Pope admits Vatican has 2000-case backlog of sexual abuse cases


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Why is this even allowed to happen? It's asinine to me that they are allowed to police themselves and shield these people from justice.

Pope admits Vatican has 2000-case backlog of sexual abuse cases

Pope Francis acknowledged Saturday that the Vatican has a 2,000-case backlog in processing clerical sex abuse cases and says criticism of the slow pace was justified. But he says more staff are being added and insists the Vatican is “on the right path.”
This is not the Church's job. If someone is abused by a priest, the appropriate forum for redress is the criminal justice system in that jurisdiction, or in the U.S., the civil courts (money, money, money).

The Church has an obligation to root out the last vestiges of this problem, but the Church's efforts in this regard, slow as they may be, are no longer resulting in continuing abuse. Every priest who is credibly accused is immediately removed from the ministry. at this point, what more can you ask?

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