President Trump's (temporary) Epitaph


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
With my beloved President out of office and silenced on Twitter, his ubiquitous critics have been able to have a field day, badmouthing him with few even trying to defend him as President, ex-President, or private citizen.

And while one recognizes that he will not simply "go away," I feel compelled to summarize what I believe he was to the Republican Party and to the country.

The first reaction that one hears about Trump is always personal. He has a public personality that is awful. One would run out of space before you finished writing all of the negative things that manifest themselves after watching him do what he does after a period of years. Mainly, he is abrasive, gratuitously insulting, flighty, speaks without thinking, and I would say most of all, he doesn't know when to STFU.

And now to the substantive: The things he DID while President were a Conservative's dream. He tried to take our immigration laws seriously. He lowered and rationalized Federal Income Taxes, he fought to end pointless, duplicative Federal regulations, he did everything in his power to promote the carbon fuels industries, taking the last few necessary steps to make us "energy independent." He diminished our role in today's pointless "wars." He appointed conservatives to cabinet positions and most importantly to the Federal bench, he fought the Deep State that dominates the State Department, the Justice Department, DoD, and other executive offices and departments. He rationalized the treaties and trade agreements that we had with various trading partners, substituting "America First," for, "Walk all over us, we are Americans."

In short, he was a GREAT Conservative President, if you ignore the "fiscal responsibility" bit. But that is not his fault. It is simply not possible to be a successful politician in the U.S. right now if you advocate for fiscal restraint. There are simply too many OTHER politicians who are successfully buying votes with taxpayer funds.

But ultimately, here is the unpleasant bottom line for Republicans: If he had not been the obnoxious bastard described in my third paragraph above, he would not have been elected, and HRC would have been President for the past four years. His political "base" is the 25-30% of the voting public that LOVES this obnoxious bastard, and without that perhaps-irrational Trump constituency, the Republican Party is simply irrelevant. There is NO REPUBLICAN in America who could win a presidential race today, even with the awful collection of Democrats that lead that party.

So it is CRITICAL for the future of the Republican Party for DJT to remain viable when the dust settles on the upcoming Kangaroo Impeachment Court. How does he remain viable? Well, he must remain healthy and willing, but let's assume that. He will not be "convicted" in the Senate, that much is also a given. Even if he were, the conviction could be quickly tossed aside in a year or two, probably via a lawsuit where the entire Federal judiciary agrees that any proceeding headed by an old, fat partisan from Vermont has no legitimacy.

Will any voters in 2024 care that he is a "twice impeached" President? No. Especially if Madam Pelosi is deposed in 2022 and she is exposed as nothing more than a vindictive old witch.

Regardless, in 2024 he would be running (no Republican could unseat him in the primaries) against an even more horrible candidate than HRC or JB, so there is room for hope. And while I am reluctant to hope for the "failure" of the current President, I sincerely hope that many of his extreme Leftist gambits fall flat on their figurative faces in the coming few years. You know, China spits in our eye an Biden does nothing, Iran makes him look like a fool, a bunch of faux "girls" will a bunch of athletic competitions, the pandemic simmers along for a year longer than it should. That sort of thing.

Trump will be back.
Trump will be back but not as president...he will be back in a coffin and only briefly in your line of sight. His end is near and he has no will of God to continue the squeal and whine procession of losers that spent four years braggadociously gloating and telling people 'tough shit" we won....
I sincerely hope that the 25-30% of his hardcore base keeps the foot on the throat of the Republican party. That splits the vote and effectively neuters the Republican party.
Let's be clear. Trump was NOT a conservative. He was an opportunist. Trump is all done. He ain't coming back. It's only been a week and a half and the stories of corruption
and incompetence of his administration are getting worse by the day.
With my beloved President out of office and silenced on Twitter, his ubiquitous critics have been able to have a field day, badmouthing him with few even trying to defend him as President, ex-President, or private citizen.

And while one recognizes that he will not simply "go away," I feel compelled to summarize what I believe he was to the Republican Party and to the country.

The first reaction that one hears about Trump is always personal. He has a public personality that is awful. One would run out of space before you finished writing all of the negative things that manifest themselves after watching him do what he does after a period of years. Mainly, he is abrasive, gratuitously insulting, flighty, speaks without thinking, and I would say most of all, he doesn't know when to STFU.

And now to the substantive: The things he DID while President were a Conservative's dream. He tried to take our immigration laws seriously. He lowered and rationalized Federal Income Taxes, he fought to end pointless, duplicative Federal regulations, he did everything in his power to promote the carbon fuels industries, taking the last few necessary steps to make us "energy independent." He diminished our role in today's pointless "wars." He appointed conservatives to cabinet positions and most importantly to the Federal bench, he fought the Deep State that dominates the State Department, the Justice Department, DoD, and other executive offices and departments. He rationalized the treaties and trade agreements that we had with various trading partners, substituting "America First," for, "Walk all over us, we are Americans."

In short, he was a GREAT Conservative President, if you ignore the "fiscal responsibility" bit. But that is not his fault. It is simply not possible to be a successful politician in the U.S. right now if you advocate for fiscal restraint. There are simply too many OTHER politicians who are successfully buying votes with taxpayer funds.

But ultimately, here is the unpleasant bottom line for Republicans: If he had not been the obnoxious bastard described in my third paragraph above, he would not have been elected, and HRC would have been President for the past four years. His political "base" is the 25-30% of the voting public that LOVES this obnoxious bastard, and without that perhaps-irrational Trump constituency, the Republican Party is simply irrelevant. There is NO REPUBLICAN in America who could win a presidential race today, even with the awful collection of Democrats that lead that party.

So it is CRITICAL for the future of the Republican Party for DJT to remain viable when the dust settles on the upcoming Kangaroo Impeachment Court. How does he remain viable? Well, he must remain healthy and willing, but let's assume that. He will not be "convicted" in the Senate, that much is also a given. Even if he were, the conviction could be quickly tossed aside in a year or two, probably via a lawsuit where the entire Federal judiciary agrees that any proceeding headed by an old, fat partisan from Vermont has no legitimacy.

Will any voters in 2024 care that he is a "twice impeached" President? No. Especially if Madam Pelosi is deposed in 2022 and she is exposed as nothing more than a vindictive old witch.

Regardless, in 2024 he would be running (no Republican could unseat him in the primaries) against an even more horrible candidate than HRC or JB, so there is room for hope. And while I am reluctant to hope for the "failure" of the current President, I sincerely hope that many of his extreme Leftist gambits fall flat on their figurative faces in the coming few years. You know, China spits in our eye an Biden does nothing, Iran makes him look like a fool, a bunch of faux "girls" will a bunch of athletic competitions, the pandemic simmers along for a year longer than it should. That sort of thing.

Trump will be back.

Great commentary.

Yes, his personality was horrific.

But he accomplished a lot of good things. (Personally, I admire him most for not kneeling to BLM.)

I feel, however, that he will not run again for President (especially if the same election procedures are still in place, if you get my drift).

But no doubt he will have a voice in choosing the Republican candidate, and he would be fantastic -- as usual -- at rallies.

My biggest fantasy is the Republicans winning in 2024 and giving The Donald an important post that will make the Dems lose their minds.
My fear is that Trump will form a 3rd political party and run for president in 2024, thus splitting the conservative vote and all but guaranteeing a democrat victory. His personality and temperament makes that outcome all too likely IMHO, but I'd love to be wrong. Again, lol. I do believe that if Trump does NOT run in 2024, then the GOP nominee (whoever) will win because I am convinced that Biden and co will royally fuck things up so bad that all the voter fraud in the world won't save him, or whoever the dem nominee is.
I sincerely hope that the 25-30% of his hardcore base keeps the foot on the throat of the Republican party. That splits the vote and effectively neuters the Republican party.
Let's be clear. Trump was NOT a conservative. He was an opportunist. Trump is all done. He ain't coming back. It's only been a week and a half and the stories of corruption
and incompetence of his administration are getting worse by the day.
Democrats know how to run against Trump
They would welcome Trump as a candidate or a Trump supported candidate
Mainly, he is abrasive, gratuitously insulting, flighty, speaks without thinking, and I would say most of all, he doesn't know when to STFU.

He also lacks intellectual curiosity, is a bully, puts himself over the country, is unable to work with others, cannot admit he has made a mistake and is a pathological liar
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With my beloved President out of office and silenced on Twitter, his ubiquitous critics have been able to have a field day, badmouthing him with few even trying to defend him as President, ex-President, or private citizen.

And while one recognizes that he will not simply "go away," I feel compelled to summarize what I believe he was to the Republican Party and to the country.

The first reaction that one hears about Trump is always personal. He has a public personality that is awful. One would run out of space before you finished writing all of the negative things that manifest themselves after watching him do what he does after a period of years. Mainly, he is abrasive, gratuitously insulting, flighty, speaks without thinking, and I would say most of all, he doesn't know when to STFU.

And now to the substantive: The things he DID while President were a Conservative's dream. He tried to take our immigration laws seriously. He lowered and rationalized Federal Income Taxes, he fought to end pointless, duplicative Federal regulations, he did everything in his power to promote the carbon fuels industries, taking the last few necessary steps to make us "energy independent." He diminished our role in today's pointless "wars." He appointed conservatives to cabinet positions and most importantly to the Federal bench, he fought the Deep State that dominates the State Department, the Justice Department, DoD, and other executive offices and departments. He rationalized the treaties and trade agreements that we had with various trading partners, substituting "America First," for, "Walk all over us, we are Americans."

In short, he was a GREAT Conservative President, if you ignore the "fiscal responsibility" bit. But that is not his fault. It is simply not possible to be a successful politician in the U.S. right now if you advocate for fiscal restraint. There are simply too many OTHER politicians who are successfully buying votes with taxpayer funds.

But ultimately, here is the unpleasant bottom line for Republicans: If he had not been the obnoxious bastard described in my third paragraph above, he would not have been elected, and HRC would have been President for the past four years. His political "base" is the 25-30% of the voting public that LOVES this obnoxious bastard, and without that perhaps-irrational Trump constituency, the Republican Party is simply irrelevant. There is NO REPUBLICAN in America who could win a presidential race today, even with the awful collection of Democrats that lead that party.

So it is CRITICAL for the future of the Republican Party for DJT to remain viable when the dust settles on the upcoming Kangaroo Impeachment Court. How does he remain viable? Well, he must remain healthy and willing, but let's assume that. He will not be "convicted" in the Senate, that much is also a given. Even if he were, the conviction could be quickly tossed aside in a year or two, probably via a lawsuit where the entire Federal judiciary agrees that any proceeding headed by an old, fat partisan from Vermont has no legitimacy.

Will any voters in 2024 care that he is a "twice impeached" President? No. Especially if Madam Pelosi is deposed in 2022 and she is exposed as nothing more than a vindictive old witch.

Regardless, in 2024 he would be running (no Republican could unseat him in the primaries) against an even more horrible candidate than HRC or JB, so there is room for hope. And while I am reluctant to hope for the "failure" of the current President, I sincerely hope that many of his extreme Leftist gambits fall flat on their figurative faces in the coming few years. You know, China spits in our eye an Biden does nothing, Iran makes him look like a fool, a bunch of faux "girls" will a bunch of athletic competitions, the pandemic simmers along for a year longer than it should. That sort of thing.

Trump will be back.
What a pathetic post. Sack up, pansy.
Trump's "ace in the hole" is that he is clearly the candidate of Americans who work in the private sector. The only working people who still vote Democrat are just clueless. THIS constituency is a potential winner, and the Democrat strategy of making as many people as possible dependent on government is a democratic (small 'd') abomination.

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