Pope warns on climate change!!

Maybe someone should inform His Excellency that it gets hot in the summer in the northern hemisphere.
Should we believe everything the global elites tell us, even when there is little evidence backing their
What an odd question...maybe you don't know too many research scientists, but they certainly are not "elites", save for their Sterling reputations in their fields, which they earned via their hard work.

Furthermore, there are mountains of evidence to back up clinate theories. That is why scientists accept them...not because they "feel right". So your question is, overall, way off track...
Should we believe everything the global elites tell us, even when there is little evidence backing their
What an odd question...maybe you don't know too many research scientists, but they certainly are not "elites", save for their Sterling reputations in their fields, which they earned via their hard work.

Furthermore, there are mountains of evidence to back up clinate theories. That is why scientists accept them...not because they "feel right". So your question is, overall, way off track...

Mountains of data and yet, you can't manage to find a single piece of it that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.
Should we believe everything the global elites tell us, even when there is little evidence backing their
What an odd question...maybe you don't know too many research scientists, but they certainly are not "elites", save for their Sterling reputations in their fields, which they earned via their hard work.

Furthermore, there are mountains of evidence to back up clinate theories. That is why scientists accept them...not because they "feel right". So your question is, overall, way off track...

Mountains of data and yet, you can't manage to find a single piece of it that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.
Of course I can, what a very odd thing to say. Scientists thought of that before you did, you know.
Pope warns climate change turning Earth into desert, garbage

Well better work on getting a bigger hat s0n because absolutely nobody cares what you have to say on climate change!!:113::bye1::bye1:. Show us the last time you said something and people ran out and followed your lead on maters political...................duh:cul2:

Ever notice when this pope makes a public comment that is political, its always something related to socialism. Always related to other people having to spend money in taxes because it is the morally right thing to do. Except you know its bs because everyone and their brother knows going green in places like Africa makes people poorer. Even my mother, a devout Catholic was saying before she passed that this pope needs to stfu!:coffee:. And on climate science, we sure as hell know the motivation for his pronouncements and it has nothing to do with climate change.

I'm a Christian Evangelical. I am not Catholic. I can't imagine why anyone would care what the Pope says.
Should we believe everything the global elites tell us, even when there is little evidence backing their
What an odd question...maybe you don't know too many research scientists, but they certainly are not "elites", save for their Sterling reputations in their fields, which they earned via their hard work.

Furthermore, there are mountains of evidence to back up clinate theories. That is why scientists accept them...not because they "feel right". So your question is, overall, way off track...

Mountains of data and yet, you can't manage to find a single piece of it that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.
Of course I can, what a very odd thing to say. Scientists thought of that before you did, you know.

Of course you can't...you like to claim that you can..all you warmers like to claim that you can...but alas, no matter how much you wish you could..you cant.
Should we believe everything the global elites tell us, even when there is little evidence backing their
What an odd question...maybe you don't know too many research scientists, but they certainly are not "elites", save for their Sterling reputations in their fields, which they earned via their hard work.

Furthermore, there are mountains of evidence to back up clinate theories. That is why scientists accept them...not because they "feel right". So your question is, overall, way off track...

Mountains of data and yet, you can't manage to find a single piece of it that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.
Of course I can, what a very odd thing to say. Scientists thought of that before you did, you know.

Of course you can't...you like to claim that you can..all you warmers like to claim that you can...but alas, no matter how much you wish you could..you cant.
And yet here you are, uneducated and inexperienced, shouting into the internet, impotently...while all the scientists produce on a daily basis that which you are shouting does not exist. How strange.
Should we believe everything the global elites tell us, even when there is little evidence backing their
What an odd question...maybe you don't know too many research scientists, but they certainly are not "elites", save for their Sterling reputations in their fields, which they earned via their hard work.

Furthermore, there are mountains of evidence to back up clinate theories. That is why scientists accept them...not because they "feel right". So your question is, overall, way off track...

Mountains of data and yet, you can't manage to find a single piece of it that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.
Of course I can, what a very odd thing to say. Scientists thought of that before you did, you know.

Of course you can't...you like to claim that you can..all you warmers like to claim that you can...but alas, no matter how much you wish you could..you cant.
And yet here you are, uneducated and inexperienced, shouting into the internet, impotently...while all the scientists produce on a daily basis that which you are shouting does not exist. How strange.

And yet another dodge while you impotently claim that evidence supporting AGW over natural variability exists.
What an odd question...maybe you don't know too many research scientists, but they certainly are not "elites", save for their Sterling reputations in their fields, which they earned via their hard work.

Furthermore, there are mountains of evidence to back up clinate theories. That is why scientists accept them...not because they "feel right". So your question is, overall, way off track...

Mountains of data and yet, you can't manage to find a single piece of it that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.
Of course I can, what a very odd thing to say. Scientists thought of that before you did, you know.

Of course you can't...you like to claim that you can..all you warmers like to claim that you can...but alas, no matter how much you wish you could..you cant.
And yet here you are, uneducated and inexperienced, shouting into the internet, impotently...while all the scientists produce on a daily basis that which you are shouting does not exist. How strange.

And yet another dodge while you impotently claim that evidence supporting AGW over natural variability exists.
Of course it exists. Mountains of it. I guess you'll just have to stay mad.
Mountains of data and yet, you can't manage to find a single piece of it that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.
Of course I can, what a very odd thing to say. Scientists thought of that before you did, you know.

Of course you can't...you like to claim that you can..all you warmers like to claim that you can...but alas, no matter how much you wish you could..you cant.
And yet here you are, uneducated and inexperienced, shouting into the internet, impotently...while all the scientists produce on a daily basis that which you are shouting does not exist. How strange.

And yet another dodge while you impotently claim that evidence supporting AGW over natural variability exists.
Of course it exists. Mountains of it. I guess you'll just have to stay mad.

Whose mad? I am laughing in your face because as sad as it is, you probably believe that there are mountains of evidence supporting AGW over natural variability.
Of course I can, what a very odd thing to say. Scientists thought of that before you did, you know.

Of course you can't...you like to claim that you can..all you warmers like to claim that you can...but alas, no matter how much you wish you could..you cant.
And yet here you are, uneducated and inexperienced, shouting into the internet, impotently...while all the scientists produce on a daily basis that which you are shouting does not exist. How strange.

And yet another dodge while you impotently claim that evidence supporting AGW over natural variability exists.
Of course it exists. Mountains of it. I guess you'll just have to stay mad.

Whose mad? I am laughing in your face because as sad as it is, you probably believe that there are mountains of evidence supporting AGW over natural variability.
You are mad, obviously. Look at your behavior. How frustrating it must be to be so sure of something, and yet have zero credibility, education, or experience on the topic, while the working scientists of the world earn their livings proving you wrong.
Of course you can't...you like to claim that you can..all you warmers like to claim that you can...but alas, no matter how much you wish you could..you cant.
And yet here you are, uneducated and inexperienced, shouting into the internet, impotently...while all the scientists produce on a daily basis that which you are shouting does not exist. How strange.

And yet another dodge while you impotently claim that evidence supporting AGW over natural variability exists.
Of course it exists. Mountains of it. I guess you'll just have to stay mad.

Whose mad? I am laughing in your face because as sad as it is, you probably believe that there are mountains of evidence supporting AGW over natural variability.
You are mad, obviously. Look at your behavior. How frustrating it must be to be so sure of something, and yet have zero credibility, education, or experience on the topic, while the working scientists of the world earn their livings proving you wrong.

This guy is getting to be the steady source of comic relief in here.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:Says the same thing in every post!

Nobody is caring about CO2 levels...no action on climate change in over 10 years.:bye1: Congress could not possibly care less and The Paris Treaty is well, dead!

The non-educated keep winning!:flirtysmile4:
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And yet here you are, uneducated and inexperienced, shouting into the internet, impotently...while all the scientists produce on a daily basis that which you are shouting does not exist. How strange.

And yet another dodge while you impotently claim that evidence supporting AGW over natural variability exists.
Of course it exists. Mountains of it. I guess you'll just have to stay mad.

Whose mad? I am laughing in your face because as sad as it is, you probably believe that there are mountains of evidence supporting AGW over natural variability.
You are mad, obviously. Look at your behavior. How frustrating it must be to be so sure of something, and yet have zero credibility, education, or experience on the topic, while the working scientists of the world earn their livings proving you wrong.

This guy is getting to be the steady source of comic relief in here.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:Says the same thing in every post!
Well, enjoy your cackling, cackler.
Of course you can't...you like to claim that you can..all you warmers like to claim that you can...but alas, no matter how much you wish you could..you cant.
And yet here you are, uneducated and inexperienced, shouting into the internet, impotently...while all the scientists produce on a daily basis that which you are shouting does not exist. How strange.

And yet another dodge while you impotently claim that evidence supporting AGW over natural variability exists.
Of course it exists. Mountains of it. I guess you'll just have to stay mad.

Whose mad? I am laughing in your face because as sad as it is, you probably believe that there are mountains of evidence supporting AGW over natural variability.
You are mad, obviously. Look at your behavior. How frustrating it must be to be so sure of something, and yet have zero credibility, education, or experience on the topic, while the working scientists of the world earn their livings proving you wrong.
Your like watching the movie dodge-ball... Not even once have you produced any verifiable science to support your pontifications... All we see is ducking, dodging, crying, and running....
. I can't imagine why anyone would care what the Pope says.
Then that shows lack of effort on your part, as he is considered the infallible vicar of Christ by about a billion people on the planet.
The only thing the pope speaks for is Humanism.
1 John 2:15-17 King James Version (KJV)
15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

Romans 1:24-26
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Mountains of data and yet, you can't manage to find a single piece of it that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.
Of course I can, what a very odd thing to say. Scientists thought of that before you did, you know.

Of course you can't...you like to claim that you can..all you warmers like to claim that you can...but alas, no matter how much you wish you could..you cant.
And yet here you are, uneducated and inexperienced, shouting into the internet, impotently...while all the scientists produce on a daily basis that which you are shouting does not exist. How strange.

And yet another dodge while you impotently claim that evidence supporting AGW over natural variability exists.
Of course it exists. Mountains of it. I guess you'll just have to stay mad.

No, you have mountains of computer derived fiction. In other words you have mountains of paper useful for bird droppings, but nothing else.

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