Prepared Statement

Sounds like the evidence, if the witnesses look and act good on the stand, will get her convicted. 18 months? The most she could have done is 18 months and she reneged on a plea deal? That is stupid!
Sounds like the evidence, if the witnesses look and act good on the stand, will get her convicted. 18 months? The most she could have done is 18 months and she reneged on a plea deal? That is stupid!

No, what is really stupid is the judge said because she plead guilty he was sort of bound not to give her the maximum. And she still changed her plea.
i feel for ya...the legal process moves at the speed of sloth...i am finding that out....

go on vacation...nothing you can do will change what is going to happen in that courtroom....

go on vacation and try to relax

i understand the need for closure but you cant let this kill you
i couldnt forgive someone who beat a loved one of mine...sorry.....

seek all you can do


There are times when justice is forgiveness, even mercy. From the sounds of things this isn't exactly one of those times. A man lost his life and somebody's playing games, and those who play deserve to lose. :evil:

I've been thinking about you, Ollie. Hang in there! You'll get your closure. Do you have an attorney of your own, or for the family? It's not necessary, but one could explain what's happening and why. That might be worth it for your peace of mind, if nothing else.
I have always thought that it was not our prerogative to forgive somebody for harm they did to another. That is why we have laws and why there are consequences for breaking them.

In time, there can be peace in forgiving those who hurt us. And what is forgiveness but accepting the consequences of the damage done to us and not requiring retribution from the one who did it to us? We have no right to forgive somebody for the harm they do to others though, more especially when it puts still others at risk.
Oh, I think forgiving is necessary at some point or the anger will consume you. Forgetting is a different story. ;)
Forgiveness is required for a peaceful soul in the end. Justice needs to be served as well. Ollie, I truly hold your family in our prayers.
how can you forgive someone who hurt your loved one....note: ollie said his father was in pain due to this assault for the 3 weeks before his death...realize what ollie was not robbed of..not only the knowing his father did not die in peace. but the painful legacy of not protecting your parent in the end stages of their life? what a bucket of guilt to carry around. the only person ollie needs to forgive is himself.

anger is merely a reaction to being hurt. sometimes we are better to vent...sometimes we cant...
justice is slow at best ollie....
i couldnt forgive someone who beat a loved one of mine...sorry.....

seek all you can do

I'm with her.

It's not my role to provide forgiveness and absolution to relieve someone else of the consequence of their own heinous actions.
Oh, I think forgiving is necessary at some point or the anger will consume you. Forgetting is a different story. ;)

It's not always necessary to forgive in order to let go and achieve some inner piece.
This is probably going to get ugly. My sister was told to leave the court room because she was talking. We actually expected her to get thrown in jail for contempt. But a family member of the "accused" was also removed because of a verbal threat to my niece. Forgiveness? I don't think so.

As far as what can I do.......I've done what I can do. Next it will be in the hands of a jury. Me, I'm going to enjoy some time with some grand kids. some we haven't seen since they were in diapers and now are teens.

I'm dropping any other problems that come up on the two loudmouths who think they know better. ( the only two with a record, and the only two of seven who still use illegal substances) They want it they got it. Though I will still meet with the prosecutor one more time and probably go to the pre trial hearing again.
Sorry about you sister getting tossed, but judges usually take a dim view of talking in the courtroom.

And it sounds like the accused and family are pieces of work!

Have a great vacation with the grand kids :)
Oh, I think forgiving is necessary at some point or the anger will consume you. Forgetting is a different story. ;)

It's not always necessary to forgive in order to let go and achieve some inner piece.

Forgiveness does not rob justice, which can be fulfilled anyway. Forgiveness drains the weight and anger that corrupts and burdens the soul.
SFC Ollie,

I am a man of God who belives in forgiveness. Have you considered simply asking the person to apologize and forgive her? Jesus teaches us to turn the other cheek. To forgive is Godly. Try it...............

Riiiight. I turned the other cheek once. It got slapped too. Tell me when was the last time some 19 year old beat your father so that he was in pain the last 3 weeks of his life?

Try it and get back with me on that forgiveness thing.


I am a man of God but I am not perfect, only Jesus was perfect and look what they did to him? That being said Ollie I concede that forgiving this disgusting piece of human flesh is out of the question. However, I would forgive her in open court and pay her back at a later date. The best way to deal with these f**ks is to kneecap them. I learned this when I was living in Ireland from an IRA friend. In fact I witnessed a kneecapping. You put a gun at the back of the knee and fire. The knee is destroyed and can not be repaired. Every step that person would take for the rest of her life would put her in mind of your dad. The rotten bastard deserves it and I applaud any man who would do it.

Ollie, try not to get angry, but get even.
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I know it was a woman and I did read the post. I don't like being corrected for no reason. In future please make certain you know what you are talking about. Thank you.

I accept your humble apology. Thank you. I only wish there were others here at USMB with manners like yourself. I do wish though that you would change your nickname - remove the profane reference to a female canine.

ex-Fr. Yukon

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