Presidential Race is a foregone's Congress looking?


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021

So far it looks like Trump is calling the furniture movers so he can move back into the White House. (He has spent nothing and walked away with double digit wins) Melania still hates the color of the place and thinks it's too small but that the garden looks nice.

The big question is the Congressional Races. It's still way too early to tell but at this stage it looks like Democrats are losing EVERYWHERE.

So far it looks like Trump is calling the furniture movers so he can move back into the White House. (He has spent nothing and walked away with double digit wins) Melania still hates the color of the place and thinks it's too small but that the garden looks nice.

The big question is the Congressional Races. It's still way too early to tell but at this stage it looks like Democrats are losing EVERYWHERE.

Don't be delusional. Trump hasn't got any more support than he's had in the last two elections, about 47%.

Eventually, people will realize that Biden is the better choice, despite his age.
Republicans should take the Senate easily unless they run very bad candidates or Trump tries to help again.

Due to inept Republican leadership and a do nothing Republican House, Dems will take it back by a small margin
Republicans should take the Senate easily unless they run very bad candidates or Trump tries to help again.

Due to inept Republican leadership and a do nothing Republican House, Dems will take it back by a small margin
So far that's not what the polls are showing. Some polls have Republicans leading by 30 seats at this point (can't remember exact number)
Other polls have Republicans leading by three or four seats at this moment.

But it's early and we have the summer yet to go....

Democrats keep hugging onto some ideologies that absolutely are losing their own base. The border fight in Texas, and the sexual indoctrination of children....nobody supports these things en masse. Then when the looming recession comes its all over but the crying.
So far that's not what the polls are showing. Some polls have Republicans leading by 30 seats at this point (can't remember exact number)
Other polls have Republicans leading by three or four seats at this moment.

yeah, but these same polls said it was going to be forty seats in 2022, and they only picked up 9 despite all the gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts.

Democrats keep hugging onto some ideologies that absolutely are losing their own base. The border fight in Texas, and the sexual indoctrination of children....nobody supports these things en masse. Then when the looming recession comes its all over but the crying.

You guys have been predicting a recession for three years... and instead we have record stock market closes and record low unemployment.
yeah, but these same polls said it was going to be forty seats in 2022, and they only picked up 9 despite all the gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts.

You guys have been predicting a recession for three years... and instead we have record stock market closes and record low unemployment.
I did say it was early yet.

And as far as a recession....oh it's coming.

The Federal Reserves actions were very much telegraphed and there has been no one that has not predicted the fallout of their actions to eventually cause a financial contraction.

That's what you have been hearing about....everyone yelling for the Fed to stop doing what it has been doing.

Unemployment is not down. Wages are. Unemployment only is recorded if people have actually paid into the system and it's feasible for them to file for benefits. When they haven't worked they don't file.

Underemployed and massive underpaid jobs are plentiful. But people with Master's degrees don't go to work at burger shacks.

So far it looks like Trump is calling the furniture movers so he can move back into the White House. (He has spent nothing and walked away with double digit wins) Melania still hates the color of the place and thinks it's too small but that the garden looks nice.

The big question is the Congressional Races. It's still way too early to tell but at this stage it looks like Democrats are losing EVERYWHERE.
The American people are fed-up with Biden's policies and will vote for Trump.
The American people are fed-up with Biden's policies and will vote for Trump.
I would tend to agree.
Trump is brash and rather crude with his manner of speech. Uses a chainsaw instead of a scalpel more often than not. And is not very gracious at times when he could afford to be but instead seems to delight in humiliating others in their defeats.

The massive fraud in the NH primary is troubling though. If the Democrats do not stop this crap there will be blood in the streets.

So far it looks like Trump is calling the furniture movers so he can move back into the White House. (He has spent nothing and walked away with double digit wins) Melania still hates the color of the place and thinks it's too small but that the garden looks nice.

The big question is the Congressional Races. It's still way too early to tell but at this stage it looks like Democrats are losing EVERYWHERE.
It's not the White House he's moving to. It'll be one of several prisons. The Constitution doesn't prevent someone in prison from being elected president, but it doesn't get them out. The Oval Office will be replaced by a 6 x 6 square room with a toilet, a cot and a very secure door.
I would tend to agree.
Trump is brash and rather crude with his manner of speech. Uses a chainsaw instead of a scalpel more often than not. And is not very gracious at times when he could afford to be but instead seems to delight in humiliating others in their defeats.

The massive fraud in the NH primary is troubling though. If the Democrats do not stop this crap there will be blood in the streets.
This isn't the first time people have crossed parties in the NH primary. There will be no blood in the streets. God are you people stupid.
And as far as a recession....oh it's coming.

The Federal Reserves actions were very much telegraphed and there has been no one that has not predicted the fallout of their actions to eventually cause a financial contraction.

That's what you have been hearing about....everyone yelling for the Fed to stop doing what it has been doing.

Except inflation is down to 3%, and there was no recession or spike in unemployment. You lose.

Unemployment is not down. Wages are. Unemployment only is recorded if people have actually paid into the system and it's feasible for them to file for benefits. When they haven't worked they don't file.
Unemployment is below 4% and has been for some time. There are "Help Wanted" Signs nearly everywhere I go, and companies I know of are having a hard time filling slots.

Part of the problem is that because boomers are retiring at 11,000 a day, there just aren't enough new workers to replace them. So unemployment is going to stay low. That's part of what drove inflation, that companies had to raise wages to attract talent.

Underemployed and massive underpaid jobs are plentiful. But people with Master's degrees don't go to work at burger shacks.

I've never seen a person with a Master's degree in a burger shack. I don't see teenagers there anymore, either. What I usually see are immigrants who can't get your order right because they have spotty English.

So far it looks like Trump is calling the furniture movers so he can move back into the White House. (He has spent nothing and walked away with double digit wins) Melania still hates the color of the place and thinks it's too small but that the garden looks nice.

The big question is the Congressional Races. It's still way too early to tell but at this stage it looks like Democrats are losing EVERYWHERE.
First, presidential. What polls show isn't necessarily what will happen. Especially not 10 months before the actual elections. Doubly especially not, when the election results are decided by a handful of swing states who by definition can easily go either way. Triply especially not, when one of the candidates is going to spend a good portion of his election season in court.

Claiming you can draw any solid conclusions from polls now is simply folly.

The house I can tell you. It all depends how successful the Gerrymandering is and how many Republicans are going to be motivated to vote for a Republican house that has spend basically their entire term fighting with one another.
What I can see clearly is that demonizing half of the citizens of America is not going to be a winning strategy. It's not just derogatory remarks but complete vitriol stemming from hate.
I'm A-Political....don't really believe either party has any good solutions to the problems of today.

Personally I think that unless Biden actually can string together a complete sentence without a massive gaff that is not hate filled....he might have a chance. But it would be so out of character that it would be the story. From hating on a teenager in Wisconsin who shot a deranged lunatic in self defense to vitriol of over half of conservative Americans....he has no Statemanship in his character anymore. He does have plagiarism in his past to overcome as well. He is not going to win. Doesn't stand a chance at winning.

The fight over the border security is especially a loser of an issue for winning. So is the sexualizing of American children.

So....his presidency is over. It's Trump's to lose at this point.

Congressional gerrymandering though is an issue. I'm only seeing two districts that got changed. One in GA and one in CA.

So far it looks like Trump is calling the furniture movers so he can move back into the White House. (He has spent nothing and walked away with double digit wins) Melania still hates the color of the place and thinks it's too small but that the garden looks nice.

The big question is the Congressional Races. It's still way too early to tell but at this stage it looks like Democrats are losing EVERYWHERE.
For the first time in American history, it is looking like a major party is going to nominate a known rapist and fraud for the presidency.

This is going to hurt the down ballot Republican candidates. Just like it did in 2020.
So far that's not what the polls are showing. Some polls have Republicans leading by 30 seats at this point (can't remember exact number)
Other polls have Republicans leading by three or four seats at this moment.

But it's early and we have the summer yet to go....

Democrats keep hugging onto some ideologies that absolutely are losing their own base. The border fight in Texas, and the sexual indoctrination of children....nobody supports these things en masse. Then when the looming recession comes its all over but the crying.

The polls haven't gotten it right in any election since 2016 when they predicted Hillary by a landslide. What happened to the 2022 "Red Wave"?

Republicans continue to forget that there are 8 million more women voting than men. Even die hard right to lifers are voting in favour of abortion rights, in order to preserve life saving health care for the complications of pregnancy for all women.

One quarter of all American women have had an abortion before the age of 40, and that includes women who never thought they'd have an abortion, because 1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, and if there are complications in those miscarriages, a surgical abortion is sometimes necessary to complete the process, and prevent further complications.

"Heartbeat laws" are seeing women sent home to wait unti life threatening complications have set in, and women are in imminent danger of dying, and even then the State of Texas will bar you from having life saving surgery.

No woman will vote for ANY Republican for president so long as Republicans continue to promote a national abortion ban. 8 million more voters will save themselves, their daughters, and their granddaughters, before more women die.

Look at the numbers and what has happened in EVERY state where abortion is on the ballot. THIS Presidential election is a national referendum for American women on the question of abortion. The right to determine your own health care in a life threatening situation should be a no brainer for Republicans.

By continuing to oppose reproductive rights for women, Republicans have proven in spades that they are the party of "no brainers", lead by the guy who brags about overturning Roe v. Wade. A guy who brags about "grabbing women by the pussy". A guy who has admitted to sexually assaulting women and claiming he has the right to do it.

Do you seriously think that any woman is going to vote for THAT guy?????
Don't be delusional. Trump hasn't got any more support than he's had in the last two elections, about 47%.

Eventually, people will realize that Biden is the better choice, despite his age.
Trump is more popular than ever while claiming to be a democrat is like admitting you're a pedo.

Americans hate the democrats for selling America our to the WEF.

Everything on the border today is the way the WEF wants it.

Democrats = WEF
So far it looks like Trump is calling the furniture movers so he can move back into the White House.


He didn't even get nomination (and possible criminal convictions) yet.

You are confusing your day dreams for reality.

So far it looks like Trump is calling the furniture movers so he can move back into the White House. (He has spent nothing and walked away with double digit wins) Melania still hates the color of the place and thinks it's too small but that the garden looks nice.

The big question is the Congressional Races. It's still way too early to tell but at this stage it looks like Democrats are losing EVERYWHERE.
Dude, you're off your rocker. tRump ain't got a prayer and Melania is on her way out.

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