President Trump signs bibles, hugs folks in hurricane stricken Alabama

Yeah this is not a huge deal but also I don't see the point of Trump signing a Bible. He didn't write it. I wouldn't have him ever sign my Bible. The only Person I would ever have sign my Bible is currently sitting at the right hand of the Father but by that point in history there will BE no point. He is the living Word. The written word then will be rather moot.
Bill Maher: CPAC is 'Woodstock for the Mentally Impaired,' Evangelicals Made Trump Believe He's God's Gift. "The Bible will always be used as a justifier for whatever you want."
So Abortion is okay, but President Trump signing Bibles, that's where the left draws the line... These people are Insane..
LOL Trump just described the Russia investigation as "a collusion witch hoax"
Trump loves this country & everyone who’s willing to see that cannot deny it. He left his comfy life to take on big swamp monsters for you, me & our neighbors. True blessing!

No one can be this stupid. It's just not possible. Could it? Do you honestly believe TRump cares about America? At all?
Anyone who has their Bible writes their names on it. Or there so happens to be another name. Outside where the cover is. Trump is trying to be nice to storm victims. The way he signed is getting way politicized. Especially that he acknowledges the Bible more than a a lot of president's. nObama never did. I don't know why the lefties are trying to gaslight this. Must be the Crazy Bernie fans.
------------------------------------------ i love how TRUMP fecks with the lefties .

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