President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

The Donald giveth, the Donald taketh away, the Donald giveth....

Fall down and worship His magnificence, ye dismal Trump-haters.

Meh, COVID-19 has a long way to go yet, at least another month until the weather breaks.
I'm not celebrating the DOW just yet.
Trump is not going to be able to throw money around.
The best idea I heard was to stop the payroll tax on the first $20,000 for workers, but not employers.
That gives more money to everyone, but especially those closer to the minimum wage.
I suppose it should be noted that even after the 1000+ point gain the DJI is still in the red from the start of Trump's 2nd year in office.

The promise of tax cuts and even bigger deficits always makes the markets happy.

How much did Obama offer in the way of tax cuts, and how did he lower the deficit? More importantly, what would a Bernie or a Joe offer in the way of tax cuts, and how would they lower the deficit?

Serious questions.

Obama did a payroll tax cut just like Trump is talking about....amazing how alike they are.

Obama cut the deficit by 709 billion dollars his first year in office to his last.

Bernie or joe would add just as much as Trump is, there is little difference between them.
DEMS said Hillary would win in a landslide...


Dems said the country would collapse under Trump...

We have had records success under the best President in decades, in some cases ever

Barry said the factory jobs were gone for good, it was the new norm, that Trump could not magically bring them back...


Obama waited until 1,000 Americans were dead and thousands were hospitalized from H1N1 before he acknowledged it and called it an emergency.....

Trump acted 30 days after the Chinese reported COVID-19 to the WHO....

....and butt-hurt TDS-suffering snowflakes say Trump has failed regarding the Coronavirus.

Dems and snowflakes have been declaring the President ALLOWED / CREATED the stock market plunge caused by panicky from fear of the Coronavirus because he has done NOTHING....

....and when he meets with Congress members and discusses actions that can be taken - when he does something and he reverses the stock market panic plunge into a confidence-soaring , record-matching climb the snowflakes STILL attack him


Some things never change....and never will.


That's nice dear.
Would you mind linking us to your thread from Monday, the one named "Rump Acts Out, Stocks Plummet"?
I'd like to catch up.

Thanks in advance.

Who gives a shit what you would like?!

Tell ya what snowflake, all of you snowflakes put your Trump hate in one hand and shit in the other, put 'em together, and what you have in your hands is all you have left of your miserable partisan lives since Trump defeated Hillary....


That's nice dear.
Would you mind linking us to your thread from Monday, the one named "Rump Acts Out, Stocks Plummet"?
I'd like to catch up.

Thanks in advance.

Who gives a shit what you would like?!

Tell ya what snowflake, all of you snowflakes put your Trump hate in one hand and shit in the other, put 'em together, and what you have in your hands is all you have left of your miserable partisan lives since Trump defeated Hillary....


Are you saying you didn't post such a thread?

I find that hard to believe, tuned in to the stock market as you claim to be.....
It’s funny how “acting” is now equivalent to “talking in vague terms about doing something in the future”.

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