Zone1 Pride should not be the only deadly sin with its own month


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Although pride is supposed to be the worst of all, what about lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, and envy? Don't they deserve a whole month of their own, where we could indulgently throw caution to the wind and party like it's 1999?

Pride Shouldn't Be the Only Deadly Sin With Its Own Month​

"June is the month in which many of my good friends and relatives — including my sister — have birthdays and, because of that, it holds a special place in whatever it is that I’m calling a heart. The Rainbow Pride Warrior Fascists have been working since the 1970s to make June their own, and I will be having none of that.

As I wrote in my Monday Morning Briefing, I never used to give Pride Month much thought. My ability to not pay attention to issues or people or anything that isn’t me is legendary. The Pride mob, however, is like an annoying Chihuahua (redundant, I know) that incessantly barks and nips at one’s ankles — impossible to ignore.

Rather than just write something every day in June about how wearisome Pride Month is (which I could easily do), I have decided to mock it a little during the first week, then get back to ignoring all things rainbow (except actual rainbows, of course).

Prior to the toxic secularization of the United States of America, Pride was widely known as one of the Seven Deadly Sins. In fact, it has long been at the top of the list for people who do things like rank the Seven Deadlies. Here’s a refresher on the full list, for those who have forgotten: Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, and Sloth..."

Pride Shouldn't Be the Only Deadly Sin With Its Own Month
Although pride is supposed to be the worst of all, what about lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, and envy? Don't they deserve a whole month of their own, where we could indulgently throw caution to the wind and party like it's 1999?

Pride Shouldn't Be the Only Deadly Sin With Its Own Month​

"June is the month in which many of my good friends and relatives — including my sister — have birthdays and, because of that, it holds a special place in whatever it is that I’m calling a heart. The Rainbow Pride Warrior Fascists have been working since the 1970s to make June their own, and I will be having none of that.

As I wrote in my Monday Morning Briefing, I never used to give Pride Month much thought. My ability to not pay attention to issues or people or anything that isn’t me is legendary. The Pride mob, however, is like an annoying Chihuahua (redundant, I know) that incessantly barks and nips at one’s ankles — impossible to ignore.

Rather than just write something every day in June about how wearisome Pride Month is (which I could easily do), I have decided to mock it a little during the first week, then get back to ignoring all things rainbow (except actual rainbows, of course).

Prior to the toxic secularization of the United States of America, Pride was widely known as one of the Seven Deadly Sins. In fact, it has long been at the top of the list for people who do things like rank the Seven Deadlies. Here’s a refresher on the full list, for those who have forgotten: Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, and Sloth..."

Pride Shouldn't Be the Only Deadly Sin With Its Own Month
In a way, Pride Month could be blended with Lust Month. Sorta go hand in glove or, in this case, penis in anus.

My question is: what the hell are these freaks “proud” of, exactly? Proud that they made it one more day without getting HIV? Proud that they immediately had to shower off the stench that must accompany anal sex? Proud that they bought a new shade of lipstick? I mean, what the hell is everyone actually celebrating?
In a way, Pride Month could be blended with Lust Month. Sorta go hand in glove or, in this case, penis in anus.

My question is: what the hell are these freaks “proud” of, exactly? Proud that they made it one more day without getting HIV? Proud that they immediately had to shower off the stench that must accompany anal sex? Proud that they bought a new shade of lipstick? I mean, what the hell is everyone actually celebrating?

They are celebrating no longer being fired for being gay. They are celebrating no longer being afraid of gay teens committing suicide at alarming rates. They are celebrating no longer having the police raid gay bars and clubs. They are celebrating no longer having police officers look the other way and gays are beaten by groups of men. They are celebrating finally being able to marry the one they love.
They are celebrating no longer being fired for being gay. They are celebrating no longer being afraid of gay teens committing suicide at alarming rates. They are celebrating no longer having the police raid gay bars and clubs. They are celebrating no longer having police officers look the other way and gays are beaten by groups of men. They are celebrating finally being able to marry the one they love.
So, in other words, they're celebrating being able to put their weewee in another man's bumbum. Got it.
It is not just about the sex. It is often about who they love.

Oh, and straight couples enjoy anal sex as well.
But straight couples don't force their lifestyle down everyone's throat with a special month donning special flags. I don't give two hoots what “gay couples” do or don't do. But normal folks shouldn't be forced to accept their skewed lifestyle as “normal” because it isn't. I'll keep my personal lifestyle to myself, and they can keep their lifestyle to themselves. Deal?
But straight couples don't force their lifestyle down everyone's throat with a special month donning special flags. I don't give two hoots what “gay couples” do or don't do. But normal folks shouldn't be forced to accept their skewed lifestyle as “normal” because it isn't. I'll keep my personal lifestyle to myself, and they can keep their lifestyle to themselves. Deal?

They have a few parades and put rainbow stickers on their cars and such.

Exactly how are they forcing anything down your throat?

BTW, you don't have to accept anything. You can't beat them up or fire them for being gay. But you don't have to accept 2 lesbians living together or holding hands in the park like straight couples.
You know who REALLY force their lifestyles on other people? Vegans and Cross-Fit fanatics. They have been far more aggressive about me adopting their lifestyle than any gay person I have ever met.
But straight couples don't force their lifestyle down everyone's throat with a special month donning special flags. I don't give two hoots what “gay couples” do or don't do. But normal folks shouldn't be forced to accept their skewed lifestyle as “normal” because it isn't. I'll keep my personal lifestyle to myself, and they can keep their lifestyle to themselves. Deal?

You say you don't give two hoots what gay couples do. But 2 of your 3 posts mention anal sex.
You say you don't give two hoots what gay couples do. But 2 of your 3 posts mention anal sex.
And I don't give two hoots if they want to catch or spread HIV. But as long as they're going to force everyone to focus on them (for whatever reason) I see no harm in calling a spade a spade.
Pride Shouldn't Be the Only Deadly Sin With Its Own Month
Let's stop having any _______ month at all. For that matter, let's do away with ______ days. I recently learned even Solitaire has its day. If it means stopping the rest of it, I would even agree to ignoring Mother's Day, Father's Day, Memorial Day, etc. All these people/groups clamoring for attention signifies a greater problem within human psyche. I thought we left "Look at me!" behind with our childhood.
They have a few parades and put rainbow stickers on their cars and such.

Exactly how are they forcing anything down your throat?

BTW, you don't have to accept anything. You can't beat them up or fire them for being gay. But you don't have to accept 2 lesbians living together or holding hands in the park like straight couples.
Many stores are now setting special displays aside just for the Pedo society. I continually get advertisements from various companies celebrating "Shame" month (I mean Pride month).

When are these companies going to start celebrating Bestiality Month because a man "loves" his goat? I suppose that's the final stages of America's complete, depraved unraveling.
And I don't give two hoots if they want to catch or spread HIV. But as long as they're going to force everyone to focus on them (for whatever reason) I see no harm in calling a spade a spade.

I guess it would be easier for you if they all went back in the closet?
Many stores are now setting special displays aside just for the Pedo society. I continually get advertisements from various companies celebrating "Shame" month (I mean Pride month).

When are these companies going to start celebrating Bestiality Month because a man "loves" his goat? I suppose that's the final stages of America's complete, depraved unraveling.

It is not celebrating pedos. Gays and lesbians are not pedophiles and are often the most adamant in their condemnation of them.
It is not celebrating pedos. Gays and lesbians are not pedophiles and are often the most adamant in their condemnation of them.
Maybe you're partially right. But if they don't support the Transgender/Drag Queen/Groomers out there then they need to make it perfectly known and come out (no pun intended) fighting against child mutilation (accepted by the run-of-the-mill LGBTQ+Pedo society); hormone blockers; drag queen reading hour; child porn coloring books; and a bunch of other stuff condoned by that activist group.
It is not celebrating pedos. Gays and lesbians are not pedophiles and are often the most adamant in their condemnation of them.

Ask yourself this: Why are the majority of male children sexually-molested in schools, churches, or athletics programs, molested by other males? Male on male sexual activity is not something that heterosexuals commonly do.
Ask yourself this: Why are the majority of male children sexually-molested in schools, churches, or athletics programs, molested by other males? Male on male sexual activity is not something that heterosexuals commonly do.

If an adult male is attracted to a male child, he is not gay but is a pedophile.

The reason male children are sexually molested more in schools, churches, or athletic programs is because they are more available. Little girls are watched over more.

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