President Trump to be left off 2020 ballots unless he shows his tax returns, Washington State says

Trump to be left off 2020 ballots unless he shows his tax returns, Washington State says

Donald Trump’s name will not appear on voting ballots in Washington State if the president fails to release his tax returns ahead of the 2020 elections.

Lawmakers in the Washington State senate approved major legislation this week that would legally require all presidential candidates to release the last five years of their personal tax returns in order to have their names featured on both primary and general voting ballots.

Surely they have finished that audit by now ?

I wonder if this is a wise move ? Doesnt it create a precedent ? Trump is a bad apple but this type of tactic could be used to exclude decent people.

Honest people don't have a thing to worry about. If it excludes dishonest people, it's a breath of fresh air and would stop MOST of the Presidential Wanna be's cold in their tracks. Imagine, an Honest Abe President. It's been a very long time. I believe the last one was Ike.

Presidential candidates have revealed their taxes for the last forty years and we still haven’t had an honest President, so much for that theory.
I doubt that SCOTUS is going to buy that flimsy excuse to usurp the presidency.
Excuse you, you dodged my question. One can meet all the eligibility requirements for being a president, yet not meet individual States' requirements for being on their ballots. That is already the case and is perfectly constitutional. So, essentially, you declared something impossible which is already true. That certainly was odd.

So, here is your chance to redeem yourself: how is this case different? You brought it up, now explain yourself.
Trump to be left off 2020 ballots unless he shows his tax returns, Washington State says

Donald Trump’s name will not appear on voting ballots in Washington State if the president fails to release his tax returns ahead of the 2020 elections.

Lawmakers in the Washington State senate approved major legislation this week that would legally require all presidential candidates to release the last five years of their personal tax returns in order to have their names featured on both primary and general voting ballots.

Surely they have finished that audit by now ?

I wonder if this is a wise move ? Doesnt it create a precedent ? Trump is a bad apple but this type of tactic could be used to exclude decent people.

Honest people don't have a thing to worry about. If it excludes dishonest people, it's a breath of fresh air and would stop MOST of the Presidential Wanna be's cold in their tracks. Imagine, an Honest Abe President. It's been a very long time. I believe the last one was Ike.
Did Abe Lincoln make all of his personal tax documents public?

Yes, he made all his Federal Tax returns available on request.

Do you have any proof of your statement?
Article 2 of the US constitution clearly states the requirements to be eligible for the US presidency.
But one can meet those requirements and still not be eligble to be on a state's presidential ballot. So how is that relevant in the least?

What a COMPLETE FUCKING RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please just STFU!!!
Article 2 of the US constitution clearly states the requirements to be eligible for the US presidency.
But one can meet those requirements and still not be eligble to be on a state's presidential ballot. So how is that relevant in the least?

What a COMPLETE FUCKING RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please just STFU!!!
Haha, I see Francis has reached the limit of his mental capacity.
Article 2 of the US constitution clearly states the requirements to be eligible for the US presidency.
But one can meet those requirements and still not be eligble to be on a state's presidential ballot. So how is that relevant in the least?

What a COMPLETE FUCKING RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please just STFU!!!
Haha, I see Francis has reached the limit of his mental capacity.

Your stupid is painful. I beg you just shut the fuck up
One would think the Washington State Government assholes would know that passing this is unconstitutional.

Guess not.
Article 2 of the US constitution clearly states the requirements to be eligible for the US presidency.
But one can meet those requirements and still not be eligble to be on a state's presidential ballot. So how is that relevant in the least?

What a COMPLETE FUCKING RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please just STFU!!!
Haha, I see Francis has reached the limit of his mental capacity.

Your stupid is painful. I beg you just shut the fuck up
Hmm, no, I think it better if you just leave.

Or, get on your little google horse and explain the other poster's point... ya know, since he suddenly had something more important to do than explain it himself...
Talk about arrogance, Washington state trying to run a federal election?

Washington Senate passes bill that would keep Trump off 2020 ballot unless he releases tax returns

Washington's state Senate passed a bill this week that would drop President Trumpfrom the state's 2020 presidential ballot until he releases his tax returns.

The bill, which advanced Tuesday to the state's House of Representatives, according to CBS News, would require any candidate on the ballot for president in the state to release five years of tax returns before appearing in a general or primary election.

Senators voted by a 28-21 margin to approve the bill, according to CBS. The state's attorney general and solicitor told lawmakers in a letter this week that the proposal likely was constitutional, but analysts expect the law if passed to be challenged in federal court.
How is this them trying to run a federal election?

What do I have to spell it out for the uneducated voter crowd? What's next a state saying only a black woman between the ages of 25 ~ 30 can run for president?
As far as I know, republicans and democrats can run their primaries however they want and they both have automatic access to a ballad spot in all 50 states, so this requirement wouldn’t apply to trump. It seems more like a political statement rather than a practical law. I don’t see this as a state trying to run an election. That’s an over dramatization
Is this about primaries or national elections?
This got shot down by the SC a couple decades ago when arkansas tried to enforce "term limits". If a person running has served beyond a specific amount of time, they were removed
States cant do this type of stuff.
Article 2 of the US constitution clearly states the requirements to be eligible for the US presidency.
But one can meet those requirements and still not be eligble to be on a state's presidential ballot. So how is that relevant in the least?

What a COMPLETE FUCKING RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please just STFU!!!
Haha, I see Francis has reached the limit of his mental capacity.

Your stupid is painful. I beg you just shut the fuck up
Hmm, no, I think it better if you just leave.

Or, get on your little google horse and explain the other poster's point... ya know, since he suddenly had something more important to do than explain it himself...

No. Irrespective of "Born in Kenya" Obama's unlawful election, the States cannot add or subtract requirements for the Presidency of the United States. Can they require that he be a blue-eyed, Stalin loving Marxist?

Stop now while you're only waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind
Haha, whatever, you fraud. You mentioned only two things:

"Gee, why are they making a law?"

And something about superseding law. And now I am putting the spotlight on you so that you can tell the class precisely which superseding law to which you are referring, or so that you can cobble something, anything together resembling a coherent thought on the topic you, yourself, breached. Now, run along and furiously google for something to prop up your vapid bloviating. Good luck!
Washington's new law assumes legal license it does not possess. I can't make it any clearer.
Trump is not legally required to release tax information. Washington therefore cannot demand that he do such a thing.

You can sit there and hurl your little insults from what I can only assume is your crib but you are only making yourself look like a real dimwitted moron, not that I mind.

Is this comment and opinion, a federal law, or the legal opinion of Rudy Guilani
Haha, whatever, you fraud. You mentioned only two things:

"Gee, why are they making a law?"

And something about superseding law. And now I am putting the spotlight on you so that you can tell the class precisely which superseding law to which you are referring, or so that you can cobble something, anything together resembling a coherent thought on the topic you, yourself, breached. Now, run along and furiously google for something to prop up your vapid bloviating. Good luck!
Washington's new law assumes legal license it does not possess. I can't make it any clearer.
Trump is not legally required to release tax information. Washington therefore cannot demand that he do such a thing.

You can sit there and hurl your little insults from what I can only assume is your crib but you are only making yourself look like a real dimwitted moron, not that I mind.

Is this your opinion? A Federal Law (CFR), a U. S. Code, or a legal opinion expressed by Rudy Giuliani*, before he vanished from offering his opinions?

*Inside Rudy Giuliani's cable news vanishing act
Irrespective of "Born in Kenya" Obama's unlawful election, the States cannot add or subtract requirements for the Presidency of the United States.
Thats not the topic, idiot. The topic is state requirements to be on its ballot. Good grief,just shut up,ya moron.
Trump to be left off 2020 ballots unless he shows his tax returns, Washington State says

Donald Trump’s name will not appear on voting ballots in Washington State if the president fails to release his tax returns ahead of the 2020 elections.

Lawmakers in the Washington State senate approved major legislation this week that would legally require all presidential candidates to release the last five years of their personal tax returns in order to have their names featured on both primary and general voting ballots.

Surely they have finished that audit by now ?

I wonder if this is a wise move ? Doesnt it create a precedent ? Trump is a bad apple but this type of tactic could be used to exclude decent people.

Honest people don't have a thing to worry about. If it excludes dishonest people, it's a breath of fresh air and would stop MOST of the Presidential Wanna be's cold in their tracks. Imagine, an Honest Abe President. It's been a very long time. I believe the last one was Ike.
Did Abe Lincoln make all of his personal tax documents public?

Yes, he made all his Federal Tax returns available on request.


The Dems prove once again that their only true strategy is To Cheat.
Trump to be left off 2020 ballots unless he shows his tax returns, Washington State says

Donald Trump’s name will not appear on voting ballots in Washington State if the president fails to release his tax returns ahead of the 2020 elections.

Lawmakers in the Washington State senate approved major legislation this week that would legally require all presidential candidates to release the last five years of their personal tax returns in order to have their names featured on both primary and general voting ballots.

Surely they have finished that audit by now ?

I wonder if this is a wise move ? Doesnt it create a precedent ? Trump is a bad apple but this type of tactic could be used to exclude decent people.

Honest people don't have a thing to worry about. If it excludes dishonest people, it's a breath of fresh air and would stop MOST of the Presidential Wanna be's cold in their tracks. Imagine, an Honest Abe President. It's been a very long time. I believe the last one was Ike.
Did Abe Lincoln make all of his personal tax documents public?

Yes, he made all his Federal Tax returns available on request.
You are dodging the question. Why are you dodging the question?

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