Post:Arrest Made in Mollie Tibbetts Murder...An Illegal Alien

Democrats like Obama, Pelosi, Warren, and Schumer bear most of the responsibility for this girls death because of their soft attitude on illegal scum!
Bush Sr. gave amnesty to 1.5 million illegals.
And you agreed with it.
I don't have him for my avatar, do I? got a wizard.:auiqs.jpg:
What happened to that poor girl was tragic. To blame Democrats for illegals is just intellectual dishonesty as Republicans were just as responsible for the current immigration situation as everyone and still are. The blame for the girl's death is the trash that killed her.

For the record, my avatar nothing to do with immigration act of 1990.
Not ALL illegal aliens murder innocent young girls, right? Let's Abolish ICE.
Bush Sr. gave amnesty to 1.5 million illegals.
And you agreed with it.
I don't have him for my avatar, do I? got a wizard.:auiqs.jpg:
What happened to that poor girl was tragic. To blame Democrats for illegals is just intellectual dishonesty as Republicans were just as responsible for the current immigration situation as everyone and still are. The blame for the girl's death is the trash that killed her.

For the record, my avatar nothing to do with immigration act of 1990.
Not ALL illegal aliens murder innocent young girls, right? Let's Abolish ICE.
One murder is too many.
Democrats like Obama, Pelosi, Warren, and Schumer bear most of the responsibility for this girls death because of their soft attitude on illegal scum!
Bush Sr. gave amnesty to 1.5 million illegals.
And you agreed with it.
I don't have him for my avatar, do I? got a wizard.:auiqs.jpg:
What happened to that poor girl was tragic. To blame Democrats for illegals is just intellectual dishonesty as Republicans were just as responsible for the current immigration situation as everyone and still are. The blame for the girl's death is the trash that killed her.

For the record, my avatar nothing to do with immigration act of 1990.
Whatever. Liberals want the votes so they love open borders.
Bush Sr. gave amnesty to 1.5 million illegals.
And you agreed with it.
I don't have him for my avatar, do I? got a wizard.:auiqs.jpg:
What happened to that poor girl was tragic. To blame Democrats for illegals is just intellectual dishonesty as Republicans were just as responsible for the current immigration situation as everyone and still are. The blame for the girl's death is the trash that killed her.

For the record, my avatar nothing to do with immigration act of 1990.
Not ALL illegal aliens murder innocent young girls, right? Let's Abolish ICE.
No I do not want to abolish ICE. I am for strong immigration laws. I am against blaming one political party for a girl's tragic death.
Who wants open borders?
And you agreed with it.
I don't have him for my avatar, do I? got a wizard.:auiqs.jpg:
What happened to that poor girl was tragic. To blame Democrats for illegals is just intellectual dishonesty as Republicans were just as responsible for the current immigration situation as everyone and still are. The blame for the girl's death is the trash that killed her.

For the record, my avatar nothing to do with immigration act of 1990.
Not ALL illegal aliens murder innocent young girls, right? Let's Abolish ICE.
No I do not want to abolish ICE. I am for strong immigration laws. I am against blaming one political party for a girl's tragic death.
Bush Sr. gave amnesty to 1.5 million illegals.
And you agreed with it.
I don't have him for my avatar, do I? got a wizard.:auiqs.jpg:
What happened to that poor girl was tragic. To blame Democrats for illegals is just intellectual dishonesty as Republicans were just as responsible for the current immigration situation as everyone and still are. The blame for the girl's death is the trash that killed her.

For the record, my avatar nothing to do with immigration act of 1990.
Whatever. Liberals want the votes so they love open borders.
I am against open borders.
And you agreed with it.
I don't have him for my avatar, do I? got a wizard.:auiqs.jpg:
What happened to that poor girl was tragic. To blame Democrats for illegals is just intellectual dishonesty as Republicans were just as responsible for the current immigration situation as everyone and still are. The blame for the girl's death is the trash that killed her.

For the record, my avatar nothing to do with immigration act of 1990.
Not ALL illegal aliens murder innocent young girls, right? Let's Abolish ICE.
No I do not want to abolish ICE. I am for strong immigration laws. I am against blaming one political party for a girl's tragic death.
That political party makes sanctuary cities and opposes ICE. Open borders killed that poor girl.
Democrats like Obama, Pelosi, Warren, and Schumer bear most of the responsibility for this girls death because of their soft attitude on illegal scum!
Bush Sr. gave amnesty to 1.5 million illegals.
And you agreed with it.
I don't have him for my avatar, do I? got a wizard.:auiqs.jpg:
What happened to that poor girl was tragic. To blame Democrats for illegals is just intellectual dishonesty as Republicans were just as responsible for the current immigration situation as everyone and still are. The blame for the girl's death is the trash that killed her.

For the record, my avatar nothing to do with immigration act of 1990.
No it’s not. It is truth and you fuckers own it!
And you agreed with it.
I don't have him for my avatar, do I? got a wizard.:auiqs.jpg:
What happened to that poor girl was tragic. To blame Democrats for illegals is just intellectual dishonesty as Republicans were just as responsible for the current immigration situation as everyone and still are. The blame for the girl's death is the trash that killed her.

For the record, my avatar nothing to do with immigration act of 1990.
Whatever. Liberals want the votes so they love open borders.
I am against open borders.
No your not. Your a liberal...your ilk want more lawlessness in United States.
Hope President Trump brings up illegal aliens at his rally in a few minutes.
The news reported that this illegal alien piece of shit has been living here for 4 - 7 years. Hard to believe this is the first time he's hurt or killed someone. I don't believe that he just decided a month ago to stalk and murder a woman. The way he went about it, stalking her, killing her, and then disposing of the body certainly makes it seem like he knew what he was doing. There have been so many missing young woman and children. People like him are everywhere, thanks to the leftists who want them here and go out of their way to allow them to stay.

We need the damn wall. And then we need to deport people who have no business being here. Mexico can step up and deal with their own criminals and do something to help their own poor. We've already sent enough jobs to Mexico.

Why does the left want to ban guns because of a handful of crazy people and yet are okay with other things, like radical Muslims and criminal illegal aliens, who take way more lives? I guess criminals and terrorists don't threaten their agenda the way an armed populace does.
These motherfuckers are getting too confident.

These are effectively foreign invaders committing acts of war on our people.
Democrats like Obama, Pelosi, Warren, and Schumer bear most of the responsibility for this girls death because of their soft attitude on illegal scum!
Bush Sr. gave amnesty to 1.5 million illegals.
And you agreed with it.
I don't have him for my avatar, do I? got a wizard.:auiqs.jpg:
What happened to that poor girl was tragic. To blame Democrats for illegals is just intellectual dishonesty as Republicans were just as responsible for the current immigration situation as everyone and still are. The blame for the girl's death is the trash that killed her.

For the record, my avatar had nothing to do with the immigration act of 1990.
no--it's on the idiots that want illegals--they LOVE illegals
..the Dems/leftists/libs PROTECT illegals--protest FOR illegals
..they HATE Trump for trying to get rid of illegals ---IDIOTS
HATE Trump so much for trying to keep illegals out
These motherfuckers are getting too confident.

These are effectively foreign invaders committing acts of war on our people.

Illegals have killed and raped thousands of Americans. We bombed Afghanistan to rubble for less.

We have to start thinking of them as something beyond illegal immigrants.

These are foreign terrorists.

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