President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment

Dude...anyone with a brain (which obviously leaves you and most of your fellow Trumpers out) can simply look at what you posted to know you're not only wrong...but STUPIDLY...STUBBORNLY..DISHONESTLY
Speaking of which...
Tell us again how the 2nd Amendment only applies to people in a well-related militia.
Wrong thread asshole
Dude...anyone with a brain (which obviously leaves you and most of your fellow Trumpers out) can simply look at what you posted to know you're not only wrong...but STUPIDLY...STUBBORNLY..DISHONESTLY
Speaking of which...
Tell us again how the 2nd Amendment only applies to people in a well-related militia.
Wrong thread asshole
Good to see you know you're not only wrong...but STUPIDLY...STUBBORNLY..DISHONESTLY
"There is nothing in the Constitution that requires a full House vote to launch an impeachment inquiry," Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky told Newsweek. "That has been done before, but it is not a constitutional requirement. President Trump is wrong in saying that it is not a legitimate impeachment inquiry without a floor vote."

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution states: "The House of Representatives shall [choose] their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

Yes, but they STILL have to vote to OPEN the investigation,

Say, 500 members in the House of Rep.

Pelosi brings the Inquiry to Impeach to the floor for a vote.

The vote is 249/251 - NOT in favor to Investigate to Impeach.

No investigation - no possible Articles of Impeachment - no hearing before the Senate.

I think your Prof of Law was misquoted

There is no such requirement in the Constitution. Try reading it some time.
Then litigate the Subpoena refusal. Take it to court. We Dare You!
First there IS NO impeachment inquiry. The HOUSE has the power, not Pelosi or the Committee heads, They are pedaling yet another Democrat farce. Trump, being a very stable genius with an unusually large brain, wasn't fooled for an instant.

They are asking for information about The President, a Co-Equal Branch of Government, conduct regarding FOREIGN Policy. The conduct of foreign relations is a near-plenary power of the chief executive. We are not talking here about oversight of executive agencies created by Congress. The committees are aiming their subpoena demands at the place where the president’s constitutional power and privileges are at their most formidable. Of course the White House is not going to start surrendering records just because Chairman Cummings, who represents a dirty urban area overrun with rats, wrote a subpoena. This is going to be a protracted court battle, not because anyone is obstructing but because both sides have legitimate interests to protect.

It is up to Congress to build a political case that convinces Americans. It must be a strong case that cuts across partisan lines, because impeaching a president is a profound challenge to national cohesion, and because the two-thirds’ supermajority vote required in the Senate for removal ensures that impeachment is reserved for only truly egregious misconduct.

Therefore, if lawmakers have a genuine belief that the president should be removed, it is their obligation to make that political case to the public.

But the question is: Do the Democrats have a good-faith belief that President Trump has engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors, or are they engaged in a political stunt, the objectives of which are to appease irrational elements of their base and to batter Trump for 2020 election purposes?

If they have a good-faith belief that the president’s impeachment must be considered, they owe it to the country to vote on conducting an impeachment inquiry, rather than continue dodging accountability. Indeed, if Democrats really believe what they say — if they really believe there have been appalling abuses of power, rather than mere missteps or political disputes — then they should be proud to vote on it.

Only the House can impeach the president. If there is to be an inquiry about invoking this most solemn and consequential of the House’s powers, the House must vote to conduct it. It is not for the Speaker and her adjutants to decree that there is an inquiry. If the inquiry is to be legitimate, the House as a whole must decide to conduct it.

Members of the House are the representatives of the sovereign — the People. In November 2020, the People are scheduled to vote on whether Donald Trump should keep his job. If Democrats, who control the House, truly believe the president has committed impeachable offenses and is so unfit for his duties that we can’t wait just 13 months for the sovereign to render that verdict, then they should vote to conduct an impeachment inquiry. If they are afraid to vote on it, then they shouldn’t be doing it. And we should draw a negative inference against them.

Trump Impeachment Inquiry: House Must Vote or It’s Just a Democratic Stunt | National Review

The House has the power to impeach and that is all it states...
Exactly. Not Pelosi and these craze extremist committee heads, one of which colluded with the Whistle Blower and lied about it. He needs to resign.
... There is a impeachment inquiry whether you like it or not....
No there isn't; Fake News, Smoke Mirrors and lies. That's the way it always is with Democrats.
... The House has the power of oversight and that extends to a President's conduct of foreign policy...
Not so much, now in a REAL Impeachment inquiry, yes, but this is faked up pretend job by Pelosi and a handful of extremists attempting to misuse this most solemn of Constitutional Powers to affect the 2020 elections.
...You are the filthy rat....
That's the best you've got? Sad!
... Trump publicly urging Ukraine and China to investigate Biden. they should do the right thing...
They should. I hear that Pelosi's son may have been involved in this scheme to bribe our high officials by filling their children's pockets with cash...INTERESTING!!!!
... Pressuring foreign governments to investigate your political opponents...
Oh you are just going to HATE the Barr and Durham Report, because that's EXACTLY what Obama did to Trump!
... The Constitution only states that the House must vote to impeach. It does not require a vote on a inquiry. It leaves how you get there to the House...
The House acts by voting. This is the first you have heard of this?
... There is no requirement for a vote on a impeachment inquiry...
Then why haven't they taken it to court? Have they forgotten how? The first thing the Court is going to ask is if a vote was taken. And when the answer is no, for an explanation WHY no vote was taken.

And WHY has no vote been taken?
Then litigate the Subpoena refusal. Take it to court. We Dare You!
The Dems do not want tot hold a vote for the inquiry because they know it will hurt them.
No more, no less.
It's ALL Extreme Partisan Politics With Them. They are attempting to misuse The Impeachment Power To Influence an Election. We have seen some low down dirty tricks and misuse of power, but this faked up pretend impeachment takes the cake!

They do NOT care that misusing Impeachment Power is an Attack On The American People.
Then litigate the Subpoena refusal. Take it to court. We Dare You!
The Dems do not want tot hold a vote for the inquiry because they know it will hurt them.
No more, no less.
It's ALL Extreme Partisan Politics With Them. They are attempting to misuse The Impeachment Power To Influence an Election. We have seen some low down dirty tricks and misuse of power, but this faked up pretend impeachment takes the cake!
They do NOT care that misusing Impeachment Power is an Attack On The American People.
The also do not understand that they give the GOP carta blanche to do the same to a Dem President.
Impeachment is going to used to try and remove a corrupt incompetent deranged individual from the Oval Office.

At the very least it will highlight his crimes and actions
Impeachment is going to used to try and remove a corrupt incompetent deranged individual from the Oval Office.
Thank you for admitting your support an attempt to remove a President for something other than treason, bribery, high crimes or misdemeanors.
Not that we didn't already know the constitution means nothing to you.
Then litigate the Subpoena refusal. Take it to court. We Dare You!
The Dems do not want tot hold a vote for the inquiry because they know it will hurt them.
No more, no less.
It's ALL Extreme Partisan Politics With Them. They are attempting to misuse The Impeachment Power To Influence an Election. We have seen some low down dirty tricks and misuse of power, but this faked up pretend impeachment takes the cake!
They do NOT care that misusing Impeachment Power is an Attack On The American People.
The also do not understand that they give the GOP carta blanche to do the same to a Dem President.
They don't seem to care about that, but, regardless, Pelosi and these crazed partisan extremist committee heads cannot merely ASSERT that they speak for the entire House. They each only have ONE vote and passing the House takes 217 votes.

It seems like Trump is 7.5 times smarter than these folks, combined, but with this ignorant nonsense, that could be raised to 8.8 as the previous measurement gave these bitterly partisan House impeachment nut jobs, trying to influence the 2020 elections, by misusing their power, too much credit for brains.
Impeachment is going to used to try and remove a corrupt incompetent deranged individual from the Oval Office.
Thank you for admitting your support an attempt to remove a President for something other than treason, bribery, high crimes or misdemeanors.
Not that we didn't already know the constitution means nothing to you.
Trump's "crime" was winning the 2016 election. Who they really hate is US.
I will repeat, the Constitution It is very explicit... THE HOUSE MUST ACT to do anything on impeachment.

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution states: "The House of Representatives shall [choose] their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

Read the Constitution, it explicitly states the "House shall" and "sole power" not piglosie will...

There is nothing ambiguous about how it is written..

There is nothing ambiguous about the Constitution except you are rewriting it. The only requirement is a House vote on whether the President should be impeached. It says nothing about how you get to the final vote.

You failed reading 101...

Tell me, who constitutes the "House of Representatives"?


You failed reading comprehension 101. The Constitution gives the House the power to impeach a President. Pelosi is not impeaching Trump only opening a inquiry. The Constitution says nothing about a inquiry. You are trying to read things that are not there. You probably see things that are not there as well,.

We are a Constitutional Republic which consists of representatives of the peoples voices.
Nancy can not be the soul voice of a Formal Impeachment Inquiry without everyone else's rights to be heard. Then the investigations can start.
After all investigations are heard then the house votes to impeach.
She knows this she went trough it with Clinton.

She is not the dictator over everybody else no matter which party has the majority of the house.

This move has taken President Trump's right to defend himself and the peoples voices away.

The left seem to think they can do anything and then take it to the courts.

No lefties, we all have our rights , one leader of any party can not override our constitutional rights to vote for a Formal Inquiry Pelosi.
Bullshit. She is the Speaker of the House. SHe's operasting under the rules as they exist and if you don't like it tough shit.

Win back the House and change them.

And don't pretend that Trump would honor ANY subpoena no matter how the Impeachment Inquiry began.
This move has taken President Trump's right to defend himself and the peoples voices away.

Trump will have plenty of time to defend himself when the Senate hears the case.

What case it's a nothing burger again.
Trump did a brilliant move.
You get nothing Nancy till you have a vote on the floor for a Formal Impeachment Investigation.
Love it.
The battle-lines are being drawn, the democrats will need to put up or shut-up about impeachment.
Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will soon start indicting the deep state conspirators.
When the republicans changed the rules so only the leading party had subpoena ability, they thought it was a great thing. What happened? If, and when an impeachment is filed, Trump will have plenty of time to call witnesses and subpoena people then. This is just an investigation to see if impeachment charges should be filed.
When the republicans changed the rules so only the leading party had subpoena ability, they thought it was a great thing. What happened? If, and when an impeachment is filed, Trump will have plenty of time to call witnesses and subpoena people then. This is just an investigation to see if impeachment charges should be filed.

Not sure what bullshit you're trying to sell, but this is what Nancy is planning:
1. Her committees investigate Trump for anything impeachable
2. Her committees vote out proposed articles of impeachment to the House floor
3. Her House votes for articles of impeachment
4. Her articles of impeachment go to the senate for a trial

That's not how the process worked for Nixon and Clinton, the whole House voted for an impeachment inquiry. Big difference.
Nancy needs to fix it or the Senate will ignore her articles.

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