"Pride" Fest

I bet another dozen or so daily threads here will make it easier to ignore.
Pride events are expensive, intrusive exercises in virtue signaling and woe be to the politician who does not run the gay flag up the city flag pole fast enough with a big smile on his/her face in obeisance.

How long must society smile and wear it's civic hair shirt because queers used to get beat up? Or is just asking the question dangerously impolitic?

All my favorite sitcom characters are gay, by the way...they are so sassy and flashy, just like blacks used to be in t.v. land.
I bet another dozen or so daily threads here will make it easier to ignore.
Pride events are expensive, intrusive exercises in virtue signaling and woe be to the politician who does not run the gay flag up the city flag pole fast enough with a big smile on his/her face in obeisance.

How long must society smile and wear it's civic hair shirt because queers used to get beat up? Or is just asking the question dangerously impolitic?

All my favorite sitcom characters are gay, by the way...they are so sassy and flashy, just like blacks used to be in t.v. land.

My guess is these parades will last as long as we have a right to assemble. I’ve never been to a Pride event b/c I am always out of state when it occurs. Not sure if would even if I wasn’t as a not a fan of large crowds.
What’s the matter with them gays?

Don’t they know they are supposed to be ashamed? Dancing around and having a good time offends conservatives

Conservatives killed Native Americans for dancing.

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Conservative are the distraught branch of Christianity
i want to go to "The Fest" when I can dress up as any of the three genders.
You own that big of a wardrobe selection?
PITTSBURGH PRIDE: Tens of thousands celebrate at Pittsburgh Pride, largest turnout in city history

So this is "pride" month (or week, or day, or nanosecond, regardless), and all of the "woke" universe is simply thrilled to participate and observe the festivities.

On a very basic level, I'm not sure I get the "pride" aspect of these events. The participants are "proud" of being sexual deviants? I'm reminded of the old slogan, "I'm Black and I'm PROUD!" How can you be "proud" of something over which you [claim you] have no control? I would buy, "not ashamed" or "well adjusted" but "proud"? Nah. Makes no sense.

It appears to me that the message has been massaged to be more palatable to a broader audience. The message now seems to be something about "equality." Again, what is that supposed to mean? Who is claiming that sexual deviants aren't "equal," whatever that means? They are certainly not THE SAME as everyone else, although I am not aware of any problems with voting rights, economic discrimination or any of that.

So how can anyone be against "equality"? That's like saying, "I'm with the GOOD!" Who isn't?

I dare say, if these events were staged in the same way as "Gay Pride" parades were a decade ago, they wouldn't have insurance companies and mainstream politicians marching along side of them.

What a world.
You realize that Pride starts with the Stonewall Riots, right?
Nope. Pride started on July 19, 1775.
Ah...alternative history. Gotcha.
My guess is these parades will last as long as we have a right to assemble.
I am guessing you are right.

I’ve never been to a Pride event b/c I am always out of state when it occurs. Not sure if would even if I wasn’t as a not a fan of large crowds.
My objection is a practical one. Who is reimbursing the tax payers for the costs
of these flamboyant street parties?
PITTSBURGH PRIDE: Tens of thousands celebrate at Pittsburgh Pride, largest turnout in city history

So this is "pride" month (or week, or day, or nanosecond, regardless), and all of the "woke" universe is simply thrilled to participate and observe the festivities.

On a very basic level, I'm not sure I get the "pride" aspect of these events. The participants are "proud" of being sexual deviants? I'm reminded of the old slogan, "I'm Black and I'm PROUD!" How can you be "proud" of something over which you [claim you] have no control? I would buy, "not ashamed" or "well adjusted" but "proud"? Nah. Makes no sense.

It appears to me that the message has been massaged to be more palatable to a broader audience. The message now seems to be something about "equality." Again, what is that supposed to mean? Who is claiming that sexual deviants aren't "equal," whatever that means? They are certainly not THE SAME as everyone else, although I am not aware of any problems with voting rights, economic discrimination or any of that.

So how can anyone be against "equality"? That's like saying, "I'm with the GOOD!" Who isn't?

I dare say, if these events were staged in the same way as "Gay Pride" parades were a decade ago, they wouldn't have insurance companies and mainstream politicians marching along side of them.

What a world.
You realize that Pride starts with the Stonewall Riots, right?
Nope. Pride started on July 19, 1775.

Good thing there are no parades in July.

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My guess is these parades will last as long as we have a right to assemble.
I am guessing you are right.

I’ve never been to a Pride event b/c I am always out of state when it occurs. Not sure if would even if I wasn’t as a not a fan of large crowds.
My objection is a practical one. Who is reimbursing the tax payers for the costs
of these flamboyant street parties?

My guess is the sponsors, the event organizers, and, the city covers a portion as well. Just like any other parade or rally.
My guess is the sponsors, the event organizers, and, the city covers a portion as well. Just like any other parade or rally.
Yes. The "city" being another name for the taxpayers.

Obviously. Do we make the right to assembly, parade, or rally on the basis that doesn’t cost the taxpayers anything? I am not willing to go that far. Maybe you are.
Obviously. Do we make the right to assembly, parade, or rally on the basis that doesn’t cost the taxpayers anything? I am not willing to go that far. Maybe you are.
:icon_rolleyes: Well, obviously it doesn't cost a thing to meet with other like minded people on the street to air a grievance.
Blocking off whole city blocks, putting cops on overtime, traffic control, putting up and taking down banners, etc. ...not so much.
I just object to any special interest group costing people money for an event they may care absolutely nothing about.
I would say the same about Asians for Mao, Asexual Pride parades or Lithuanian Days in your local town, for instance.

I don't buy booze, cake or pizza for parties I'm not going to. Isn't that odd?
Obviously. Do we make the right to assembly, parade, or rally on the basis that doesn’t cost the taxpayers anything? I am not willing to go that far. Maybe you are.
:icon_rolleyes: Well, obviously it doesn't cost a thing to meet with other like minded people on the street to air a grievance.
Blocking off whole city blocks, putting cops on overtime, traffic control, putting up and taking down banners, etc. ...not so much.
I just object to any special interest group costing people money for an event they may care absolutely nothing about.
I would say the same about Asians for Mao, Asexual Pride parades or Lithuanian Days in your local town, for instance.

I don't buy booze, cake or pizza for parties I'm not going to. Isn't that odd?

Cool. No more parades unless it doesn’t cost the taxpayers anything. This is sure going to be a dull 4th of July and a lame St. Patrick’s Day. My nephew’s BB team won states this year. The town a had nice parade for them with fire trucks, police escorts, and, closed streets. I guess those could become a thing of the past too.

Also, wouldn’t that depend on how many like-minded people attended? Does the rally have to end the second a street needs blocked or a police officer hits overtime? I hope these like-minded folks bring their checkbooks or the rally isn’t going to last very long.
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Cool. No more parades unless it doesn’t cost the taxpayers anything. This is sure going to be a dull 4th of July and a lame St. Patrick’s Day. My nephew’s BB team won states this year. The town a had nice parade for them with fire trucks, police escorts, and, closed streets. I guess those could become a thing of the past too.
That's all a matter of civic pride....something that ideally everyone in a community can take part in. That's a bit different than celebrating ass-less chaps and cock rings, as they do in San Francisco.
To each his own I guess.

Also, wouldn’t that depend on how many like-minded people attended? Does the rally have to end the second a street needs blocked or a police officer hits overtime? I hope these like-minded folks bring their checkbooks or the rally isn’t going to last very long.
Having everyone pay for something not everyone approves of seems like socialized
"pride" to me. Maybe you can show me where I went wrong here.
But I doubt it.
It appears to me that the message has been massaged to be more palatable to a broader audience.

You aint just whistling Dixie sir
Indeed it has
and not for the better

Im still trying to figure out what open air gay sex festivals have to do with pride and rights . Especially since no one discriminates against the fags anymore

In clown world guess who is getting bullied harassed and sued for a 3rd time ?

The christian baker
Left wing nazi bullys are running the show
On a very basic level, I'm not sure I get the "pride" aspect of these events.

We shall add that to the long list of things eluding your understanding. You share that lack of comprehension with numerous exemplars of your geezer generation, a dying breed - a sorry bunch of dinosaurs out of luck, and (almost) out of time, looking at the world they helped to bring about with bewilderment. It's okay, though. Subsequent generations have largely grown out of this aspect of earlier generations' birth defect, and mostly no longer disgrace themselves by looking down upon those to whom they cannot possibly relate even on the most elementary human level. You could just stop doing that, but chances are rather slim, eh?
That's all a matter of civic pride....something that ideally everyone in a community can take part in. That's a bit different than celebrating ass-less chaps and cock rings, as they do in San Francisco.
To each his own I guess.

It shouldn't occur unless it doesn't cost taxpayers anything or get more sponsors to pick up the difference. After all, that was your practical concern about parades- the cost to the taxpayer.

Having everyone pay for something not everyone approves of seems like socialized
"pride" to me. Maybe you can show me where I went wrong here.
But I doubt it.

That is up to the people of their community to decide via their elected officials if they wish to absorb some of the cost of these parades. If they don't like picking the overtime tab for the police on Polish Day than they can demand their goverment bill the organizers, elect officials that will, or deny the parade altogether.
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PITTSBURGH PRIDE: Tens of thousands celebrate at Pittsburgh Pride, largest turnout in city history

So this is "pride" month (or week, or day, or nanosecond, regardless), and all of the "woke" universe is simply thrilled to participate and observe the festivities.

On a very basic level, I'm not sure I get the "pride" aspect of these events. The participants are "proud" of being sexual deviants? I'm reminded of the old slogan, "I'm Black and I'm PROUD!" How can you be "proud" of something over which you [claim you] have no control? I would buy, "not ashamed" or "well adjusted" but "proud"? Nah. Makes no sense.

It appears to me that the message has been massaged to be more palatable to a broader audience. The message now seems to be something about "equality." Again, what is that supposed to mean? Who is claiming that sexual deviants aren't "equal," whatever that means? They are certainly not THE SAME as everyone else, although I am not aware of any problems with voting rights, economic discrimination or any of that.

So how can anyone be against "equality"? That's like saying, "I'm with the GOOD!" Who isn't?

I dare say, if these events were staged in the same way as "Gay Pride" parades were a decade ago, they wouldn't have insurance companies and mainstream politicians marching along side of them.

What a world.
You realize that Pride starts with the Stonewall Riots, right?
Nope. Pride started on July 19, 1775.
Ah...alternative history. Gotcha.
Really? The war for independence is now alternative history? Wow.
PITTSBURGH PRIDE: Tens of thousands celebrate at Pittsburgh Pride, largest turnout in city history

So this is "pride" month (or week, or day, or nanosecond, regardless), and all of the "woke" universe is simply thrilled to participate and observe the festivities.

On a very basic level, I'm not sure I get the "pride" aspect of these events. The participants are "proud" of being sexual deviants? I'm reminded of the old slogan, "I'm Black and I'm PROUD!" How can you be "proud" of something over which you [claim you] have no control? I would buy, "not ashamed" or "well adjusted" but "proud"? Nah. Makes no sense.

It appears to me that the message has been massaged to be more palatable to a broader audience. The message now seems to be something about "equality." Again, what is that supposed to mean? Who is claiming that sexual deviants aren't "equal," whatever that means? They are certainly not THE SAME as everyone else, although I am not aware of any problems with voting rights, economic discrimination or any of that.

So how can anyone be against "equality"? That's like saying, "I'm with the GOOD!" Who isn't?

I dare say, if these events were staged in the same way as "Gay Pride" parades were a decade ago, they wouldn't have insurance companies and mainstream politicians marching along side of them.

What a world.
You realize that Pride starts with the Stonewall Riots, right?
Nope. Pride started on July 19, 1775.

Good thing there are no parades in July.

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The parades in July are the ONLY thing worth taking pride for and in.
It shouldn't occur unless it doesn't cost taxpayers anything or get more sponsors to pick up the difference. After all, that was your practical concern about parades- the cost to the taxpayer.
Yes and ideally two things should be occurring. One...most of the citizenry should be supportive of public events like
local sports teams winning championships celebration, or Fourth of July parade, pretty standard stuff (New York, San Francisco, LA will consider gay pride parades to be approved by the locals).
And two, such events should paid for by merchant associations or other sponsors, by and large.

That is up to the people of their community to decide via their elected officials if they wish to absorb some of the cost of these parades. If they don't like picking the overtime tab for the police on Polish Day than they can demand their goverment bill the organizers, elect officials that will, or deny the parade altogether.
But of course. To bring the subject around full circle however I'm not sure how much a city like Pittsburgh likes the notion of a pride parade.
How many queer Steeler fans or gay iron workers will march in such a parade?
More than I think? Less? Who knows but I suspect less.
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Cool. No more parades unless it doesn’t cost the taxpayers anything. This is sure going to be a dull 4th of July and a lame St. Patrick’s Day. My nephew’s BB team won states this year. The town a had nice parade for them with fire trucks, police escorts, and, closed streets. I guess those could become a thing of the past too.
That's all a matter of civic pride....something that ideally everyone in a community can take part in. That's a bit different than celebrating ass-less chaps and cock rings, as they do in San Francisco.
To each his own I guess.

Also, wouldn’t that depend on how many like-minded people attended? Does the rally have to end the second a street needs blocked or a police officer hits overtime? I hope these like-minded folks bring their checkbooks or the rally isn’t going to last very long.
Having everyone pay for something not everyone approves of seems like socialized
"pride" to me. Maybe you can show me where I went wrong here.
But I doubt it.
How many gay pride parades have you been to? Lots of cities have gay pride parades/festivals.....more every year.

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