Priest Says Christians Should No Longer Use Word ‘Christmas’


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I totally agree. As a student of history, I've learned that the day of Christ's birth was celebrated with a simple Mass/service. The commercialization has taken away from the true meaning of the day

In an interview with the Belfast Telegraph, Father Desmond O’Donnell explained why he thinks abandoning not only the greeting, but the holiday itself, would benefit the faith.

We’ve lost Christmas, just like we lost Easter, and should abandon the word completely,” he said. “We need to let it go.”

O’Donnell went on to argue that the holidays once rooted in key tenets of the Christian faith have been “hijacked and we just need to recognize and accept that.”

Full story @ Priest Says Christians Should No Longer Use Word 'Christmas'

And, if you want to read a most interesting piece on Christmas and its history, I strongly suggest reading The Catholic Encyclopedia @ CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Christmas
It's been hijacked by no one. Individuals decide whether they actually let commercialism get in the way of spending it honoring the birth of Christ or not, and whether their expression of "Merry Christmas" is meant in the vain in which it should be or not.
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Those who have lost the meaning of Christmas are not going to magically find it if it is no longer called Christmas. To find Jesus, look to the Word not a word.
I totally agree. As a student of history, I've learned that the day of Christ's birth was celebrated with a simple Mass/service. The commercialization has taken away from the true meaning of the day

In an interview with the Belfast Telegraph, Father Desmond O’Donnell explained why he thinks abandoning not only the greeting, but the holiday itself, would benefit the faith.

We’ve lost Christmas, just like we lost Easter, and should abandon the word completely,” he said. “We need to let it go.”

O’Donnell went on to argue that the holidays once rooted in key tenets of the Christian faith have been “hijacked and we just need to recognize and accept that.”

Full story @ Priest Says Christians Should No Longer Use Word 'Christmas'

And, if you want to read a most interesting piece on Christmas and its history, I strongly suggest reading The Catholic Encyclopedia @ CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Christmas

Early Americans didn't celebrate Christmas- many of the Christian sects of early America considered it to be a pagan celebration.

Of course now snowflakes go all Hulk with rage if anyone dares not with them a Merry Christmas.
is mohammad's birthday celebrated - that'll be next they might even have a record for the correct day of the year. momass day.
If the word "Christmas" has been hijacked, libtards would be fine with people using the word.

The faggot priest wants Christians to surrender Christmas to paganism.
Early Americans didn't celebrate Christmas- many of the Christian sects of early America considered it to be a pagan celebration.

Of course now snowflakes go all Hulk with rage if anyone dares not with them a Merry Christmas.
You mean like this one?

So Baalmas then, since Dec 25th is Baal's birthday?
I think Baa lmas is appropriate after all little sheep go Baaaaa and their fleece is usually quite white depicting the time of the year... I think we should place a vote on what to change the name to or we could go back to the original date of Sol Invictus ....Surely There must be two or three good secondary choices someone can come up with
There was a time when The Church of England forbade the celebration of Christmas in all the lands where it ruled.

Outside of any historical references to the origin of Christmas, it has ceased being a religious holiday long time ago. It has become a commercial festival riddled with lies, greed, avarice and hypocrisy.

"Business!' cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again.
"Mankind was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business.
The deals of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!”"​

Outside of any historical references to the origin of Christmas, it has ceased being a religious holiday long time ago. It has become a commercial festival riddled with lies, greed, avarice and hypocrisy.

"Business!' cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again.
"Mankind was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business.
The deals of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!”"​
Welcome to the industrial revolution...

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