Professional dancers hired by Hempfield school district to perform an erotic sex show for students (Issues apology)

According to Brody Levesque of the Los Angeles Blade, the Hempfield School District administration released a public statement of apology after photos and videos of a drag show sponsored by the Hempfield High School Gay Sexuality Alliance Club were leaked online.

This is not normal and you will never force the people to think it is any such thing.

They walk around seeing your children or children as the perfect screw toy and the schools and libraries are helping it along because the lower echelons can’t seem to open their brains up to the WORD SALAD that has them so dumbed down you are allowing your schools to SEXUALIZE YOUR CHILDREN!!!!!!!

What happened to the days where if a parent took their kid to a strip club you’d lose your kid and go to jail or pay a fine ! Where are the morals and values. THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR CHILDREN!!

This is mental illness.

The war for the hearts, minds, souls and yes, the very ownership of our children is heating up beyond measure. Evil motherfuckers know all too well that if they can change, radically, the minds and behaviors of our children, then they can OWN and create the future of mankind. The dire problem here, my friends, is that good people, good loving parents, have yet to fully awaken to the war raging over the total being of their children. This is precisely why good people will lose this war and our children will be forever altered, changed and molded in the image of pure fucking evil; no one is willing to take up arms and FIGHT for anything these days, let alone the souls of their children. Only cowards and evil human monsters rule the day.
ok...apparently the defintion of the term EROTIC has been changed by the left.

The teacher is a groomer...introducing kids to this activity after school hours and without parents permission. Now........what's the term for 'a person who supports groomers'. Accessory? aesthetician? I'm at a loss.

IF we could convince our fellow American parents to arm themselves with pitchforks and torches and march on schools everywhere, the terms for groomer-teacher and accessory to the same would be one in the same: dead meat.
If that clip was an example of what the kids had to endure I feel for them.
The war for the hearts, minds, souls and yes, the very ownership of our children is heating up beyond measure. Evil motherfuckers know

convince our fellow American parents to arm themselves with pitchforks and torches and march on schools everywhere, the terms for groomer-teacher and accessory to the same would be one in the same: dead meat.

Arm the MAGA MOB with torches and pitchfork anyone who disagrees with our agenda must be a groomer: Dead Meat!
What exactly was erotic?



  1. Of, relating to, or tending to arouse sexual desire.
  2. Of or pertaining to the passion of love; treating of love; amatory.
  3. Relating to or tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement.
You sick leftist fools would DENY your own existence if given the chance. You are even dumber than what you write.
It was n after school gay club. The event was by and for those gay kids and no one else
The clip of the dance performance (with what I assume were drag Queen dancers) was awful.
Art critique aside, it was still designed to be an “erotic” performance and it was designed to be presented to students in a school district, but without parental notification. Overall, a very bad idea.
But don't say groomer on this board.
The war for the hearts, minds, souls and yes, the very ownership of our children is heating up beyond measure. Evil motherfuckers know all too well that if they can change, radically, the minds and behaviors of our children, then they can OWN and create the future of mankind. The dire problem here, my friends, is that good people, good loving parents, have yet to fully awaken to the war raging over the total being of their children. This is precisely why good people will lose this war and our children will be forever altered, changed and molded in the image of pure fucking evil; no one is willing to take up arms and FIGHT for anything these days, let alone the souls of their children. Only cowards and evil human monsters rule the day.

Exactly and Hitler did the same thing .
blindboo said:
Arm the MAGA MOB with torches and pitchfork anyone who disagrees with our agenda must be a groomer: Dead Meat!

after all we've found out about how they're propagandizing and ruining OUR kids it's about damn time. Now if you're fine with it for your kids...invite them to your home.



  1. Of, relating to, or tending to arouse sexual desire.
  2. Of or pertaining to the passion of love; treating of love; amatory.
  3. Relating to or tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement.
You sick leftist fools would DENY your own existence if given the chance. You are even dumber than what you write.
Confirming Every NBA cheerleader squad is more erotic on court than that clip.
It's official, we're in the last days ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, I'm sure teenagers had hormonal issues in biblical times too.
after all we've found out about how they're propagandizing and ruining OUR kids it's about damn time. Now if you're fine with it for your kids...invite them to your home.
They didn't have gay clubs in High School when my kids grew up. But all thing being equal, even in my time I think we would have hired some exotic dancers for an after school event if we could have gotten away with it. Hopefully some better dancers.......
They didn't have gay clubs in High School when my kids grew up. But all thing being equal, even in my time I think we would have hired some exotic dancers for an after school event if we could have gotten away with it. Hopefully some better dancers....

keep diggin' that hole.
This is not normal

I don’t believe kids in high school or lower grades need school districts to put on erotic dance performances for them, whether straight or gay

and it was designed to be presented to students in a school district, but without parental notification.

We can't say "groomer"

Schools and libraries are getting caught pushing this .

he very ownership of our children is heating up beyond measure

It was n after school gay club
Since when was it any 'tax paid' educational facility's responsibility to have anything of sexual nature included on their agenda ????


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