Pop Culture: Censorship/Internet/Dentistry


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Can you use pop-culture iconography (e.g., Star Wars) to talk about mass psychology and criminality?

Modern age films such as American Psycho suggest there's a public interest in linking social discourse and pop-art with societal ideas regarding civics-unrest paranoia.

The advent of film changed the way humanity viewed the circulation of ideas (since the days of the printing press). Now, the Internet has changed things even more.

This is why the NSA now has a special cyber-division, to monitor all homeland Internet traffic/activity...


GOD: Americans love junk food and 'brain candy.'
SATAN: It's a Planet Hollywood culture across the globe, arguably.
GOD: The Internet has 'hard-wired' society norms...
SATAN: There are rules of conduct in Internet chat-rooms.
GOD: There are also stories of psychos stalking people in such chat rooms.
SATAN: There are even movies about such psychotic behavior, such as The Craigslist Killer.
GOD: Maybe the Internet is the new 'graffiti.'
SATAN: There's a world of difference between graffiti and vandalism (e.g., Basquiat).
GOD: Basquiat changed the way we looked at the valuation of graffiti-art.
SATAN: There's even a movie about Basquiat (starring Jeffrey Wright and David Bowie)!
GOD: I like the Disney film Newsies (a celebration of news and society and 'chatting' intersecting!).
SATAN: I think that movie stars Christian Bale, who also plays the protagonist maniac in American Psycho.
GOD: It's strange that censorship has not yet been an issue (despite the WikiLeaks intrigue, Napster, etc.).
SATAN: The Internet is meant to be fun --- not like a trip to the dentist!



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