President Trump to receive Purple Heart


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
For injuries sustained in trying to avoid military service, Donald J Trump endured severe pain and hardship in battling heel spurs during the period 1964-1972

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Since he seems to eat McDonald's quite frequently his heart may already be that color.
Mods please delete this thread which dishonors those past and present who have received the Purple Heart for being wounded during combat. ..... :salute:
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Our President can store his Purple Heart next to the medals he received for neatness and order

Mods please delete this thread which dishonors those past and present who have received the Purple Heart. ..... :salute:
Are you claiming that Trump receiving a Purple Heart would dishonor the medal?

How dare you!
Shouldn't Trump get the "Purple Dick" for his valiant fight against venereal disease that he said was his own private Vietnam?
John McFarland, a veteran and military analyst, said on Facebook: “I realise Trump rates a salute as Commander in Chief and he can wear a command cap if he's comfortable doing so, but that doesn't mean we sailors and other vets have to approve of it.

“This clown got five deferments when his generation was called. Instead of serving, he dodged, ducked and weaved.

“If he had any self-awareness he wouldn't stride around ship in that cap and jacket like he rates anything aside from what custom and courtesy dictate. All the while scowling like a tough guy.”

This sentiment was echoed by other veterans.

Vietnam draft 'dodger' Donald Trump condemned by veterans for wearing military outfit
When I look at President Donald Trump, I see a pot-bellied, 71-year-old man with a doughy frame. But in 1968, when he was a 22-year-old University of Pennsylvania graduate, Trump was a tall, fit athlete who played football, tennis, and golf. His age and clean medical history qualified Trump as a perfect candidate for the draft to serve in the United States Army and fight in the Vietnam War, but he avoided combat after receiving a 1-Y medical deferment, which he has said was due to "bone spurs in his heels." More than half a million American men were stationed in Vietnam by the end of that year, which was the bloodiest 12 months of the conflict. On the day of Trump's graduation from the University of Pennsylvania, 40 Americans were killed in Vietnam, according to The New York Times.

The son of Fred Trump, a wealthy New York real estate developer, Donald Trump did what many other wealthy young men were allowed to do: He dodged the draft. Between 1964 and 1972, a few months before the draft ended, he received five deferments — in addition to his "bone spurs" claim, the other four were based on his educational status. He received two deferments while he attended Fordham University from 1964 to 1966, and two more after transferring to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

As a draft dodger, Trump never knew the horrors of war, but in 1997, he laughed when telling radio host Howard Stern that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases was like his "personal Vietnam." "It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era,” Trump said to Stern, discussing his sex life. "I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
President Donald Trump is not known for personal courage. He used "bone spurs" to get out of military service in Vietnam. (He is petrified of sharks and, by his own account, is revolted by the sight of blood. He's also a germaphobe.)

He'll fire people, but not if he has to confront the person directly. (He sent an aide to fire FBI Director James Comey; gave up trying to fire special counsel Robert Mueller — when White House counsel Don McGahn wouldn't do it; and backed off trying to remove deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe when FBI Director Christopher Wray threatened to quit.)

When caught saying or doing something he shouldn't (e.g., mocking a reporter with a disability, calling African countries "s--------," calling Democrats "un-American" and "treasonous," etc.), he figuratively flees the scene by either denying what he said, or pretending it was a joke. And, for whatever reason, he will bend over backward to avoid offending Russian President Vladimir Putin.

So when he declared that, had he been at the site of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting, "I really believe I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon," he was widely derided on social media. Obviously, few human beings, even brave ones, would race into a building to confront an active shooter with no weapon. In fact, it would be idiotic to do so. That Trump felt compelled to brag about superhuman physical bravery (and further demean the school resource officer who failed to) is telling.

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Shouldn't Trump get the "Purple Dick" for his valiant fight against venereal disease that he said was his own private Vietnam?

I doubt if Trump could have survived a Vietnamese hooker
It's ironic, isn't it, that Hillary Clinton sat stoically before the GOP-controlled committee charged with investigating the Benghazi tragedy for 11 hours, but Trump cannot muster up the nerve to talk face-to-face with Mueller? Some people, I suppose, are just naturally more stout-hearted than others.

If Trump would confront an active shooter, what's so scary about Mueller?

After four Army soldiers were killed in the Oct. 4 ambush, Trump remained quiet for 12 days.

President Donald Trump is not known for personal courage. He used "bone spurs" to get out of military service in Vietnam. (He is petrified of sharks and, by his own account, is revolted by the sight of blood. He's also a germaphobe.)

He'll fire people, but not if he has to confront the person directly. (He sent an aide to fire FBI Director James Comey; gave up trying to fire special counsel Robert Mueller — when White House counsel Don McGahn wouldn't do it; and backed off trying to remove deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe when FBI Director Christopher Wray threatened to quit.)

When caught saying or doing something he shouldn't (e.g., mocking a reporter with a disability, calling African countries "s--------," calling Democrats "un-American" and "treasonous," etc.), he figuratively flees the scene by either denying what he said, or pretending it was a joke. And, for whatever reason, he will bend over backward to avoid offending Russian President Vladimir Putin.

So when he declared Monday that, had he been at the site of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting, "I really believe I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon," he was widely derided on social media. Obviously, few human beings, even brave ones, would race into a building to confront an active shooter with no weapon. In fact, it would be idiotic to do so. That Trump felt compelled to brag about superhuman physical bravery (and further demean the school resource officer who failed to) is telling.

No doubt our President deserves an award for his declared bravery AFTER the Parkland shooting.
RWer gets a Purple Heart for avoiding driving through NY even though even insisted he did for several posts until I broke him down.
RWer gets a Purple Heart for avoiding driving through NY even though even insisted he did for several posts until I broke him down.
I don't believe a Purple Heart is deserved for driving through NYC, but riding a Harley on I-95 from Jersey to Connecticut absolutely deserve a shot and a beer.
RWer gets a Purple Heart for avoiding driving through NY even though even insisted he did for several posts until I broke him down.
I don't believe a Purple Heart is deserved for driving through NYC, but riding a Harley on I-95 from Jersey to Connecticut absolutely deserve a shot and a beer.
A shot?
Did you just threaten RWer on the Internet?!!!!
RWer gets a Purple Heart for avoiding driving through NY even though even insisted he did for several posts until I broke him down.

I drive TO NYC

Only an idiot drives through it

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