Pope Francis Blesses All Names On Epstein Client List


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Vatican - In a surprise move.............er.............um..................scratch that. We meant to say that Pope Francis made another move today to give a blessing over all those on the recently revealed Epstein list. The Pope stated, "Today we are making the church more inclusive to all those in society that are seemingly outcasts" declared the Pople. "There is hope for all.............well.............most other than my critics".

After the Pope had formerly given a blessing to gay unions, there seemingly was an uprising of anger within the church over the blessing, but with today's declaration, it was the exact opposite. "This is great news!!" declared a former Bishop who was once critical of the Pope. "There is no hope for salvation for me.........er..........um............I mean for pedophiles across the globe! The Pope rocks!!!"

As for former bishops removed by the Pope for being backward due to their conservative worldviews, the Pope declared, "Well, hell exists for a reason, so someone has to go" as he declined to give those that opposed him any of his blessings.
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Vatican - In a surprise move.............er.............um..................scratch that. We meant to say that Pope Francis made another move today to give a blessing over all those on the recently revealed Epstein list. The Pope stated, "Today we are making the church more inclusive to all those in society that are seemingly outcasts" declared the Pople. "There is hope for all.............well.............most other than my critics".

After the Pope had formerly given a blessing to gay unions, there seemingly was an uprising of anger within the church over the blessing, but with today's declaration, it was the exact opposite. "This is great news!!" declared a former Bishop who was once critical of the Pope. "There is no hope for salvation for me.........er..........um............I mean for pedophiles across the globe! The Pope rocks!!!"

As for former bishops removed by the Pope for being backward due to their conservative worldviews, the Pope declared, "Well, hell exists for a reason, so someone has to go" as he declined to give those that opposed him any of his blessings.
Is the pope on Epstein's list?
Blessed are the pedo's ......Blessed are the rapists........Blessed are the sins of the flesh.....

Not funny .
He has just done precisely that on behalf of the P2 lodge.

The Cult Christian lodge best known for its paedophiles and satanists

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