Prayers for boys lost at sea & their families

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Let's keep these two young teens - Austin Stephanos and Perry Cohen in our prayers tonight as well as their parents, grandparents, loved one. Their families still has not heard any word on the whereabouts of Austin and Perry but with God all things are possible. They could still be rescued. So let's remember them in our prayers tonight and pray for them as if it were our own sons that were lost out there. There is nothing worse than a parent's suffering because their child is missing! These families need our support, our prayers and our love.
I didn't hear about it until today - later this afternoon - it's awful. I cannot imagine what these parents are going through. Keep praying, Valerie! There may be a miracle yet and they will be found alive!
they are young and strong and hopefully wearing their life jackets... they could drift for days in that water.
Five days with no boat out on the sea.
Their parents need the comfort. The boys are at peace. One possible floatation device between two boys for five days on the open sea with no water, shade or food...............
Time for their family to mourn, not to live endlessly with false hope.
they are young and strong and hopefully wearing their life jackets... they could drift for days in that water.
They could have found something from the boat to keep afloat with too - I'm going to keep praying for them and their parents until we hear something. With God all things are possible. I'm praying for the families this morning. They need all our prayers. This is a terrible time for them. God save us all from such a day!

Truly some do not ever stop to think about how much God has blessed them. We do not sometimes appreciate what He has given us until it is gone. That should not be but sometimes it is that way. I thank God for my faith in Jesus Christ. What a precious gift it is to have a sustaining faith in Him! I praise God for it.
they are young and strong and hopefully wearing their life jackets... they could drift for days in that water.
They could have found something from the boat to keep afloat with too - I'm going to keep praying for them and their parents until we hear something. With God all things are possible. I'm praying for the families this morning. They need all our prayers. This is a terrible time for them. God save us all from such a day!

Truly some do not ever stop to think about how much God has blessed them. We do not sometimes appreciate what He has given us until it is gone. That should not be but sometimes it is that way. I thank God for my faith in Jesus Christ. What a precious gift it is to have a sustaining faith in Him! I praise God for it.

Only one jacket was not yet retrieved when the boat was found. They are without fresh water, food and shelter from the sun fighting to stay afloat in the sea for five days. Three days is considered the limit for them to have survived. Sleep deprivation alone would have taken it's toll on them never mind the jelly fish, sharks and other creatures out there. Rule of thumb on land is three days without fresh water. Salt water would only speed dehydration.

False hope is cruel. People should be realistic.

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