President Shimon Peres Is Dead

May his memory be a blessing.
:piss2:Shimon Peres
The Mullah at your Shiite mosque is very proud of you, fanger, and he probably sent word for you to keep up the good work for Islam. You are lucky you were not one of those little boys who was given the key to Paradise so that you would be the one to step on a landmine in the Iraq/Iran war.
Love you Hoss but this comment is pretty Shallow,even for you but just encourages the Zionnuts to plague us with their obsequious form of Zio-Nazism.steve thesentinel to goodness

Don't worry too much about this, Steve, but I put you in the same category as fanger. Readers here have to be brain dead not to realize that you have never said anything against fanger's obvious anti-Semitism.
May his memory be a blessing.
:piss2:Shimon Peres
The Mullah at your Shiite mosque is very proud of you, fanger, and he probably sent word for you to keep up the good work for Islam. You are lucky you were not one of those little boys who was given the key to Paradise so that you would be the one to step on a landmine in the Iraq/Iran war.
Love you Hoss but this comment is pretty Shallow,even for you but just encourages the Zionnuts to plague us with their obsequious form of Zio-Nazism.steve thesentinel to goodness

Don't worry too much about this, Steve, but I put you in the same category as fanger. Readers here have to be brain dead not to realize that you have never said anything against fanger's obvious anti-Semitism.
Quit with the name calling, are you a school child?
define anti-Semitism. and pro semitism
While we're at it define zionism, and zionut, of which you claim to be
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May his memory be a blessing.
:piss2:Shimon Peres
The Mullah at your Shiite mosque is very proud of you, fanger, and he probably sent word for you to keep up the good work for Islam. You are lucky you were not one of those little boys who was given the key to Paradise so that you would be the one to step on a landmine in the Iraq/Iran war.
Love you Hoss but this comment is pretty Shallow,even for you but just encourages the Zionnuts to plague us with their obsequious form of Zio-Nazism.steve thesentinel to goodness

Don't worry too much about this, Steve, but I put you in the same category as fanger. Readers here have to be brain dead not to realize that you have never said anything against fanger's obvious anti-Semitism.
Quit with the name calling, are you a school child?
define anti-Semitism. and pro semitism
While we're at it define zionism, and zionut, of which you claim to be
Suck it up, Ace and look in the lexicon for the definition.
May his memory be a blessing.
:piss2:Shimon Peres
The Mullah at your Shiite mosque is very proud of you, fanger, and he probably sent word for you to keep up the good work for Islam. You are lucky you were not one of those little boys who was given the key to Paradise so that you would be the one to step on a landmine in the Iraq/Iran war.
Love you Hoss but this comment is pretty Shallow,even for you but just encourages the Zionnuts to plague us with their obsequious form of Zio-Nazism.steve thesentinel to goodness

Don't worry too much about this, Steve, but I put you in the same category as fanger. Readers here have to be brain dead not to realize that you have never said anything against fanger's obvious anti-Semitism.
Quit with the name calling, are you a school child?
define anti-Semitism. and pro semitism
While we're at it define zionism, and zionut, of which you claim to be
Looks like fanger, the Jew hater, doesn't like to hear the truth. Wonder if fanger was taught to hate the Jews while attending his madrassa as a young child.
May his memory be a blessing.
:piss2:Shimon Peres
The Mullah at your Shiite mosque is very proud of you, fanger, and he probably sent word for you to keep up the good work for Islam. You are lucky you were not one of those little boys who was given the key to Paradise so that you would be the one to step on a landmine in the Iraq/Iran war.
Love you Hoss but this comment is pretty Shallow,even for you but just encourages the Zionnuts to plague us with their obsequious form of Zio-Nazism.steve thesentinel to goodness

Don't worry too much about this, Steve, but I put you in the same category as fanger. Readers here have to be brain dead not to realize that you have never said anything against fanger's obvious anti-Semitism.
You fall into the simplistic here Hoss,Fanger has passion and is truthful in the majority of what he says,he is a believer (as I am) of human rights and the Palestinian cause.....despite the continual Zionist attacks designed to Gag any debate on the Dread Zionists(as I am).

I do not agree with him on Shimon Peres,his thoughts on Yityzak Rabin I know not but both these Gentlemen had Decency and Foresight and an honest plan for Peace.......Unlike you wretches,who mainly are only Synthetic Jews of the Human Experiment that is Israel from time has passed True Jews have been sidelined and in time will regrettably disappear ........ and what will Zionist Israel become.

I will stop here only to say that it is a reflection of a Good Man,A Fair Man who always had the interests of his Jewish Homeland,Israel at heart.......He is the last of the originals who formed Israel,the prodigy of David Ben-Gurion and in my opinion a Wonderful Intelligent Humane Man,my he with Respect, Rest in Peace.

as an after thought, we will never see his or his friend Yitzak, likes again in Israel.steven.......Zionist Israel is in the Wilderness again
:piss2:Shimon Peres
The Mullah at your Shiite mosque is very proud of you, fanger, and he probably sent word for you to keep up the good work for Islam. You are lucky you were not one of those little boys who was given the key to Paradise so that you would be the one to step on a landmine in the Iraq/Iran war.
Love you Hoss but this comment is pretty Shallow,even for you but just encourages the Zionnuts to plague us with their obsequious form of Zio-Nazism.steve thesentinel to goodness

Don't worry too much about this, Steve, but I put you in the same category as fanger. Readers here have to be brain dead not to realize that you have never said anything against fanger's obvious anti-Semitism.
Quit with the name calling, are you a school child?
define anti-Semitism. and pro semitism
While we're at it define zionism, and zionut, of which you claim to be
Looks like fanger, the Jew hater, doesn't like to hear the truth. Wonder if fanger was taught to hate the Jews while attending his madrassa as a young child.
Grow Up
The Mullah at your Shiite mosque is very proud of you, fanger, and he probably sent word for you to keep up the good work for Islam. You are lucky you were not one of those little boys who was given the key to Paradise so that you would be the one to step on a landmine in the Iraq/Iran war.
Love you Hoss but this comment is pretty Shallow,even for you but just encourages the Zionnuts to plague us with their obsequious form of Zio-Nazism.steve thesentinel to goodness

Don't worry too much about this, Steve, but I put you in the same category as fanger. Readers here have to be brain dead not to realize that you have never said anything against fanger's obvious anti-Semitism.
Quit with the name calling, are you a school child?
define anti-Semitism. and pro semitism
While we're at it define zionism, and zionut, of which you claim to be
Looks like fanger, the Jew hater, doesn't like to hear the truth. Wonder if fanger was taught to hate the Jews while attending his madrassa as a young child.
Grow Up
Well Hoss,as I know you are grown up.........But this thread is not about mud slinging,but Thought,Contemplation and Celebration of a Man,whose life was well lived..........your friend, steve
May his memory be a blessing.
:piss2:Shimon Peres
The Mullah at your Shiite mosque is very proud of you, fanger, and he probably sent word for you to keep up the good work for Islam. You are lucky you were not one of those little boys who was given the key to Paradise so that you would be the one to step on a landmine in the Iraq/Iran war.
Love you Hoss but this comment is pretty Shallow,even for you but just encourages the Zionnuts to plague us with their obsequious form of Zio-Nazism.steve thesentinel to goodness

Don't worry too much about this, Steve, but I put you in the same category as fanger. Readers here have to be brain dead not to realize that you have never said anything against fanger's obvious anti-Semitism.
You fall into the simplistic here Hoss,Fanger has passion and is truthful in the majority of what he says,he is a believer (as I am) of human rights and the Palestinian cause.....despite the continual Zionist attacks designed to Gag any debate on the Dread Zionists(as I am).

I do not agree with him on Shimon Peres,his thoughts on Yityzak Rabin I know not but both these Gentlemen had Decency and Foresight and an honest plan for Peace.......Unlike you wretches,who mainly are only Synthetic Jews of the Human Experiment that is Israel from time has passed True Jews have been sidelined and in time will regrettably disappear ........ and what will Zionist Israel become.

I will stop here only to say that it is a reflection of a Good Man,A Fair Man who always had the interests of his Jewish Homeland,Israel at heart.......He is the last of the originals who formed Israel,the prodigy of David Ben-Gurion and in my opinion a Wonderful Intelligent Humane Man,my he with Respect, Rest in Peace.

as an after thought, we will never see his or his friend Yitzak, likes again in Israel.steven.......Zionist Israel is in the Wilderness again
If the readers were all together in a room and you gave your description of fanger, they would think you were trying out to be a stand-up comedian. Perhaps someone who is anti-Semitic can't see that fanger is a consummate Jew hater. That is his passion. Now come back and give us a few more jokes so that we can have a few laughs.
Good riddance
The 1996 shelling of Qana[1][2] also known as Qana massacre[1][2][3] took place on April 18, 1996 near Qana, a village in Southern Lebanon, when the Israel Defense Forces fired artillery shells at a United Nations compound.[1][2] Of 800 Lebanese civilians who had taken refuge in the compound, 106 were killed and around 116 injured. Four Fijian United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon soldiers were also seriously injured.[4][5]

The attack occurred amid heavy fighting between the Israel Defense Forces and Hezbollah during Operation Grapes of Wrath. A United Nations investigation later stated it was unlikely that the Israeli shelling was a technical or procedural error,[6] which was based on video evidence showing that an Israeli drone was spying on the compound before the shelling. Israel at first denied spying on the compound but changed its version of the story after the video was made public.
Qana massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to islamonazi intelligence and pallywood propaganda
Love you Hoss but this comment is pretty Shallow,even for you but just encourages the Zionnuts to plague us with their obsequious form of Zio-Nazism.steve thesentinel to goodness

Don't worry too much about this, Steve, but I put you in the same category as fanger. Readers here have to be brain dead not to realize that you have never said anything against fanger's obvious anti-Semitism.
Quit with the name calling, are you a school child?
define anti-Semitism. and pro semitism
While we're at it define zionism, and zionut, of which you claim to be
Looks like fanger, the Jew hater, doesn't like to hear the truth. Wonder if fanger was taught to hate the Jews while attending his madrassa as a young child.
Grow Up
Well Hoss,as I know you are grown up.........But this thread is not about mud slinging,but Thought,Contemplation and Celebration of a Man,whose life was well lived..........your friend, steve

tell that to your friends the islamonazi pigs that started the mudslinging, just waiting for your input along the same lines.........
May his memory be a blessing.
:piss2:Shimon Peres
On this point fanger,I cannot agree with you,Shimon Peres with Yitzak Rabin were good Jews and advanced Israel and Palestine........until Mr Rabin was Assassinated by a despicable Jew...........and the Weirdo Zionists with Nit and Yobbo took control.......steve

Just 3 posts later and you start grunting like an islamonazi pig giving out your insults
May his memory be a blessing.
:piss2:Shimon Peres
The Mullah at your Shiite mosque is very proud of you, fanger, and he probably sent word for you to keep up the good work for Islam. You are lucky you were not one of those little boys who was given the key to Paradise so that you would be the one to step on a landmine in the Iraq/Iran war.
Love you Hoss but this comment is pretty Shallow,even for you but just encourages the Zionnuts to plague us with their obsequious form of Zio-Nazism.steve thesentinel to goodness

Another islamomoron posting the newest islamonazi oxymoron

Do explain how you d=can defend Israel and the Jews on their living in peace and then want to wipe them out. That is the definition of zio-nazism
May his memory be a blessing.
:piss2:Shimon Peres
On this point fanger,I cannot agree with you,Shimon Peres with Yitzak Rabin were good Jews and advanced Israel and Palestine........until Mr Rabin was Assassinated by a despicable Jew...........and the Weirdo Zionists with Nit and Yobbo took control.......steve

And you're a despicable...........whatever?
To Ziotrash like you indeed but I always play fair.....I have much admiration for Shimon Peres .....................You are Repugnant with a Capital doubt you were one of the Zion Nuts who was pleased Mr Rabin was Assassinated.........and Mr Peres would have condemned you as Zionista filth........I note none of you ever mention Mr Rabin or have mentioned Mr Peres because Zionists hated these two fine Jews........but today your Hypocricy IS I said Filth.

And which hate site did you lift this from then, it is so easy to find out when you know how to use a spider ?
May his memory be a blessing.
:piss2:Shimon Peres
The Mullah at your Shiite mosque is very proud of you, fanger, and he probably sent word for you to keep up the good work for Islam. You are lucky you were not one of those little boys who was given the key to Paradise so that you would be the one to step on a landmine in the Iraq/Iran war.
Love you Hoss but this comment is pretty Shallow,even for you but just encourages the Zionnuts to plague us with their obsequious form of Zio-Nazism.steve thesentinel to goodness

Don't worry too much about this, Steve, but I put you in the same category as fanger. Readers here have to be brain dead not to realize that you have never said anything against fanger's obvious anti-Semitism.
Quit with the name calling, are you a school child?
define anti-Semitism. and pro semitism
While we're at it define zionism, and zionut, of which you claim to be

Do you want the internationally agreed definition as this is any act or word that is against the Jews or Israel that causes offense, hatred, incites violence, incites religious intolerance or can be seen as racism that is anti semitism as practised by you, a serious crime in most civilised nations

Zionism is the belief that Israel should have a home land in its historic land and the right to defend that homeland from all attacks both verbal and physical
May his memory be a blessing.
:piss2:Shimon Peres
The Mullah at your Shiite mosque is very proud of you, fanger, and he probably sent word for you to keep up the good work for Islam. You are lucky you were not one of those little boys who was given the key to Paradise so that you would be the one to step on a landmine in the Iraq/Iran war.
Love you Hoss but this comment is pretty Shallow,even for you but just encourages the Zionnuts to plague us with their obsequious form of Zio-Nazism.steve thesentinel to goodness

Don't worry too much about this, Steve, but I put you in the same category as fanger. Readers here have to be brain dead not to realize that you have never said anything against fanger's obvious anti-Semitism.
You fall into the simplistic here Hoss,Fanger has passion and is truthful in the majority of what he says,he is a believer (as I am) of human rights and the Palestinian cause.....despite the continual Zionist attacks designed to Gag any debate on the Dread Zionists(as I am).

I do not agree with him on Shimon Peres,his thoughts on Yityzak Rabin I know not but both these Gentlemen had Decency and Foresight and an honest plan for Peace.......Unlike you wretches,who mainly are only Synthetic Jews of the Human Experiment that is Israel from time has passed True Jews have been sidelined and in time will regrettably disappear ........ and what will Zionist Israel become.

I will stop here only to say that it is a reflection of a Good Man,A Fair Man who always had the interests of his Jewish Homeland,Israel at heart.......He is the last of the originals who formed Israel,the prodigy of David Ben-Gurion and in my opinion a Wonderful Intelligent Humane Man,my he with Respect, Rest in Peace.

as an after thought, we will never see his or his friend Yitzak, likes again in Israel.steven.......Zionist Israel is in the Wilderness again

He is like you a hateful lying POS islamonazi pig
Don't worry too much about this, Steve, but I put you in the same category as fanger. Readers here have to be brain dead not to realize that you have never said anything against fanger's obvious anti-Semitism.
Quit with the name calling, are you a school child?
define anti-Semitism. and pro semitism
While we're at it define zionism, and zionut, of which you claim to be
Looks like fanger, the Jew hater, doesn't like to hear the truth. Wonder if fanger was taught to hate the Jews while attending his madrassa as a young child.
Grow Up
Well Hoss,as I know you are grown up.........But this thread is not about mud slinging,but Thought,Contemplation and Celebration of a Man,whose life was well lived..........your friend, steve

tell that to your friends the islamonazi pigs that started the mudslinging, just waiting for your input along the same lines.........
You never will Pheo,I have a very high regard for Mr Peres and admired the man..steve
:piss2:Shimon Peres
The Mullah at your Shiite mosque is very proud of you, fanger, and he probably sent word for you to keep up the good work for Islam. You are lucky you were not one of those little boys who was given the key to Paradise so that you would be the one to step on a landmine in the Iraq/Iran war.
Love you Hoss but this comment is pretty Shallow,even for you but just encourages the Zionnuts to plague us with their obsequious form of Zio-Nazism.steve thesentinel to goodness

Don't worry too much about this, Steve, but I put you in the same category as fanger. Readers here have to be brain dead not to realize that you have never said anything against fanger's obvious anti-Semitism.
You fall into the simplistic here Hoss,Fanger has passion and is truthful in the majority of what he says,he is a believer (as I am) of human rights and the Palestinian cause.....despite the continual Zionist attacks designed to Gag any debate on the Dread Zionists(as I am).

I do not agree with him on Shimon Peres,his thoughts on Yityzak Rabin I know not but both these Gentlemen had Decency and Foresight and an honest plan for Peace.......Unlike you wretches,who mainly are only Synthetic Jews of the Human Experiment that is Israel from time has passed True Jews have been sidelined and in time will regrettably disappear ........ and what will Zionist Israel become.

I will stop here only to say that it is a reflection of a Good Man,A Fair Man who always had the interests of his Jewish Homeland,Israel at heart.......He is the last of the originals who formed Israel,the prodigy of David Ben-Gurion and in my opinion a Wonderful Intelligent Humane Man,my he with Respect, Rest in Peace.

as an after thought, we will never see his or his friend Yitzak, likes again in Israel.steven.......Zionist Israel is in the Wilderness again

He is like you a hateful lying POS islamonazi pig
You are just talking complete NONSENSE now,for all to see......have a bit of Respect for that Wonderful Jew Simon Peres......steve
Quit with the name calling, are you a school child?
define anti-Semitism. and pro semitism
While we're at it define zionism, and zionut, of which you claim to be
Looks like fanger, the Jew hater, doesn't like to hear the truth. Wonder if fanger was taught to hate the Jews while attending his madrassa as a young child.
Grow Up
Well Hoss,as I know you are grown up.........But this thread is not about mud slinging,but Thought,Contemplation and Celebration of a Man,whose life was well lived..........your friend, steve

tell that to your friends the islamonazi pigs that started the mudslinging, just waiting for your input along the same lines.........
You never will Pheo,I have a very high regard for Mr Peres and admired the man..steve

Sorry to say but you did it 3 posts later

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