Prince Charles: "Climate Change caused Syrian war!"


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Just when you think it cant get better for gets better!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Somehow, and how many times have we seen it........the AGW k00ks shoot their faces off with some beyond stoopid musings!!! Nutter big whigs and politicians have been saying stoopid stuff like this for 2 decades now and it has netted them dick!! Can anybody explain this to me or do you think we are just talking about a pie-in-the-sky knucklehead who spends too much time watching the BBC in his castle??:spinner:

Climate change root cause of Syrian war: Britain's Prince Charles
Well Ol' jug eared horse faced Charlie once aspired to be a tampon so who the fuck cares what he says
I'm no fan of Chuck's but seriously, you dummies lack the brain cells to understand the connection that is obvious to the more intelligent.
I read once that the royals inbred to keep the lines "royal"....Prince Chuck pretty much confirms that
Not much doubt California will be starting a war soon, because of their environmental issues.
I'm no fan of Chuck's but seriously, you dummies lack the brain cells to understand the connection that is obvious to the more intelligent.

Were the dummies?


fAiL per usual. The connection is.........there is no connection. These bozo's like Gore and the prince and so many other "luminaries" have been saying this absurd stuff for two decades and it hasn't resulted in dick in the real world. The climate summits continue to be a farce......renewable energy is still a joke and a 1/2 and will be for climate legislation from Congress in over 7 years and last and best, nobody is caring about global warming in 2015. So says every single poll!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. Accordingly, skeptics are the ones spiking the ball in 2015......almost daily.

I'll take being part of the dummy contingent all day long!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:
As this thread further demonstrates, denier cult stupidity isn't harmless. People die because of denier retardation, which is why it needs to be mocked and marginalized at every opportunity.

Explain how climate change is responsible for the Syrian war. Don't copy and paste a link, tell us and be specific
I thought it was a lack of jobs issue that caused the rise of ISIS.


Man oh man. The whacked out shit the left comes up with.
Lack of jobs is caused by the drought. This isn't rocket science, but deniers, being the dimmest of the dim, can't grasp such simple things. If farmers can't grow, they're out of a job.

Now, nobody ever said it was the only factor, but it's willful stupidity and dishonesty to pretend it plays no part, and such denier stupidity causes catastrophes.
Lack of jobs is caused by the drought. This isn't rocket science, but deniers, being the dimmest of the dim, can't grasp such simple things. If farmers can't grow, they're out of a job.

Now, nobody ever said it was the only factor, but it's willful stupidity and dishonesty to pretend it plays no part, and such denier stupidity causes catastrophes.

OK.....this post definitely gets the award for STOOPIDEST OF THE YEAR in the Environment forum!!!!!!

THEY LIVE IN A FUCKING DESERT...........ASSHOLE!!!!:spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner:

Have pretty much for a billion years!!!:poke:
Lack of jobs is caused by the drought. This isn't rocket science, but deniers, being the dimmest of the dim, can't grasp such simple things. If farmers can't grow, they're out of a job.

Now, nobody ever said it was the only factor, but it's willful stupidity and dishonesty to pretend it plays no part, and such denier stupidity causes catastrophes.

How many jobs vanished because of this drought? Be specific
1.5 million were displaced.

Climate Change Helped Spark Syrian War, Study Says

The information is out there. You refuse to look for it yourself, and demand I do it. I educate those willing to learn for free, but that's clearly not you, so I will not be providing you any more free tutoring. If you wish my paid services, inquire about my rates.

LOL BS, only a dumb downed fool is buying this garbage. It's politics, like most wars come from
Lack of jobs is caused by the drought. This isn't rocket science, but deniers, being the dimmest of the dim, can't grasp such simple things. If farmers can't grow, they're out of a job.

Now, nobody ever said it was the only factor, but it's willful stupidity and dishonesty to pretend it plays no part, and such denier stupidity causes catastrophes.

There's a drought in the desert?

Who knew?
I'm no fan of Chuck's but seriously, you dummies lack the brain cells to understand the connection that is obvious to the more intelligent.
I know I don't wish to have any brain cells with those connections. I am more intelligent and much more up to date on empirical data then he ever will be. He is a puppet, a rich puppet, and as such get's recognized for his stupid dialog.
Ive always contended that many in the climate change/alarmist group do not have an iota of intelligence issues.......that its all thought processing fuck ups ( ie: mental disorders......brain pathologies....check in the DSM IV-R )

But in the case of one meathead on this thread, its most definitely an issue of intelligence.............which is to say, a distinct lack of intelligence = moron level.


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