President Trump Rally in Wilmington NC tonite 9/23/22

I can see it now. Criminals all across the country will say that the FBI and the DoJ has been weaponized against them.

Guess what? That's why they call it "fighting" crime.
Criminals are released the same day across the country.

You are not in the real world. We will do fine without you.
wouldnt the dems have to dig some little speck of dirt to charge trump with...I do blame him partly for the biden disaster we are suffering with now....I used to take my family to a movie or ballgame on the we sit on the porch at night and watch cars go by except we cant even do that anymore because no one can afford gas...oh well...its a communist utopia so I guess we got that
Bullshit, Americans are still doing the same things they have always done. Go to the beaches, packed. Go to football games, packed. Go to the parks, packed.
For EWE, little guy.

"We have to keep our country gay," Donald Trump stammered at a campaign rally in North Carolina on Friday.

Clearly reading from a teleprompter, Trump misread the canned words sent his way.

"Remember I was going to say, I was going to use an expression," he said. "We have to keep our country gay, puh, puh, but it's not, I mean, for some reason, it's not great anymore."
Here's two pieces of advice that I would have given to Trump for free decades ago:

1. Hey Donald, if you're going to commit fraud on a massive scale, don't leave a paper trail of thousands of legal documents that can be used in court.

2. If you're going to inflate the value of your properties, only do it as a 10% to maybe 20% increase. But tripling the size and value of your own apartment, or claiming that a $750,000 apartment in one of your buildings is actually worth $50 million dollars can only be seen as intentional fraud by a man who has contempt for the truth.

What is now legally happening to the Trump family never had to happen at all. Trump had money, and lots of it. There was no need to do any of this. It reminds me of a quote that I believe is attributed to Carrie Fisher. "Excess is never enough!"

1. What do any of his personal business affairs have to do with his performance as President?

2. How much did Trump profit from being President? He didn't even accept his salary, opting instead to donate it.

3. Letitia "Peekaboo" Jame's civil suit is just another nothingburger.
Desperate people do desperate things. Trumpy is desperate and grasping at anything. He will get even worse as his mental illness overwhelms him, with complete financial ruin, disgrace of his name and brand, and potential prison time in his future.
Like any other failing autocrat, and like Putin, he is most dangerous when he thinks he's lost.

He'll do anything now, and bringing our electoral system down with him wouldn't bother him (or his cultists) a bit.

This is a sickness. A true group pathology.

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