President Trump To Be A Good President You Have To Be A Good Neighbor!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
A lot of President Trump's behavior so far can be characterized as he's throwing around bottles of nitro-glycerin like their bottles of tap water! With many of these Executive Orders (EOs) he is issuing he is using a meat cleaver when he should be using a scalpel. He may be doing some good with these Executive Orders but he will also be doing a significant amount of bad, at minimum, and high quality leaders don't operate like this they operate by the principle first do no significant harm! The latest EO that shocked me was his EO shutting off federal grants for sanctuary cities. Where is this man's character for virtue; cutting off these federal grants for these locales will hurt a lot of innocent victims federal grants in some cases help children, people with health problems and victims of crime shutting off help for these people you'll just he hurting innocent people these people having nothing to do with their cities being a safe haven for illegal immigrants. The only virtuous punitive effort against these sanctuary cities would be cutting off things like economic development grants (not social or security related services) for these locales and only for their extreme wrongdoing of not honoring federal retainers for illegal immigrants in their custody where that illegal immigrant has a "felony" conviction because these people pose a heightened security risk to the public and have no legal right to be in the country! But even with such a tailored EO President Trump would be moving rashly by that I mean he could probably accomplish the same goal by enacting legislation that would sail through Congress and resolve the problem. By this I mean, and I am not claiming to be a legal expert here, but these ignoring of federal retainers are utmost serious wrongdoings by these criminal justice officials in these sanctuary cities the public has all heard of heart breaking stories where such an official did this and the illegal immigrant after being released murdered someone or committed child sexual abuse. Why cannot the Congress and the President pass a law (remember federal law preempts state and local law) which somehow turns these federal retainers into federal judicial court orders so that when these city criminal justice system officials disobey the federal court order to hold onto that illegal immigrant felon until federal officials can pick him or her up federal law enforcement authorities can go to a federal judge and have that city official held in contempt and thrown in jail for a time; this will stop this wrongdoing because only a city official who is a fool will do this wrongdoing because the law will be clearly against them!

President Trump needs to start thinking things through and fully consider the interests and concerns of people that oppose what he is doing. I am not saying there isn't occasions (based on the merits of the issue) where he shouldn't impose his will on the situation, certainly President Obama did, but he needs to always be following the standard that he is behaving as a good neighbor. What President Trump is going to wrought if he keeps up what he is doing is he is going to create an alarmingly divided nation where it won't only impact him in obstructing him from achieving good goals but he is going to spread hostility through the country where in part people are going to go around acting like little Trumps bulldozering their way around not being considerate of their neighbor. This reckless turmoil President Trump is generating is going to spread to America's international relationships. President Trump build your concrete wall on America's southern border, your case is a winning case that walls work from a security standpoint, but stop trying to get Mexico to pay for the wall, dozens of countries are responsible for the illegal immigration flowing through this border why should the country of Mexico be stuck with the tab. The wall is being built on America's soil for America's interests America should pay for the wall. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto should take up President Trump's suggestion that he not come to the United States next week because he is not agreeing Mexico should pay for the wall let President Nieto hang is hat on the fact that the majority of the American people don't think Mexico should pay for a wall on America's southern border so it would be unfair to the Mexican people to impose this financial burden on them! This writer submits that he is not taking that big of a leap here but he predict that if President Trump keeps acting like a bull in a china shop he is going to get a big comeuppance for it and he'll end up really regretting this neanderthal behavior!
A lot of President Trump's behavior so far can be characterized as he's throwing around bottles of nitro-glycerin like their bottles of tap water! With many of these Executive Orders (EOs) he is issuing he is using a meat cleaver when he should be using a scalpel. He may be doing some good with these Executive Orders but he will also be doing a significant amount of bad, at minimum, and high quality leaders don't operate like this they operate by the principle first do no significant harm! The latest EO that shocked me was his EO shutting off federal grants for sanctuary cities. Where is this man's character for virtue; cutting off these federal grants for these locales will hurt a lot of innocent victims federal grants in some cases help children, people with health problems and victims of crime shutting off help for these people you'll just he hurting innocent people these people having nothing to do with their cities being a safe haven for illegal immigrants. The only virtuous punitive effort against these sanctuary cities would be cutting off things like economic development grants (not social or security related services) for these locales and only for their extreme wrongdoing of not honoring federal retainers for illegal immigrants in their custody where that illegal immigrant has a "felony" conviction because these people pose a heightened security risk to the public and have no legal right to be in the country! But even with such a tailored EO President Trump would be moving rashly by that I mean he could probably accomplish the same goal by enacting legislation that would sail through Congress and resolve the problem. By this I mean, and I am not claiming to be a legal expert here, but these ignoring of federal retainers are utmost serious wrongdoings by these criminal justice officials in these sanctuary cities the public has all heard of heart breaking stories where such an official did this and the illegal immigrant after being released murdered someone or committed child sexual abuse. Why cannot the Congress and the President pass a law (remember federal law preempts state and local law) which somehow turns these federal retainers into federal judicial court orders so that when these city criminal justice system officials disobey the federal court order to hold onto that illegal immigrant felon until federal officials can pick him or her up federal law enforcement authorities can go to a federal judge and have that city official held in contempt and thrown in jail for a time; this will stop this wrongdoing because only a city official who is a fool will do this wrongdoing because the law will be clearly against them!

President Trump needs to start thinking things through and fully consider the interests and concerns of people that oppose what he is doing. I am not saying there isn't occasions (based on the merits of the issue) where he shouldn't impose his will on the situation, certainly President Obama did, but he needs to always be following the standard that he is behaving as a good neighbor. What President Trump is going to wrought if he keeps up what he is doing is he is going to create an alarmingly divided nation where it won't only impact him in obstructing him from achieving good goals but he is going to spread hostility through the country where in part people are going to go around acting like little Trumps bulldozering their way around not being considerate of their neighbor. This reckless turmoil President Trump is generating is going to spread to America's international relationships. President Trump build your concrete wall on America's southern border, your case is a winning case that walls work from a security standpoint, but stop trying to get Mexico to pay for the wall, dozens of countries are responsible for the illegal immigration flowing through this border why should the country of Mexico be stuck with the tab. The wall is being built on America's soil for America's interests America should pay for the wall. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto should take up President Trump's suggestion that he not come to the United States next week because he is not agreeing Mexico should pay for the wall let President Nieto hang is hat on the fact that the majority of the American people don't think Mexico should pay for a wall on America's southern border so it would be unfair to the Mexican people to impose this financial burden on them! This writer submits that he is not taking that big of a leap here but he predict that if President Trump keeps acting like a bull in a china shop he is going to get a big comeuppance for it and he'll end up really regretting this neanderthal behavior!
The nation was long divided before he got there. This is your predictable surprise.
"A good neighbor"? Who said that? I wonder if lefties would be good neighbors to people who dumped garbage on their lawns, killed their pets and sold drugs to their kids?
He just needs to fix the problems, where appropriate for the feds. Stay out of the rest
Mexico has been irresponsible in their protection of the border, because they're selfish and feel they have nothing to lose. Now we have someone in office who will hold them accountable, and if they don't want to play..............Guess what happens in a prison setting when Bubba no longer protects little Billy?
If sanctuary cities want federal money they can stop being sanctuaries. There are Americans in those cities barely making it that see what little they have taken and given to illegals.
Mexico isn't being a 'Good Neighbor.' It doesn't respect our laws. Its Citizens don't have the right to violate our Immigration Laws. I mean, do you lock your doors at home? If so, why? We've allowed this Illegal 'Home Invasion' to go on far too long.

It's time to end Illegal Immigration once and for all. If you wanna come to my country, you'll have to do it the right way. You'll have to do it legally. And i'm sorry, but i don't give a damn if that upsets Democrats and Mexico. It's time for change.
'President Trump To Be A Good President You Have To Be A Good Neighbor!'

When your neighbors keep breaking into your house and demanding they be allowed to stay, you don't let them - you call the cops, kick them out, and stop them!
Good neighbors don't kick your door down and invade your home. That's called a crime. It's why most folks lock their doors.
Mexico has been irresponsible in their protection of the border, because they're selfish and feel they have nothing to lose. Now we have someone in office who will hold them accountable, and if they don't want to play..............Guess what happens in a prison setting when Bubba no longer protects little Billy?
That's why the Mexican President gave Trump the Mexican Wall of No; he won't be attending the meeting until Trump grows up.
Time to lock the Border Door. This never-ending 'Home Invasion' needs to end. It's time. I wish Donald Trump the best of luck. It's about time someone stepped up and did something.
Mexico has been irresponsible in their protection of the border, because they're selfish and feel they have nothing to lose. Now we have someone in office who will hold them accountable, and if they don't want to play..............Guess what happens in a prison setting when Bubba no longer protects little Billy?
That's why the Mexican President gave Trump the Mexican Wall of No; he won't be attending the meeting until Trump grows up.

Lol, you wanna bet short bus?
The peso is tumbling after Mexico's president says he won't meet with Trump

The peso is tumbling after Mexico's president says he won't meet with Trump
Mexico has been irresponsible in their protection of the border, because they're selfish and feel they have nothing to lose. Now we have someone in office who will hold them accountable, and if they don't want to play..............Guess what happens in a prison setting when Bubba no longer protects little Billy?
That's why the Mexican President gave Trump the Mexican Wall of No; he won't be attending the meeting until Trump grows up.

No worries. Mexico's gonna pay for the wall one way or another. Time to lock the Border Door. Time for this never-ending 'Home Invasion' to end.
Apparently, Democrats and Mexico have a very warped perception of what a 'Good Neighbor' is. How many 'Good Neighbors' have invaded your home lately? :cuckoo:
A lot of President Trump's behavior so far can be characterized as he's throwing around bottles of nitro-glycerin like their bottles of tap water! With many of these Executive Orders (EOs) he is issuing he is using a meat cleaver when he should be using a scalpel. He may be doing some good with these Executive Orders but he will also be doing a significant amount of bad, at minimum, and high quality leaders don't operate like this they operate by the principle first do no significant harm! The latest EO that shocked me was his EO shutting off federal grants for sanctuary cities. Where is this man's character for virtue; cutting off these federal grants for these locales will hurt a lot of innocent victims federal grants in some cases help children, people with health problems and victims of crime shutting off help for these people you'll just he hurting innocent people these people having nothing to do with their cities being a safe haven for illegal immigrants. The only virtuous punitive effort against these sanctuary cities would be cutting off things like economic development grants (not social or security related services) for these locales and only for their extreme wrongdoing of not honoring federal retainers for illegal immigrants in their custody where that illegal immigrant has a "felony" conviction because these people pose a heightened security risk to the public and have no legal right to be in the country! But even with such a tailored EO President Trump would be moving rashly by that I mean he could probably accomplish the same goal by enacting legislation that would sail through Congress and resolve the problem. By this I mean, and I am not claiming to be a legal expert here, but these ignoring of federal retainers are utmost serious wrongdoings by these criminal justice officials in these sanctuary cities the public has all heard of heart breaking stories where such an official did this and the illegal immigrant after being released murdered someone or committed child sexual abuse. Why cannot the Congress and the President pass a law (remember federal law preempts state and local law) which somehow turns these federal retainers into federal judicial court orders so that when these city criminal justice system officials disobey the federal court order to hold onto that illegal immigrant felon until federal officials can pick him or her up federal law enforcement authorities can go to a federal judge and have that city official held in contempt and thrown in jail for a time; this will stop this wrongdoing because only a city official who is a fool will do this wrongdoing because the law will be clearly against them!

President Trump needs to start thinking things through and fully consider the interests and concerns of people that oppose what he is doing. I am not saying there isn't occasions (based on the merits of the issue) where he shouldn't impose his will on the situation, certainly President Obama did, but he needs to always be following the standard that he is behaving as a good neighbor. What President Trump is going to wrought if he keeps up what he is doing is he is going to create an alarmingly divided nation where it won't only impact him in obstructing him from achieving good goals but he is going to spread hostility through the country where in part people are going to go around acting like little Trumps bulldozering their way around not being considerate of their neighbor. This reckless turmoil President Trump is generating is going to spread to America's international relationships. President Trump build your concrete wall on America's southern border, your case is a winning case that walls work from a security standpoint, but stop trying to get Mexico to pay for the wall, dozens of countries are responsible for the illegal immigration flowing through this border why should the country of Mexico be stuck with the tab. The wall is being built on America's soil for America's interests America should pay for the wall. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto should take up President Trump's suggestion that he not come to the United States next week because he is not agreeing Mexico should pay for the wall let President Nieto hang is hat on the fact that the majority of the American people don't think Mexico should pay for a wall on America's southern border so it would be unfair to the Mexican people to impose this financial burden on them! This writer submits that he is not taking that big of a leap here but he predict that if President Trump keeps acting like a bull in a china shop he is going to get a big comeuppance for it and he'll end up really regretting this neanderthal behavior!

Sociopaths don't think things through, they just act, impulsively and erratically. It's why he's had to file bankruptcy 5 times, got sued for $40M for Trump University and had the state of NY shut down the Trump Foundation for donation activities in NY.

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