President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Let's see that's a dishonest and cowardly dodge of my point, and the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

Well, that's two stupid mistakes, an personal attack, and an unsupported smear of Trump supporters. Oh, and another Appeal to Ridicule.

I believe that he is trying to improve our horrible Trade Policy that has caused so much harm to this nation.

I generally don't waste my time on lefty propaganda. If you have a real point to make, make it in your own words.

He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations.

YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

It's not lefty propaganda unless you are so indoctrinated by now that truth is propaganda. It shows his actions while building a golf course in Scotland and how he treated the folks who occupied the land that he wanted to use for it and the sensitive lands that were compromised for his vanity. It's just a factual documentary that you will never see because you don't do truth. What are you afraid of? Watch it and then we can debate its merits or its falsehoods.
BTW, the status quo as you put it used to include that we don't collude with Russia and we don't attack our allies.

1. If you have a point to make, you make it.

2. He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations.

YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

3. The Cold War is over. No one colluded with Russia, you red baiting hysteric. Our allies are being shitty allies.

Who's US? Stupid people? The Russians fucked with our elections and you think the cold war is over? Tell that to Putin you moron. Trump colluded with him and continues to. There's gonna be a big wake up call soon so get ready. LOL

1. Who's "US"? Seriously? THE PEOPLE YOU'VE BEEN CONSTANTLY ATTACKING AND SMEARING IE US TRUMP SUPPORTERS. That was a really moronic way to dodge my question.

2. Which I now re post you moron. He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations. YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

3. Yes, the COld War is over. A few Russian Trolls is not worthy of restarting it, nor does it prove, or even strongly suggest collusion. Putin knows that TRump did not collude with him. The wake up call will be for you, loony tune.

So now you know what Putin knows and you know what he's up to? Hopeless. Fuckin' hopeless. It's people like you who will allow the destruction of our system of laws and our democratic institutions which is underway and is plain to see unless of course you're blind to it because you don't want to admit how fuckin' stupid you were to vote for this madman. You should not claim to be an American ever again.

A few trolls, are not a threat to our democracy. Your hysteria is just one more in a long line of excuses for you to be a drama queen.

My point stands.

He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations. YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

YOu are an ass for attacking US for voting for him.
It's not lefty propaganda unless you are so indoctrinated by now that truth is propaganda. It shows his actions while building a golf course in Scotland and how he treated the folks who occupied the land that he wanted to use for it and the sensitive lands that were compromised for his vanity. It's just a factual documentary that you will never see because you don't do truth. What are you afraid of? Watch it and then we can debate its merits or its falsehoods.
BTW, the status quo as you put it used to include that we don't collude with Russia and we don't attack our allies.

1. If you have a point to make, you make it.

2. He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations.

YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

3. The Cold War is over. No one colluded with Russia, you red baiting hysteric. Our allies are being shitty allies.

Who's US? Stupid people? The Russians fucked with our elections and you think the cold war is over? Tell that to Putin you moron. Trump colluded with him and continues to. There's gonna be a big wake up call soon so get ready. LOL

1. Who's "US"? Seriously? THE PEOPLE YOU'VE BEEN CONSTANTLY ATTACKING AND SMEARING IE US TRUMP SUPPORTERS. That was a really moronic way to dodge my question.

2. Which I now re post you moron. He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations. YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

3. Yes, the COld War is over. A few Russian Trolls is not worthy of restarting it, nor does it prove, or even strongly suggest collusion. Putin knows that TRump did not collude with him. The wake up call will be for you, loony tune.

So now you know what Putin knows and you know what he's up to? Hopeless. Fuckin' hopeless. It's people like you who will allow the destruction of our system of laws and our democratic institutions which is underway and is plain to see unless of course you're blind to it because you don't want to admit how fuckin' stupid you were to vote for this madman. You should not claim to be an American ever again.

A few trolls, are not a threat to our democracy. Your hysteria is just one more in a long line of excuses for you to be a drama queen.

My point stands.

He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations. YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

YOu are an ass for attacking US for voting for him.

So, you believe that a few Russians were motivated to troll our elections and there was no connection to Putin? LOL Every Intel agency of our Govt disagrees with that ASSumption. I say again, you're stupid. If you really believe Russia is a friend to the US you are beyond stupid, you're demented. Someday soon you'll get it Maybe.
Hey Correll, 12 Russian military intel officers were just indicted by the special counsel. Still think Putin wasn't behind the hacking and the fuckin' with our democracy? Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. LOL BTW Trump asked about stolen emails on the very day that those officers began the dirty deed. Nothing? Bullshit you idiot.
Ben Wittes , a senior fellow at the Brookings inst for governance studies said today that we saw the real witch hunt yesterday with the grilling and harassment of an FBI official. That's for sure.
Does it ever occur to you that it's odd that a President has nothing to say about all this other than to deny it and/or to defend Putin?
1. If you have a point to make, you make it.

2. He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations.

YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

3. The Cold War is over. No one colluded with Russia, you red baiting hysteric. Our allies are being shitty allies.

Who's US? Stupid people? The Russians fucked with our elections and you think the cold war is over? Tell that to Putin you moron. Trump colluded with him and continues to. There's gonna be a big wake up call soon so get ready. LOL

1. Who's "US"? Seriously? THE PEOPLE YOU'VE BEEN CONSTANTLY ATTACKING AND SMEARING IE US TRUMP SUPPORTERS. That was a really moronic way to dodge my question.

2. Which I now re post you moron. He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations. YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

3. Yes, the COld War is over. A few Russian Trolls is not worthy of restarting it, nor does it prove, or even strongly suggest collusion. Putin knows that TRump did not collude with him. The wake up call will be for you, loony tune.

So now you know what Putin knows and you know what he's up to? Hopeless. Fuckin' hopeless. It's people like you who will allow the destruction of our system of laws and our democratic institutions which is underway and is plain to see unless of course you're blind to it because you don't want to admit how fuckin' stupid you were to vote for this madman. You should not claim to be an American ever again.

A few trolls, are not a threat to our democracy. Your hysteria is just one more in a long line of excuses for you to be a drama queen.

My point stands.

He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations. YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

YOu are an ass for attacking US for voting for him.

So, you believe that a few Russians were motivated to troll our elections and there was no connection to Putin?

It's certainly possible. Your pretense otherwise is either an indication of extreme stupidity, or extreme asshole-ness.

Every Intel agency of our Govt disagrees with that ASSumption.

Sorry, their recent track record, does not make them much of an Authority to cite, what with incompetence and bias at ever turn.

I say again, you're stupid.

Of course you say it again. Personal Attacks are really all you have. Your policies are chosen by some OTHER metric that what is good for Americans, so you can't really defend them.

So you have to attack those that seriously challenge you. Or admit that you are full of hate and shit.

If you really believe Russia is a friend to the US you are beyond stupid, you're demented. Someday soon you'll get it Maybe.

That is a nice strawman you have there. It is yours, not mine. I reject your request that I defend your stupid strawman, you fucking ass.
Who's US? Stupid people? The Russians fucked with our elections and you think the cold war is over? Tell that to Putin you moron. Trump colluded with him and continues to. There's gonna be a big wake up call soon so get ready. LOL

1. Who's "US"? Seriously? THE PEOPLE YOU'VE BEEN CONSTANTLY ATTACKING AND SMEARING IE US TRUMP SUPPORTERS. That was a really moronic way to dodge my question.

2. Which I now re post you moron. He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations. YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

3. Yes, the COld War is over. A few Russian Trolls is not worthy of restarting it, nor does it prove, or even strongly suggest collusion. Putin knows that TRump did not collude with him. The wake up call will be for you, loony tune.

So now you know what Putin knows and you know what he's up to? Hopeless. Fuckin' hopeless. It's people like you who will allow the destruction of our system of laws and our democratic institutions which is underway and is plain to see unless of course you're blind to it because you don't want to admit how fuckin' stupid you were to vote for this madman. You should not claim to be an American ever again.

A few trolls, are not a threat to our democracy. Your hysteria is just one more in a long line of excuses for you to be a drama queen.

My point stands.

He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations. YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

YOu are an ass for attacking US for voting for him.

So, you believe that a few Russians were motivated to troll our elections and there was no connection to Putin?

It's certainly possible. Your pretense otherwise is either an indication of extreme stupidity, or extreme asshole-ness.

Every Intel agency of our Govt disagrees with that ASSumption.

Sorry, their recent track record, does not make them much of an Authority to cite, what with incompetence and bias at ever turn.

I say again, you're stupid.

Of course you say it again. Personal Attacks are really all you have. Your policies are chosen by some OTHER metric that what is good for Americans, so you can't really defend them.

So you have to attack those that seriously challenge you. Or admit that you are full of hate and shit.

If you really believe Russia is a friend to the US you are beyond stupid, you're demented. Someday soon you'll get it Maybe.

That is a nice strawman you have there. It is yours, not mine. I reject your request that I defend your stupid strawman, you fucking ass.

From one fuckin' ass to an even bigger one, what do you have to say about the dozen Russian Military Intel officers that were indicted? Witch hunt? WELL, WE SURE HAVE NETTED A LOT OF WARLOCKS NOW HAVEN'T WE. lol Your delusional statement that it was just a few trolls and unrelated to Putin has been debunked. Oh, it's just bias. It's just fake news, right? LOL Your orange baby is goin' down! And his co-conspirators are gonna take the fall with him. So, go right ahead and be your stupid denial self because it's not gonna matter what you believe in the end. Truth will win as it should. And, lying sacs o' shit traitors will get what they deserve. Trump's gonna be stunning in his body matching orange jumpsuit. And you'll be a sight to behold in your new and well-deserved dunce cap. Hey! You'll be a cone-head! Good luck with that, Beldar. LOL
Last edited:
This is what you said about our intel community.

Sorry, their recent track record, does not make them much of an Authority to cite, what with incompetence and bias at ever turn.

So, Trump is the only one to be trusted? Ask his creditors, his wives, any US bank, the students of Trump Univ., Our allies, Veterans, Charities, etc just how trustworthy he is. :21:

Then, ask Putin. He'll say that he's his boy and he keeps his promises to him. :11_2_1043:

Once again, stupid, clueless, moronic and blind. How do you look in the mirror every day or do you try to avoid that? LOL
1. Who's "US"? Seriously? THE PEOPLE YOU'VE BEEN CONSTANTLY ATTACKING AND SMEARING IE US TRUMP SUPPORTERS. That was a really moronic way to dodge my question.

2. Which I now re post you moron. He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations. YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

3. Yes, the COld War is over. A few Russian Trolls is not worthy of restarting it, nor does it prove, or even strongly suggest collusion. Putin knows that TRump did not collude with him. The wake up call will be for you, loony tune.

So now you know what Putin knows and you know what he's up to? Hopeless. Fuckin' hopeless. It's people like you who will allow the destruction of our system of laws and our democratic institutions which is underway and is plain to see unless of course you're blind to it because you don't want to admit how fuckin' stupid you were to vote for this madman. You should not claim to be an American ever again.

A few trolls, are not a threat to our democracy. Your hysteria is just one more in a long line of excuses for you to be a drama queen.

My point stands.

He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations. YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

YOu are an ass for attacking US for voting for him.

So, you believe that a few Russians were motivated to troll our elections and there was no connection to Putin?

It's certainly possible. Your pretense otherwise is either an indication of extreme stupidity, or extreme asshole-ness.

Every Intel agency of our Govt disagrees with that ASSumption.

Sorry, their recent track record, does not make them much of an Authority to cite, what with incompetence and bias at ever turn.

I say again, you're stupid.

Of course you say it again. Personal Attacks are really all you have. Your policies are chosen by some OTHER metric that what is good for Americans, so you can't really defend them.

So you have to attack those that seriously challenge you. Or admit that you are full of hate and shit.

If you really believe Russia is a friend to the US you are beyond stupid, you're demented. Someday soon you'll get it Maybe.

That is a nice strawman you have there. It is yours, not mine. I reject your request that I defend your stupid strawman, you fucking ass.

From one fuckin' ass to an even bigger one, what do you have to say about the dozen Russian Military Intel officers that were indicted? Witch hunt? WELL, WE SURE HAVE NETTED A LOT OF WARLOCKS NOW HAVEN'T WE. lol Your delusional statement that it was just a few trolls and unrelated to Putin has been debunked. Oh, it's just bias. It's just fake news, right? LOL Your orange baby is goin' down! And his co-conspirators are gonna take the fall with him. So, go right ahead and be your stupid denial self because it's not gonna matter what you believe in the end. Truth will win as it should. And, lying sacs o' shit traitors will get what they deserve. Trump's gonna be stunning in his body matching orange jumpsuit. And you'll be a sight to behold in your new and well-deserved dunce cap. Hey! You'll be a cone-head! Good luck with that, Beldar. LOL

Mueller's made some more claims? That's your supporting evidence? Words from a corrupt and biased asshole?
So now you know what Putin knows and you know what he's up to? Hopeless. Fuckin' hopeless. It's people like you who will allow the destruction of our system of laws and our democratic institutions which is underway and is plain to see unless of course you're blind to it because you don't want to admit how fuckin' stupid you were to vote for this madman. You should not claim to be an American ever again.

A few trolls, are not a threat to our democracy. Your hysteria is just one more in a long line of excuses for you to be a drama queen.

My point stands.

He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations. YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

YOu are an ass for attacking US for voting for him.

So, you believe that a few Russians were motivated to troll our elections and there was no connection to Putin?

It's certainly possible. Your pretense otherwise is either an indication of extreme stupidity, or extreme asshole-ness.

Every Intel agency of our Govt disagrees with that ASSumption.

Sorry, their recent track record, does not make them much of an Authority to cite, what with incompetence and bias at ever turn.

I say again, you're stupid.

Of course you say it again. Personal Attacks are really all you have. Your policies are chosen by some OTHER metric that what is good for Americans, so you can't really defend them.

So you have to attack those that seriously challenge you. Or admit that you are full of hate and shit.

If you really believe Russia is a friend to the US you are beyond stupid, you're demented. Someday soon you'll get it Maybe.

That is a nice strawman you have there. It is yours, not mine. I reject your request that I defend your stupid strawman, you fucking ass.

From one fuckin' ass to an even bigger one, what do you have to say about the dozen Russian Military Intel officers that were indicted? Witch hunt? WELL, WE SURE HAVE NETTED A LOT OF WARLOCKS NOW HAVEN'T WE. lol Your delusional statement that it was just a few trolls and unrelated to Putin has been debunked. Oh, it's just bias. It's just fake news, right? LOL Your orange baby is goin' down! And his co-conspirators are gonna take the fall with him. So, go right ahead and be your stupid denial self because it's not gonna matter what you believe in the end. Truth will win as it should. And, lying sacs o' shit traitors will get what they deserve. Trump's gonna be stunning in his body matching orange jumpsuit. And you'll be a sight to behold in your new and well-deserved dunce cap. Hey! You'll be a cone-head! Good luck with that, Beldar. LOL

Mueller's made some more claims? That's your supporting evidence? Words from a corrupt and biased asshole?

They're not claims you moron. They are documented charges with enough proof to stand up in court. Read the fuckin' indictments. You won't because then you'll learn something and we both know that's not in your makeup.
Suppose Obama had said on national TV that "Russian's if you're listening, I hope you can find the Trump emails and deliver them to us." You'd be okay with that? LOL BTW Obama and the dept of justice/FBI/ DNI all alerted Trump that the Russians had fucked with the DNC and DCCC servers and our elections in Fuckin' July 2016. and he still made that request to our enemy on TV on July 27th. That's collusion and that's treason. At a minimum it's aiding and abetting our enemy to screw with our democracy. And you're perfectly alright with that. No wonder you were stupid enough to vote for this fuckin' criminal.
A few trolls, are not a threat to our democracy. Your hysteria is just one more in a long line of excuses for you to be a drama queen.

My point stands.

He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations. YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

YOu are an ass for attacking US for voting for him.

So, you believe that a few Russians were motivated to troll our elections and there was no connection to Putin?

It's certainly possible. Your pretense otherwise is either an indication of extreme stupidity, or extreme asshole-ness.

Every Intel agency of our Govt disagrees with that ASSumption.

Sorry, their recent track record, does not make them much of an Authority to cite, what with incompetence and bias at ever turn.

I say again, you're stupid.

Of course you say it again. Personal Attacks are really all you have. Your policies are chosen by some OTHER metric that what is good for Americans, so you can't really defend them.

So you have to attack those that seriously challenge you. Or admit that you are full of hate and shit.

If you really believe Russia is a friend to the US you are beyond stupid, you're demented. Someday soon you'll get it Maybe.

That is a nice strawman you have there. It is yours, not mine. I reject your request that I defend your stupid strawman, you fucking ass.

From one fuckin' ass to an even bigger one, what do you have to say about the dozen Russian Military Intel officers that were indicted? Witch hunt? WELL, WE SURE HAVE NETTED A LOT OF WARLOCKS NOW HAVEN'T WE. lol Your delusional statement that it was just a few trolls and unrelated to Putin has been debunked. Oh, it's just bias. It's just fake news, right? LOL Your orange baby is goin' down! And his co-conspirators are gonna take the fall with him. So, go right ahead and be your stupid denial self because it's not gonna matter what you believe in the end. Truth will win as it should. And, lying sacs o' shit traitors will get what they deserve. Trump's gonna be stunning in his body matching orange jumpsuit. And you'll be a sight to behold in your new and well-deserved dunce cap. Hey! You'll be a cone-head! Good luck with that, Beldar. LOL

Mueller's made some more claims? That's your supporting evidence? Words from a corrupt and biased asshole?

They're not claims you moron. They are documented charges with enough proof to stand up in court. Read the fuckin' indictments. You won't because then you'll learn something and we both know that's not in your makeup.
Suppose Obama had said on national TV that "Russian's if you're listening, I hope you can find the Trump emails and deliver them to us." You'd be okay with that? LOL BTW Obama and the dept of justice/FBI/ DNI all alerted Trump that the Russians had fucked with the DNC and DCCC servers and our elections in Fuckin' July 2016. and he still made that request to our enemy on TV on July 27th. That's collusion and that's treason. At a minimum it's aiding and abetting our enemy to screw with our democracy. And you're perfectly alright with that. No wonder you were stupid enough to vote for this fuckin' criminal.

You really think he negotiated a collusion over national tv?

So, you believe that a few Russians were motivated to troll our elections and there was no connection to Putin?

It's certainly possible. Your pretense otherwise is either an indication of extreme stupidity, or extreme asshole-ness.

Every Intel agency of our Govt disagrees with that ASSumption.

Sorry, their recent track record, does not make them much of an Authority to cite, what with incompetence and bias at ever turn.

I say again, you're stupid.

Of course you say it again. Personal Attacks are really all you have. Your policies are chosen by some OTHER metric that what is good for Americans, so you can't really defend them.

So you have to attack those that seriously challenge you. Or admit that you are full of hate and shit.

If you really believe Russia is a friend to the US you are beyond stupid, you're demented. Someday soon you'll get it Maybe.

That is a nice strawman you have there. It is yours, not mine. I reject your request that I defend your stupid strawman, you fucking ass.

From one fuckin' ass to an even bigger one, what do you have to say about the dozen Russian Military Intel officers that were indicted? Witch hunt? WELL, WE SURE HAVE NETTED A LOT OF WARLOCKS NOW HAVEN'T WE. lol Your delusional statement that it was just a few trolls and unrelated to Putin has been debunked. Oh, it's just bias. It's just fake news, right? LOL Your orange baby is goin' down! And his co-conspirators are gonna take the fall with him. So, go right ahead and be your stupid denial self because it's not gonna matter what you believe in the end. Truth will win as it should. And, lying sacs o' shit traitors will get what they deserve. Trump's gonna be stunning in his body matching orange jumpsuit. And you'll be a sight to behold in your new and well-deserved dunce cap. Hey! You'll be a cone-head! Good luck with that, Beldar. LOL

Mueller's made some more claims? That's your supporting evidence? Words from a corrupt and biased asshole?

They're not claims you moron. They are documented charges with enough proof to stand up in court. Read the fuckin' indictments. You won't because then you'll learn something and we both know that's not in your makeup.
Suppose Obama had said on national TV that "Russian's if you're listening, I hope you can find the Trump emails and deliver them to us." You'd be okay with that? LOL BTW Obama and the dept of justice/FBI/ DNI all alerted Trump that the Russians had fucked with the DNC and DCCC servers and our elections in Fuckin' July 2016. and he still made that request to our enemy on TV on July 27th. That's collusion and that's treason. At a minimum it's aiding and abetting our enemy to screw with our democracy. And you're perfectly alright with that. No wonder you were stupid enough to vote for this fuckin' criminal.

You really think he negotiated a collusion over national tv?


WTF would you call it? Of course he did. You didn't see that?
It's certainly possible. Your pretense otherwise is either an indication of extreme stupidity, or extreme asshole-ness.

Sorry, their recent track record, does not make them much of an Authority to cite, what with incompetence and bias at ever turn.

Of course you say it again. Personal Attacks are really all you have. Your policies are chosen by some OTHER metric that what is good for Americans, so you can't really defend them.

So you have to attack those that seriously challenge you. Or admit that you are full of hate and shit.

That is a nice strawman you have there. It is yours, not mine. I reject your request that I defend your stupid strawman, you fucking ass.

From one fuckin' ass to an even bigger one, what do you have to say about the dozen Russian Military Intel officers that were indicted? Witch hunt? WELL, WE SURE HAVE NETTED A LOT OF WARLOCKS NOW HAVEN'T WE. lol Your delusional statement that it was just a few trolls and unrelated to Putin has been debunked. Oh, it's just bias. It's just fake news, right? LOL Your orange baby is goin' down! And his co-conspirators are gonna take the fall with him. So, go right ahead and be your stupid denial self because it's not gonna matter what you believe in the end. Truth will win as it should. And, lying sacs o' shit traitors will get what they deserve. Trump's gonna be stunning in his body matching orange jumpsuit. And you'll be a sight to behold in your new and well-deserved dunce cap. Hey! You'll be a cone-head! Good luck with that, Beldar. LOL

Mueller's made some more claims? That's your supporting evidence? Words from a corrupt and biased asshole?

They're not claims you moron. They are documented charges with enough proof to stand up in court. Read the fuckin' indictments. You won't because then you'll learn something and we both know that's not in your makeup.
Suppose Obama had said on national TV that "Russian's if you're listening, I hope you can find the Trump emails and deliver them to us." You'd be okay with that? LOL BTW Obama and the dept of justice/FBI/ DNI all alerted Trump that the Russians had fucked with the DNC and DCCC servers and our elections in Fuckin' July 2016. and he still made that request to our enemy on TV on July 27th. That's collusion and that's treason. At a minimum it's aiding and abetting our enemy to screw with our democracy. And you're perfectly alright with that. No wonder you were stupid enough to vote for this fuckin' criminal.

You really think he negotiated a collusion over national tv?


WTF would you call it? Of course he did. You didn't see that?

I'd call it a joke. Obviously.

Because no one conducts a conspiracy over live National television.
From one fuckin' ass to an even bigger one, what do you have to say about the dozen Russian Military Intel officers that were indicted? Witch hunt? WELL, WE SURE HAVE NETTED A LOT OF WARLOCKS NOW HAVEN'T WE. lol Your delusional statement that it was just a few trolls and unrelated to Putin has been debunked. Oh, it's just bias. It's just fake news, right? LOL Your orange baby is goin' down! And his co-conspirators are gonna take the fall with him. So, go right ahead and be your stupid denial self because it's not gonna matter what you believe in the end. Truth will win as it should. And, lying sacs o' shit traitors will get what they deserve. Trump's gonna be stunning in his body matching orange jumpsuit. And you'll be a sight to behold in your new and well-deserved dunce cap. Hey! You'll be a cone-head! Good luck with that, Beldar. LOL

Mueller's made some more claims? That's your supporting evidence? Words from a corrupt and biased asshole?

They're not claims you moron. They are documented charges with enough proof to stand up in court. Read the fuckin' indictments. You won't because then you'll learn something and we both know that's not in your makeup.
Suppose Obama had said on national TV that "Russian's if you're listening, I hope you can find the Trump emails and deliver them to us." You'd be okay with that? LOL BTW Obama and the dept of justice/FBI/ DNI all alerted Trump that the Russians had fucked with the DNC and DCCC servers and our elections in Fuckin' July 2016. and he still made that request to our enemy on TV on July 27th. That's collusion and that's treason. At a minimum it's aiding and abetting our enemy to screw with our democracy. And you're perfectly alright with that. No wonder you were stupid enough to vote for this fuckin' criminal.

You really think he negotiated a collusion over national tv?


WTF would you call it? Of course he did. You didn't see that?

I'd call it a joke. Obviously.

Because no one conducts a conspiracy over live National television.

LOL Yeah, some joke. Especially since what he asked them to do they went ahead and did. I'm not laughing and the Intell community isn't laughing either. BTW You could say nobody trashes their allies or threatens to exit NATO either. He berates Britain for pulling out of the EU and then immediately threatens to pull out of our biggest and most important alliance. And now he says he'll "bring up" the Russia hacking and screwing with our democracy when he meets to suck up to our enemies. That's a good joke too. His mission, as President should be to talk to Putin not at all or about nothing but the hackings and interference. And then increase sanctions to drive home the point. But he won't because Putin owns his fuckin' ass because of his colluding with them and his partnership and complicity in those CRIMES against our country. You'll see in due time but of course you'll deny it even when its proven beyond all doubt. That's what cult members do.
Mueller's made some more claims? That's your supporting evidence? Words from a corrupt and biased asshole?

They're not claims you moron. They are documented charges with enough proof to stand up in court. Read the fuckin' indictments. You won't because then you'll learn something and we both know that's not in your makeup.
Suppose Obama had said on national TV that "Russian's if you're listening, I hope you can find the Trump emails and deliver them to us." You'd be okay with that? LOL BTW Obama and the dept of justice/FBI/ DNI all alerted Trump that the Russians had fucked with the DNC and DCCC servers and our elections in Fuckin' July 2016. and he still made that request to our enemy on TV on July 27th. That's collusion and that's treason. At a minimum it's aiding and abetting our enemy to screw with our democracy. And you're perfectly alright with that. No wonder you were stupid enough to vote for this fuckin' criminal.

You really think he negotiated a collusion over national tv?


WTF would you call it? Of course he did. You didn't see that?

I'd call it a joke. Obviously.

Because no one conducts a conspiracy over live National television.

LOL Yeah, some joke.

Agreed. It was funny.

Especially since what he asked them to do they went ahead and did.

Got it. You think that if Trump has not made that statement on live tv, that the russians would not have done what they did. THat's pretty bat shit crazy of you.

I'm not laughing and the Intell community isn't laughing either.

Nope. Both of you seem very upset and not accepting the Will of the Electorate.

BTW You could say nobody trashes their allies or threatens to exit NATO either.

I wouldn't say that. Our allies have been shit allies, and NATO has turned into a liability.

He berates Britain for pulling out of the EU

He should not have done that. lf he really did. Would you like to provide a link to that one?

and then immediately threatens to pull out of our biggest and most important alliance.

The Europeans are being ungrateful and spiteful children.

And now he says he'll "bring up" the Russia hacking and screwing with our democracy when he meets to suck up to our enemies. That's a good joke too. His mission, as President should be to talk to Putin not at all or about nothing but the hackings and interference. And then increase sanctions to drive home the point. But he won't because Putin owns his fuckin' ass because of his colluding with them and his partnership and complicity in those CRIMES against our country. You'll see in due time but of course you'll deny it even when its proven beyond all doubt. That's what cult members do.

YOur partisan desire to use PUtin against TRump, is you putting Partisan advantage over the lives of your fellow soldiers.

People die in Cold Wars, and your cold war mongering, is beyond vile.

NOt to mention that cold wars can turn hot.

Your position is insane.
They're not claims you moron. They are documented charges with enough proof to stand up in court. Read the fuckin' indictments. You won't because then you'll learn something and we both know that's not in your makeup.
Suppose Obama had said on national TV that "Russian's if you're listening, I hope you can find the Trump emails and deliver them to us." You'd be okay with that? LOL BTW Obama and the dept of justice/FBI/ DNI all alerted Trump that the Russians had fucked with the DNC and DCCC servers and our elections in Fuckin' July 2016. and he still made that request to our enemy on TV on July 27th. That's collusion and that's treason. At a minimum it's aiding and abetting our enemy to screw with our democracy. And you're perfectly alright with that. No wonder you were stupid enough to vote for this fuckin' criminal.

You really think he negotiated a collusion over national tv?


WTF would you call it? Of course he did. You didn't see that?

I'd call it a joke. Obviously.

Because no one conducts a conspiracy over live National television.

LOL Yeah, some joke.

Agreed. It was funny.

Especially since what he asked them to do they went ahead and did.

Got it. You think that if Trump has not made that statement on live tv, that the russians would not have done what they did. THat's pretty bat shit crazy of you.

I'm not laughing and the Intell community isn't laughing either.

Nope. Both of you seem very upset and not accepting the Will of the Electorate.

BTW You could say nobody trashes their allies or threatens to exit NATO either.

I wouldn't say that. Our allies have been shit allies, and NATO has turned into a liability.

He berates Britain for pulling out of the EU

He should not have done that. lf he really did. Would you like to provide a link to that one?

and then immediately threatens to pull out of our biggest and most important alliance.

The Europeans are being ungrateful and spiteful children.

And now he says he'll "bring up" the Russia hacking and screwing with our democracy when he meets to suck up to our enemies. That's a good joke too. His mission, as President should be to talk to Putin not at all or about nothing but the hackings and interference. And then increase sanctions to drive home the point. But he won't because Putin owns his fuckin' ass because of his colluding with them and his partnership and complicity in those CRIMES against our country. You'll see in due time but of course you'll deny it even when its proven beyond all doubt. That's what cult members do.

YOur partisan desire to use PUtin against TRump, is you putting Partisan advantage over the lives of your fellow soldiers.

People die in Cold Wars, and your cold war mongering, is beyond vile.

NOt to mention that cold wars can turn hot.

Your position is insane.

Yeah, we shouldn't even mention the fact that Russia is actively attacking our system of elections. We wouldn't want to make Putin angry, right? Are you fuckin' serious? I've seen some cult fools before, but you take the cake. What's insane is to believe what Trump is doing and more importantly what he's not doing is good for our country.
This is your usual muddled, moronic madness. Use Putin against Trump? No. I want Trump to hold Putin's feet to the fire and stop the meddling in our democracy. But he won't because he'd bag himself. You apparently think what the Russians did and are doing is just fine. You truly are an idiot, aren't you? LOL Face the fact that Putin and Trump have worked in concert with one another to fuck with our system of elections. or is that concept foreign to you cult fools? LOL
Mueller's made some more claims? That's your supporting evidence? Words from a corrupt and biased asshole?

They're not claims you moron. They are documented charges with enough proof to stand up in court. Read the fuckin' indictments. You won't because then you'll learn something and we both know that's not in your makeup.
Suppose Obama had said on national TV that "Russian's if you're listening, I hope you can find the Trump emails and deliver them to us." You'd be okay with that? LOL BTW Obama and the dept of justice/FBI/ DNI all alerted Trump that the Russians had fucked with the DNC and DCCC servers and our elections in Fuckin' July 2016. and he still made that request to our enemy on TV on July 27th. That's collusion and that's treason. At a minimum it's aiding and abetting our enemy to screw with our democracy. And you're perfectly alright with that. No wonder you were stupid enough to vote for this fuckin' criminal.

You really think he negotiated a collusion over national tv?


WTF would you call it? Of course he did. You didn't see that?

I'd call it a joke. Obviously.

Because no one conducts a conspiracy over live National television.

LOL Yeah, some joke. Especially since what he asked them to do they went ahead and did. I'm not laughing and the Intell community isn't laughing either. BTW You could say nobody trashes their allies or threatens to exit NATO either. He berates Britain for pulling out of the EU and then immediately threatens to pull out of our biggest and most important alliance. And now he says he'll "bring up" the Russia hacking and screwing with our democracy when he meets to suck up to our enemies. That's a good joke too. His mission, as President should be to talk to Putin not at all or about nothing but the hackings and interference. And then increase sanctions to drive home the point. But he won't because Putin owns his fuckin' ass because of his colluding with them and his partnership and complicity in those CRIMES against our country. You'll see in due time but of course you'll deny it even when its proven beyond all doubt. That's what cult members do.

Speaking of Britain and the EU, did you see what kind of advice he gave Theresa May concerning their exit? He said that she shouldn't negotiate, she should sue the EU. May on the other hand, said that she was sticking with negotiation.

Just because someone was a business man, doesn't mean that they understand how to run a country. There is a huge difference between the two.

Theresa May: Trump told me to sue the EU

Donald Trump told Theresa May she should sue the EU rather than negotiate over Brexit, she has told the BBC.

The US president said on Friday at a joint news conference he had given Mrs May a suggestion - but she had found it too "brutal".

Asked by the BBC's Andrew Marr what he had said, she replied: "He told me I should sue the EU - not go into negotiations."

It came as another government member resigned over her Brexit plans.

Robert Courts said he quit as a parliamentary private secretary - an unpaid ministerial aide - at the Foreign Office to "express discontent" with Mrs May's policy before key Brexit votes on Monday
You really think he negotiated a collusion over national tv?


WTF would you call it? Of course he did. You didn't see that?

I'd call it a joke. Obviously.

Because no one conducts a conspiracy over live National television.

LOL Yeah, some joke.

Agreed. It was funny.

Especially since what he asked them to do they went ahead and did.

Got it. You think that if Trump has not made that statement on live tv, that the russians would not have done what they did. THat's pretty bat shit crazy of you.

I'm not laughing and the Intell community isn't laughing either.

Nope. Both of you seem very upset and not accepting the Will of the Electorate.

BTW You could say nobody trashes their allies or threatens to exit NATO either.

I wouldn't say that. Our allies have been shit allies, and NATO has turned into a liability.

He berates Britain for pulling out of the EU

He should not have done that. lf he really did. Would you like to provide a link to that one?

and then immediately threatens to pull out of our biggest and most important alliance.

The Europeans are being ungrateful and spiteful children.

And now he says he'll "bring up" the Russia hacking and screwing with our democracy when he meets to suck up to our enemies. That's a good joke too. His mission, as President should be to talk to Putin not at all or about nothing but the hackings and interference. And then increase sanctions to drive home the point. But he won't because Putin owns his fuckin' ass because of his colluding with them and his partnership and complicity in those CRIMES against our country. You'll see in due time but of course you'll deny it even when its proven beyond all doubt. That's what cult members do.

YOur partisan desire to use PUtin against TRump, is you putting Partisan advantage over the lives of your fellow soldiers.

People die in Cold Wars, and your cold war mongering, is beyond vile.

NOt to mention that cold wars can turn hot.

Your position is insane.

Yeah, we shouldn't even mention the fact that Russia is actively attacking our system of elections. We wouldn't want to make Putin angry, right? Are you fuckin' serious? I've seen some cult fools before, but you take the cake. What's insane is to believe what Trump is doing and more importantly what he's not doing is good for our country.
This is your usual muddled, moronic madness. Use Putin against Trump? No. I want Trump to hold Putin's feet to the fire and stop the meddling in our democracy. But he won't because he'd bag himself. You apparently think what the Russians did and are doing is just fine. You truly are an idiot, aren't you? LOL Face the fact that Putin and Trump have worked in concert with one another to fuck with our system of elections. or is that concept foreign to you cult fools? LOL

1. There is no way that the new Cold War that you lefty war mongers are pushing for, would be good for this country.

2. The rest of your partisan blather is noted as evidence of you being an ass. And then dismissed.
They're not claims you moron. They are documented charges with enough proof to stand up in court. Read the fuckin' indictments. You won't because then you'll learn something and we both know that's not in your makeup.
Suppose Obama had said on national TV that "Russian's if you're listening, I hope you can find the Trump emails and deliver them to us." You'd be okay with that? LOL BTW Obama and the dept of justice/FBI/ DNI all alerted Trump that the Russians had fucked with the DNC and DCCC servers and our elections in Fuckin' July 2016. and he still made that request to our enemy on TV on July 27th. That's collusion and that's treason. At a minimum it's aiding and abetting our enemy to screw with our democracy. And you're perfectly alright with that. No wonder you were stupid enough to vote for this fuckin' criminal.

You really think he negotiated a collusion over national tv?


WTF would you call it? Of course he did. You didn't see that?

I'd call it a joke. Obviously.

Because no one conducts a conspiracy over live National television.

LOL Yeah, some joke. Especially since what he asked them to do they went ahead and did. I'm not laughing and the Intell community isn't laughing either. BTW You could say nobody trashes their allies or threatens to exit NATO either. He berates Britain for pulling out of the EU and then immediately threatens to pull out of our biggest and most important alliance. And now he says he'll "bring up" the Russia hacking and screwing with our democracy when he meets to suck up to our enemies. That's a good joke too. His mission, as President should be to talk to Putin not at all or about nothing but the hackings and interference. And then increase sanctions to drive home the point. But he won't because Putin owns his fuckin' ass because of his colluding with them and his partnership and complicity in those CRIMES against our country. You'll see in due time but of course you'll deny it even when its proven beyond all doubt. That's what cult members do.

Speaking of Britain and the EU, did you see what kind of advice he gave Theresa May concerning their exit? He said that she shouldn't negotiate, she should sue the EU. May on the other hand, said that she was sticking with negotiation.

Just because someone was a business man, doesn't mean that they understand how to run a country. There is a huge difference between the two.

Theresa May: Trump told me to sue the EU

Donald Trump told Theresa May she should sue the EU rather than negotiate over Brexit, she has told the BBC.

The US president said on Friday at a joint news conference he had given Mrs May a suggestion - but she had found it too "brutal".

Asked by the BBC's Andrew Marr what he had said, she replied: "He told me I should sue the EU - not go into negotiations."

It came as another government member resigned over her Brexit plans.

Robert Courts said he quit as a parliamentary private secretary - an unpaid ministerial aide - at the Foreign Office to "express discontent" with Mrs May's policy before key Brexit votes on Monday

1. The people voted to leave. May is doing what she can to over rule the Will of the People.

2. The EU leadership has given no indication that they are interested in half measures. May is a fool to go begging to them.

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