President Trump reviews 2 movie DVD's: "Bloodsport" starring Jean Claude Van Damme & "Pulp Fiction"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
on Bloodsport: "its a little bloody, but its really fantastic. its one of those movies you tell your kids not to watch then you watch it yourself and you're hooked. its a great movie. i love it"

on Pulp Fiction: "Sam Jackson should have got the Oscar for this, not Travolta. my favorite part is when Sam has his gun out in the diner and he tells the guy to tell his girlfriend to shut up. Tell that bitch to be cool. bitch, be cool. i love those lines!"
I'll be damned, I searched, and you are right, it is documented that he did indeed say that.

Funny thing for a racist to want a black guy to get the Oscar? Pretty queer that, eh?
Why is he finally getting around to reviewing 25 year old movies?

How did he like Gone with the Wind?
Why is he finally getting around to reviewing 25 year old movies?

How did he like Gone with the Wind?
The search turned up that the quote is from a 2015 book called, ""TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald"
content,+not+Travolta.+my+favorite+part+is+when+Sam+has+his+gun+out+in+the+diner+and+he+tells+the+guy+to+tell+his+girlfriend+to+shut+up.+Tell+that+bitch+to+be+cool.+bitch,+be+cool.+i+love+those+lines!&source=bl&ots=PlevYCnRdp&sig=P5ZvJy5DoTGBV2a9EhGcCOmn5jQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjaptX8x_fcAhWL8YMKHZ4bClIQ6AEwCXoECA0QAQ#v=onepage&q=Sam Jackson should have got the Oscar for this, not Travolta. my favorite part is when Sam has his gun out in the diner and he tells the guy to tell his girlfriend to shut up. Tell that bitch to be cool. bitch, be cool. i love those lines!&f=false
Jackson's character was absolutely chilling when he had that (white) kid in the chair, quoted the Bible and told him "don't say what again" and then asked him what Marcelles Jackson looked like "does he look like a bitch"? The answer guessed it "what". What the hell was in the briefcase that the Travolta character opened.
I loved the beginning, the scene where he and Travolta were arguing if it is sexual for a man to rub another man's wife's feet. The banter between the two of them is classic
Not only is he doing a great job at running the country ... he can pick movies better than Gene Siskel OR Robert Ebert
Pulp fiction dated but excellent. Blood sport have not seen it, find Van Damme movies strong on action short on plot or dialog.
No need to insult Trump over his movie picks.

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