3rd his junior year but then got a girl pregnant and he was so distracted he let a scrub like me beat him to place in the top 6. So he didn’t even place his senior year and all the college coaches that were looking at him didn’t ask him to come wrestle for them. I got his scholarship. Wrap it up!
So, a kid from a very rough inner-city neighborhood who two years ago and never set foot on a wrestling mat took a chance and tried something new. The first year he couldn’t afford wrestling shoes so I gave him mine. We couldn’t find headgear that would fit over his gigantic hair so he cut it off temporarily. The hair is back and he has a much bigger head gear now. Last year , After learning some technique and getting into some kind of shape, he played football so it wasn’t starting from complete scratch, he managed to win a few matches. This year, he is starting to figure it out for real, and is winning more often than he loses. Seeing the confidence growing in this young man has all of the very many grueling hours of harder work than most reading this can imagine is quite rewarding. Next year who knows what He may accomplish. It’s good to see young people working hard devoting themselves to something and seeing that it really does pay off. Of course it’s only a sport and he probably won’t be doing it for the rest of his life, but I think he’s learning things that he absolutely will use for the rest of his life. Good to see.
Seriously all kidding aside tell your kids the story I told you ...

So, a kid from a very rough inner-city neighborhood who two years ago and never set foot on a wrestling mat took a chance and tried something new. The first year he couldn’t afford wrestling shoes so I gave him mine. We couldn’t find headgear that would fit over his gigantic hair so he cut it off temporarily. The hair is back and he has a much bigger head gear now. Last year , After learning some technique and getting into some kind of shape, he played football so it wasn’t starting from complete scratch, he managed to win a few matches. This year, he is starting to figure it out for real, and is winning more often than he loses. Seeing the confidence growing in this young man has all of the very many grueling hours of harder work than most reading this can imagine is quite rewarding. Next year who knows what He may accomplish. It’s good to see young people working hard devoting themselves to something and seeing that it really does pay off. Of course it’s only a sport and he probably won’t be doing it for the rest of his life, but I think he’s learning things that he absolutely will use for the rest of his life. Good to see.
Seriously all kidding aside tell your kids the story I told you ...

Why not it’s a good life lesson. They say he was wrestling working and going to school. I’m sure he was hoping for a wrestling scholarship and having a baby while in high school ruined all that.

I’m gonna tell my nephews that story.
So, a kid from a very rough inner-city neighborhood who two years ago and never set foot on a wrestling mat took a chance and tried something new. The first year he couldn’t afford wrestling shoes so I gave him mine. We couldn’t find headgear that would fit over his gigantic hair so he cut it off temporarily. The hair is back and he has a much bigger head gear now. Last year , After learning some technique and getting into some kind of shape, he played football so it wasn’t starting from complete scratch, he managed to win a few matches. This year, he is starting to figure it out for real, and is winning more often than he loses. Seeing the confidence growing in this young man has all of the very many grueling hours of harder work than most reading this can imagine is quite rewarding. Next year who knows what He may accomplish. It’s good to see young people working hard devoting themselves to something and seeing that it really does pay off. Of course it’s only a sport and he probably won’t be doing it for the rest of his life, but I think he’s learning things that he absolutely will use for the rest of his life. Good to see.
Seriously all kidding aside tell your kids the story I told you ...

Why not it’s a good life lesson. They say he was wrestling working and going to school. I’m sure he was hoping for a wrestling scholarship and having a baby while in high school ruined all that.

I’m gonna tell my nephews that story.

Not about you, asshole.
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So, a kid from a very rough inner-city neighborhood who two years ago and never set foot on a wrestling mat took a chance and tried something new. The first year he couldn’t afford wrestling shoes so I gave him mine. We couldn’t find headgear that would fit over his gigantic hair so he cut it off temporarily. The hair is back and he has a much bigger head gear now. Last year , After learning some technique and getting into some kind of shape, he played football so it wasn’t starting from complete scratch, he managed to win a few matches. This year, he is starting to figure it out for real, and is winning more often than he loses. Seeing the confidence growing in this young man has all of the very many grueling hours of harder work than most reading this can imagine is quite rewarding. Next year who knows what He may accomplish. It’s good to see young people working hard devoting themselves to something and seeing that it really does pay off. Of course it’s only a sport and he probably won’t be doing it for the rest of his life, but I think he’s learning things that he absolutely will use for the rest of his life. Good to see.
Seriously all kidding aside tell your kids the story I told you ...

Why not it’s a good life lesson. They say he was wrestling working and going to school. I’m sure he was hoping for a wrestling scholarship and having a baby while in high school ruined all that.

I’m gonna tell my nephews that story.

Not about you.
So, a kid from a very rough inner-city neighborhood who two years ago and never set foot on a wrestling mat took a chance and tried something new. The first year he couldn’t afford wrestling shoes so I gave him mine. We couldn’t find headgear that would fit over his gigantic hair so he cut it off temporarily. The hair is back and he has a much bigger head gear now. Last year , After learning some technique and getting into some kind of shape, he played football so it wasn’t starting from complete scratch, he managed to win a few matches. This year, he is starting to figure it out for real, and is winning more often than he loses. Seeing the confidence growing in this young man has all of the very many grueling hours of harder work than most reading this can imagine is quite rewarding. Next year who knows what He may accomplish. It’s good to see young people working hard devoting themselves to something and seeing that it really does pay off. Of course it’s only a sport and he probably won’t be doing it for the rest of his life, but I think he’s learning things that he absolutely will use for the rest of his life. Good to see.
Seriously all kidding aside tell your kids the story I told you ...

Why not it’s a good life lesson. They say he was wrestling working and going to school. I’m sure he was hoping for a wrestling scholarship and having a baby while in high school ruined all that.

I’m gonna tell my nephews that story.

Not about you.
Took them for a run outside today, and he was the first one around every time. Pushed them all to the brink of collapse, but he never quit. Gotta admire the young man (and his teammates, of course).
God I hated those runs. I remember it should have been three of us going to the state tournament but the two guys on my team who were actually imo better wrestlers than me got knocked out at regionals. So I was the only one going to the state tournament. I wish the one guy went but it was kind of nice being the center of attention. He was my best buddy my senior year. The other guy was a jerk. He was so jealous of all the success and attention I was getting from the beginning because I was so good but really didn’t know how to wrestle. Just all instinct Greco Roman style wrestling. Couldn’t keep me down and I was super aggressive. No stalling when I wrestle. his mom even rooted against me. You could see it was so obvious to everyone she was telling the other kid what to do it was actually funny. I would love looking at her when the ref was raising my hand.

It must have killed him and her to not only see me go to the state tournament but to place. To actually be able to say I am an all state wrestler. I remember all the guys who were my nemesis’s in school saying shit like big deal it’s only all state in wrestling. Then I would say at least I’m all state in something. You’re all state in nothing. In fact were you even all league? Then fuck off.

And none of them would dare fight me because I was an all state wrestler and metro Detroit powerlifting champ 150 lb division. 350 bench. 405 squat and 505 deadlift.

Go troll another thread, asshole.
Would it make anyone’s head explode if I mentioned that the young man in question is of mixed racial background?
Would it make anyone’s head explode if I mentioned that the young man in question is of mixed racial background?

Ok whatever Sandra Bullshit


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