President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

1. Trump's whole campaign was based on, correctly understanding the Middle Class and Working Poor better than anyone else.

2. All our trading partners are supposed to be so much more mature and intelligent than Trump. SO, what "usually" happens is not to be expected. There are intelligent and responsible and mature professionals.

Why is balanced trade so out of the question?

Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.

His trade and immigration policies, if enacted, will not be "bones", but will change lives, communities, if not the whole nation, for the better.

Those of the Middle class and working poor who voted for Trump, were right to do so.

I note that you did not try to explain they failure of the leadership of our trading "partners".

It'll change lives alright, but not in a good way. The poor or middle class who voted for him were duped and remain duped.
The failure of leadership of our trading partners? What does that mean? I always seem to have to unravel everything you say. How did they fail? By being free traders and part of the global economy? They didn't initiate this series of insane trade wars, Trump did. Be patient, you'll start to see the results of this soon enough and I guarantee you're not gonna like it.

More and better jobs, higher wages, will be a GOOD THING, for the Middle Class and Working poor.

Their leadership failed because they are risking a global trade war, which you seem to think is a bad thing.

You don't have to take my word that Trade wars are inflationary. Look it the fuck up! It's NEVER a good idea. Any economist worth his salt will say that because it's a fact.
What magic potion is gonna make Corporate America suddenly want to pay better wages? I want to hear this. Just the opposite is true. The "BONE" we were thrown will disappear in a rising tide of inflation and in attacks on the working poor, disabled, elderly etc. Attacks aimed directly at those you think are in for a better deal. Deaf, dumb and blind are those who believe anything that comes from ol' carp lips. Especially as it might relate to doing anything positive for the middle class. Do yourself a favor and watch a video entitled "You've Been Trumped" and you'll see how much Trump cares for the working man. Until then remain clueless as you are.

It is the only policy idea out there, right now to answer generations of wage stagnation.

You seem to accept the idea that the working poor and the middle class just get fucked from now on.

WTF, is that? And why the fuck should we agree to such a policy?

And the way you have to include with every post multiple sentences where you insult everyone that agrees with you, is just you being an asshole. A smug asshole.
Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.

His trade and immigration policies, if enacted, will not be "bones", but will change lives, communities, if not the whole nation, for the better.

Those of the Middle class and working poor who voted for Trump, were right to do so.

I note that you did not try to explain they failure of the leadership of our trading "partners".

It'll change lives alright, but not in a good way. The poor or middle class who voted for him were duped and remain duped.
The failure of leadership of our trading partners? What does that mean? I always seem to have to unravel everything you say. How did they fail? By being free traders and part of the global economy? They didn't initiate this series of insane trade wars, Trump did. Be patient, you'll start to see the results of this soon enough and I guarantee you're not gonna like it.

More and better jobs, higher wages, will be a GOOD THING, for the Middle Class and Working poor.

Their leadership failed because they are risking a global trade war, which you seem to think is a bad thing.

You don't have to take my word that Trade wars are inflationary. Look it the fuck up! It's NEVER a good idea. Any economist worth his salt will say that because it's a fact.
What magic potion is gonna make Corporate America suddenly want to pay better wages? I want to hear this. Just the opposite is true. The "BONE" we were thrown will disappear in a rising tide of inflation and in attacks on the working poor, disabled, elderly etc. Attacks aimed directly at those you think are in for a better deal. Deaf, dumb and blind are those who believe anything that comes from ol' carp lips. Especially as it might relate to doing anything positive for the middle class. Do yourself a favor and watch a video entitled "You've Been Trumped" and you'll see how much Trump cares for the working man. Until then remain clueless as you are.

It is the only policy idea out there, right now to answer generations of wage stagnation.

You seem to accept the idea that the working poor and the middle class just get fucked from now on.

WTF, is that? And why the fuck should we agree to such a policy?

And the way you have to include with every post multiple sentences where you insult everyone that agrees with you, is just you being an asshole. A smug asshole.

Insult everyone who agrees with me? WTF? BTW the working poor and middle class have been fucked for a long time and if you think Trump is planning to change that you truly are delusional. You must be very young to not be concerned about retirement or healthcare. That's the beauty of being young, you think you're invincible and that the future isn't a big deal. It's also called ignorance. It was Obama who tried to change all that with healthcare for all but your GOP took care of that didn't they. There will be no healthcare for those with existing conditions under the GOP. You'd better hope you or someone you care about lives forever. But because your cultmasters said ACA was bad, you believed it and supported no healthcare through your ignorance. Someday you may wake up. I doubt it.
Why should we accept what policy? Again with the statements that need unraveling?
Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.
You must work for a poor person. Or the government.

And you must be dim and/or uneducated.
Nope. I'm not a Dim as yourself. I'm a conservative.

Well, Mr Conservative, you don't have to listen to anything I've got to say about the Trump Administration. You can take a clue from two ultra conservative voices in Steve Schmidt and George Will. Both of whom have denounced their membership in the GOP and Will even said to please vote for Democrats. George Will! There's no more influential voice on the right, second only to the late William F Buckley. Both have said this is a circus and the most corrupt presidency in history. And they went further in saying it's the most totally corrupt cabinet and white house in history. Frankly I understand why Trump came to power, because even though it's so obvious that there was collusion, corruption, etc, his voters are still blind and deaf to it all. But, it was PT Barnum who said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Congratulations sucker.
Why would I give a shit about what these clowns think?

Because they were among the most influential voices of the GOP and they are sending out a warning to those who fell for this madman/conman that he's a danger to our country. But you don't give a shit? That's what indoctrination can do. You're a prime example. Good luck with explaining all that to yourself in the future. LOL
Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.
You must work for a poor person. Or the government.

And you must be dim and/or uneducated.
Nope. I'm not a Dim as yourself. I'm a conservative.

Well, Mr Conservative, you don't have to listen to anything I've got to say about the Trump Administration. You can take a clue from two ultra conservative voices in Steve Schmidt and George Will. Both of whom have denounced their membership in the GOP and Will even said to please vote for Democrats. George Will! There's no more influential voice on the right, second only to the late William F Buckley. Both have said this is a circus and the most corrupt presidency in history. And they went further in saying it's the most totally corrupt cabinet and white house in history. Frankly I understand why Trump came to power, because even though it's so obvious that there was collusion, corruption, etc, his voters are still blind and deaf to it all. But, it was PT Barnum who said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Congratulations sucker.

NOTHING there but the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. YOu fail.

Where do you get these talking points? If there ever was a Fallacy or Appeal (appeasement) to authority it's by the blind Trumpers who can't see beyond their own noses. Do you believe the bulk of what Trump says? Have you seen "You've Been Trumped?" It might give you some insight into who you support and how much Trump cares about the working man. You won't because you don't really want to know the truth, do you? LOL Hopeless cultists.
People don't respond well to threats. Usually puts them off. More likely to see tariffs as what they are, threats. Especially China who has been our credit union for years. We have (middle class) more to lose than they do. But, Trump doesn't get the middle class. We're beneath him as are anyone who isn't richer than he is or more cruel. That's what he has respect (envy) for. You haven't noticed? LOL

1. Trump's whole campaign was based on, correctly understanding the Middle Class and Working Poor better than anyone else.

2. All our trading partners are supposed to be so much more mature and intelligent than Trump. SO, what "usually" happens is not to be expected. There are intelligent and responsible and mature professionals.

Why is balanced trade so out of the question?

Are you really that naive? Trump understands only one thing about the poor and middle class, they are there to be exploited for his own enrichment. He pushes a tax bill that heavily favors the wealthy like himself while throwing a bone to the little guy and now he and the Ryan's of this world are busily attacking every assistance program that the poor and middle class depend on. Man, you bought the whole con job, lock, stock and barrel didn't you? Fuckin' clueless people that gave the rest of us this madman-thief.

His trade and immigration policies, if enacted, will not be "bones", but will change lives, communities, if not the whole nation, for the better.

Those of the Middle class and working poor who voted for Trump, were right to do so.

I note that you did not try to explain they failure of the leadership of our trading "partners".

It'll change lives alright, but not in a good way. The poor or middle class who voted for him were duped and remain duped.
The failure of leadership of our trading partners? What does that mean? I always seem to have to unravel everything you say. How did they fail? By being free traders and part of the global economy? They didn't initiate this series of insane trade wars, Trump did. Be patient, you'll start to see the results of this soon enough and I guarantee you're not gonna like it.
Government check?

What does that mean? Do I have yet another poster that talks in riddles? Say what you mean. Don't be afraid, It's only debate. One liners mean bupkis. Nothing to say really, just sniping?
Illinois Steel Town: Trump's Tariffs Secure 800 New Jobs for Previously Laid-Off American Workers | Breitbart

The 2K Granite City steel workers who were laid off under Obama are now seeing their jobs reopen thanks to Trump's steel tariffs. About half of the 800 reopened steel jobs will go to those who were previously laid off. Other half will go to newcomers.

Breitbart? LOL Talk about your fake news.
As opposed to MSLED? The Washington Compost? Give me a break.

Why? Because Trump has convinced you that a free press is unAmerican? LOL That's the root of the problem. Whatever outrageous things he tells his cultists, they take as gospel. That's how the Kims and the Duterte's come to power. You've got eyes, open them.
You must work for a poor person. Or the government.

And you must be dim and/or uneducated.
Nope. I'm not a Dim as yourself. I'm a conservative.

Well, Mr Conservative, you don't have to listen to anything I've got to say about the Trump Administration. You can take a clue from two ultra conservative voices in Steve Schmidt and George Will. Both of whom have denounced their membership in the GOP and Will even said to please vote for Democrats. George Will! There's no more influential voice on the right, second only to the late William F Buckley. Both have said this is a circus and the most corrupt presidency in history. And they went further in saying it's the most totally corrupt cabinet and white house in history. Frankly I understand why Trump came to power, because even though it's so obvious that there was collusion, corruption, etc, his voters are still blind and deaf to it all. But, it was PT Barnum who said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Congratulations sucker.
Why would I give a shit about what these clowns think?

Because they were among the most influential voices of the GOP and they are sending out a warning to those who fell for this madman/conman that he's a danger to our country. But you don't give a shit? That's what indoctrination can do. You're a prime example. Good luck with explaining all that to yourself in the future. LOL
I'm not GOP dumass.
And you must be dim and/or uneducated.
Nope. I'm not a Dim as yourself. I'm a conservative.

Well, Mr Conservative, you don't have to listen to anything I've got to say about the Trump Administration. You can take a clue from two ultra conservative voices in Steve Schmidt and George Will. Both of whom have denounced their membership in the GOP and Will even said to please vote for Democrats. George Will! There's no more influential voice on the right, second only to the late William F Buckley. Both have said this is a circus and the most corrupt presidency in history. And they went further in saying it's the most totally corrupt cabinet and white house in history. Frankly I understand why Trump came to power, because even though it's so obvious that there was collusion, corruption, etc, his voters are still blind and deaf to it all. But, it was PT Barnum who said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Congratulations sucker.
Why would I give a shit about what these clowns think?

Because they were among the most influential voices of the GOP and they are sending out a warning to those who fell for this madman/conman that he's a danger to our country. But you don't give a shit? That's what indoctrination can do. You're a prime example. Good luck with explaining all that to yourself in the future. LOL
I'm not GOP dumass.

So you're an independent? LOL You defend President Dumbass with every fiber of your being but you're a fence sitter? That's a good one. With a position like that, you never have to answer to anything. Cowardly bullshit and you know it.
Trumpers, keep in mind that President Koresh is the dream employee of Putin's Kremlin. His dismantling of every western trade agreement and his trashing now of NATO is the lifelong dream of his partner in crime, Vlad the impaler. You don't see it though, do you? It's so fuckin' obvious that a child could see it but it's all just fine and dandy to you cult members. Because after all you got a puny tax break. Well, he got one that dwarfs what you got. You'll never see what a danger he is to not only America but the entire western world. That's fuckin' wrong!
In the final analysis we will all see that Trump not only colluded to get elected but has many ongoing and previous dealings with Russia. It will be shown that Trump has been and is so entangled with Putin that he has broken dozens of laws and what he will be found to have done will go way beyond collusion and will be shown to be treason on a scale never before seen. Hold me to these statements because I really want you to. What will all you Trump apologists have to say then? It was because of Hillary? Obama made him do it? The devil? Fuckin' clueless idiots.
Nope. I'm not a Dim as yourself. I'm a conservative.

Well, Mr Conservative, you don't have to listen to anything I've got to say about the Trump Administration. You can take a clue from two ultra conservative voices in Steve Schmidt and George Will. Both of whom have denounced their membership in the GOP and Will even said to please vote for Democrats. George Will! There's no more influential voice on the right, second only to the late William F Buckley. Both have said this is a circus and the most corrupt presidency in history. And they went further in saying it's the most totally corrupt cabinet and white house in history. Frankly I understand why Trump came to power, because even though it's so obvious that there was collusion, corruption, etc, his voters are still blind and deaf to it all. But, it was PT Barnum who said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Congratulations sucker.
Why would I give a shit about what these clowns think?

Because they were among the most influential voices of the GOP and they are sending out a warning to those who fell for this madman/conman that he's a danger to our country. But you don't give a shit? That's what indoctrination can do. You're a prime example. Good luck with explaining all that to yourself in the future. LOL
I'm not GOP dumass.

So you're an independent? LOL You defend President Dumbass with every fiber of your being but you're a fence sitter? That's a good one. With a position like that, you never have to answer to anything. Cowardly bullshit and you know it.
I am for anyone who can keep leftist traitors out of office. If that means voting for a burning sack of dog shit to keep obama or clinton out of the white house - the shit gets my vote.
Well, you got your wish partner. You voted for a steaming pile like no other. Yeah, Obama, you wouldn't want healthcare, right? You wouldn't want a fix for the Bush economy either, right? LOL Clueless and indoctrinated by the far right so that you can't see through the haze of the rhetoric they have sold so that corporate America can reign supreme at the expense of the working man. That's what you support, whether you realize it or not.
His trade and immigration policies, if enacted, will not be "bones", but will change lives, communities, if not the whole nation, for the better.

Those of the Middle class and working poor who voted for Trump, were right to do so.

I note that you did not try to explain they failure of the leadership of our trading "partners".

It'll change lives alright, but not in a good way. The poor or middle class who voted for him were duped and remain duped.
The failure of leadership of our trading partners? What does that mean? I always seem to have to unravel everything you say. How did they fail? By being free traders and part of the global economy? They didn't initiate this series of insane trade wars, Trump did. Be patient, you'll start to see the results of this soon enough and I guarantee you're not gonna like it.

More and better jobs, higher wages, will be a GOOD THING, for the Middle Class and Working poor.

Their leadership failed because they are risking a global trade war, which you seem to think is a bad thing.

You don't have to take my word that Trade wars are inflationary. Look it the fuck up! It's NEVER a good idea. Any economist worth his salt will say that because it's a fact.
What magic potion is gonna make Corporate America suddenly want to pay better wages? I want to hear this. Just the opposite is true. The "BONE" we were thrown will disappear in a rising tide of inflation and in attacks on the working poor, disabled, elderly etc. Attacks aimed directly at those you think are in for a better deal. Deaf, dumb and blind are those who believe anything that comes from ol' carp lips. Especially as it might relate to doing anything positive for the middle class. Do yourself a favor and watch a video entitled "You've Been Trumped" and you'll see how much Trump cares for the working man. Until then remain clueless as you are.

It is the only policy idea out there, right now to answer generations of wage stagnation.

You seem to accept the idea that the working poor and the middle class just get fucked from now on.

WTF, is that? And why the fuck should we agree to such a policy?

And the way you have to include with every post multiple sentences where you insult everyone that agrees with you, is just you being an asshole. A smug asshole.

... BTW the working poor and middle class have been fucked for a long time and if you think Trump is planning to change that you truly are delusional. ...

You seem to think that he is changing things. The Political Class in this country acts as though they seriously believe he is changing things. The leaders of our "Allies" seem to think he is changing things.

Trump was the ONLY one who was running with a platform that even MIGHT have served my interests and the interests of my people.

I could vote for him, or for people whom I knew would continue the status quo which has been fucking US for decades.

Voting for a maybe, instead of a certain no, was the only rational act.

When you keep insisting that it was foolish or delusional , that is just you being an asshole.
You must work for a poor person. Or the government.

And you must be dim and/or uneducated.
Nope. I'm not a Dim as yourself. I'm a conservative.

Well, Mr Conservative, you don't have to listen to anything I've got to say about the Trump Administration. You can take a clue from two ultra conservative voices in Steve Schmidt and George Will. Both of whom have denounced their membership in the GOP and Will even said to please vote for Democrats. George Will! There's no more influential voice on the right, second only to the late William F Buckley. Both have said this is a circus and the most corrupt presidency in history. And they went further in saying it's the most totally corrupt cabinet and white house in history. Frankly I understand why Trump came to power, because even though it's so obvious that there was collusion, corruption, etc, his voters are still blind and deaf to it all. But, it was PT Barnum who said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Congratulations sucker.

NOTHING there but the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. YOu fail.

Where do you get these talking points?

Let's see that's a dishonest and cowardly dodge of my point, and the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

If there ever was a Fallacy or Appeal (appeasement) to authority it's by the blind Trumpers who can't see beyond their own noses.

Well, that's two stupid mistakes, an personal attack, and an unsupported smear of Trump supporters. Oh, and another Appeal to Ridicule.

Do you believe the bulk of what Trump says?

I believe that he is trying to improve our horrible Trade Policy that has caused so much harm to this nation.

Have you seen "You've Been Trumped?"

I generally don't waste my time on lefty propaganda. If you have a real point to make, make it in your own words.

It might give you some insight into who you support and how much Trump cares about the working man. You won't because you don't really want to know the truth, do you? LOL Hopeless cultists.

He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations.

YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.
And you must be dim and/or uneducated.
Nope. I'm not a Dim as yourself. I'm a conservative.

Well, Mr Conservative, you don't have to listen to anything I've got to say about the Trump Administration. You can take a clue from two ultra conservative voices in Steve Schmidt and George Will. Both of whom have denounced their membership in the GOP and Will even said to please vote for Democrats. George Will! There's no more influential voice on the right, second only to the late William F Buckley. Both have said this is a circus and the most corrupt presidency in history. And they went further in saying it's the most totally corrupt cabinet and white house in history. Frankly I understand why Trump came to power, because even though it's so obvious that there was collusion, corruption, etc, his voters are still blind and deaf to it all. But, it was PT Barnum who said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Congratulations sucker.

NOTHING there but the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. YOu fail.

Where do you get these talking points?

Let's see that's a dishonest and cowardly dodge of my point, and the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

If there ever was a Fallacy or Appeal (appeasement) to authority it's by the blind Trumpers who can't see beyond their own noses.

Well, that's two stupid mistakes, an personal attack, and an unsupported smear of Trump supporters. Oh, and another Appeal to Ridicule.

Do you believe the bulk of what Trump says?

I believe that he is trying to improve our horrible Trade Policy that has caused so much harm to this nation.

Have you seen "You've Been Trumped?"

I generally don't waste my time on lefty propaganda. If you have a real point to make, make it in your own words.

It might give you some insight into who you support and how much Trump cares about the working man. You won't because you don't really want to know the truth, do you? LOL Hopeless cultists.

He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations.

YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

It's not lefty propaganda unless you are so indoctrinated by now that truth is propaganda. It shows his actions while building a golf course in Scotland and how he treated the folks who occupied the land that he wanted to use for it and the sensitive lands that were compromised for his vanity. It's just a factual documentary that you will never see because you don't do truth. What are you afraid of? Watch it and then we can debate its merits or its falsehoods.
BTW, the status quo as you put it used to include that we don't collude with Russia and we don't attack our allies.
Nope. I'm not a Dim as yourself. I'm a conservative.

Well, Mr Conservative, you don't have to listen to anything I've got to say about the Trump Administration. You can take a clue from two ultra conservative voices in Steve Schmidt and George Will. Both of whom have denounced their membership in the GOP and Will even said to please vote for Democrats. George Will! There's no more influential voice on the right, second only to the late William F Buckley. Both have said this is a circus and the most corrupt presidency in history. And they went further in saying it's the most totally corrupt cabinet and white house in history. Frankly I understand why Trump came to power, because even though it's so obvious that there was collusion, corruption, etc, his voters are still blind and deaf to it all. But, it was PT Barnum who said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Congratulations sucker.

NOTHING there but the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. YOu fail.

Where do you get these talking points?

Let's see that's a dishonest and cowardly dodge of my point, and the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

If there ever was a Fallacy or Appeal (appeasement) to authority it's by the blind Trumpers who can't see beyond their own noses.

Well, that's two stupid mistakes, an personal attack, and an unsupported smear of Trump supporters. Oh, and another Appeal to Ridicule.

Do you believe the bulk of what Trump says?

I believe that he is trying to improve our horrible Trade Policy that has caused so much harm to this nation.

Have you seen "You've Been Trumped?"

I generally don't waste my time on lefty propaganda. If you have a real point to make, make it in your own words.

It might give you some insight into who you support and how much Trump cares about the working man. You won't because you don't really want to know the truth, do you? LOL Hopeless cultists.

He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations.

YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

It's not lefty propaganda unless you are so indoctrinated by now that truth is propaganda. It shows his actions while building a golf course in Scotland and how he treated the folks who occupied the land that he wanted to use for it and the sensitive lands that were compromised for his vanity. It's just a factual documentary that you will never see because you don't do truth. What are you afraid of? Watch it and then we can debate its merits or its falsehoods.
BTW, the status quo as you put it used to include that we don't collude with Russia and we don't attack our allies.

1. If you have a point to make, you make it.

2. He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations.

YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

3. The Cold War is over. No one colluded with Russia, you red baiting hysteric. Our allies are being shitty allies.
Well, Mr Conservative, you don't have to listen to anything I've got to say about the Trump Administration. You can take a clue from two ultra conservative voices in Steve Schmidt and George Will. Both of whom have denounced their membership in the GOP and Will even said to please vote for Democrats. George Will! There's no more influential voice on the right, second only to the late William F Buckley. Both have said this is a circus and the most corrupt presidency in history. And they went further in saying it's the most totally corrupt cabinet and white house in history. Frankly I understand why Trump came to power, because even though it's so obvious that there was collusion, corruption, etc, his voters are still blind and deaf to it all. But, it was PT Barnum who said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Congratulations sucker.

NOTHING there but the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. YOu fail.

Where do you get these talking points?

Let's see that's a dishonest and cowardly dodge of my point, and the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

If there ever was a Fallacy or Appeal (appeasement) to authority it's by the blind Trumpers who can't see beyond their own noses.

Well, that's two stupid mistakes, an personal attack, and an unsupported smear of Trump supporters. Oh, and another Appeal to Ridicule.

Do you believe the bulk of what Trump says?

I believe that he is trying to improve our horrible Trade Policy that has caused so much harm to this nation.

Have you seen "You've Been Trumped?"

I generally don't waste my time on lefty propaganda. If you have a real point to make, make it in your own words.

It might give you some insight into who you support and how much Trump cares about the working man. You won't because you don't really want to know the truth, do you? LOL Hopeless cultists.

He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations.

YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

It's not lefty propaganda unless you are so indoctrinated by now that truth is propaganda. It shows his actions while building a golf course in Scotland and how he treated the folks who occupied the land that he wanted to use for it and the sensitive lands that were compromised for his vanity. It's just a factual documentary that you will never see because you don't do truth. What are you afraid of? Watch it and then we can debate its merits or its falsehoods.
BTW, the status quo as you put it used to include that we don't collude with Russia and we don't attack our allies.

1. If you have a point to make, you make it.

2. He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations.

YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

3. The Cold War is over. No one colluded with Russia, you red baiting hysteric. Our allies are being shitty allies.

Who's US? Stupid people? The Russians fucked with our elections and you think the cold war is over? Tell that to Putin you moron. Trump colluded with him and continues to. There's gonna be a big wake up call soon so get ready. LOL
NOTHING there but the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. YOu fail.

Where do you get these talking points?

Let's see that's a dishonest and cowardly dodge of my point, and the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

If there ever was a Fallacy or Appeal (appeasement) to authority it's by the blind Trumpers who can't see beyond their own noses.

Well, that's two stupid mistakes, an personal attack, and an unsupported smear of Trump supporters. Oh, and another Appeal to Ridicule.

Do you believe the bulk of what Trump says?

I believe that he is trying to improve our horrible Trade Policy that has caused so much harm to this nation.

Have you seen "You've Been Trumped?"

I generally don't waste my time on lefty propaganda. If you have a real point to make, make it in your own words.

It might give you some insight into who you support and how much Trump cares about the working man. You won't because you don't really want to know the truth, do you? LOL Hopeless cultists.

He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations.

YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

It's not lefty propaganda unless you are so indoctrinated by now that truth is propaganda. It shows his actions while building a golf course in Scotland and how he treated the folks who occupied the land that he wanted to use for it and the sensitive lands that were compromised for his vanity. It's just a factual documentary that you will never see because you don't do truth. What are you afraid of? Watch it and then we can debate its merits or its falsehoods.
BTW, the status quo as you put it used to include that we don't collude with Russia and we don't attack our allies.

1. If you have a point to make, you make it.

2. He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations.

YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

3. The Cold War is over. No one colluded with Russia, you red baiting hysteric. Our allies are being shitty allies.

Who's US? Stupid people? The Russians fucked with our elections and you think the cold war is over? Tell that to Putin you moron. Trump colluded with him and continues to. There's gonna be a big wake up call soon so get ready. LOL

1. Who's "US"? Seriously? THE PEOPLE YOU'VE BEEN CONSTANTLY ATTACKING AND SMEARING IE US TRUMP SUPPORTERS. That was a really moronic way to dodge my question.

2. Which I now re post you moron. He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations. YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

3. Yes, the COld War is over. A few Russian Trolls is not worthy of restarting it, nor does it prove, or even strongly suggest collusion. Putin knows that TRump did not collude with him. The wake up call will be for you, loony tune.
Where do you get these talking points?

Let's see that's a dishonest and cowardly dodge of my point, and the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

If there ever was a Fallacy or Appeal (appeasement) to authority it's by the blind Trumpers who can't see beyond their own noses.

Well, that's two stupid mistakes, an personal attack, and an unsupported smear of Trump supporters. Oh, and another Appeal to Ridicule.

Do you believe the bulk of what Trump says?

I believe that he is trying to improve our horrible Trade Policy that has caused so much harm to this nation.

Have you seen "You've Been Trumped?"

I generally don't waste my time on lefty propaganda. If you have a real point to make, make it in your own words.

It might give you some insight into who you support and how much Trump cares about the working man. You won't because you don't really want to know the truth, do you? LOL Hopeless cultists.

He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations.

YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

It's not lefty propaganda unless you are so indoctrinated by now that truth is propaganda. It shows his actions while building a golf course in Scotland and how he treated the folks who occupied the land that he wanted to use for it and the sensitive lands that were compromised for his vanity. It's just a factual documentary that you will never see because you don't do truth. What are you afraid of? Watch it and then we can debate its merits or its falsehoods.
BTW, the status quo as you put it used to include that we don't collude with Russia and we don't attack our allies.

1. If you have a point to make, you make it.

2. He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations.

YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

3. The Cold War is over. No one colluded with Russia, you red baiting hysteric. Our allies are being shitty allies.

Who's US? Stupid people? The Russians fucked with our elections and you think the cold war is over? Tell that to Putin you moron. Trump colluded with him and continues to. There's gonna be a big wake up call soon so get ready. LOL

1. Who's "US"? Seriously? THE PEOPLE YOU'VE BEEN CONSTANTLY ATTACKING AND SMEARING IE US TRUMP SUPPORTERS. That was a really moronic way to dodge my question.

2. Which I now re post you moron. He is the only one pushing to change the status quo that has been fucking me and mine for generations. YOu refuse to address that. That he was the only choice that was available to US.

3. Yes, the COld War is over. A few Russian Trolls is not worthy of restarting it, nor does it prove, or even strongly suggest collusion. Putin knows that TRump did not collude with him. The wake up call will be for you, loony tune.

So now you know what Putin knows and you know what he's up to? Hopeless. Fuckin' hopeless. It's people like you who will allow the destruction of our system of laws and our democratic institutions which is underway and is plain to see unless of course you're blind to it because you don't want to admit how fuckin' stupid you were to vote for this madman. You should not claim to be an American ever again.

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