Portugal legalizes Sodomy/ Homo marriage is legal now.

Sodomy is immoral between two men. Weather you legalize it or it remains illegal.
It is just plain wrong. I don't care if its between two consenting adults.!

It doesn't matter if you believe it is immoral or not. If you hypocrites and true sodomites respected Christ's teachings you would understand.
Well what do you call it when two grown men stick their Penises into each others rectum?

None of our damn business.

It should be cause for concern in the heterosexual community when Homosexual diseases
transfer to the heterosexual community. The homosexual lifstyle generates a lot of new anti biotic resistent diseases. ie, heapatitis a, and hepatitis b, AIDS, hemorhoids.
These are all Homosexual diseases, that were transfered to the heterosexual community.!!:eek:

....and the earth is only 6,000 years old! Santa is real! There is a unicorn parade tonight! (as long as we're trying to pass off fiction as fact I thought it would be fun to add some stuff)
Sodomy is immoral between two men. Weather you legalize it or it remains illegal.
It is just plain wrong. I don't care if its between two consenting adults.!

It doesn't matter if you believe it is immoral or not. If you hypocrites and true sodomites respected Christ's teachings you would understand.

You can't tell me you believe in Jesus....not after all of the stuff you've called members on this site in almost every post.:confused:
Well what do you call it when two grown men stick their Penises into each others rectum?

None of our damn business.

It should be cause for concern in the heterosexual community when Homosexual diseases
transfer to the heterosexual community. The homosexual lifstyle generates a lot of new anti biotic resistent diseases. ie, heapatitis a, and hepatitis b, AIDS, hemorhoids.
These are all Homosexual diseases, that were transfered to the heterosexual community.!!:eek:

As usual, you have it bass ackwards.

Since the gay community makes up less than 5% of the population and probably less than 3%, it most certainly is the other way around.

If it wasn't for buttheads, such as yourself, gay people wouldn't hide who they are.

You know, if you have any gay relatives, we all have to feel really, really sorry for them. Having something such as yourself as a family member. Could you imagine? If there were two of you, you would hate yourself. Probably do anyway. Seriously, you have my sympathy. Such a pathetic excuse for a human being. So sad.

Since the gay population is so small and there are "swingers" clubs in every state of the union, I doubt if it's gays spreading infections into straight people. They obviously have the means to be able to take care of that themselves.
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Sodomy is immoral between two men. Weather you legalize it or it remains illegal.
It is just plain wrong. I don't care if its between two consenting adults.!

It doesn't matter if you believe it is immoral or not. If you hypocrites and true sodomites respected Christ's teachings you would understand.

You can't tell me you believe in Jesus....not after all of the stuff you've called members on this site in almost every post.:confused:

Who the fuck do you think you are to say who is or isn't a Christian? I'm an asshole but at least I'm honest. Snakes like you want to go around and pretend you are better than other people. Once again, instead of responding to the topic you focus strictly on the personal. Grow up.
It doesn't matter if you believe it is immoral or not. If you hypocrites and true sodomites respected Christ's teachings you would understand.

You can't tell me you believe in Jesus....not after all of the stuff you've called members on this site in almost every post.:confused:

Who the fuck do you think you are to say who is or isn't a Christian? I'm an asshole but at least I'm honest. Snakes like you want to go around and pretend you are better than other people. Once again, instead of responding to the topic you focus strictly on the personal. Grow up.

Now there's the curvelight we all know.
A person can not be both a christian and a sodomite.

You are either one or the other. :doubt:

You're probably one of the ignorant fools who pass on the lie that sodom and gomorrah was destroyed due to homosexuality.

Yep, cause it was. Among other reasons. I am really not interested in another of your false interpretations of the subject either, so just skip it.
A person can not be both a christian and a sodomite.

You are either one or the other. :doubt:

You're probably one of the ignorant fools who pass on the lie that sodom and gomorrah was destroyed due to homosexuality.

Yep, cause it was. Among other reasons. I am really not interested in another of your false interpretations of the subject either, so just skip it.

Homosexuality is never mentioned in conjunction with S + G. You cannot produce a single verse where homosexuality is cited and that's why you are already admitting you cannot support your claim. It's always quite ironic those who claim to love God the most often are the most ignorant of scripture and bear false witness to try and justify their bigotry.
A person can not be both a christian and a sodomite.

You are either one or the other. :doubt:

You're probably one of the ignorant fools who pass on the lie that sodom and gomorrah was destroyed due to homosexuality.

Tens of millions of Christians believe that God's wrath on Sodom and Gomorrah was for the sin of homosexuality.

Only gays and their gay supporters try to spread the lie that it wasn't about homosexuality.

The Bible is very clear that they were destroyed because of their perverted lifestyle.
You're probably one of the ignorant fools who pass on the lie that sodom and gomorrah was destroyed due to homosexuality.

Yep, cause it was. Among other reasons. I am really not interested in another of your false interpretations of the subject either, so just skip it.

Homosexuality is never mentioned in conjunction with S + G. You cannot produce a single verse where homosexuality is cited and that's why you are already admitting you cannot support your claim. It's always quite ironic those who claim to love God the most often are the most ignorant of scripture and bear false witness to try and justify their bigotry.

Actually I can. You just intrepret it differently. Your loss. I really have no patience for arguing with an idiot today. Run along.
You can't tell me you believe in Jesus....not after all of the stuff you've called members on this site in almost every post.:confused:

Who the fuck do you think you are to say who is or isn't a Christian? I'm an asshole but at least I'm honest. Snakes like you want to go around and pretend you are better than other people. Once again, instead of responding to the topic you focus strictly on the personal. Grow up.

Now there's the curvelight we all know.

Another member of my fanclub. That happens after you get pwned several times. You simply cannot discuss the topic for fear of getting pwned again so you stick to making it strictly personal. Cheers.
A person can not be both a christian and a sodomite.

You are either one or the other. :doubt:

You're probably one of the ignorant fools who pass on the lie that sodom and gomorrah was destroyed due to homosexuality.

Tens of millions of Christians believe that God's wrath on Sodom and Gomorrah was for the sin of homosexuality.

Only gays and their gay supporters try to spread the lie that it wasn't about homosexuality.

The Bible is very clear that they were destroyed because of their perverted lifestyle.

Then you should have no problem citing the exact verse where homosexuality is cited. Where is it? Your appeal to ignorant masses only reveals the admission you cannot support your claim.
Yep, cause it was. Among other reasons. I am really not interested in another of your false interpretations of the subject either, so just skip it.

Homosexuality is never mentioned in conjunction with S + G. You cannot produce a single verse where homosexuality is cited and that's why you are already admitting you cannot support your claim. It's always quite ironic those who claim to love God the most often are the most ignorant of scripture and bear false witness to try and justify their bigotry.

Actually I can. You just intrepret it differently. Your loss. I really have no patience for arguing with an idiot today. Run along.

If you could state the exact verse where homosexuality is cited you would have done so. No such verse exists so you try to hide this by calling someone an idiot. Good job.
A person can not be both a christian and a sodomite.

You are either one or the other. :doubt:

You're probably one of the ignorant fools who pass on the lie that sodom and gomorrah was destroyed due to homosexuality.

Tens of millions of Christians believe that God's wrath on Sodom and Gomorrah was for the sin of homosexuality.

Only gays and their gay supporters try to spread the lie that it wasn't about homosexuality.

The Bible is very clear that they were destroyed because of their perverted lifestyle.

Really? Then maybe you ought to stay with the interpretations of ISlame, seeings how you don't have the intelligence to understand the Bible.

The Sin of Sodom

Then there is the story of the destruction of the city of Sodom, (Genesis 18:16-19:29). Sodom has given its name to the now somewhat quaint-sounding term 'Sodomy', which originally meant a specific male homosexual sex act. Eventually it was expanded to mean any form of sexual expression which happened to be illegal, including things that married heterosexual couples do every day.

However, a close reading reveals the name to be a bit of a misnomer. To start off, Sodom is described simply as a 'wicked' place. Lot, Abraham's nephew, goes to live there to see if even one righteous person can be found there. The sexual theme starts when two disguised angels visit Lot. A mob, described as consisting of the men of the city, 'both young and old', attacks Lot's house and demands that Lot allow them to 'know' (in the language of the KJV) the two men. To 'know' is, of course, the famous KJV circumlocution for having sexual intercourse.

The next passage bears closer examination. Lot (Gen 19:8) asks the mob to 'do' his two virgin daughters instead, but not the two guests, 'for ... they came under the shadow of my roof.' The rest of the story is well-known: divine wrath ensues, the mob is blinded, the cities of the plain are destroyed by fire and brimstone while Lot and his family flee, Lot's wife is turned to a pillar of salt because she looks back, and only Lot and his daughters escape. In an often ignored coda to this story, Lot's daughters have incest with him by getting him intoxicated, (Gen 19:31), presumably to repopulate the country; a similar motif is found in the story of Noah. As in other Biblical narratives, even the heroes end up committing horrendous sins, driven by circumstances. But many ignore the entire context of the story in the rush to justify their own bigotry.

The sin of the city of Sodom was the originally considered to be the violation of the rights of Lot's guests. Defining the 'sin of Sodom' to be male homosexuality was a later interpretation, which was made by medieval Jewish and Christian writers, as a reaction to Pagan acceptance of homosexuality. Near Eastern hospitality, to this day, implies a responsibility to protect guests under one's roof. The fact that Lot was ready to make a huge sacrifice by offering up his virgin daughters to the mob instead of his guests underlines this.

There is abundant Haggadah, ancient Jewish folklore, which tells of the cruelty of Sodom to strangers, and their mistreatment of the poor and homeless. Among other stories, travelers are given gold but not food; when they starve to death, everything is stolen including the gold and the clothes off their backs, and their bodies are left to rot. One of Lot's unfortunate daughters is burned to death for the crime of giving a starving man food. Another woman who assists a poor man is smeared with honey and left to be stung to death by bees. Some of these stories are suffused with dark comedic twists. A poor man is assaulted and robbed. Eliezar, a servant of Abraham, is hit on the head when he intervenes. A judge rules that he must pay his assailant for medical treatment! (Bleeding was considered a surgical procedure). Eliezar then hits the judge on the head, drawing blood, and tells the judge to pay his fine. See Ginzburg's Legends of the Jews and Polano's The Talmud: Selections, for many more stories along the same lines. After reading these, I guarantee you'll be rooting for the Lord to rain down the brimstone on the cities of the plain...

There are also numerous Biblical passages warning about mistreating strangers, (with the story of Lot being implied), for instance this one in the NT: "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." [Heb. 13:2]

Between the original concept of a violation of the law of hospitality and the medieval focus on a particular sexual act, there is an intermediate stage where Sodom was criticized for other reasons entirely. Where Sodom is mentioned in later books of the Tanach and in the New Testament, it is used as an example of a city which was corrupted by luxury, lacking in values such as charity and humility. Nowhere is this made clearer than in Ezekiel 16:48-50, where Ezekiel, speaking for 'the Lord God', enumerates the sins of Sodom: "Saith the Lord GOD...Behold, this was the iniquity of ... Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness ... neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good".

Note that in this context 'abomination' means human sacrifice and idol worship, not shared tax breaks for long-term same-sex couples, or sexual practices you can see on cable after 10 o'clock. Furthermore, 'abomination' is at the end of the laundry list. The primary sin of Sodom, by this account, was that their society was materialistic, greedy and uncharitable. Social and economic justice is a thread that runs through the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament alike, and it is not difficult to extrapolate this to modern struggles for equality, such as those of LGBT people. When governmental and religious institutions and their leaders perpetuate oppression, it would not be farfetched to say that they are committing the actual sin of Sodom.

That's from Sacred Texts Archive. It's a scholar site where all sorts of students of the various religions post their papers. It's really quite good.

As far as sodomy? Well.......the Bible has something to say about that as well, but you may wish to learn what sodomy actually is.......

From dictionary.com..........

  /ˈsɒdəmi/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sod-uh-mee] Show IPA
Use sodomy in a Sentence
See web results for sodomy
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1. anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex.
2. copulation with a member of the same sex.
3. bestiality (def. 4).
1250–1300; ME sodomie < OF. See Sodom, -y

Now, since this is a definition from a place where everyone has agreed to use the same definition of the word, it would logically stand to reason that sodomy is not limited to just gays.

It's the paranoid fucks that are so scared of being raped that foster the myth. Incidentally, I think it's actually a repressed urge to BE raped that causes them to fear others. Why? Simple.........they're too fucking stupid or ugly to get laid on their own.

And.......52nd Sleaze, you may wish to reconsider your viewpoints on sodomy.

I mean shit........if not, your significant other will never let you go up the Hershey Highway anymore!

P.S. Wanna know why some people kinda like anal sex? It's because of 2 reasons......number 1, the receiver is being stimulated in a place where there are MANY, MANY, MANY, nerve endings that produce pleasure.

Think of how good you feel when you take a really good dump.

Number 2? The person doing the sodomy also likes it. Wanna know why? Most guys like to have a tight hole to place their penis, and, the sphincter muscle is much stronger than a vaginal one.

It's really all nothing more than human physiology.

Wanna know why God said don't? Because at the time, the human race was just getting started, and He really didn't want us all to die of disease.

Same reason Jews are not allowed to eat pork. It's because of trichinosis.

Now? Well........we've got better ways of raising and packaging pork, so that there are no parasites in it.

We've also got condoms, which can help prevent any diseases encountered from skin tears that are in close proximity to fresh feces. Ever hear of ebola? It's bad news.

So, can you have sodomy? Well............you'd have to go talk to God about that one.

But........remember one thing.........NOBODY can put God in a box. He's the inside of the box, as well as the outside, and the box itself.

But........when you say that there is only 1 belief system, and everyone should adhere to it? Well......it violates the concept of free will and self determination, as well as places God into a very limited box.

Either God is everything, or He is nothing. Which is it?

Please take your gay hating bias elsewhere dude. We've already got Chucked Ass and Sunnidiot.

This village does not need yet another idiot.
Homosexuality is never mentioned in conjunction with S + G. You cannot produce a single verse where homosexuality is cited and that's why you are already admitting you cannot support your claim. It's always quite ironic those who claim to love God the most often are the most ignorant of scripture and bear false witness to try and justify their bigotry.

Actually I can. You just intrepret it differently. Your loss. I really have no patience for arguing with an idiot today. Run along.

If you could state the exact verse where homosexuality is cited you would have done so. No such verse exists so you try to hide this by calling someone an idiot. Good job.

Genesis chapter 19
4 But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:

5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

I take it you do understand what the Biblical "Know" means? But go ahead and argue it.
A person can not be both a christian and a sodomite.

You are either one or the other. :doubt:

Really? Ever hear of a dude named Ted Haggard?

Oh yeah.....interesting thing.........over in the ME, they have a thing called "man love thursday".

Seems that's gays night out over there. Saw it on a war correspondent's report from Iraq and Afghanistan on a special from the Military Channel.

So, you can't be Christian and gay, but you CAN be musLAME and gay.

I guess we know why you left Christianity to go join IsLAME.
Actually I can. You just intrepret it differently. Your loss. I really have no patience for arguing with an idiot today. Run along.

If you could state the exact verse where homosexuality is cited you would have done so. No such verse exists so you try to hide this by calling someone an idiot. Good job.

Genesis chapter 19
4 But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:

5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

I take it you do understand what the Biblical "Know" means? But go ahead and argue it.

I've pointed this out to you before and you totally ignored it. The first point is homosexuality is never mentioned. The Hebrew for "to know" is "ya'da" and it is used over 940 times in the Old Testament. It is never once used in reference to homosexuality. Is that all you got? Even if sex was somehow being referenced then the crime would have been rape, not homosexuality. Has your bigotry diseased your brain so bad you cannot understand the difference between the two? Also, your verses say "all the people." That means men as well as women were at Lot's door. How do you get homosexuality when opposite sexes are involved?
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