President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment

When the republicans changed the rules so only the leading party had subpoena ability, they thought it was a great thing. What happened? If, and when an impeachment is filed, Trump will have plenty of time to call witnesses and subpoena people then. This is just an investigation to see if impeachment charges should be filed.

Not sure what bullshit you're trying to sell, but this is what Nancy is planning:
1. Her committees investigate Trump for anything impeachable
2. Her committees vote out proposed articles of impeachment to the House floor
3. Her House votes for articles of impeachment
4. Her articles of impeachment go to the senate for a trial

That's not how the process worked for Nixon and Clinton, the whole House voted for an impeachment inquiry. Big difference.
Nancy needs to fix it or the Senate will ignore her articles.

Please state the law or House rule that requires the house to have a vote at this time. Trump and republicans just want to disrupt the work of the committee. There will be a vote if or when impeachment charges are filed. I guess the Republicans changing the rules to only allow subpoena rights for the leading party kinda bit them in the ass, didn't it?. You understand the house has an unquestionable right to investigate anything that falls under their oversight, don't you?
He's lying and everyone knows it. There will be no cooperation under any circumstances.
The Letter has been sent. :thup:

The White House on Tuesday sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denouncing the impeachment inquiry begun in the House of Representatives as “illegitimate.” :2up:
“President Trump and his administration reject your baseless, unconstitutional efforts to overturn the democratic process,” the letter read.

( if you want to read the actual letter, it's here >> White House letter to Nancy Pelosi | United States House Of Representatives | Due Process Clause )

The eight-page letter was released by the White House to reporters on Tuesday evening.

White House Defies Impeachment Process in Letter to Speaker Pelosi
When the republicans changed the rules so only the leading party had subpoena ability, they thought it was a great thing. What happened? If, and when an impeachment is filed, Trump will have plenty of time to call witnesses and subpoena people then. This is just an investigation to see if impeachment charges should be filed.

Not sure what bullshit you're trying to sell, but this is what Nancy is planning:
1. Her committees investigate Trump for anything impeachable
2. Her committees vote out proposed articles of impeachment to the House floor
3. Her House votes for articles of impeachment
4. Her articles of impeachment go to the senate for a trial

That's not how the process worked for Nixon and Clinton, the whole House voted for an impeachment inquiry. Big difference.
Nancy needs to fix it or the Senate will ignore her articles.

Please state the law or House rule that requires the house to have a vote at this time. Trump and republicans just want to disrupt the work of the committee. There will be a vote if or when impeachment charges are filed. I guess the Republicans changing the rules to only allow subpoena rights for the leading party kinda bit them in the ass, didn't it?. You understand the house has an unquestionable right to investigate anything that falls under their oversight, don't you?
Why is Pelosi using the Intelligence Committee for this illegitimate probe instead of the traditional Judiciary Committee?
When the republicans changed the rules so only the leading party had subpoena ability, they thought it was a great thing. What happened? If, and when an impeachment is filed, Trump will have plenty of time to call witnesses and subpoena people then. This is just an investigation to see if impeachment charges should be filed.

Not sure what bullshit you're trying to sell, but this is what Nancy is planning:
1. Her committees investigate Trump for anything impeachable
2. Her committees vote out proposed articles of impeachment to the House floor
3. Her House votes for articles of impeachment
4. Her articles of impeachment go to the senate for a trial

That's not how the process worked for Nixon and Clinton, the whole House voted for an impeachment inquiry. Big difference.
Nancy needs to fix it or the Senate will ignore her articles.

Please state the law or House rule that requires the house to have a vote at this time. Trump and republicans just want to disrupt the work of the committee. There will be a vote if or when impeachment charges are filed. I guess the Republicans changing the rules to only allow subpoena rights for the leading party kinda bit them in the ass, didn't it?. You understand the house has an unquestionable right to investigate anything that falls under their oversight, don't you?
Why is Pelosi using the Intelligence Committee for this illegitimate probe instead of the traditional Judiciary Committee?

Because she can.
The Letter has been sent. :thup:

The White House on Tuesday sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denouncing the impeachment inquiry begun in the House of Representatives as “illegitimate.” :2up:
“President Trump and his administration reject your baseless, unconstitutional efforts to overturn the democratic process,” the letter read.

( if you want to read the actual letter, it's here >> White House letter to Nancy Pelosi | United States House Of Representatives | Due Process Clause )

The eight-page letter was released by the White House to reporters on Tuesday evening.

White House Defies Impeachment Process in Letter to Speaker Pelosi


I wonder if you understand that the Executive branch is not subservient to the Legislative?

You do understand that they have equal power and it is the legislative branches job to do what they are doing now. Trump must comply or it's evidence of him violating the constitution.

I'm am concerned that you don't understand the concept of evidence. Evidence is a physical and tangible asset. What it is not is an inference based upon an act that has an assigned motive by anyone.

They are coequal, and as such, Congress will be required to provide proof of their justification and or permit the White House participation in their attempted prosecution.

Executive privilege alone is sufficient to force the congress to go to the SCOTUS in order to force them to turn over any privileged documentation.

That could take a good long time. Perhaps if they cooperated with the White House they'd get more done.

Democrats face consequences of skipping floor impeachment vote: House Democrats gave themselves political wiggle room, but the strategy also leaves open questions about the inquiry’s legitimacy.

“A federal judge, hearing arguments Tuesday about whether the House Judiciary Committee should get grand jury materials from the special counsel report from Robert S. Mueller III as part of an impeachment inquiry, questioned when she could know such an inquiry had begun if there wasn’t a floor vote. . . . That procedural ambiguity underscores the complex politics of impeachment, where Pelosi wants to simultaneously legitimize the House’s constitutional role to investigate the president for wrongdoing and play politics at the same time.”​

Democrats should be expelled for playing politics with impeachment.

Which won't make a bit of difference. I laughed out loud when I hear Nazi Piglosi saying she was going to charge Trump with obstruction.

Yup! Obstruction if for document destruction and things of that nature, not asserting a privilege and then litigating it in Court. These power mad crazy out of control Dems think asserting OUR Constitutional rights is "Obstruction". What crazed tyrants they would be if only the Constitution didn't forbid it.

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