Posse Comitatus...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Los Angeles Added to Disturbing Trend of Joint Military, Police-Homeland Security Exercise List.

Joint military exercises in Boston, LA, Little Rock in past six months.


If you notice a heavy military presence around downtown Los Angeles this week, don’t be alarmed — it’s only a drill.”
CBS Los Angeles, January 24, 2012

If we were conspiracy theorists we would ask how many downtown urban areas does the military need for ‘joint military exercises’ with the local police? Exercises ignored by the mainstream news media which the public is given scant or no notice? The joint military exercises were part of a disturbing trend of joint military and police-Homeland Security military-type operations.

In the past six months, three joint military exercises in Boston, Little Rock, and Los Angeles. The Little Rock joint military exercise: 80-100 Special Operation ground forces, 7-9 rotary wing aircraft and 2-3 fixed wing airframes. The Los Angeles military exercise carried out while President Barack Obama gave his January 24, 2012, State of the Union speech. In April, 2011, the Miami-Dade police’s SE Regional Domestic Security Task Force ‘military’ multiple ‘Blackhawk-type’ helicopters exercise. In early January, a Homeland Security ‘training exercise’ at a Leesburg, FL, social security office. The training exercise involved Federal Protective Service officers in SWAT gear who carried AK-47′s.

The rather curious military exercise in Central Florida involved a ‘civilian plane’ that crashed in mid-November, 2010. A plane crash which the FAA confirmed there were fatalities but wouldn’t confirm how many.

SunSentinel.com November 18, 2011:

TAMPA — Officials are searching the wreckage of a small, civilian plane that crashed while assisting with a military training exercise in rural Central Florida. No military officials or weapons were on board.

The National Transportation Safety Board confirmed there are fatalities, but did not say how many. It’s unclear how many were onboard the flight that crashed Wednesday night in Avon Park.

One wonders how the Sun Sentinel knew there weren’t any military officials or weapons on the plane? A plane that was missing?

On April 20, 2011, the Miami Sun Sentinel reported Military helicopter exercise startles downtown Brickell residents.

“At least three large Black Hawk-like choppers landed in a parking lot of the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts on Biscayne Boulevard and 14th Street” at approximately 9:15 PM”, a “planned Homeland Security exercise” by the Miami-Dade police’s SE Regional Domestic Security Task Force.

The Miami-Dade Fire Rescue thought it was a movie shoot.

July 25th through August 5th, 2011, a joint military exercise over downtown Boston-video posted below. Residents of Boston were given a 24-hour advance warning via a press release on the city of Boston official website.

For Immediate Release
July 25, 2011
Released By:
Mayor’s Office For More Information Contact:
Mayor’s Press Office
[email protected]

Joint federal military training exercises will take place within and around the Boston area between July 26th and August 5th. Military personnel will conduct training exercises to ensure the military’s ability to operate in urban environments, prepare forces for upcoming overseas deployments, and meet mandatory training certification requirements. Helicopters will be used in some exercises.

The Boston Police Department is working with military personnel to coordinate training sites that will minimize negative impacts on our Boston citizens and their daily routines. Safety precautions have been taken to prevent risk to the general public and the military personnel involved. With that, training site locations are not open to the public and will be guarded by uniformed personnel to provide additional safety.

Read More:
Los Angeles Added to Disturbing Trend of Joint Military, Police-Homeland Security Exercise List | DBKP - Death By 1000 Papercuts - DBKP
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWDI0XJBNFQ]Low Flying Military Helicopters Over Boston Buildings During Exercise - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6qwYKLg_NY&feature=player_embedded]Helicopters Over Brickell - YouTube[/ame]
Let me tell you this,if tjis is to get rid of gangs,terrorists,and not involve violating the rights of law abiding citizens,I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH IT.gangs and domestic terrorists need a deterrant to their activities.
We cant let lawlessness and the quality of life for ordinary citizens be let go and diminish for the socalled rigjts gangs and criminals claim they have. We have to stand against these activities,and ensure the quality of life for every law abiding us citizen.
We cant let lawlessness and the quality of life for ordinary citizens be let go and diminish for the socalled rigjts gangs and criminals claim they have. We have to stand against these activities,and ensure the quality of life for every law abiding us citizen.

I hear ya somewhat. But that has to be accomplished without taking all of our rights away in the process. Security is important, but our Freedom & Liberty is even more important.
So you would rather our military do their exercises where? Obviously combat today and tomorrow will not be on the wide open spaces as in past wars..........
I remember a time not too long ago when most Americans would laugh at and ridicule others for suggesting the Government would employ Military Drones and such against its own Citizens. And it looks like those Black Helicopters aren't just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' after all. So why all these Military/Police 'Joint Exercises? What's going on?
I remember a time not too long ago when most Americans would laugh at and ridicule others for suggesting the Government would employ Military Drones and such against its own Citizens. And it looks like those Black Helicopters aren't just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' after all. So why all these Military/Police 'Joint Exercises? What's going on?

It's the MIC looking to supply the police with military grade weapons to keep their profits up until they can get another shooting war started up. Obvious.
Time we take our cities back from criminal scum and degenerates and it back to the law aviding citizens.

That can be done in other ways. We don't have to sacrifice our Freedom & Liberty in the process.
If we're going to bring our troops home and concentrate on domestic concerns, where are they supposed to get the training? Funny thing for a Paul supporter to be concerned about! Homeland Security doesn't come under the Posse Comitatus Act, anyway.
I remember a time not too long ago when most Americans would laugh at and ridicule others for suggesting the Government would employ Military Drones and such against its own Citizens. And it looks like those Black Helicopters aren't just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' after all. So why all these Military/Police 'Joint Exercises? What's going on?

It's the MIC looking to supply the police with military grade weapons to keep their profits up until they can get another shooting war started up. Obvious.

Could be. Or they're gearing up for something. Not sure what that something is going to be though.
I remember a time not too long ago when most Americans would laugh at and ridicule others for suggesting the Government would employ Military Drones and such against its own Citizens. And it looks like those Black Helicopters aren't just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' after all. So why all these Military/Police 'Joint Exercises? What's going on?

It's the MIC looking to supply the police with military grade weapons to keep their profits up until they can get another shooting war started up. Obvious.

Could be. Or they're gearing up for something. Not sure what that something is going to be though.

You should be happy, if overt fascism comes to America, liberals will be target #1.
If we're going to bring our troops home and concentrate on domestic concerns, where are they supposed to get the training? Funny thing for a Paul supporter to be concerned about! Homeland Security doesn't come under the Posse Comitatus Act, anyway.

The National Guard is not prohibited from assuming police duties, but the Military is. These exercises may not violate the Act technically, but they are an alarming and ominous sign in my opinion.
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