Press has the right to protect sources

You gotta love this piece of shit guy, eh? He's telling people to say it to his face...yet this punk, tweets shit and never says shit to people's face, always talking smack via a fukken tweet. One thing I hope Trump learns after this nightmare is over, that the PEN, THROUGHOUT OUR WONDERFUL HISTORY WAS MUCH MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD OR A TRUMP TWEET!!
I seem to recall him telling Hillary to her face she should be in jail.
Until the election was over. Now he thinks the Clintons are great Americans. You guys fell for his lies, and you continue to fall for them.
Clinton and Obama had harsh words in their '08 race too. That's politics. But we are different people with very different values. Hillary called half of Trump's supporters deplorable. That was a horrible and thing to say but you're here upset that he acted presidential.
It would be the first time he acted Presidential.
At least he isn't diddling an intern.

None would have him.
Just how fucking stupid is Donald Trump?

He is sofa king stupid, he thinks the press has to name their sources.
The word "Right" gets tossed around pretty easily nowadays.

The protection of sources is a tradition, but not a "Right". Legal decisions have made that leap, but it's not necessarily set in stone forever.

It was surprising to see Trump blurt that out - well, maybe not - but the press has a significant responsibility and is not above reproach.
Just how fucking stupid is Donald Trump?

He is sofa king stupid, he thinks the press has to name their sources.

Uh no, you're the dumbass. What President Trump means is the media needs to actually have a source. They media lies then compounds that lie by saying they have a "source".
Just how fucking stupid is Donald Trump?

He is sofa king stupid, he thinks the press has to name their sources.

Uh no, you're the dumbass. What President Trump means is the media needs to actually have a source. They media lies then compounds that lie by saying they have a "source".
If revealing a source would enable Trump to take-away the livelihood of a whistle blower, then the source should remain anonymous.
Just how fucking stupid is Donald Trump?

He is sofa king stupid, he thinks the press has to name their sources.

Uh no, you're the dumbass. What President Trump means is the media needs to actually have a source. They media lies then compounds that lie by saying they have a "source".
If revealing a source would enable Trump to take-away the livelihood of a whistle blower, then the source should remain anonymous.
If revealing a source would enable Trump to take-away the livelihood of a whistle blower,
The whistleblower needs to find a new job
The press has a right to protect their sources. They are using that right to cover up the fact that they have no sources and are making it all up.

Yup loads of what have been putting in print isn't factual and they sure as shit didn't name the source that provided that info.

Hell the NY Slimes printed a big piece on Trump and at the end there was a btw no wrongdoing whatsoever has been found.

The media is way to busy making the news than they are reporting it. There are no real journalists left apparently.
Just how fucking stupid is Donald Trump?

He is sofa king stupid, he thinks the press has to name their sources.

Uh no, you're the dumbass. What President Trump means is the media needs to actually have a source. They media lies then compounds that lie by saying they have a "source".
If revealing a source would enable Trump to take-away the livelihood of a whistle blower, then the source should remain anonymous.
If revealing a source would enable Trump to take-away the livelihood of a whistle blower,
The whistleblower needs to find a new job
I see it differently. An informed public is necessary for democracy to work.
Just how fucking stupid is Donald Trump?

He is sofa king stupid, he thinks the press has to name their sources.

Uh no, you're the dumbass. What President Trump means is the media needs to actually have a source. They media lies then compounds that lie by saying they have a "source".
If revealing a source would enable Trump to take-away the livelihood of a whistle blower, then the source should remain anonymous.

Anonymous sources are fine as long as there really is an anonymous source. That's the point. You just can't make shit up and sight an "anonymous" source.
Yes and people have a right to dismiss claims made by unknown sources. An unknown source can be someone telling the truth they can also be someone with a grudge who is lying. Today's media is willing to use either if it suits there purpose which is just one of the reasons so many no longer trust them.
Yes and people have a right to dismiss claims made by unknown sources. An unknown source can be someone telling the truth they can also be someone with a grudge who is lying. Today's media is willing to use either if it suits there purpose which is just one of the reasons so many no longer trust them.
I see you have been duped by Trump's attacks on the media. Reliable news sources such as the Times,. Post, etc have reputations based on years of good solid investigative reporting. They get a source & then verify their claims.

This idea you & your orange buddy have that these sources are making up shit is just pathetic.

If you read it in these reliable sources, then you can rest assured there is something to the story.

They have reported on contacts between the Trump campaign & Russian officials.

Today's media is no different than yesterday's media as far as the major mews sources.

The only diffiencve is a lying Trump duping the feeble minded into believing hos fake news crap.
Reliable news sources such as the Times,. Post, etc have reputations based on years of good solid investigative reporting. They get a source & then verify their claims.
They are proven liars with a political ax to grind. The National Inquirer does better reporting.
Just how fucking stupid is Donald Trump?

He is sofa king stupid, he thinks the press has to name their sources.

Yes and people have a right to dismiss claims made by unknown sources. An unknown source can be someone telling the truth they can also be someone with a grudge who is lying. Today's media is willing to use either if it suits there purpose which is just one of the reasons so many no longer trust them.
I see you have been duped by Trump's attacks on the media. Reliable news sources such as the Times,. Post, etc have reputations based on years of good solid investigative reporting. They get a source & then verify their claims.

This idea you & your orange buddy have that these sources are making up shit is just pathetic.

If you read it in these reliable sources, then you can rest assured there is something to the story.

They have reported on contacts between the Trump campaign & Russian officials.

Today's media is no different than yesterday's media as far as the major mews sources.

The only diffiencve is a lying Trump duping the feeble minded into believing hos fake news crap.
Wow not an original thought in your reply thanks for the liberal paint by the numbers talking points response useless as always. The only feeble minded one here is you the one who parrots the far left party line no questions asked.
One I think, the NYT lady years ago. Good job we have it, would never have known about Watergate
Have to tell the public. A good example of non context posting. She was specifically referring to if you have someone (guess who) who lies all the time
Well, it's the trumpettes who are 75 % high school educated. Maybe the dreaded liberal (from the Latin, liber = free, for the individual and free speech - thought you would be one) had a point
Just how fucking stupid is Donald Trump?

He is sofa king stupid, he thinks the press has to name their sources.

The source is often a voice in their heads, and cannot be easily named.
No, that's your voice. Fake News if you deny these leakers are on track. Investigate Flynn and Pence, not the leakers.
Ah Jason Chaffitz, my favorite "I have 2 young daughters there's no way I could support that woman groper"
Wonder what happened?

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