President Trump Jokes About Calling Biden To Ask 'You Having Fun, Joe?' As Libs 'Cain/Kavanaugh' Him


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Yesterday President Trump joke about potentially calling up former VP Biden to ask him 'You having a good time, Joe?' in the midst of his own 'Cain'-ing / 'Kavanaugh'-ing.

"We’re going into the war with some socialists," Trump said of the field of prospective Democratic candidates. "And it looks like the only non sort of heavy socialist, he’s being taken care of pretty well by the socialists."

"They got to him," he added with a chuckle, referencing Biden.

"I was going to call him," he continued. "I don't know him well. I was going to say, 'Welcome to the world, Joe. You having a good time, Joe? Are you having a good time?'"

'Welcome to the World, Joe. Are you having a good time?'

The WORLD of which the President is speaking is the new world created by Progressive Socialist Democrat Extremists who have hijacked and taken over the Democratic Party. Oh, the 'Politics of Personal Destruction' is not something new to Democrats. They created it. They perfected it. It's just it was never THIS extreme and it was never used against a fellow Democrat before.

Joe Biden, like Hillary, were / are the last of the Giganotosaurus - the 'old guard', kings of the Old School and extremely more moderate Democratic Party. The 'Last Gasp' for this 'species' was Hillary's run for President in 2016. Despite having all the help in the world from the Left, she still lost. since then what's left of the Old-School Democratic Party Leadership have been fighting to reign-in and keep control of the New Progressive Socialist Democrats who have stormed onto the political scene and into the Party, challenging for control. AOC has already led an insurrection / revolt against Pelosi in a successful attempt to hijack Democrat Legislation intended to condemn anti-Semitism which the NEW SDP (Socialist Dem Party) seems to have embraced.

Biden, representing the last of the 'Moderate' Old Scholl Democrats, naively threw his hat into the ring, announcing his running for President in 2020...and was oblivious to the 'new world' of politics he was entering. He immediately had a target placed on his forehead when he almost instantly become the front-runner in a race that included a con artist / perpetrator of 'Stolen Heritage' who defrauded a prestigious college by stealing a Native American's scholarship, a woman who slept her way to the political top, a self-admitted sexual assaulter who declared he wasn't to make eating meat illegal because HE chooses not to ... and the Clown Car is getting more crowded.

Joe watched when Democrats destroyed Herman Cain with lies/false allegations - driving him out of an election. He also watched the attempted un-successful 'Herman Cain'ing of USSC Justice Kavanaugh. In his wildest imagination, as he made his announcement to run for the Presidency in 2020, I'll bet he NEVER thought his own party would attempt to destroy him - his reputation, his record, his legacy, his life - in the same way they took down Herman Cain and attempted to take down Justice Kavanaugh.

Joe never saw it coming.

'Welcome to the world' the Progressive Democrats have created, Joe, where not even Democrats are safe from such tactics by fellow Democrats. Are you having fun yet?

It's nothing personal, Joe. The Progressives have just decided that the 'Age of Dinosaurs' is OVER! YOUR time is over, Joe...and for the good of the new SDP, YOU GOTTA GO!

Trump taunts Biden amid misconduct allegations: 'You having a good time, Joe?'


The thing that gets me about Biden, is many on the Left thought he was a viable choice for POTUS. WTF! The guy is an establishment warmonger big government lying elitist, not unlike HER.

The D Party really needs to get it's shit together.
I don’t think it was cool when it was done to Trump or especially Kavanaugh, and this isn’t cool in Biden’s case. If this issue really meant anything to anyone’s then they would release the “me to list” of all the Congress ritters who have had to use Tax payer money to pay off claims of sexual harassment against them. Biden has proven that he is his own worst enemy when he campaigns for anything’s. Dude hasn’t ran a real campaign since what, the 70’s? This only go’s to show how weak the he Sanders/Pocahontas ticket is.
Yesterday President Trump joke about potentially calling up former VP Biden to ask him 'You having a good time, Joe?' in the midst of his own 'Cain'-ing / 'Kavanaugh'-ing.

"We’re going into the war with some socialists," Trump said of the field of prospective Democratic candidates. "And it looks like the only non sort of heavy socialist, he’s being taken care of pretty well by the socialists."

"They got to him," he added with a chuckle, referencing Biden.

"I was going to call him," he continued. "I don't know him well. I was going to say, 'Welcome to the world, Joe. You having a good time, Joe? Are you having a good time?'"

'Welcome to the World, Joe. Are you having a good time?'

The WORLD of which the President is speaking is the new world created by Progressive Socialist Democrat Extremists who have hijacked and taken over the Democratic Party. Oh, the 'Politics of Personal Destruction' is not something new to Democrats. They created it. They perfected it. It's just it was never THIS extreme and it was never used against a fellow Democrat before.

Joe Biden, like Hillary, were / are the last of the Giganotosaurus - the 'old guard', kings of the Old School and extremely more moderate Democratic Party. The 'Last Gasp' for this 'species' was Hillary's run for President in 2016. Despite having all the help in the world from the Left, she still lost. since then what's left of the Old-School Democratic Party Leadership have been fighting to reign-in and keep control of the New Progressive Socialist Democrats who have stormed onto the political scene and into the Party, challenging for control. AOC has already led an insurrection / revolt against Pelosi in a successful attempt to hijack Democrat Legislation intended to condemn anti-Semitism which the NEW SDP (Socialist Dem Party) seems to have embraced.

Biden, representing the last of the 'Moderate' Old Scholl Democrats, naively threw his hat into the ring, announcing his running for President in 2020...and was oblivious to the 'new world' of politics he was entering. He immediately had a target placed on his forehead when he almost instantly become the front-runner in a race that included a con artist / perpetrator of 'Stolen Heritage' who defrauded a prestigious college by stealing a Native American's scholarship, a woman who slept her way to the political top, a self-admitted sexual assaulter who declared he wasn't to make eating meat illegal because HE chooses not to ... and the Clown Car is getting more crowded.

Joe watched when Democrats destroyed Herman Cain with lies/false allegations - driving him out of an election. He also watched the attempted un-successful 'Herman Cain'ing of USSC Justice Kavanaugh. In his wildest imagination, as he made his announcement to run for the Presidency in 2020, I'll bet he NEVER thought his own party would attempt to destroy him - his reputation, his record, his legacy, his life - in the same way they took down Herman Cain and attempted to take down Justice Kavanaugh.

Joe never saw it coming.

'Welcome to the world' the Progressive Democrats have created, Joe, where not even Democrats are safe from such tactics by fellow Democrats. Are you having fun yet?

It's nothing personal, Joe. The Progressives have just decided that the 'Age of Dinosaurs' is OVER! YOUR time is over, Joe...and for the good of the new SDP, YOU GOTTA GO!

Trump taunts Biden amid misconduct allegations: 'You having a good time, Joe?'

It's funny to watch the hypocrisy of donnie and the CRC go into overdrive.
Well Biden is his own worst enemy. Every time he opens his mouth he sticks his boot in it.

Wonder if he will continue his run for the Presidency??
It's funny to watch the hypocrisy of donnie and the CRC go into overdrive.

Nice attempt to SPIN, dear!

What we are seeing, as Conservatives are sitting back and watching, is the Democratic Party that has weaponized reports of 'sexual misconduct' and inappropriate touching / conduct' AND who have almost perfected the tactic I now refer to as the 'Herman Cain'-ing of Conservatives (part of the Democrats 'Politics of Personal Destruction') using it against one of their own, quite possibly for the very 1st time.

Their is no hypocrisy from Conservatives. Our pointing out what the Progressive Liberals and the Leftist Media, which once supported and defended the Old Guard Democrats, turning on and savaging / sabotaging one of their own is in no way 'hypocrisy'.

IF ANYTHING, it is some slight sense of satisfaction / amusement in seeing the Democratic party and its surrogate media turn in on itself, attacking its own.

What we are seeing is the new Leftist Progressive Socialist Democrats 'cleanse' the party of the 'Old Guard' / 'Moderates' and the re-shaping of the Party into one that:

Embraces Socialism
Embraces anti-Semitism
Embraces / facilitates Illegal Immigration, Drug Running / Human Trafficking / MS13 / etc....
Advocates seizure of weapons, totally disregarding the Constitutional Right to bare arms
Advocating Raising taxes / Waging Class Warfare
Advocate Reparations
Advocating a Return to Failed Obama-Era Economic Policies that promote / ensure Economic Slavery that will again produce more votes for Democrats
Is attempting to make it legal for illegals to vote
Is making it legal to murder US Citizens - newborn babies

'Welcome to the NEW world...Are you having fun, Joe?'
The old guard Dems didn't know THEY are in the crosshairs just as much as Trump.
The old guard Dems didn't know THEY are in the crosshairs just as much as Trump.
Perhaps newly-elected House member AOC sitting on the floor of her office as part of a 'Sit-in' protest should have been New Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's 1st clue...
The old guard Dems didn't know THEY are in the crosshairs just as much as Trump.
Perhaps newly-elected House member AOC sitting on the floor of her office as part of a 'Sit-in' protest should have been New Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's 1st clue...
They created a monster to help them destroy the Republican Party and now that monster is turning on THEM. Poetic justice.
Yesterday President Trump joke about potentially calling up former VP Biden to ask him 'You having a good time, Joe?' in the midst of his own 'Cain'-ing / 'Kavanaugh'-ing.

"We’re going into the war with some socialists," Trump said of the field of prospective Democratic candidates. "And it looks like the only non sort of heavy socialist, he’s being taken care of pretty well by the socialists."

"They got to him," he added with a chuckle, referencing Biden.

"I was going to call him," he continued. "I don't know him well. I was going to say, 'Welcome to the world, Joe. You having a good time, Joe? Are you having a good time?'"

'Welcome to the World, Joe. Are you having a good time?'

The WORLD of which the President is speaking is the new world created by Progressive Socialist Democrat Extremists who have hijacked and taken over the Democratic Party. Oh, the 'Politics of Personal Destruction' is not something new to Democrats. They created it. They perfected it. It's just it was never THIS extreme and it was never used against a fellow Democrat before.

Joe Biden, like Hillary, were / are the last of the Giganotosaurus - the 'old guard', kings of the Old School and extremely more moderate Democratic Party. The 'Last Gasp' for this 'species' was Hillary's run for President in 2016. Despite having all the help in the world from the Left, she still lost. since then what's left of the Old-School Democratic Party Leadership have been fighting to reign-in and keep control of the New Progressive Socialist Democrats who have stormed onto the political scene and into the Party, challenging for control. AOC has already led an insurrection / revolt against Pelosi in a successful attempt to hijack Democrat Legislation intended to condemn anti-Semitism which the NEW SDP (Socialist Dem Party) seems to have embraced.

Biden, representing the last of the 'Moderate' Old Scholl Democrats, naively threw his hat into the ring, announcing his running for President in 2020...and was oblivious to the 'new world' of politics he was entering. He immediately had a target placed on his forehead when he almost instantly become the front-runner in a race that included a con artist / perpetrator of 'Stolen Heritage' who defrauded a prestigious college by stealing a Native American's scholarship, a woman who slept her way to the political top, a self-admitted sexual assaulter who declared he wasn't to make eating meat illegal because HE chooses not to ... and the Clown Car is getting more crowded.

Joe watched when Democrats destroyed Herman Cain with lies/false allegations - driving him out of an election. He also watched the attempted un-successful 'Herman Cain'ing of USSC Justice Kavanaugh. In his wildest imagination, as he made his announcement to run for the Presidency in 2020, I'll bet he NEVER thought his own party would attempt to destroy him - his reputation, his record, his legacy, his life - in the same way they took down Herman Cain and attempted to take down Justice Kavanaugh.

Joe never saw it coming.

'Welcome to the world' the Progressive Democrats have created, Joe, where not even Democrats are safe from such tactics by fellow Democrats. Are you having fun yet?

It's nothing personal, Joe. The Progressives have just decided that the 'Age of Dinosaurs' is OVER! YOUR time is over, Joe...and for the good of the new SDP, YOU GOTTA GO!

Trump taunts Biden amid misconduct allegations: 'You having a good time, Joe?'

It's funny to watch the hypocrisy of donnie and the CRC go into overdrive.
There is nothing you can say after what you azzes stole from people without any remorse.
Honestly, donald Trump has absolutely no room to comment or talk on this, since he really did sexually assault these women
watch it, and tell me you think they are all lying

PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND to my post until you have spent the 3 minutes to watch it. TY in advance.


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