A Consumerism Dream-Thesaurus


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a consumerism-themed vignette about 'colored intelligence.'




Harley Quinn and Scarecrow were Gotham City's worst terrorists and maniacs and were now both imprisoned in Arkham Asylum. Harley Quinn was guilty of deceiving the mayor's daughter into thinking the mayor wanted a Euthanasia procedure while in a coma (the daughter being a doctor!), while Scarecrow was guilty of kidnapping the police commissioner's daughter and forcing her to say in front of a camera that she wanted to kill her father. While these two ghouls were guilty of a dozen other crimes, Harley Quinn and Scarecrow were finally arrested for the values-oriented acts of bizarreness described.

While in Arkham Asylum, Harley Quinn and Scarecrow decided to change their costumes, to give themselves a new 'look' and 'feel' and find a 'fresh start.' Harley Quinn altered her costume from pure red-and-black to a new red-and-blue, while Scarecrow went from brown sackcloth to neon-blue sackcloth. While in Arkham, Harley Quinn and Scarecrow gave interviews to the press about the quality of life in incarceration centers for the criminally insane and the perspective on consumerism and media held by those being treated for terrible anti-social crimes prompted seemingly by pure criminal insanity.

HARLEY QUINN: The television-room in Arkham Asylum is very comforting...
SCARECROW: We only wish the coffee was as good!
HARLEY QUINN: Seriously folks, we're happy with the sports-coverage.
SCARECROW: Oh, yeah, Harley and I have changed colors and are supporting blue-teams!
HARLEY QUINN: Yes, the Duke Blue Devils (college basketball) and the Indianapolis Colts (football).
SCARECROW: We believe cheering for the Devils and the Colts will improve our view on capitalism.
HARLEY QUINN: And consumerism...
SCARECROW: After all, isn't blue neon popular on Miami Vice?
HARLEY QUINN: We want to 'embrace' Blue Chips (Nick Nolte).
SCARECROW: Television will save the species from anti-social coldness...
HARLEY QUINN: That's right, and the media should be gauged by those interested in daydreams!
SCARECROW: We also like blue credit cards...
HARLEY QUINN: People call me the 'harlot of Babylon,' since I wield a sledgehammer, but I love fortune!
SCARECROW: People call me a sociopath, since I abandoned psychiatry, but I admire shopping-fury.
HARLEY QUINN: So perhaps the Blue Devils and the Colts will remind us of 'media megatrends.'
SCARECROW: Why not coordinate fashion with fascism (e.g., Blu-ray Disc Association)?




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