Post A Message to The Future Here.

Seems like every time an old trash pile, I mean really old, like 1,000 years or more, gets found, a lot of people get excited and start carefully pulling the decayed bits and pieces apart calling the pieces 'artifacts' and putting the stuff in museums. Ass-u-me-ing you're reading this in the USMessageboard Documentation of The Last 1,000 Years Library of History, and ass-u-me-ing human nature remains interested in the past, I want you to know that this average Joe did not understand the Pet Rock either. Nor do I get the attraction of "texting".

I also want you to know that in spite of what you have probably read about living at the dawn of the 21st Century, I feel lucky to be alive now. The odds of an average Joe being born into a pretty nice life have been getting better and better up to now, in no small part due to the influence of the concept behind 'America', and I trust the trend has not changed. Ain't life cool?

Do most of you feel lucky yet?

Have you reached for the stars?​
I didn't ignore anything. I saw it coming because I know Mitch McConnell and I knew of his goal with the court since before Trump ever considered running.

I'm not saying anything about the reversal except for those three judges were specifically asked if they would do McConnell's bidding and all three answered in the negative.

Then they went and did EXACTLY the opposite of what they said they would do.

Liar, liar, two pairs of pants and a skirt on fire.

My point has nothing to do with the reversal, I care a LOT more about the successful politicizing of the entire court system over the last 30 years by McConnell and The Republicans, and the appointment of judges who're willing to lie under oath and on public t.v. to get the job.

I don't like unfairness and this stinks of it.

They did what the COTUS demanded. Nothing more. Progressive judges on the Court have consistently lied. The newest one lied on national TV yet she was still confirmed.

All these three judges did was return the Court to a separate branch of government.

Those three judges lied to get their position on the Supreme. That is now established fact.
Yeah, and forgive B.A. for being a childish Liability and resorting to personal attacks against the writers because he continues to bring ZERO actual argument to the discussion.
Oh but I did. Your initial assertion was untrue. Here’s your homework assignment. Study the meaning of “lie.” Also, study how the claim that a case is “settled law” isn’t dishonest in any way. Plessy was settled. It got overruled. Overruling “settled” law is ok when the case being overruled is plain wrong. Therefore a judicial nominee can honestly say Roe is settled law and yet as a Justice then agree to overrule it. Not a lie.

You bring a flat-out imbecilic and erroneous contention here, don’t fret so much on being called-out as the imbecile you are. You imbecile.
This has nothing to do with the reversal itself, it has to do with how Mitch achieved it and why.

This stinks of unfairness and politicking for the sake of power, public opinion be damned, and I find the whole thing offensive.

Shame the devil and tell the truth, I am kind of glad that those issues got tossed back to the states. Nothing will reshape both of our political parties quicker and the extremists in both parties are going to suffer.

I just hope my faith in humanity will allow me to stay in Florida for at least 10 more years.

Just as we have been experiencing the browning of America whether we like it or not, we are about to experience the bluing of our State Legislatures and the Republican Party at large.

Thanks to this decision and some of the others coming, people are going to start paying a lot more attention to their local elections and it is about fucking time.

I'm going cautiously optimistic, assuming the nasty nature of obtaining the goal doesn't tear us apart this summer.
Nothing that was done in the past week holds a candle to the seventy million future Americans who were heinously murdered because they weren't big enough to punch the murderer in the mush. 70,000,000 people-to-be denied the right to life so their parents could live life high on the hog of irresponsible kills. That is more deaths than every war we fought from the Revolutionary War through Afghanistan. At the most, we lost 419,000 in WWII. We helped save Europe from takeover by the anti-Christ Adolph Hitler, and we helped those who ended the wanton murder of Jewish citizens by the Third Reich.

Those three judges lied to get their position on the Supreme. That is now established fact.

They said they would follow precedent. The Supreme Court has reversed its judgments over 300 times. They did not lie.
Society evolves and the S.C. adapts. Today's infringement is tomorrow's new standard.
Nothing that was done in the past week holds a candle to the seventy million future Americans who were heinously murdered because they weren't big enough to punch the murderer in the mush. 70,000,000 people-to-be denied the right to life so their parents could live life high on the hog of irresponsible kills. That is more deaths than every war we fought from the Revolutionary War through Afghanistan. At the most, we lost 419,000 in WWII. We helped save Europe from takeover by the anti-Christ Adolph Hitler, and we helped those who ended the wanton murder of Jewish citizens by the Third Reich.
Not. Your. (or my) Call.

True Freedom means tolerating your neighbors, even if they make decisions you don't like.

You vote your way and I'll vote mine - if you can convince enough voters and politicians to start issuing Social Security Numbers at conception, I'll go along.

Even if handing all that power over our personal lives back to the states was a good thing in the long run, it still doesn't change the mean, tail-wagging-the-dog-eat-dog-politics way that the McConnell seized power in The Court and started a summer to reverse most of the changes to the relationship between the Federal Government and The States. Wow. Lincoln killed his fellow Americans to establish the right of Washington DC to override the states when personal freedoms are at stake and Mitch is giving it all back.

And it doesn't change the hell-bent path that Mitch and his Lap Justices seem to be taking with their invitation to extremist states to start sending cases questioning everything from contraception to marriage equality to sex outside of marriage. It's like they are bound and determined to split this country in to well-armed factions. What is the long game here Mitch?

The 'Republic' concept is supposed to protect the rights of the minority, not Gerrymander them in to a political weapon that is literally dividing this country along state lines in an eerily familiar way.

I know, I know. I ramble, therefore I am.
Joe, you're a beautiful and smart man, but you can't tell hubris from a gold brick. :laughing0301:
I can tell the spirit of a question and the spirit of an answer.

There is no place for hubris when you are under oath and answering questions in a Senate Committee Hearing. At least not in a democracy.

I also understand the use of "plausible deniability" in politics. When Judges who're applying for a high profile job use it so blatantly, it leaves me disgusted.

It is my right to be disgusted by them both personally and professionally. Nothing will change my mind.
It's too bad that The Republicans have been so damn successful in vilifying "Government".

It is a pretty useful tool in the hands of a people who are not afraid of it.


Government has proven itself corrupt.

Why support corruption?

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