Preparing for the crisis after the crisis


Gold Member
Mar 29, 2020
'Xi may calculate that now is the moment to harness Chinese nationalism by focusing the population on a campaign to retake Taiwan.'

The global economy may be in hibernation, but geopolitics is thriving and sprinting towards a potential crisis at the end of this year or early in 2021. The immediate and understandable focus is on fighting the virus, but our government needs to be thinking about defence and national security risks as well.

The core of the security problem is the Chinese Communist Party’s drive to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic strategically stronger in the Asia–Pacific than the US and its allies.

This is not just about diplomacy. The Chinese military is aggressively positioning around Taiwan, using ships and combat aircraft to push into Japanese and South Korean territory and doing high-end combat training in the South China Sea.

At the same time, Chinese state media outlets are fomenting aggressive nationalism. The Global Times, the party’s English-language paper, editorialised on 4 April: ‘If the Taiwan question leads to a China–US showdown, no matter what the results, Taiwan will pay an unbearable price … The world has entered an eventful period, during which Taiwan is ineligible to play an active role.’

'Xi may calculate that now is the moment to harness Chinese nationalism by focusing the population on a campaign to retake Taiwan.'

The global economy may be in hibernation, but geopolitics is thriving and sprinting towards a potential crisis at the end of this year or early in 2021. The immediate and understandable focus is on fighting the virus, but our government needs to be thinking about defence and national security risks as well.

The core of the security problem is the Chinese Communist Party’s drive to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic strategically stronger in the Asia–Pacific than the US and its allies.

This is not just about diplomacy. The Chinese military is aggressively positioning around Taiwan, using ships and combat aircraft to push into Japanese and South Korean territory and doing high-end combat training in the South China Sea.

At the same time, Chinese state media outlets are fomenting aggressive nationalism. The Global Times, the party’s English-language paper, editorialised on 4 April: ‘If the Taiwan question leads to a China–US showdown, no matter what the results, Taiwan will pay an unbearable price … The world has entered an eventful period, during which Taiwan is ineligible to play an active role.’

Fascinating . . . thanks. However, we—the US of A—possess the conventional military capability to obliterate China's entire navy and all of its major military bases from many, many zip codes distance. For now, it's the CCP's move. Let them saber rattle as they like. When the time comes for the Chinese military to draw their collective blade they'll find it quite rusted to the scabbard. For far too long some American media outlets have been exaggerating Chinese military might as if doing so will make it so. The terrible but thrilling reality is the full superiority of the entire American military compared to anything else on the planet. Let China posture. Should China decide to act militarily, Zeus will throw lightning bolts and the most populous nation on Earth will never be the same . . . again.
Yes this is a risk. That is why we need to build a strong coalition with strong leaders that will stand with us against the true threat to the free world, Xi Jinping's regime. This isn't about the Chinese people. They are not the problem they are ruled by a ruthless two-faced tyrant who is aided by our Media and the Democratic Party.
We really aren’t quite to tiptoe level on getting back but when we do and the quarterly earnings come on then watch out for 3-9 months. Health addicts don’t know what they have fu**ed with. We are mostly just sitting still and wierd but not terrible right now,
Next 3-12 months sitting still will look like the good ole days.
The West will be all over the CCP's ass (and our own Democrats) once this overblown apocalypse is straightened out.

They'll find themselves with negative trade issues they never thought possible.

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What's worse, dying from lung hemorrhaging caused by COVID 19 or being instantly vaporized by a nuke? If we let these communist assholes slide, we can expect them to attack the world with new viruses every year until they can just come in and pick up the pieces. Eff Red China. Better dead than red.

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