Pres. Trump has signed the fewest bills of any recent president at this point in office

Trump did sign many, many bills renaming Post Offices
But other than a huge tax cut for billionaires, nothing significant

But on a high note, he did send more tweets than any President since Truman
It's a win for obstructionist democrats but on the other hand Trump appointed a bunch of judges, got rid of a bunch of useless regulations and increased the DOW about 2,000 points. Unemployment is down to an almost 20 year low, ISIS is on the run and illegal immigration is down about 80% and all in one year.
The numbeeof bills signed by a President is very is very important to Trump supporters, but only because they think Trump has signed a lot of them. Here's the truth.
Trump has signed fewest bills into law, nonpartisan group says

Are you telling us that executive orders aren't legislation or "bills"?
This iz my sad face


That goes for Obama's EO's too. Trump is reversing them as we speak. Obama's legacy will be gone. That is a good thing.

Only a jascksss thinks allowing for more pollution & more dangerous workplaces at less pay is a good thing.

We have regulations for a reason.

You people think we can trust corporations to do the right thing.
But first, trump has to undo the brown buffoons EO's......right? The stench and stain from the last admin will take awhile to remove.

Not to worry about that either - We'll be right back into Paris Agreement, TPP and everything else on short order.
Though I do admit that the Cheeto stain may take a few showers to wash away. :)


I see you enjoyed your visit with Mr Trump......
Did he tip you or was it a freebie?
It's a win for obstructionist democrats but on the other hand Trump appointed a bunch of judges, got rid of a bunch of useless regulations and increased the DOW about 2,000 points. Unemployment is down to an almost 20 year low, ISIS is on the run and illegal immigration is down about 80% and all in one year.
How exactly did Democrats obstruct anything?

The market as already climbing & SIS was already in trouble. Don't pretend that orange moron you elected did all of that.
No more transgendered in the military.

Oops... Take that back. As of January 1 they're being recruited to join Trumps military.

What's the American Idiot averaging now - a third to half of his EO's getting smacked down by the courts?

At least a lot of the ones he touted as examples of doing his agenda have been smacked down. Remember, there's the republican agenda, and democratic agenda, and the Trump agenda. Trump has only succeeded where he agreed with the republican agenda.
That cannot be true, because Trump himself said:
"You know, one of the things that people don’t understand — we have signed more legislation than anybody. We broke the record of Harry Truman"

And according to the Trump zealots on here Trump has never told a lie in his entire life.
Yeah a regular George Washington
A politician NOT making laws is a good thing though. . . .

Unless it's Trump, issuing EOs, right? Cultish weirdos....

EO's aren't legislation or law.
EOs have the force of law. And you love them, when Rubber Stamp Donnie applies his freakish signature to them.

EO's aren't law. You should take a basic civics class.
Only a jascksss thinks allowing for more pollution & more dangerous workplaces at less pay is a good thing.

We have regulations for a reason.

You people think we can trust corporations to do the right thing.

We trusted Trump University.
Maybe they could bundle up all the paperwork in a box and he could sign them when he is en route to the golf course ?
The numbeeof bills signed by a President is very is very important to Trump supporters, but only because they think Trump has signed a lot of them. Here's the truth.
Trump has signed fewest bills into law, nonpartisan group says

Are you telling us that executive orders aren't legislation or "bills"?
This iz my sad face


That goes for Obama's EO's too. Trump is reversing them as we speak. Obama's legacy will be gone. That is a good thing.
Longing for the days when we were losing 750000 jobs per month?
Sounds like you don't quite have the brains of my daughter who founded a $150MM Business under Obama.
Easy really go to college
Nothing to it

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