President Obama's Push Towards Socialism

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
President Obama's Push Towards Socialism: is it a myth, or is there proof of it's existence?

GOP Presidential Hopeful, Richard John "Rick" Santorum has said during campaign appearances that President Obama is pushing the United States 'to the brink of socialism, to the brink of losing our freedom' and Mr. Santorum claims he can 'reclaim our country' back from this brink.

I have a few serious reservations about this narrative, but what I wonder is how anyone believes this to be true, that we are on the brink of socialism and that Santorum can bring us back.

I see no proof of this brink or no proof that Santorum could bring the United States back from anything, real or imagined.

If any conservatives, right wingers, and anyone else here who is dissatisfied with Obama believes any of this, they need to offer proof in order to convince a majority of would be voters to buy into this narrative.

"Where's the beef?" Try proving something right here and now.

For Republicans "socialism" is any money spent on the non wealthy.
President Obama's Push Towards Socialism: is it a myth, or is there proof of it's existence?

GOP Presidential Hopeful, Richard John "Rick" Santorum has said during campaign appearances that President Obama is pushing the United States 'to the brink of socialism, to the brink of losing our freedom' and Mr. Santorum claims he can 'reclaim our country' back from this brink.

I have a few serious reservations about this narrative, but what I wonder is how anyone believes this to be true, that we are on the brink of socialism and that Santorum can bring us back.

I see no proof of this brink or no proof that Santorum could bring the United States back from anything, real or imagined.

If any conservatives, right wingers, and anyone else here who is dissatisfied with Obama believes any of this, they need to offer proof in order to convince a majority of would be voters to buy into this narrative.

"Where's the beef?" Try proving something right here and now.

Daily Kos: Undisputable evidence of Obama's*socialism
Top 7 Facts From Obama’s Background That Prove He’s a Socialist | NewsReal Blog
Obama Communist, Marxist, Socialist, Progressive, Commie

Read these and get back to me.

I went to three links you provided. The links back up (as far as you are concerned) your view that Obama 'was' somehow a socialist. One proof/fact is that Obama attended a socialist conference.

I've attended Republican conferences, and business conferences, and public health conferences, and Democratic conferences.., :eusa_whistle:

Your other proofs are similar in nature.

Maybe you had trouble comprehending my questions? I ask for proof that Obama, according to Santorum and others, has brought the United States to the brink of socialism. I also ask about the claim that if this were so, where the proof is that Santorum could bring the United States bank from this alleged brink. ___ You've so far addressed neither of these issues, let alone offered proof that either has a factual basis.

Want to try again?

Is Obama pushing for socialism? Yes.

Will big government republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum push for the policies needed to curtail federal spending? Well, he claimed in favor of TARP, among other big gubmint habits so the answer is an obvious no. Rick's platform is all about trying to bring in the religious and beat the neocon war drum for more invasions.
How dare Obama invent Medicare and Social Security. How dare he invent clean water and air laws. And what are these public roads and public schools I keep hearing about? Down with the commie!

Santorum will get elected and God will fix it all. The true believers will prosper while the infidels will burn.
Why would a left-winger like you have a photo of H.L. Mencken as your avatar?

H.L Mencken despised everything liberals believe in.

President Obama's Push Towards Socialism: is it a myth, or is there proof of it's existence?

GOP Presidential Hopeful, Richard John "Rick" Santorum has said during campaign appearances that President Obama is pushing the United States 'to the brink of socialism, to the brink of losing our freedom' and Mr. Santorum claims he can 'reclaim our country' back from this brink.

I have a few serious reservations about this narrative, but what I wonder is how anyone believes this to be true, that we are on the brink of socialism and that Santorum can bring us back.

I see no proof of this brink or no proof that Santorum could bring the United States back from anything, real or imagined.

If any conservatives, right wingers, and anyone else here who is dissatisfied with Obama believes any of this, they need to offer proof in order to convince a majority of would be voters to buy into this narrative.

"Where's the beef?" Try proving something right here and now.

Is Obama pushing for socialism? Yes.

Will big government republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum push for the policies needed to curtail federal spending? Well, he claimed in favor of TARP, among other big gubmint habits so the answer is an obvious no. Rick's platform is all about trying to bring in the religious and beat the neocon war drum for more invasions.

What proof do you offer that President Obama is pushing for socialism?

If Richard Santorum were elected President and he was pushing to curtail federal spending that would be proof there the US was on the brink of socialism and he was bringing US back from the brink?


Want to try again? I would really like somebody to be able to seriously explain the narrative with proofs of claims.

How dare Obama invent Medicare and Social Security. How dare he invent clean water and air laws. And what are these public roads and public schools I keep hearing about? Down with the commie!

Santorum will get elected and God will fix it all. The true believers will prosper while the infidels will burn.

cute, but off topic

For Republicans "socialism" is any money spent on the non wealthy.

But many of the programs or parts of the programs Obama has pushed have been Republican ideas or proposals not too long ago.


What makes you think all Republicans are opposed to socialism? One reason Romney is having so much difficulty in the primaries is precisely because of the fact that he is the author of Romneycare, a socialist program.

Obama said in his biography that he sought out Marxist professors and radical feminists. That's good of an admission that you're a Marxist as I have ever seen from a politician.
President Obama's Push Towards Socialism: is it a myth, or is there proof of it's existence?

GOP Presidential Hopeful, Richard John "Rick" Santorum has said during campaign appearances that President Obama is pushing the United States 'to the brink of socialism, to the brink of losing our freedom' and Mr. Santorum claims he can 'reclaim our country' back from this brink.

I have a few serious reservations about this narrative, but what I wonder is how anyone believes this to be true, that we are on the brink of socialism and that Santorum can bring us back.

I see no proof of this brink or no proof that Santorum could bring the United States back from anything, real or imagined.

If any conservatives, right wingers, and anyone else here who is dissatisfied with Obama believes any of this, they need to offer proof in order to convince a majority of would be voters to buy into this narrative.

"Where's the beef?" Try proving something right here and now.

Daily Kos: Undisputable evidence of Obama's*socialism
Top 7 Facts From Obama’s Background That Prove He’s a Socialist | NewsReal Blog
Obama Communist, Marxist, Socialist, Progressive, Commie

Read these and get back to me.

I went to three links you provided. The links back up (as far as you are concerned) your view that Obama 'was' somehow a socialist. One proof/fact is that Obama attended a socialist conference.

I've attended Republican conferences, and business conferences, and public health conferences, and Democratic conferences.., :eusa_whistle:

Your other proofs are similar in nature.

Maybe you had trouble comprehending my questions? I ask for proof that Obama, according to Santorum and others, has brought the United States to the brink of socialism. I also ask about the claim that if this were so, where the proof is that Santorum could bring the United States bank from this alleged brink. ___ You've so far addressed neither of these issues, let alone offered proof that either has a factual basis.

Want to try again?

That's about the weakest rebuttal you could make. The first part of your question (to prove that Obama has a socialist agenda) is taken care of in the links. I cannot prove anything about what Rick Santorum will do to reverse the momentum.

President Obama's Push Towards Socialism: is it a myth, or is there proof of it's existence? There is proof (linked above) just refuse o acknowledge it.
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Well, nothing yet by the far righties except a buncha obliviation.

Let's have some facts, some solid evidence, you know?
Why would a left-winger like you have a photo of H.L. Mencken as your avatar?

H.L Mencken despised everything liberals believe in.

President Obama's Push Towards Socialism: is it a myth, or is there proof of it's existence?

GOP Presidential Hopeful, Richard John "Rick" Santorum has said during campaign appearances that President Obama is pushing the United States 'to the brink of socialism, to the brink of losing our freedom' and Mr. Santorum claims he can 'reclaim our country' back from this brink.

I have a few serious reservations about this narrative, but what I wonder is how anyone believes this to be true, that we are on the brink of socialism and that Santorum can bring us back.

I see no proof of this brink or no proof that Santorum could bring the United States back from anything, real or imagined.

If any conservatives, right wingers, and anyone else here who is dissatisfied with Obama believes any of this, they need to offer proof in order to convince a majority of would be voters to buy into this narrative.

"Where's the beef?" Try proving something right here and now.


You know about Henry? I've read most biographies and used to collect early editions of his tomes before they went back into print. In my past discussions with others of Mencken I have rarely if ever met anyone who didn't misinterpret and/or misinterpret what H.L. Mencken was all about.

I am a liberal who has a few differing views with Mencken's 19th century view of the world. I hugely admire the man's skills, wisdom, humor, honesty, integrity, perceptions, and more. I also agree with much of what he wrote, with caveats (as he would with commenting on people he admired and criticized.)

I am no brain dead libertarian (or worse, Randian Nitwit), who values principles over living human beings

I am no stuck in the past conservative.

I am no progressive (left or right) .

And I am definitely no populist (though I support the main message of the OWS movement).

Of course having a mind of my own I disagree with many I admire. I follow no ideology, and I abhor those who do. But like Mencken I view people as opponents and not enemies. Of course I can use the term enemy in ways that offer the enemy the status of opponent and not one who needs to be extinguished from the face of the earth.

Now f()ck off you twerp.
For Republicans "socialism" is any money spent on the non wealthy.

But many of the programs or parts of the programs Obama has pushed have been Republican ideas or proposals not too long ago.


What makes you think all Republicans are opposed to socialism? One reason Romney is having so much difficulty in the primaries is precisely because of the fact that he is the author of Romneycare, a socialist program.

Obama said in his biography that he sought out Marxist professors and radical feminists. That's good of an admission that you're a Marxist as I have ever seen from a politician.

I never claimed all Republicans are opposed to socialism, though I believe their party platform is. I do not think all socialistic programs are evidence of socialism.

Communist countries have capitalistic programs, but no one is (so far) arguing that communist countries that embrace capitalistic programs are no longer communist and are now capitalist.


Romney Care is a socialistic approach to a capitalist nightmare in the area of health insurance.

I seek out people of all persuasions and views. I guess you are guilty of accusing people of guilt by association. Isn't that what ideologues and demagogues do?


President Obama's Push Towards Socialism:

If Obama was actually pushing for Socialism, he would have seized control of the banks and passed a Universal Health Care plan.

"Conservatives" don't know what Socialism means.

That's the truth right there, a real socialist would be all for nationalizing stuff rather than extending tax breaks and interest free loans to people who screwed things up to begin with.

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