Professional dancers hired by Hempfield school district to perform an erotic sex show for students (Issues apology)

ok...apparently the defintion of the term EROTIC has been changed by the left.

The teacher is a groomer...introducing kids to this activity after school hours and without parents permission. Now........what's the term for 'a person who supports groomers'. Accessory? aesthetician? I'm at a loss.

That's how pedophiles start. Adults introducing younger people to sexual ideas and images, isolating them from their parents and authority figures, then keep doing it gradually increasing the intensity. They try to associate themselves with sexual stimulation with the younger people by being the ones to provide it to them.

I know, he never got to execute his plan, but it happened to me when I was young.
That's how pedophiles start. Adults introducing younger people to sexual ideas and images, isolating them from their parents and authority figures, then keep doing it gradually increasing the intensity. They try to associate themselves with sexual stimulation with the younger people by being the ones to provide it to them.

I know, he never got to execute his plan, but it happened to me when I was young.
its sad that kids in school are seeing the sick crap the left is fomenting .
When a teacher first starts working, they can often feel strange to be surrounded by kids. Especially if they come to teaching later in life, as I did, and are used to having only adults in the workplace.

But, if a teacher is not careful, that feeling can shift and working with kids become the new normal. I often have to chide teachers for not calling parents, and they sometimes say, “I know I should, I’m just not comfortable talking to adults.”

Teachers have to keep in mind that not only are they around children, but other people’s children. It’s shocking that the idea of bringing in a drag show would occur to an educator, and even more shocking that the educator who had such an idea would not immediately realize how inappropriate it is. Most shocking of all is that none of his colleagues pulled him aside and said, “Are you serious about this?”
It wasn't just an "erotic sex show" it was a homosexual erotic sex show. Another example of left wing sexual grooming and nobody gets fired.
If it were a heterosexual erotic sex show, it would have never happened. Imagine a teacher planning to bring strippers to entertain the boys and encourage the girls to go into dancing as a career. Would have never gotten off the ground. But if it is the same thing, with a gay theme, then it’s all about the tolerance.

I was thinking this was the same one. But Hemphill is in Pennsy and this one is tucson. Seems like these teachers have it in their heads to do this all over. What kind of teacher training are these low educated morons getting where they all want to introduce our kids to trannies and lesbian/homo sex with the teacher. Are these folk going into teaching to be hear their targets??
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Okay, you want to pretend there was no sexualization going on. Do you think this was an appropriate show to put on for kids without their parents' knowledge or permission?
Their definition of what is sexually appropriate is vastly different from what actually IS sexually appropriate.
If that clip was an example of what the kids had to endure I feel for them.

Arm the MAGA MOB with torches and pitchfork anyone who disagrees with our agenda must be a groomer: Dead Meat!
The bottom line remains, they are OUR children, OUR responsibility, OURs to care for, spend on, provide for and protect. It is OUR duty, responsibility and privilege to teach them what WE want them to learn. It is no one else's.
When a teacher first starts working, they can often feel strange to be surrounded by kids. Especially if they come to teaching later in life, as I did, and are used to having only adults in the workplace.

But, if a teacher is not careful, that feeling can shift and working with kids become the new normal. I often have to chide teachers for not calling parents, and they sometimes say, “I know I should, I’m just not comfortable talking to adults.”

Teachers have to keep in mind that not only are they around children, but other people’s children. It’s shocking that the idea of bringing in a drag show would occur to an educator, and even more shocking that the educator who had such an idea would not immediately realize how inappropriate it is. Most shocking of all is that none of his colleagues pulled him aside and said, “Are you serious about this?”

How in the world is working with kids not a good "new normal" for a teacher? That's what we DO. Should a nurse not be comfortable around patients?

I believe the breakdown you're sensing is what came about with a "family culture" in the classroom. When I stepped into my role as teacher, the unspoken and spoken expectation is that we would be professional. Yes, kind, approachable, and fair--but professional. With newer teachers, this is not a priority; maybe not even desirable. It's now about "building relationships". This can blur lines IMO and teachers-students can become too much like pals. And when teachers and students are pals, yep, teachers don't want to make those parent connections as much.
When a teacher first starts working, they can often feel strange to be surrounded by kids. Especially if they come to teaching later in life, as I did, and are used to having only adults in the workplace.

But, if a teacher is not careful, that feeling can shift and working with kids become the new normal. I often have to chide teachers for not calling parents, and they sometimes say, “I know I should, I’m just not comfortable talking to adults.”

Teachers have to keep in mind that not only are they around children, but other people’s children. It’s shocking that the idea of bringing in a drag show would occur to an educator, and even more shocking that the educator who had such an idea would not immediately realize how inappropriate it is. Most shocking of all is that none of his colleagues pulled him aside and said, “Are you serious about this?”

Who is "uncomfortable" talking to kids or adults?

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