Post Convention Bounce


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
Now that the conventions have passed, it seems clear that the democrats have gotten a bounce from theirs, while the GOP has not.

Why do you think that is? And do you think it's going to be dispositive of the election outcome.

Reminder: This is the CDZ. Thanks for guiding yourself accordingly.... on both sides of the aisle.

I agree the Akin quote hurt them. It seems Mitt should have removed himself from that discussion by just acknowledging it was extreme and silly and saying he doesn't understand what makes some people tick.

But Paul Ryan is like GOP royalty. I'd think they'd be thrilled with him.
The democratic convention started immediately after the republican convention. Whatever bounce the GOP might have gotten was submerged in the coverage of the democrat convention. obama's bounce is already fading, he's lost three points just since yesterday. Nothing much is going to change until the debates. Minds are made up, now can they be changed?
that might be. but mccain's ideas weren't exactly new and he got a bounce from his.

palin's star power? mccain a more appealing person?
I'd say it was Palin that time. Ryan isn't exactly someone anyone would get excited over.
I think it has a lot to do with timing, the RNC was followed by the DNC so people were left thinking about the DNC. Also, the speakers, the RNC had Eastwood, however Clinton did a much better job of setting up the presidents position than Eastwood did for Romney.

I agree the Akin quote hurt them. It seems Mitt should have removed himself from that discussion by just acknowledging it was extreme and silly and saying he doesn't understand what makes some people tick.

But Paul Ryan is like GOP royalty. I'd think they'd be thrilled with him.

They ARE thrilled with him..They were thrilled with Sarah Palin too, so...

I agree the Akin quote hurt them. It seems Mitt should have removed himself from that discussion by just acknowledging it was extreme and silly and saying he doesn't understand what makes some people tick.

But Paul Ryan is like GOP royalty. I'd think they'd be thrilled with him.

They ARE thrilled with him..They were thrilled with Sarah Palin too, so...

but palin gave them a bounce. ryan didn't. thing with palin is that as much as i don't think much of her, she's consistent and she's very straight up about what she thinks.

maybe ryan didn't come off as compelling.
Keep in mind that during the Republican primaries the talking point from the Republicans was always, "anyone but Romney."
FWIW - I have been keeping track periodically on "Intrade". Intrade - Home

On April 10th when Mitt clinched the nomination, Obama's chances of re-election were at 60.8% on intrade...

On July 11th Obama's chances were down to 53.3% the lowest I had seen them...

Today, Sept 11th Obama's chances of re-election are back up to 60.1%
A bounce is only good if it doesn't come back down. It the rise holds. It is not holding for obama. The bounce was more likely a response to Clinton than obama.

If republicans really wanted anyone but Romney, the nominee would be anyone but Romney. Democrats haven't been given their new talking point, so they are still stuck back in the primaries.
If abortion is an issue that people are considering when casting their vote, they won't vote obama anyway. Guaranteed abortion at taxpayer expense is going to be opposed by Evangelicals who will vote for a Mormon based on that value.
Romney didn't get into many specifics of what he'd do rather, he just tore down the President. People don't see that as a plan.
The bounce is already starting to un-bounce, according to some recent polls...

Look for more of that in the days ahead...

The booing of God and Jerusalem was a shining convention moment that will likely air often in ads in key states...
The bounce is already starting to un-bounce, according to some recent polls...

Look for more of that in the days ahead...

The booing of God and Jerusalem was a shining convention moment that will likely air often in ads in key states...

Like the Republicans chanting USA at that poor Hispanic woman.

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